Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void HandleFetchButton(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accountName = GetSelectedAccountName();
            string accountKey = GetSelectedAccountKey();
            if (accountName == null)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please select an account to fetch first...");
            string table = GetSelectedTableName();
            if (table == null)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please select a table to fetch first...");
            DateTime from = fromDate.Value;
            DateTime to = toDate.Value;

            OrderBy order = (OrderBy)Enum.Parse(typeof(OrderBy), orderByCombo.SelectedItem + "");

            IList<WadTableEntity> entities = null;
            PerformBG(this, () =>
                // Find results for this period in time
                entities = new LogFetcher(accountName, accountKey).FetchLogs(table, from, to);
                switch (order)
                    case OrderBy.New_to_Old:
                        entities = entities.OrderByDescending(i => i.EventTickCount).ThenByDescending(i => i.Timestamp).ToList();
                    case OrderBy.Old_to_New:
                        entities = entities.OrderBy(i => i.EventTickCount).ThenBy(i => i.Timestamp).ToList();

                // If there are no entities at all, add a dummy "no results" entity
                if (entities == null || entities.Count == 0)
                    entities = new List<WadTableEntity>();
                    var entity = new WadTableEntity {
                        PartitionKey = "No results found. Try extending the from/to period."
                    entity.Properties.Add("PartitionKey", entity.PartitionKey);

                // Determine the available property names by checking each entity
                string[] propertyNames = entities.SelectMany(entity => entity.Properties).Select(p => p.Key).Distinct().ToArray();

                // If certain propertynames are available, we assume this is a Windows Azure Diagnostics table and we leave out some info
                if (propertyNames.Contains("EventTickCount") &&
                    propertyNames.Contains("RoleInstance") &&
                    propertyNames.Contains("Level") &&
                    _loadedColumns = new string[] { "RoleInstance", "Timestamp", "Message" };
                    _loadedRows = (from i in entities select new[] { i.RoleInstance, i.Timestamp.ToString(), i.Message }).ToArray();
                    _filteredRows = _loadedRows;
                    _loadedColumns = (from propname in propertyNames select propname).ToArray();
                    _loadedRows = (from entity in entities
                                   select (from prop in entity.Properties select prop.Value).ToArray()).ToArray();
                    _filteredRows = _loadedRows;
            () =>
                dataGridView1.ReadOnly = true;
                if (!dataGridView1.VirtualMode)
                    dataGridView1.VirtualMode = true;
                    dataGridView1.CellValueNeeded += HandleCellValueNeeded;
                dataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
                dataGridView1.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false;
                dataGridView1.AllowUserToResizeColumns = true; // Resizen mag wel
                dataGridView1.AllowUserToResizeRows = false;
                dataGridView1.AllowUserToOrderColumns = false;
                foreach (var column in _loadedColumns)
                    dataGridView1.Columns.Add(column, column);

                // Vind van elke kolom de langste waarde
                string[] dummyvals = Enumerable.Repeat("", _loadedColumns.Length).ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < _loadedColumns.Length; i++)
                    string longest = (from item in _loadedRows select item[i]).Aggregate("", (max, cur) => max.Length > cur.Length ? max : cur);
                    //longest = new string('#', longest.Length);
                    dummyvals[i] = longest;

                // Voeg een dummy record toe
                dataGridView1.VirtualMode = false;

                // Autosize alle kolommen
                dataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells;

                // Breedtes van kolommen vastzetten
                foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in dataGridView1.Columns)
                    int width = column.Width + 15; // Compensate character width a little, so we don't get "..." on the slightest difference
                    column.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None;
                    column.Width = width;

                // Haal de autosize weer weg
                dataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;

                // Rowcount goed zetten
                dataGridView1.VirtualMode = true;
                dataGridView1.RowCount = _loadedRows.Length;

                // Als er een filter is, pas het filter toe...
                if (GetFilterText() != null)
                    HandleFilterKeyup(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void HandleFetchButton(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accountName = GetSelectedAccountName();
            string accountKey  = GetSelectedAccountKey();

            if (accountName == null)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please select an account to fetch first...");
            string table = GetSelectedTableName();

            if (table == null)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please select a table to fetch first...");
            DateTime from = fromDate.Value;
            DateTime to   = toDate.Value;

