Ejemplo n.º 1
 public StaggeredLayoutState(VirtualizingLayoutContext context)
     _context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size availableSize)
            if (context.ItemCount == 0)
                return(new Size(availableSize.Width, 0));

            if ((context.RealizationRect.Width == 0) && (context.RealizationRect.Height == 0))
                return(new Size(availableSize.Width, 0.0));

            var state = (StaggeredLayoutState)context.LayoutState;

            double availableWidth  = availableSize.Width;
            double availableHeight = availableSize.Height;

            double columnWidth = Math.Min(DesiredColumnWidth, availableWidth);

            if (columnWidth != state.ColumnWidth)
                // The items will need to be remeasured

            state.ColumnWidth = Math.Min(DesiredColumnWidth, availableWidth);
            int numColumns = Math.Max(1, (int)Math.Floor(availableWidth / state.ColumnWidth));

            // adjust for column spacing on all columns expect the first
            double totalWidth = state.ColumnWidth + ((numColumns - 1) * (state.ColumnWidth + ColumnSpacing));

            if (totalWidth > availableWidth)
            else if (double.IsInfinity(availableWidth))
                availableWidth = totalWidth;

            if (numColumns != state.NumberOfColumns)
                // The items will not need to be remeasured, but they will need to go into new columns

            if (RowSpacing != state.RowSpacing)
                // If the RowSpacing changes the height of the rows will be different.
                // The columns stores the height so we'll want to clear them out to
                // get the proper height
                state.RowSpacing = RowSpacing;

            var columnHeights  = new double[numColumns];
            var itemsPerColumn = new int[numColumns];
            var deadColumns    = new HashSet <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < context.ItemCount; i++)
                var columnIndex = GetColumnIndex(columnHeights);

                bool          measured = false;
                StaggeredItem item     = state.GetItemAt(i);
                if (item.Height == 0)
                    // Item has not been measured yet. Get the element and store the values
                    item.Element = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(i);
                    item.Element.Measure(new Size(state.ColumnWidth, availableHeight));
                    item.Height = item.Element.DesiredSize.Height;
                    measured    = true;

                double spacing = itemsPerColumn[columnIndex] > 0 ? RowSpacing : 0;
                item.Top = columnHeights[columnIndex] + spacing;
                double bottom = item.Top + item.Height;
                columnHeights[columnIndex] = bottom;
                state.AddItemToColumn(item, columnIndex);

                if (bottom < context.RealizationRect.Top)
                    // The bottom of the element is above the realization area
                    if (item.Element != null)
                        item.Element = null;
                else if (item.Top > context.RealizationRect.Bottom)
                    // The top of the element is below the realization area
                    if (item.Element != null)
                        item.Element = null;

                else if (measured == false)
                    // We ALWAYS want to measure an item that will be in the bounds
                    item.Element = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(i);
                    item.Element.Measure(new Size(state.ColumnWidth, availableHeight));
                    if (item.Height != item.Element.DesiredSize.Height)
                        // this item changed size; we need to recalculate layout for everything after this
                        state.RemoveFromIndex(i + 1);
                        item.Height = item.Element.DesiredSize.Height;
                        columnHeights[columnIndex] = item.Top + item.Height;

                if (deadColumns.Count == numColumns)

            double desiredHeight = state.GetHeight();

            return(new Size(availableWidth, desiredHeight));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 protected override void InitializeForContextCore(VirtualizingLayoutContext context)
     context.LayoutState = new StaggeredLayoutState(context);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size availableSize)
            availableSize.Width  = availableSize.Width /* - Padding.Left - Padding.Right*/;
            availableSize.Height = availableSize.Height /* - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom*/;

            // For when width is even less than desired col width of even one column:
            _columnWidth = Math.Min(DesiredColumnWidth, availableSize.Width);
            int numColumns = (int)Math.Floor(availableSize.Width / _columnWidth);

