Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the Villager with the ability to move to given targets and the villagerAI.
        /// Set his state to THINKING for further decision making.
        /// </summary>
        void Start()
            villagerName     = RandomVillagerNamer.GetRandomName();
            villagerAI       = GetComponent <VillagerAI>();
            villagerMovement = GetComponent <VillagerMovement>();

            villagerState = VillagerState.THINKING;
    //private NavMeshAgent agent;

    private void Awake()
        health               = GetComponent <Health>();
        health.Healed       += Health_Healed;
        npchealth            = GetComponent <NPCHealth>();
        npchealth.Died      += NPCHealth_Died;
        compVillagerMovement = GetComponent <VillagerMovement>();
        ts = GetComponent <TimeScale>();
        //agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D other)
     if (other.gameObject.name == "Player")
         if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space))
             if (!dialogueManager.dialogueActive)
                 dialogueManager.dialogueLines = dialogueLines;
                 dialogueManager.currentLine   = 0;
             VillagerMovement villager = GetComponentInParent <VillagerMovement>();
             if (villager != null)
                 dialogueManager.dialogueActive = true;
                 villager.canMove = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 void Start()
     move = gameObject.GetComponent <VillagerMovement>();
     diag = gameObject.GetComponent <DialogueTrigger>();
     spr  = gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     if (move != null)
         canMove = true;
         if (move.enabled == true)
             notMoving = false;
             notMoving = true;
             if (facingRight)
                 sprFacingRight = spr.flipX;
                 sprFacingRight = !(spr.flipX);
         canMove = false;
         if (facingRight)
             sprFacingRight = spr.flipX;
             sprFacingRight = !(spr.flipX);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    private void Start()
        List <Transform> housePositions = kp.GetKeyPoints();

        Debug.Log("Number of houses: " + housePositions.Count);

        // All of the villagers are spawned here.
        // Loop for each transform.
        foreach (Transform trans in housePositions)
            // Instantiate a new villager.
            GameObject newVillager = Instantiate(villagerPrefab, trans.position, Quaternion.identity);
            // Get the villager's relevant components for assignment operations.
            VillagerMovement vm = newVillager.GetComponent <VillagerMovement>();
            VillagerStatus   vs = newVillager.GetComponent <VillagerStatus>();
            TimeControllable tc = newVillager.GetComponent <TimeControllable>();
            // Assign the house to the villager.
            vm.houseTransform = trans;
            // Pass the shrine to the villager.
            vm.shrine = shrine;
            // Pass the food controller reference to the villager.
            vs.foodController = foodController;
            // Pass village reference to the villager.
            //vs.village = this;
            // Subscribe to the villager's events.
            vs.Died            += VillagerStatus_Died;
            vs.AttackedByEnemy += VillagerStatus_AttackedByEnemy;
            // Pass the time controller to the villager.
            tc.timeController = GetComponent <TimeControllable>().timeController;
            TimeScale.PassTimeScale(newVillager, ts);
            // Add the villager to the list of existing villagers.