Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CleanVoteLine_ItalicsInContent()
            string line      = "[x] 『i』Vote『/i』 for stuff";
            string cleanLine = "[x] 『i』Vote『/i』 for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.CleanVoteLineBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CleanVoteLine_NestedCodes()
            string line      = "[x] 『b』『i』Vote『/i』 for stuff『/b』";
            string cleanLine = "[x] 『b』『i』Vote『/i』 for stuff『/b』";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.CleanVoteLineBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void CleanVoteLine_FullLineBoldPreTask()
            string line      = "-[x]『b』[Who] Vote for stuff『/b』";
            string cleanLine = "-[x][Who] Vote for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.CleanVoteLineBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void RemoveBBCode_NoBBCode()
            string line      = "[x] Vote for stuff";
            string cleanLine = "[x] Vote for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.RemoveBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void CleanVoteLine_ColorMarkerPlus()
            string line      = "『color=blue』[x]『/color』[main] 『b』『b』Vote『/b』 for stuff";
            string cleanLine = "[x][main] 『b』Vote『/b』 for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.CleanVoteLineBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void RemoveBBCode_MultiCodes()
            string line      = "『color=blue』『b』[x] 『i』Vote『/i』 for stuff『/b』";
            string cleanLine = "[x] Vote for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.RemoveBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void DeUrl_AtUrl()
            string content = "[url=https://forum.questionablequesting.com/members/2392/]@Xryuran[/url]";
            string clean   = "Xryuran";

            Assert.AreEqual(clean, VoteString.DeUrlContent(content));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void CleanVoteLine_InMarkerPlus()
            string line      = "-『b』[『b』x][Who『/b』] 『b』Vote『/b』 for stuff『/b』";
            string cleanLine = "-[x][Who] 『b』Vote『/b』 for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.CleanVoteLineBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void modifyTask_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (sender is MenuItem mi)
                if (mi.Parent is ContextMenu cm)
                    if (cm.PlacementTarget is ListBox box)
                        if (box.SelectedItem?.ToString() is string selectedVote)
                            string changedVote = "";

                            if (mi.Header.ToString() == "Clear Task")
                                changedVote = VoteString.ReplaceTask(selectedVote, "", CurrentVoteType);
                                changedVote = VoteString.ReplaceTask(selectedVote, mi.Header.ToString(), CurrentVoteType);

                            MergeVotes(selectedVote, changedVote);

                            box.SelectedItem = changedVote;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Process acceptance of the new task text.
        /// </summary>
        private void AcceptInput()
            // YesButton Clicked! Let's hide our InputBox and handle the input text.
            InputBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            string newTask = InputTextBox.Text.RemoveUnsafeCharacters().Trim();

            // Clear InputBox.
            InputTextBox.Text = String.Empty;

            // Do something with the Input

            // Update the selected item of the list box

            string selectedVote = newTaskBox?.SelectedItem?.ToString();

            if (selectedVote != null)
                string changedVote = VoteString.ReplaceTask(selectedVote, newTask, CurrentVoteType);

                MergeVotes(selectedVote, changedVote);

                newTaskBox.SelectedItem = changedVote;

            newTaskBox = null;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the list of all voters for a given winning option, along with
        /// the ranking they gave that option.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskName">The name of the task.</param>
        /// <param name="choice">The name of the choice selected.</param>
        private void AddRankedVoters(string taskName, string choice)
            var votes  = VoteCounter.Instance.GetVotesCollection(VoteType.Rank);
            var voters = VoteCounter.Instance.GetVotersCollection(VoteType.Rank);

            var whoVoted = from v in votes
                           where Agnostic.StringComparer.Equals(VoteString.GetVoteTask(v.Key), taskName) &&
                           Agnostic.StringComparer.Equals(VoteString.GetVoteContent(v.Key), choice)
                           select new { marker = VoteString.GetVoteMarker(v.Key), voters = v.Value };

            var whoDidNotVote = from v in voters
                                where whoVoted.Any(a => a.voters.Contains(v.Key)) == false
                                select v.Key;

            using (new Spoiler(sb, "Voters", DisplayMode == DisplayMode.SpoilerVoters || DisplayMode == DisplayMode.SpoilerAll))
                foreach (var mark in whoVoted.OrderBy(a => a.marker))
                    var sortedVoters = mark.voters.OrderBy(a => a);
                    foreach (var voter in sortedVoters)
                        AddVoter(voter, VoteType.Rank, mark.marker);

                foreach (var nonVoter in whoDidNotVote.OrderBy(a => a))
                    AddVoter(nonVoter, VoteType.Rank, "-");