            _columnWidth = availableSize.Width / numColumns;

            if (state == null || state.Width != context.RealizationRect.Width)
                state = new StaggeredLayoutState(numColumns, _columnWidth, context.RealizationRect.Width);

            if (context.ItemCount == 0)
                return(new Size(availableSize.Width, 0));

            // The viewport consists the current view, one view before, and one view after.
            double viewUpperBound = context.RealizationRect.Top;
            double viewLowerBound = context.RealizationRect.Bottom;

            int firstIndex = state.GetFirstItemInView(viewUpperBound);
            int lastIndex  = state.GetLastItemInView(viewLowerBound);

            int index = firstIndex;

            while (state.CacheCount < context.ItemCount)
                Rect rect;
                bool cached = state.TryGetRect(lastIndex, out rect);
                if (cached)

                // The culpit might be auto recycling. Supressing it solves the problem,
                // but defeats virtualization and raises runtime expections, so must fix it.

                // Okay, the real problem is the custom image control. Without that this implementation works just fine.
                // The culpit is the video control. Even using that alone produces the issue.
                // So might consider extract the first frame and put it in an image box.

                var child = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(lastIndex /*, ElementRealizationOptions.SuppressAutoRecycle*/);
                rect = state.CreateRectForChild(lastIndex, child);
                if (rect.Top > viewLowerBound)

            while (index < lastIndex)
                var  child = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(index);
                Rect rect;
                if (index < state.CacheCount)
                    rect = state.GetRect(index);
                    rect = state.CreateRectForChild(index, child);

                // It turns out this measurement is pretty important for elements to stay within their bounds.
                child.Measure(new Size(rect.Width, rect.Height));
                // I know this is rather inelegant, but since ItemsRepeater has no click support whatsoever, so...

            // Use this to reproduce bug.

            //var firstElement = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(0);
            //firstElement = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(0);
            //firstElement.Measure(new Size(_columnWidth, availableSize.Height));
            //Rect r = state.GetRect(0);

            double desiredHeight = state.GetTotalHeight();

            return(new Size(availableSize.Width, desiredHeight));
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size availableSize)
            var requiredSize = new Size(Padding.Left + Padding.Right, Padding.Top + Padding.Bottom);

            if (context.ItemCount == 0 ||
                context.RealizationRect.Width == 0 ||
                context.RealizationRect.Height == 0)

            var state      = (AutoFillLayoutState)context.LayoutState;
            var clientSize = new Size(
                availableSize.Width - Padding.Left - Padding.Right,
                availableSize.Height - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom);

            //Save layout properties
            //If changed every thing need redo
            if (state.SavePropertiesIfChange(Orientation, Padding,
                                             HorizontalSpacing, VerticalSpacing, availableSize))

            if (!state.Initialized)
                if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                        new Rect(Padding.Left, Padding.Top,
                                 clientSize.Width + HorizontalSpacing, double.PositiveInfinity)
                        new Rect(Padding.Left, Padding.Top,
                                 double.PositiveInfinity, clientSize.Height + VerticalSpacing)

            for (int i = 0; i < context.ItemCount; i++)
                var item = state.GetOrCreateItemAt(i);

                bool measured = false;

                if (item.Bounds.IsEmpty())//measure empty
                    item.Element = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(i);
                    item.Width  = item.Element.DesiredSize.Width;
                    item.Height = item.Element.DesiredSize.Height;
                    measured = true;

                item.ShouldDisplay = context.RealizationRect.IsIntersect(item.Bounds);
                if (!item.ShouldDisplay)
                    if (item.Element != null)
                        item.Element = null;
                else if (!measured)//measure in view rect
                    item.Element = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(i);
                    var childSize = item.Element.DesiredSize;
                    if (item.Width != childSize.Width || item.Height != childSize.Height)  //size changed
                        item.Width  = childSize.Width;
                        item.Height = childSize.Height;
                        state.RemoveItemsFrom(i + 1);//remove after this

            var size = state.GetTotalSize();

