Ejemplo n.º 1
    public List <GameObject> GenerateGraphFromNode(WMG_Node fromNode)
        // Given a starting node, generate a graph of nodes around the starting node
        // Returns the list of nodes and links composing the resulting graph
        List <GameObject> returnResults = new List <GameObject>();


        // Initialize various variables used in the algorithm
        GameObject[] nodes             = new GameObject[numNodes];
        bool[]       nodesProcessed    = new bool[numNodes];
        GameObject   curObj            = fromNode.gameObject;
        int          procNodeNum       = 0;
        int          numNodesProcessed = 0;
        int          numNodesStarting  = theGraph.NodesParent.Count - 1;

        nodes[procNodeNum] = curObj;

        // Each while loop processes a node by attempting to create neighbors and links to neighbors from the node.
        // The loop ends when all nodes have been processed or when the number of nodes specified have been created.
        // A node is processed if all of its neighbors were successfully created or if not all neighbors were created, but maxNeighborAttempts was reached.
        // maxNeighborAttempts (a failed neighbor creation attempt) can get incremented for the following reasons:
        // 1. When a randomly generated angle falls between existing neighbors that is less than minAngle.
        // 2. If noLinkIntersection is true, a randomly generated angle and length would create a link that would cross an existing link in this manager's links parent.
        // 3. If noNodeIntersection is true, a randomly generated angle and length would create a node that that would circle interesect an existing node in this manager's nodes parent.
        // 3 cont. The same as above but noNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding > 0, performs the circle intersections check with the nodes' radii increased by the specified padding.
        // 4. If noLinkNodeIntersection is true, a randomly generated node would intersect with an existing link or a randomly generated link would intersect with an existing node.
        // 4 cont. The same as above but noLinkNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding > 0, performas the circle - line intersections with the node radius increased by the specified padding.
        while (theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting < numNodes)
            WMG_Node procNode     = nodes[procNodeNum].GetComponent <WMG_Node>();
            int      numNeighbors = Random.Range(minRandomNumberNeighbors, maxRandomNumberNeighbors);
            if (debugRandomGraph)
                Debug.Log("Processesing Node: " + procNode.id + " with " + numNeighbors + " neighbors.");
            // Attempt to create a neighbor for the specified random number of neighbors
            for (int i = 0; i < numNeighbors; i++)
                int curNeighborAttempt = 0;
                // For each neighbor, attempt to create the neighbor based on the maxNeighborAttempts
                while (curNeighborAttempt < maxNeighborAttempts)
                    // For this attempt, randomly generate an angle and length based on the specified parameters
                    float neighborAngle  = Random.Range(minAngleRange, maxAngleRange);
                    float neighborLength = Random.Range(minRandomLinkLength, maxRandomLinkLength);
                    bool  failedAttempt  = false;

                    if (debugRandomGraph)
                        Debug.Log("Neighbor: " + i + " Attempt: " + curNeighborAttempt + " angle: " + Mathf.Round(neighborAngle));

                    // Check to see that the randomly generated neighbor would not be too close to an existing neighbor (failure possibility #1)
                    if (minAngle > 0)
                        for (int j = 0; j < procNode.numLinks; j++)
                            float angleDif = Mathf.Abs(procNode.linkAngles[j] - neighborAngle);
                            if (angleDif > 180)
                                angleDif = Mathf.Abs(angleDif - 360);
                            if (angleDif < minAngle)
                                failedAttempt = true;

