Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool updatelevel(int userId, string xcxTemplate, int pricesum = 0)
            switch (xcxTemplate)
            case "food": pricesum = GetFoodVipPriceSum(userId); break;

            case "entpro": pricesum = GetEntGoodsVipPriceSum(userId); break;

            case "footbath": pricesum = GetFootbathVipPriceSum(userId); break;

            case "multistore": pricesum = GetMultiStoreVipPriceSum(userId); break;

            case "platchild": pricesum = GetPlatChildGoodsVipPriceSum(userId); break;

            case "qiye": pricesum = 0; break;

            default: pricesum = GetVipConsumptionrecord(userId); break;

            bool        result      = false;
            string      sqlwhere    = string.Empty;
            VipRelation viprelation = GetModel($"uid={userId} and state>=0");

            if (viprelation != null)
                viprelation.PriceSum = pricesum;
                VipConfig vipconfig = VipConfigBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appid='{viprelation.appId}' and state>=0");

                VipRule        rule        = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"levelid={viprelation.levelid} and state>=0 and RuleType=0");
                List <VipRule> updateRules = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetList($" state>=0 and RuleType=0 and appid='{viprelation.appId}' and {viprelation.PriceSum}>minMoney ", 12, 1, "*", "minMoney desc");
                if (vipconfig != null && vipconfig.autoupdate == 1)//&& rule != null
                    if (updateRules != null && updateRules.Count > 0)
                        if (rule == null || rule.minMoney <= updateRules[0].minMoney)
                            viprelation.levelid    = updateRules[0].levelid;
                            viprelation.updatetime = DateTime.Now;

                result = Update(viprelation, "levelid,pricesum,updatetime");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 储值 会员升级
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <param name="price"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool updatelevelBySaveMoney(int userId, int price)
            VipRelation viprelation = new VipRelationBLL().GetModel($"uid={userId} and state>=0");

            if (viprelation != null)
                //获取储值升级会员规则 获取会员卡参数配置

                VipConfig vipconfig = VipConfigBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appid='{viprelation.appId}' and state>=0");

                VipRule rule = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"levelid={viprelation.levelid} and state>=0 and RuleType=1");

                if (vipconfig != null && vipconfig.SaveMoneyAutoUpdate == 1) //&& rule != null
                    int viprelationPrice = price;                            //默认单次充值不包含赠送的
                    if (vipconfig.SaveMoneyType == 1)
                        viprelationPrice = SaveMoneySetUserBLL.SingleModel.GetSaveMoneySum(userId);

                    List <VipRule> updateRules = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetList($" state>=0 and RuleType=1 and appid='{viprelation.appId}' and {viprelationPrice}>minMoney ", 12, 1, "*", "minMoney desc");

                    if (updateRules != null && updateRules.Count > 0)
                        if (rule == null || rule.minMoney <= updateRules[0].minMoney)
                            viprelation.levelid    = updateRules[0].levelid;
                            viprelation.updatetime = DateTime.Now;

                    return(base.Update(viprelation, "levelid,updatetime"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取单个会员的详细信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uid"></param>
        /// <param name="appid"></param>
        ///  <param name="PageType">模板对应例如PageType=22 表示专业版 PageType=6表示电商版</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public VipRelation GetVipModel(int uid, string appid, int PageType = 6, int aid = 0)
            VipRelation vipRelation = GetModel($"uid={uid} and appid='{appid}' and state>=0");

            if (vipRelation == null)
                VipLevel def_level = null;
                int      pricesum  = 0;

                switch (PageType)
                case (int)TmpType.小程序多门店模板:
                case (int)TmpType.小程序足浴模板:
                case (int)TmpType.小程序专业模板:
                    pricesum = GetEntGoodsVipPriceSum(uid);

                case (int)TmpType.小程序电商模板:
                    pricesum = GetVipConsumptionrecord(uid);

                case (int)TmpType.小程序餐饮模板:
                    pricesum = GetFoodVipPriceSum(uid);

                case (int)TmpType.小未平台子模版:
                    pricesum = GetPlatChildGoodsVipPriceSum(uid);

                if (pricesum <= 0)
                    def_level = VipLevelBLL.SingleModel.GetDefModel(appid, PageType);
                    VipRule rule = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"minMoney<={pricesum} and maxMoney>{pricesum} and state>=0 and RuleType=0");
                    if (rule == null)
                        rule = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"appid='{appid}' and state>=0 and RuleType=0", 11, 1, "*", "minMoney desc")?.FirstOrDefault();//取最高级别规则
                    def_level = VipLevelBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(rule.levelid);
                vipRelation          = new VipRelation();
                vipRelation.appId    = appid;
                vipRelation.addtime  = vipRelation.updatetime = DateTime.Now;
                vipRelation.uid      = uid;
                vipRelation.levelid  = def_level.Id;
                vipRelation.PriceSum = pricesum;
                vipRelation.Id       = Convert.ToInt32(Add(vipRelation));
                if (vipRelation.Id <= 0)
                    log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), $"用户注册会员失败 uid" + uid);
                vipRelation.levelInfo = def_level;
                vipRelation.levelInfo = VipLevelBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"id={vipRelation.levelid} and state>=0");
                if (vipRelation.levelInfo != null)
                    if (vipRelation.levelInfo.type == 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vipRelation.levelInfo.gids))
                        switch (PageType)
                        case (int)TmpType.小程序多门店模板:
                        case (int)TmpType.小程序足浴模板:
                        case (int)TmpType.小程序专业模板:
                            vipRelation.levelInfo.entGoodsList = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"id in ({vipRelation.levelInfo.gids}) and state=1 and tag = 1 ");

                        case (int)TmpType.小程序电商模板:
                            vipRelation.levelInfo.goodslist = StoreGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"id in ({vipRelation.levelInfo.gids}) and state>=0");

                        case (int)TmpType.小程序餐饮模板:
                            vipRelation.levelInfo.foodgoodslist = FoodGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"id in ({vipRelation.levelInfo.gids}) and IsSell=1 and state=1");

                        case (int)TmpType.小未平台子模版:
                            vipRelation.levelInfo.PlatChildGoodsList = PlatChildGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(vipRelation.levelInfo.gids);
                if (PageType == (int)TmpType.小程序专业模板)
                    vipRelation.reservation = FoodReservationBLL.SingleModel.GetOnGoingReservation(aid, uid)?.Id.ToString();