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract any vote lines from the message text, and save both the original and
        /// the cleaned (no BBCode) in a list.
        /// Do not record any vote lines if there's a tally marker (#####).
        /// Mark the vote as valid if it has any vote lines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The original, full message text.</param>
        private void ProcessMessageLines(string message)
            var messageLines = message.GetStringLines();

            foreach (var line in messageLines)
                string cleanLine = VoteString.RemoveBBCode(line);

                if (tallyRegex.Match(cleanLine).Success)
                    // If this is a tally post, clear any found vote lines and end processing.

                Match m = voteLineRegex.Match(cleanLine);
                if (m.Success)
                    VoteLines.Add(new VoteLine(line));

            VoteLines.IsReadonly = true;
            IsValid = VoteLines.Any();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void GetPlanNameTest7()
            string input  = "[X] Kinematics";
            string expect = "Kinematics".MakePlanName();

            Assert.AreEqual(null, VoteString.GetMarkedPlanName(input));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            if (x == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(x));
            if (y == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(y));

            string xs = x as string;

            if (xs == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter x is not a string.");

            string ys = y as string;

            if (ys == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter y is not a string.");

            string   marker   = VoteString.GetVoteMarker(xs);
            VoteType voteType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(marker) ? VoteType.Rank : VoteType.Plan;

            string compX = VoteString.GetVoteTask(xs, voteType) + " " + VoteString.GetVoteContent(xs, voteType);
            string compY = VoteString.GetVoteTask(ys, voteType) + " " + VoteString.GetVoteContent(ys, voteType);

            int result = string.Compare(compX, compY, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void DeUrl_Image()
            string content = "[url=http://google.com/image/1.jpg]<Image>[/url]";
            string clean   = "<Image>";

            Assert.AreEqual(clean, VoteString.DeUrlContent(content));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void CleanVoteLine_NestedTaskMarkup()
            string line      = "-[x][『color=#15fae6』『b』Who『/b』『/color』] Vote for stuff";
            string cleanLine = "-[x][Who] Vote for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.CleanVoteLineBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void RemoveBBCode_Empty()
            string line      = "";
            string cleanLine = "";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.RemoveBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void RemoveBBCode_FullLineBold()
            string line      = "『b』[x] Vote for stuff『/b』";
            string cleanLine = "[x] Vote for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.RemoveBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void DeUrl_Link()
            string content = "Vote for [url=http://google.com/myhome.html]me[/url]!";
            string clean   = "Vote for me!";

            Assert.AreEqual(clean, VoteString.DeUrlContent(content));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void CleanVoteLine_LongSamplePartialColors()
            string line      = "[X] - Brutalize them. You haven’t had a chance to properly fight in 『/color』『i』『color=#ebebeb』years『/color』『/i』『color=#ebebeb』, and spars can only do so much. How thoughtful of the Herans to volunteer!";
            string cleanLine = "[X] - Brutalize them. You haven’t had a chance to properly fight in 『i』『color=#ebebeb』years『/color』『/i』, and spars can only do so much. How thoughtful of the Herans to volunteer!";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.CleanVoteLineBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void CleanVoteLine_TaskMarkup()
            string line      = "-[x][『b』Who『/b』] Vote for stuff";
            string cleanLine = "-[x][Who] Vote for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(cleanLine, VoteString.CleanVoteLineBBCode(line));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the specified from vote into the specified to vote, assuming the votes aren't the same.
        /// Moves the voters from the from vote into the to vote list, and removes the from vote's key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromVote">Vote that is being merged.</param>
        /// <param name="toVote">Vote that is being merged into.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if there were any changes.</returns>
        private bool MergeRanks(string fromVote, string toVote)
            var votes = GetVotesCollection(VoteType.Rank);

