Ejemplo n.º 1
	    public void InsertFailedWorkItemUid(WorkItem workItem, DicomMessageBase message, DicomProcessingResult result, int tryCount = 1)
            if (tryCount < 0)
                tryCount = 1;

            int tries = 0;
            while (tries++ < tryCount)
                using (var commandProcessor = new ViewerCommandProcessor(String.Format("Processing Sop Instance {0}", result.SopInstanceUid)))
                    var fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".dcm";
                    var insertWorkItemCommand = CreateWorkItemCommand(workItem, result, message, true, fileName);
                    //Fail the Uid immediately, since we know the file isn't there.
                    insertWorkItemCommand.WorkItemUid.Failed = true;

                    if (commandProcessor.Execute())
                        IncrementTotalFiles(insertWorkItemCommand, result.StudyInstanceUid, result.ErrorMessage);


            Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to insert failed work item UID after {0} attempts (Sop Instance UID={1}).", tries, result.SopInstanceUid);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool Process()
            using (
                var processor =
                    new ViewerCommandProcessor("Deleting series from study: " + _location.Study.StudyInstanceUid))
                    DicomAttributeCollection instance = null;
                    foreach (string seriesInstanceUid in SeriesInstanceUids)
                        foreach (SeriesXml seriesXml in StudyXml)
                            if (seriesXml.SeriesInstanceUid.Equals(seriesInstanceUid))
                                foreach (InstanceXml instanceXml in seriesXml)
                                        new FileDeleteCommand(
                                            _location.GetSopInstancePath(seriesInstanceUid, instanceXml.SopInstanceUid),
                                // Save an instance we're keeping so we can update the study
                                if (instance == null)
                                    instance = CollectionUtils.FirstElement(seriesXml).Collection;
                        processor.AddCommand(new RemoveSeriesFromStudyXml(StudyXml, seriesInstanceUid));

                    processor.AddCommand(new SaveStudyXmlCommand(StudyXml, _location));

                    processor.AddCommand(new InsertOrUpdateStudyCommand(_location, StudyXml, InsertOrUpdateStudyCommand.UpdateReason.SopsDeleted));

                    // Do the actual processing
                    if (!processor.Execute())
                        Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Failure deleting {0} series for Study: {1}",
                                     SeriesInstanceUids.Count, _location.Study.StudyInstanceUid);
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                                  "Unexpected failure (" + processor.FailureReason + ") executing command for Study: " +
                                  _location.Study.StudyInstanceUid, processor.FailureException);
                    Platform.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Deleted {0} Series for Study {1}", SeriesInstanceUids.Count,
                catch (Exception e)
                    Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, e, "Unexpected exception when {0}.  Rolling back operation.",
                    throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected exception when processing file.", e);
Ejemplo n.º 3
		private void Process(DicomMessageBase message, FileImportBehaviourEnum fileImportBehaviour, WorkItem workItem, DicomProcessingResult result)

            // Use the command processor for rollback capabilities.
            using (var commandProcessor = new ViewerCommandProcessor(String.Format("Processing Sop Instance {0}", result.SopInstanceUid)))
                    var studyLocation = new StudyLocation(result.StudyInstanceUid);
                    String destinationFile = studyLocation.GetSopInstancePath(result.SeriesInstanceUid, result.SopInstanceUid);

                    DicomFile file = ConvertToDicomFile(message, destinationFile, _context.SourceAE);

                    // Create the Study Folder, if need be
                    commandProcessor.AddCommand(new CreateDirectoryCommand(studyLocation.StudyFolder));

                    bool duplicateFile = false;
                    string dupName = null;

                    if (File.Exists(destinationFile))
                        // TODO (CR Jun 2012): Shouldn't the commands themselves make this decision at the time
                        // the file is being saved? Otherwise, what happens if the same SOP were being saved 2x simultaneously.
                        // I know the odds are low, but just pointing it out.
                        duplicateFile = true;
                        dupName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".dcm";
                        destinationFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationFile), dupName);

