Ejemplo n.º 1
            private static bool ExtractHandJointData(WVR_HandJointData_t handJointData, ref WVR_Pose_t[] jointsPose)
                if (handJointData.jointCount == 0)
                    Debug.Log("ExtractHandJointData() WVR_GetHandTrackingData WVR_HandJointData_t jointCount SHOULD NOT be 0!!");

                if (jointsPose.Length != handJointData.jointCount)
                    Debug.Log("ExtractHandJointData() The WVR_GetHandJointCount count " + jointsPose.Length
                              + " differs from WVR_GetHandTrackingData WVR_HandJointData_t jointCount " + handJointData.jointCount);
                    jointsPose = new WVR_Pose_t[handJointData.jointCount];

                WVR_Pose_t wvr_pose_type = default(WVR_Pose_t);

                int offset = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < jointsPose.Length; i++)
                    if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                        jointsPose[i] = (WVR_Pose_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(handJointData.joints.ToInt32() + offset), typeof(WVR_Pose_t));
                        jointsPose[i] = (WVR_Pose_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(handJointData.joints.ToInt64() + offset), typeof(WVR_Pose_t));

                    offset += Marshal.SizeOf(wvr_pose_type);

    private void DumpPoseState(WVR_PoseState_t tPoseState)
//	   if(tPoseState == null || !tPoseState.IsValidPose ) return;

        bool                tIsValidPose       = tPoseState.IsValidPose;
        WVR_Matrix4f_t      tPoseMatrix        = tPoseState.PoseMatrix;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tVelocity          = tPoseState.Velocity;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tAngV              = tPoseState.AngularVelocity;
        bool                tIs6DoFPose        = tPoseState.Is6DoFPose;
        long                tStamp_ns          = tPoseState.PoseTimestamp_ns;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tAcceleration      = tPoseState.Acceleration;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tAngAcc            = tPoseState.AngularAcceleration;
        float               tPredictedMilliSec = tPoseState.PredictedMilliSec;
        WVR_PoseOriginModel tOriginModel       = tPoseState.OriginModel;
        WVR_Pose_t          tRawPose           = tPoseState.RawPose;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tPosition          = tRawPose.position;
        WVR_Quatf_t         tRotation          = tRawPose.rotation;

        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "PoseState:: IsValidPose=" + tIsValidPose +
              ",Stamp_ns=" + tStamp_ns +
              ",RawPose.Postion(x,y,z)=" + tPosition.v0 + "," + tPosition.v1 + "," + tPosition.v2 +
              ",RawPose.Rotation(w,x,y,z)=" + tRotation.w + "," + tRotation.x + "," + tRotation.y + "," + tRotation.z +
              ",Velocity(x,y,z)=" + tVelocity.v0 + "," + tVelocity.v1 + "," + tVelocity.v2 +
              ",AngularVelocity(x,y,z)=" + tAngV.v0 + "," + tAngV.v1 + "," + tAngV.v2 +
              ",Acc(x,y,z)=" + tAcceleration.v0 + "," + tAcceleration.v1 + "," + tAcceleration.v2 +
              ",AngAcc(x,y,z)=" + tAngAcc.v0 + "," + tAngAcc.v1 + "," + tAngAcc.v2 +
              ",OriginModel=" + tOriginModel +
              ",PredictedMilliSec=" + tPredictedMilliSec +
              ",PoseMatrix(4X1)=" + tPoseMatrix.m0 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m1 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m2 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m3 +
              ",PoseMatrix(4X2)=" + tPoseMatrix.m4 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m5 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m6 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m7 +
              ",PoseMatrix(4X3)=" + tPoseMatrix.m8 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m9 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m10 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m11 +
              ",PoseMatrix(4X4)=" + tPoseMatrix.m12 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m13 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m14 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m15 +
Ejemplo n.º 3
            private static void InitializeHandJointData(ref WVR_HandJointData_t handJointData, ref WVR_Pose_t[] jointsPose, uint count)
                handJointData.isValidPose = false;
                handJointData.confidence  = 0;
                handJointData.jointCount  = count;

                WVR_Pose_t wvr_pose_type = default(WVR_Pose_t);

                handJointData.joints = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(wvr_pose_type) * (int)count);

                jointsPose = new WVR_Pose_t[count];

                long offset = 0;

                if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                    offset = handJointData.joints.ToInt32();
                    offset = handJointData.joints.ToInt64();

                for (int i = 0; i < jointsPose.Length; i++)
                    IntPtr wvr_pose_ptr = new IntPtr(offset);
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(jointsPose[i], wvr_pose_ptr, false);
                    offset += Marshal.SizeOf(wvr_pose_type);