            //var size = state.GetVirtualizedSize();
            requiredSize.Width  += size.Width;
            requiredSize.Height += size.Height;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size availableSize)
            var totalMeasure      = UvMeasure.Zero;
            var parentMeasure     = new UvMeasure(Orientation, availableSize.Width, availableSize.Height);
            var spacingMeasure    = new UvMeasure(Orientation, HorizontalSpacing, VerticalSpacing);
            var realizationBounds = new UvBounds(Orientation, context.RealizationRect);
            var position          = UvMeasure.Zero;

            var state = (WrapLayoutState)context.LayoutState;

            if (state.Orientation != Orientation)

            if (spacingMeasure.Equals(state.Spacing) == false)
                state.Spacing = spacingMeasure;

            if (state.AvailableU != parentMeasure.U)
                state.AvailableU = parentMeasure.U;

            double currentV = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < context.ItemCount; i++)
                bool     measured = false;
                WrapItem item     = state.GetItemAt(i);
                if (item.Measure == null)
                    item.Element = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(i);
                    item.Measure = new UvMeasure(Orientation, item.Element.DesiredSize.Width, item.Element.DesiredSize.Height);
                    measured     = true;

                UvMeasure currentMeasure = item.Measure.Value;
                if (currentMeasure.U == 0)
                    continue; // ignore collapsed items

                if (item.Position == null)
                    if (parentMeasure.U < position.U + currentMeasure.U)
                        // New Row
                        position.U  = 0;
                        position.V += currentV + spacingMeasure.V;
                        currentV    = 0;

                    item.Position = position;

                position = item.Position.Value;

                double vEnd = position.V + currentMeasure.V;
                if (vEnd < realizationBounds.VMin)
                    // Item is "above" the bounds
                    if (item.Element != null)
                        item.Element = null;
                else if (position.V > realizationBounds.VMax)
                    // Item is "below" the bounds.
                    if (item.Element != null)
                        item.Element = null;

                    // We don't need to measure anything below the bounds
                else if (measured == false)
                    // Always measure elements that are within the bounds
                    item.Element = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(i);

                    currentMeasure = new UvMeasure(Orientation, item.Element.DesiredSize.Width, item.Element.DesiredSize.Height);
                    if (currentMeasure.Equals(item.Measure) == false)
                        // this item changed size; we need to recalculate layout for everything after this
                        state.RemoveFromIndex(i + 1);
                        item.Measure = currentMeasure;

                        // did the change make it go into the new row?
                        if (parentMeasure.U < position.U + currentMeasure.U)
                            // New Row
                            position.U  = 0;
                            position.V += currentV + spacingMeasure.V;
                            currentV    = 0;

                        item.Position = position;

                position.U += currentMeasure.U + spacingMeasure.U;
                currentV    = Math.Max(currentMeasure.V, currentV);

            // update value with the last line
            // if the the last loop is(parentMeasure.U > currentMeasure.U + lineMeasure.U) the total isn't calculated then calculate it
            // if the last loop is (parentMeasure.U > currentMeasure.U) the currentMeasure isn't added to the total so add it here
            // for the last condition it is zeros so adding it will make no difference
            // this way is faster than an if condition in every loop for checking the last item
            totalMeasure.U = parentMeasure.U;

            // Propagating an infinite size causes a crash. This can happen if the parent is scrollable and infinite in the opposite
            // axis to the panel. Clearing to zero prevents the crash.
            // This is likely an incorrect use of the control by the developer, however we need stability here so setting a default that wont crash.
            if (double.IsInfinity(totalMeasure.U))
                totalMeasure.U = 0.0;

            totalMeasure.V = state.GetHeight();

            totalMeasure.U = Math.Ceiling(totalMeasure.U);
            return(Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? new Size(totalMeasure.U, totalMeasure.V) : new Size(totalMeasure.V, totalMeasure.U));
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size finalSize)
            // Note that you MUST call GetOrCreateElement on any items that are in the realized region... that's how
            // the control tracks which elements it shouldn't dispose.