                    if (fileImportBehaviour == FileImportBehaviourEnum.Move)
                        commandProcessor.AddCommand(new RenameFileCommand(file.Filename, destinationFile, true));
                    else if (fileImportBehaviour == FileImportBehaviourEnum.Copy)
                        commandProcessor.AddCommand(new CopyFileCommand(file.Filename, destinationFile, true));
                    else if (fileImportBehaviour == FileImportBehaviourEnum.Save)
                        commandProcessor.AddCommand(new SaveDicomFileCommand(destinationFile, file, true));

                    var insertWorkItemCommand = CreateWorkItemCommand(workItem, result, file, duplicateFile, dupName);

                    if (commandProcessor.Execute())
                        result.DicomStatus = DicomStatuses.Success;
                        IncrementTotalFiles(insertWorkItemCommand, result.StudyInstanceUid);  
                        if (commandProcessor.FailureException is ChangeConflictException 
                            || commandProcessor.FailureException is SqlCeLockTimeoutException)
                                result.RetrySuggested = true; // Change conflict or lock timeout may work if we just retry

                        Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "Failure Importing file: {0}", file.Filename);
                        string failureMessage = String.Format(
                            "Failure processing message: {0}. Sending failure status.",
                        result.SetError(DicomStatuses.ProcessingFailure, failureMessage);
                        // processor already rolled back
                catch (Exception e)
                    Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, e, "Unexpected exception when {0}.  Rolling back operation.", commandProcessor.Description);
                    result.SetError(result.DicomStatus ?? DicomStatuses.ProcessingFailure, e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void InsertBatch(IList <ProcessorFile> list, StudyXml studyXml)
            using (var processor = new ViewerCommandProcessor("Processing WorkItem DICOM file(s)"))
                    // Create an AggregrateCommand where we batch together all the database updates
                    // and execute them together as the last command.
                    var batchDatabaseCommand = new AggregateCommand();

                    foreach (var file in list)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FilePath) && file.File == null)
                                file.File = new DicomFile(file.FilePath);

                                // WARNING:  If we ever do anything where we update files and save them,
                                // we may have to change this.
                                file.File.Load(DicomReadOptions.StorePixelDataReferences | DicomReadOptions.Default);
                            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                                Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "File to be processed is not found, ignoring: {0}",

                                if (file.ItemUid != null)
                                    batchDatabaseCommand.AddSubCommand(new CompleteWorkItemUidCommand(file.ItemUid));

                            file.FilePath = file.File.Filename;

                        String seriesUid = file.File.DataSet[DicomTags.SeriesInstanceUid].GetString(0, String.Empty);
                        String sopUid    = file.File.DataSet[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].GetString(0, String.Empty);

                        String finalDest = StudyLocation.GetSopInstancePath(seriesUid, sopUid);

                        if (file.FilePath != finalDest)
                            processor.AddCommand(new RenameFileCommand(file.FilePath, finalDest, false));

                        // Update the StudyStream object
                        var insertStudyXmlCommand = new InsertStudyXmlCommand(file.File, studyXml, StudyLocation, false);

                        if (file.ItemUid != null)
                            batchDatabaseCommand.AddSubCommand(new CompleteWorkItemUidCommand(file.ItemUid));

                    // Now save the batched updates to the StudyXml file.
                    processor.AddCommand(new SaveStudyXmlCommand(studyXml, StudyLocation));

                    // Update the Study table, based on the studyXml
                    var updateReason = IsReprocess ? InsertOrUpdateStudyCommand.UpdateReason.Reprocessing
                                             : InsertOrUpdateStudyCommand.UpdateReason.LiveImport;

                    batchDatabaseCommand.AddSubCommand(new InsertOrUpdateStudyCommand(StudyLocation, studyXml, updateReason));

                    // Now, add all the batched database updates

                    // Do the actual processing
                    if (!processor.Execute())
                        Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Failure processing {0} for Study: {1}",
                                     processor.Description, StudyLocation.Study.StudyInstanceUid);
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                                  "Unexpected failure (" + processor.FailureReason + ") executing command for Study: " +
                                  StudyLocation.Study.StudyInstanceUid, processor.FailureException);

                    StudyLocation.Study = processor.ViewerContext.ContextStudy;

                    Platform.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Processed {0} SOPs for Study {1}", list.Count, StudyLocation.Study.StudyInstanceUid);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, e, "Unexpected exception when {0}.  Rolling back operation.",
                    throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected exception when processing file.", e);