                    if (failedAttempt)
                        // Failed because random angle was smaller than the minAngle on either side of an existing neighbor
                        if (debugRandomGraph)
                            Debug.Log("Failed: Angle within minAngle of existing neighbor");
                    // Check if the randomly generated link intersects an existing link (failure possibility #2)
                    if (noLinkIntersection)
                        float p1y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + (neighborLength + procNode.radius) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        float p1x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + (neighborLength + procNode.radius) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        float p2y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + procNode.radius * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        float p2x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + procNode.radius * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        foreach (GameObject child in theGraph.LinksParent)
                            WMG_Link childLink = child.GetComponent <WMG_Link>();
                            if (childLink.id == -1)
                                continue;                                                 // Dummy editor link
                            WMG_Node childLinkFrom = childLink.fromNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>();
                            WMG_Node childLinkTo   = childLink.toNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>();
                            float    p3y           = childLinkFrom.transform.localPosition.y;
                            float    p3x           = childLinkFrom.transform.localPosition.x;
                            float    p4y           = childLinkTo.transform.localPosition.y;
                            float    p4x           = childLinkTo.transform.localPosition.x;
                            if (PointInterArea(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) * PointInterArea(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p4x, p4y) < 0 &&
                                PointInterArea(p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y, p1x, p1y) * PointInterArea(p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y, p2x, p2y) < 0)                                   // Links intersect
                                if (debugRandomGraph)
                                    Debug.Log("Failed: Link intersected with existing link: " + childLink.id);
                                failedAttempt = true;
                    if (failedAttempt)
                        // Failed because random link intersected an existing link
                    // Check if the randomly generated node intersects an existing node (failure possibility #3)
                    if (noNodeIntersection)
                        float p1y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + (neighborLength) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        float p1x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + (neighborLength) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        foreach (GameObject child in theGraph.NodesParent)
                            WMG_Node aNode = child.GetComponent <WMG_Node>();
                            if (aNode.id == -1)
                                continue;                                             // Dummy editor node
                            // Circles intersect if (R0-R1)^2 <= (x0-x1)^2+(y0-y1)^2 <= (R0+R1)^2
                            if (Mathf.Pow((p1x - child.transform.localPosition.x), 2) + Mathf.Pow((p1y - child.transform.localPosition.y), 2) <= Mathf.Pow(2 * (procNode.radius + noNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding), 2))
                                if (debugRandomGraph)
                                    Debug.Log("Failed: Node intersected with existing node: " + aNode.id);
                                failedAttempt = true;
                    if (failedAttempt)
                        // Failed because random node intersected an existing node
                    // Check if the randomly generated link intersects an existing node
                    if (noLinkNodeIntersection)
                        float p1y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + (neighborLength + procNode.radius) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        float p1x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + (neighborLength + procNode.radius) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        float p2y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + procNode.radius * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        float p2x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + procNode.radius * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        foreach (GameObject child in theGraph.NodesParent)
                            WMG_Node aNode = child.GetComponent <WMG_Node>();
                            if (procNode.id == aNode.id)
                                continue;                                                      // Ignore the processesing node
                            if (LineInterCircle(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, child.transform.localPosition.x, child.transform.localPosition.y, aNode.radius + noLinkNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding))
                                if (debugRandomGraph)
                                    Debug.Log("Failed: Link intersected with existing node: " + aNode.id);
                                failedAttempt = true;
                    if (failedAttempt)
                        // Failed because random link intersected an existing node

                    // Check if the randomly generated node intersects an existing link
                    if (noLinkNodeIntersection)
                        float cy = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + (neighborLength + 2 * procNode.radius) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        float cx = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + (neighborLength + 2 * procNode.radius) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle);
                        foreach (GameObject child in theGraph.LinksParent)
                            WMG_Link childLink = child.GetComponent <WMG_Link>();
                            if (childLink.id == -1)
                                continue;                                                 // Dummy editor link
                            WMG_Node childLinkFrom = childLink.fromNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>();
                            WMG_Node childLinkTo   = childLink.toNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>();
                            float    p1y           = childLinkFrom.transform.localPosition.y;
                            float    p1x           = childLinkFrom.transform.localPosition.x;
                            float    p2y           = childLinkTo.transform.localPosition.y;
                            float    p2x           = childLinkTo.transform.localPosition.x;
                            if (LineInterCircle(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, cx, cy, procNode.radius + noLinkNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding))
                                if (debugRandomGraph)
                                    Debug.Log("Failed: Node intersected with existing link: " + childLink.id);
                                failedAttempt = true;
                    if (failedAttempt)
                        // Failed because random node intersected an existing link

                    // The attempt did not fail, so create the node and the link and break out of the while attempt < maxAttempts loop
                    curObj = theGraph.CreateNode(nodePrefab, fromNode.transform.parent.gameObject);
                    nodes[theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting - 1] = curObj;

//					curObj.transform.parent = fromNode.transform.parent;

                    float dx = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle) * neighborLength;
                    float dy = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * neighborAngle) * neighborLength;
                    curObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(procNode.transform.localPosition.x + dx, procNode.transform.localPosition.y + dy, 0);

                    returnResults.Add(theGraph.CreateLink(procNode, curObj, linkPrefab, null));
                if (theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting == numNodes)
                    break;                                                                            // Max number nodes specified was reached, we are done generating the graph
            // Set the node as processed and increment the processed node counter
            nodesProcessed[procNodeNum] = true;
            // Process the oldest node added as the next node to process
            if (centerPropogate)
            // Pick a random node as the next node to process from the nodes that have been created from this algorithm
                int numPossibleProcNodes = theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting - numNodesProcessed;
                if (numPossibleProcNodes > 0)
                    int[] possibleProcNodes = new int[numPossibleProcNodes];
                    int   j = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                        if (!nodesProcessed[i] && i < theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting)
                            possibleProcNodes[j] = i;
                    procNodeNum = possibleProcNodes[Random.Range(0, j - 1)];

            // This happens (algorithm ends prematurely) when maxNeighborAttempts was reached for the starting node or all the nodes created
            if (theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting == numNodesProcessed)               // Case where all nodes have been processed, but number nodes specfied were not created
                Debug.Log("WMG - Warning: Only generated " + (theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting - 1) + " nodes with the given parameters.");