            // It's easier to not support infinite width, and none of my scenarios need it, so not worth spending time implementing it
            if (double.IsInfinity(finalSize.Width))
                throw new ArgumentException("This panel doesn't support infinite width");

            // If there's no width, there's nothing we can do.
            if (finalSize.Width == 0)
                return(new Size(0, 0));

            var  state        = (GroupedLayoutState)context.LayoutState;
            var  colInfo      = GetColumnInfo(finalSize);
            bool widthChanged = state.AvailableWidth != finalSize.Width;

            double y             = 0;
            int    i             = 0;
            int    col           = 0;
            double currRowHeight = 0;

            while (i < context.ItemCount)
                if (col >= colInfo.NumberOfColumns)
                    // Start a new row
                    y            += currRowHeight + AfterGroupSpacing;
                    col           = 0;
                    currRowHeight = 0;

                var colSize = ArrangeColumn(
                    headerIndex: i,
                    startingY: y,
                    widthChanged: widthChanged,
                    nextHeaderIndex: out i);

                currRowHeight = Math.Max(currRowHeight, colSize.Height);


            y += currRowHeight;

            var actualFinalSize = new Size(finalSize.Width, y);

            if (_currMeasuredSize != actualFinalSize)

Ejemplo n.º 8
 public WrapLayoutState(VirtualizingLayoutContext context)
     this._context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size availableSize)
            if (MinItemSize == Size.Empty)
                var firstElement = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(0);
                firstElement.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));

                // setting the member value directly to skip invalidating layout
                _minItemSize = firstElement.DesiredSize;

            // Determine which rows need to be realized.  We know every row will have the same height and
            // only contain 3 items.  Use that to determine the index for the first and last item that
            // will be within that realization rect.
            var firstRowIndex = Math.Max(
                (int)(context.RealizationRect.Y / (MinItemSize.Height + RowSpacing)) - 1,
            var lastRowIndex = Math.Min(
                (int)(context.RealizationRect.Bottom / (MinItemSize.Height + RowSpacing)) + 1,
                context.ItemCount / 3);

            // Determine which items will appear on those rows and what the rect will be for each item
            var state = context.LayoutState as ActivityFeedLayoutState;


            // Save the index of the first realized item.  We'll use it as a starting point during arrange.
            state.FirstRealizedIndex = firstRowIndex * 3;

            // ideal item width that will expand/shrink to fill available space
            double desiredItemWidth = Math.Max(MinItemSize.Width, (availableSize.Width - ColumnSpacing * 3) / 4);

            // Foreach item between the first and last index,
            //     Call GetElementOrCreateElementAt which causes an element to either be realized or retrieved
            //       from a recycle pool
            //     Measure the element using an appropriate size
            // Any element that was previously realized which we don't retrieve in this pass (via a call to
            // GetElementOrCreateAt) will be automatically cleared and set aside for later re-use.
            // Note: While this work fine, it does mean that more elements than are required may be
            // created because it isn't until after our MeasureOverride completes that the unused elements
            // will be recycled and available to use.  We could avoid this by choosing to track the first/last
            // index from the previous layout pass.  The diff between the previous range and current range
            // would represent the elements that we can pre-emptively make available for re-use by calling
            // context.RecycleElement(element).
            for (int rowIndex = firstRowIndex; rowIndex < lastRowIndex; rowIndex++)
                int firstItemIndex      = rowIndex * 3;
                var boundsForCurrentRow = CalculateLayoutBoundsForRow(rowIndex, desiredItemWidth);

                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < 3; columnIndex++)
                    var index     = firstItemIndex + columnIndex;
                    var rect      = boundsForCurrentRow[index % 3];
                    var container = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(index);

