Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Process(TwitchClient client, string username, string commandText, bool isMod)
            var splitCommandText = commandText.Split(" ");

            if (commandText.Contains("@"))
                if (splitCommandText.Length == 1)
                        ? $"Hey @{username}, I have successfully given {commandText} a VIP request!"
                        : $"Hey @{username}, sorry something seems to be wrong here. Please check your command usage. Type !help gvip for more detailed help");
                else if (splitCommandText.Length == 2)
                    var giveUser   = splitCommandText.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Contains("@")).TrimStart('@');
                    var giveAmount = 0;
                    int.TryParse(splitCommandText.SingleOrDefault(x => !x.Contains("@")), out giveAmount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < giveAmount; i++)
                        if (!vipHelper.GiveVipRequest(giveUser))
                            client.SendMessage($"Hey @{username}, sorry something seems to be wrong here. I managed to give {i} VIPs. Please check your command usage. Type !help gvip for more detailed help");
                    client.SendMessage($"Hey @{username}, I have successfully given @{giveUser} {giveAmount} VIPs");