            OrderBy order = (OrderBy)Enum.Parse(typeof(OrderBy), orderByCombo.SelectedItem + "");

            IList <WadTableEntity> entities = null;

            statusStrip1.Visible = true;
            PerformBG(this, () =>
                // Find results for this period in time
                _currentFetcher = new LogFetcher(accountName, accountKey)
                    UseWADPerformanceOptimization = Configuration.Instance.UseWADPerformanceOptimization,
                    UseKarellPartitionKey         = Configuration.Instance.UseKarellPartitionKey,
                    UseKarellRowKey = Configuration.Instance.UseKarellRowKey
                _currentFetcher.RetrievedPage += HandleRetrievedPage;
                entities = _currentFetcher.FetchLogs(table, from, to);
                switch (order)
                case OrderBy.New_to_Old:
                    entities = entities.OrderByDescending(i => i.EventTickCount).ThenByDescending(i => i.Timestamp).ToList();

                case OrderBy.Old_to_New:
                    entities = entities.OrderBy(i => i.EventTickCount).ThenBy(i => i.Timestamp).ToList();

                var index = 0;
                foreach (var item in entities)
                    item.LineNumber = index++;

                // If there are no entities at all, add a dummy "no results" entity
                if (entities == null || entities.Count == 0)
                    entities   = new List <WadTableEntity>();
                    var entity = new WadTableEntity
                        PartitionKey = "No results found. Try extending the from/to period. If you were expecting results, you could try disabling 'Use optimized queries for WAD tables'.",
                        RowKey       = ""

                // Determine the available property names by checking each entity
                string[] propertyNames = entities.SelectMany(entity => entity.Properties).Select(p => p.Key).Distinct().ToArray();

                // If certain propertynames are available, we assume this is a Windows Azure Diagnostics table and we leave out some info
                if ("WADLogsTable".Equals(table) &&
                    propertyNames.Contains("DeploymentId") &&
                    propertyNames.Contains("RoleInstance") &&
                    propertyNames.Contains("EventTickCount") &&
                    _loadedColumns = new string[] { "", "DeploymentId", "RoleInstance", "EventTickCount", "Message" };
                    _loadedRows    = (from i in entities select new[] { i.LineNumber.ToString(), i.DeploymentId, i.RoleInstance, new DateTime(i.EventTickCount).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), i.Message }).ToArray();
                    _filteredRows  = _loadedRows;
                else if ("WADPerformanceCountersTable".Equals(table) &&
                         propertyNames.Contains("Timestamp") &&
                         propertyNames.Contains("EventTickCount") &&
                         propertyNames.Contains("DeploymentId") &&
                         propertyNames.Contains("RoleInstance") &&
                         propertyNames.Contains("CounterName") &&
                    _loadedColumns = new string[] { "Timestamp", "EventTickCount", "DeploymentId", "RoleInstance", "CounterName", "CounterValue" };
                    _loadedRows    = (from i in entities select new[] { i.Timestamp.ToString(), new DateTime(i.EventTickCount).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), i.DeploymentId, i.Properties["RoleInstance"], i.Properties["CounterName"], i.Properties["CounterValue"] }).ToArray();
                    _filteredRows  = _loadedRows;
                    _loadedColumns = new[] { "PartitionKey", "RowKey", "Timestamp" }.Concat(from propname in propertyNames select propname).ToArray();
                    _loadedRows    = (from entity in entities
                                      select(new[] { entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey, entity.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") }.Concat(from prop in entity.Properties select GetPropertyValue(prop))).ToArray()).ToArray();
                    _filteredRows = _loadedRows;
                      () =>
                if ("WADPerformanceCountersTable".Equals(table) && _loadedRows.Length > 1 /* the dummy if empty */ && Configuration.Instance.ShowPerformanceCountersAsChart)
                statusStrip1.Visible = false;