                        new Size(boundsForCurrentRow[columnIndex].Width, boundsForCurrentRow[columnIndex].Height));


            // Calculate and return the size of all the content (realized or not) by figuring out
            // what the bottom/right position of the last item would be.
            var extentHeight = (context.ItemCount / 3 - 1) * (MinItemSize.Height + RowSpacing) + MinItemSize.Height;

            // Report this as the desired size for the layout
            return(new Size(desiredItemWidth * 4 + ColumnSpacing * 2, extentHeight));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected override Size MeasureOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size availableSize)
     return(base.MeasureOverride(context, availableSize));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected override void InitializeForContextCore(VirtualizingLayoutContext context)
     context.LayoutState = new WaterFallLayoutState();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 protected override Size ArrangeOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size finalSize)
     return(base.ArrangeOverride(context, finalSize));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected override void OnItemsChangedCore(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, object source, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
     base.OnItemsChangedCore(context, source, args);
 public GroupedLayoutState(VirtualizingLayoutContext context)
     this._context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size availableSize)
            var viewport = context.RealizationRect;

            Debug.WriteLine("Measure: " + viewport);

            if (availableSize.Width != m_lastAvailableWidth)
                m_lastAvailableWidth = availableSize.Width;

            // Initialize column offsets
            int numColumns = (int)(availableSize.Width / Width);

            if (m_columnOffsets.Count == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)

            m_firstIndex = GetStartIndex(viewport);
            int    currentIndex = m_firstIndex;
            double nextOffset   = -1.0;

            // Measure items from start index to when we hit the end of the viewport.
            while (currentIndex < context.ItemCount && nextOffset < viewport.Bottom)
                Debug.WriteLine("Measuring " + currentIndex);
                var child = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(currentIndex);
                child.Measure(new Size(Width, availableSize.Height));

                if (currentIndex >= m_cachedBounds.Count)
                    // We do not have bounds for this index. Lay it out and cache it.
                    int columnIndex = GetIndexOfLowestColumn(m_columnOffsets, out nextOffset);
                    m_cachedBounds.Add(new Rect(columnIndex * Width, nextOffset, Width, child.DesiredSize.Height));
                    m_columnOffsets[columnIndex] += child.DesiredSize.Height;
                    if (currentIndex + 1 == m_cachedBounds.Count)
                        // Last element. Use the next offset.
                        GetIndexOfLowestColumn(m_columnOffsets, out nextOffset);
                        nextOffset = m_cachedBounds[currentIndex + 1].Top;


                m_lastIndex = currentIndex;

            var extent = GetExtentSize(availableSize);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size availableSize)
            if (context.ItemCount < 1)
                return(new Size(0, 0));

            // Item size is 96 + 2px of margin

            var state = context.LayoutState as MosaicLayoutState;

            if (state.LayoutRects.Count < 1)
                state.ActualWidth = availableSize.Width;

                var items = GetItems(context);

                var mosaic = MosaicMedia.Calculate(items);
                var top    = 0d;

                foreach (var row in mosaic)
                    var left = 0d;

                    foreach (var item in row)
                        state.LayoutRects.Add(new Rect(left, top, item.Width, 98));
                        left += item.Width;

                    top += 98;

                state.Rows         = mosaic;
                state.ExtentHeight = top - 2;

            if (state.LayoutRects.Count < 1)
                return(new Size(0, 0));

            var firstRowIndex = Math.Min(Math.Max((int)(context.RealizationRect.Y / 98) - 1, 0), state.Rows.Count - 1);
            var lastRowIndex  = Math.Max(Math.Min((int)(context.RealizationRect.Bottom / 98) + 1, state.Rows.Count - 1), 0);

            var firstItemIndex = state.Rows[firstRowIndex][0].Index;
            var lastItemIndex  = state.Rows[lastRowIndex].Last().Index;

            var availableWidth = availableSize.Width + 2;

            for (int i = firstItemIndex; i <= lastItemIndex; i++)
                var container = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(i);
                container.Measure(new Size(
                                      state.LayoutRects[i].Width * availableWidth,

            state.FirstRealizedIndex = firstItemIndex;
            state.LastRealizedIndex  = lastItemIndex;