            Dictionary <KeyValuePair <string, HashSet <string> >, string> mergedVotes = new Dictionary <KeyValuePair <string, HashSet <string> >, string>();

            foreach (var vote in votes)
                if (VoteString.CondenseVote(vote.Key) == fromVote)
                    string toContent  = VoteString.GetVoteContent(toVote, VoteType.Rank);
                    string toTask     = VoteString.GetVoteTask(toVote, VoteType.Rank);
                    string revisedKey = VoteString.ModifyVoteLine(vote.Key, task: toTask, content: toContent);

                    mergedVotes.Add(vote, revisedKey);

            if (mergedVotes.Count > 0)
                var voters = GetVotersCollection(VoteType.Rank);
                UndoBuffer.Push(new UndoAction(UndoActionType.Merge, VoteType.Rank, voters, mergedVotes));

                foreach (var merge in mergedVotes)
                    Rename(merge.Key, merge.Value, VoteType.Rank);


Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Counts the provided rank votes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="votes">The rank votes to count.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an ordered list of ranked votes for each task in the provided votes.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Provided votes cannot be null.</exception>
        public RankResultsByTask CountVotes(Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> > votes)
            if (votes == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(votes));

            RankResultsByTask preferencesByTask = new RankResultsByTask();

            if (votes.Any())
                // Handle each task separately
                var groupByTask = votes.GroupBy(vote => VoteString.GetVoteTask(vote.Key), Agnostic.StringComparer);

                foreach (GroupedVotesByTask task in groupByTask)
                    if (task.Any())
                        preferencesByTask[task.Key] = RankTask(task);

                        Debug.WriteLine($"Ranking task [{task.Key}] via [{this.GetType().Name}]:");
                        foreach (var res in preferencesByTask[task.Key])
                            Debug.WriteLine($" - Option [{res.Option}] Debug [{res.Debug}]");

Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to find any existing vote that matches with the vote we have,
        /// and can be used as a key in the VotesWithSupporters table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vote">The vote to search for.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the string that can be used as a key in the VotesWithSupporters table.</returns>
        private string GetVoteKey(string vote, VoteType voteType)
            // Store a lookup of the cleaned version of the vote so we don't have to repeat the processing.
            if (!cleanedKeys.TryGetValue(vote, out string cleaned))
                cleaned           = VoteString.RemoveBBCode(vote);
                cleaned           = VoteString.DeUrlContent(cleaned);
                cleanedKeys[vote] = cleaned;

            var votes = GetVotesCollection(voteType);

            // If the vote already matches an existing key, we don't need to search again.
            if (votes.ContainsKey(vote))

            // Find any vote that matches using an agnostic string comparison, that ignores
            // case, spacing, and most punctuation.
            string agVote = votes.Keys.FirstOrDefault(k =>
                                                      Agnostic.StringComparer.Equals(cleaned, cleanedKeys[k]));

            // If we found a match, return that; otherwise this is a new vote, so return it unchanged.
            return(agVote ?? vote);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an individual vote.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vote">The vote that is being added to.</param>
        /// <param name="voter">The voter that is supporting the vote.</param>
        /// <param name="voteType">Type of the vote.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">vote and voter must not be null or empty.</exception>
        private void AddVote(string vote, string voter, VoteType voteType)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vote))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vote));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voter))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(voter));

            string voteKey = GetVoteKey(vote, voteType);
            var    votes   = GetVotesCollection(voteType);

            // Make sure there's a hashset for the voter list available for the vote key.
            if (votes.ContainsKey(voteKey) == false)
                votes[voteKey] = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            string cleanVoter = VoteString.RemoveBBCode(voter);

            cleanVoter = VoteString.DeUrlContent(cleanVoter);

            // Update the supporters list if the voter isn't already in it.
            if (votes[voteKey].Contains(cleanVoter))


Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void DeUrl_NoneWithBBCode()
            string content = "『i』Vote『/i』 for stuff";
            string clean   = "『i』Vote『/i』 for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(clean, VoteString.DeUrlContent(content));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void DeUrl_None()
            string content = "Vote for stuff";
            string clean   = "Vote for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual(clean, VoteString.DeUrlContent(content));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void GetPlanNameTest7()
            string input  = "[X] Kinematics";
            string expect = StringUtility.PlanNameMarker + "Kinematics";

            Assert.AreEqual(null, VoteString.GetMarkedPlanName(input));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void DeUrl_Empty()
            string content = "";
            string clean   = "";

            Assert.AreEqual(clean, VoteString.DeUrlContent(content));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void GetPlanNameTest5()
            string input = "[X] Plan: Kinematics";

            Assert.AreEqual("Kinematics", VoteString.GetPlanName(input));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, VoteString.GetPlanName(input, true));
            Assert.AreEqual("Kinematics", VoteString.GetPlanName(input, false));