            // Report this as the desired size for the layout
            return(new Size(availableSize.Width, state.ExtentHeight));
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override void UninitializeForContextCore(VirtualizingLayoutContext context)
     context.LayoutState = null;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 protected override void InitializeForContextCore(VirtualizingLayoutContext context)
     context.LayoutState = new CustomGridLayoutState(this);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, Size finalSize)
            if (context.ItemCount > 0)
                var parentMeasure     = new UvMeasure(Orientation, finalSize.Width, finalSize.Height);
                var spacingMeasure    = new UvMeasure(Orientation, HorizontalSpacing, VerticalSpacing);
                var realizationBounds = new UvBounds(Orientation, context.RealizationRect);

                var state = (WrapLayoutState)context.LayoutState;
                bool Arrange(WrapItem item, bool isLast = false)
                    if (item.Measure.HasValue == false)

                    if (item.Position == null)

                    var desiredMeasure = item.Measure.Value;

                    if (desiredMeasure.U == 0)
                        return(true); // if an item is collapsed, avoid adding the spacing

                    UvMeasure position = item.Position.Value;

                    // Stretch the last item to fill the available space
                    if (isLast)
                        desiredMeasure.U = parentMeasure.U - position.U;

                    if (((position.V + desiredMeasure.V) >= realizationBounds.VMin) && (position.V <= realizationBounds.VMax))
                        // place the item
                        UIElement child = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(item.Index);
                        if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                            child.Arrange(new Rect(position.U, position.V, desiredMeasure.U, desiredMeasure.V));
                            child.Arrange(new Rect(position.V, position.U, desiredMeasure.V, desiredMeasure.U));
                    else if (position.V > realizationBounds.VMax)


                for (var i = 0; i < context.ItemCount; i++)
                    bool continueArranging = Arrange(state.GetItemAt(i));
                    if (continueArranging == false)

        private Size MeasureColumn(VirtualizingLayoutContext context, GroupedLayoutState state, Size availableSizeForElements, int headerIndex, double startingY, bool widthChanged, out int nextHeaderIndex)
            // Note that you MUST call GetOrCreateElement on any items that are in the realized region... that's how
            // the control tracks which elements it shouldn't dispose.

            double y = startingY;
            int    i = headerIndex;

            var header = state.GetItemAt(headerIndex);

            //if (widthChanged || header.Height == null)
                var headerEl = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(headerIndex);
                header.Height = headerEl.DesiredSize.Height;

            y += header.Height.Value + AfterHeaderSpacing;


            while (i < context.ItemCount)
                if (!(context.GetItemAt(i) is ViewItemTaskOrEvent))
                    // End of column

                var item = state.GetItemAt(i);

                // Logic technically ignores height of item, but heights are short enough it shouldn't matter
                if (y < context.RealizationRect.Top ||
                    y > context.RealizationRect.Bottom)
                    y += item.Height.GetValueOrDefault(40);
                    // Theoretically since tasks/events are removed and then added back when edited, we know they can never change size...
                    // Therefore we can store their measured size, and only call measure if their width changed or height unknown...
                    // However this didn't work in reality, not sure why.

                    //if (widthChanged || item.Height == null)
                        var itemEl = context.GetOrCreateElementAt(i);
                        item.Height = itemEl.DesiredSize.Height;

                    y += item.Height.Value;

                // Include item spacing
                y += ItemSpacing;


            // Remove last item spacing (since no item after it)
            y -= ItemSpacing;

            nextHeaderIndex = i;
            return(new Size(availableSizeForElements.Width, y - startingY));