Ejemplo n.º 1
    //Note, this isn't a coroutine, so if you want to delay until the timer is finished, just do a WaitForSeconds after spawning the timer
    public void SpawnTimer(float fDelay, string sLabel)
        GameObject goTimer   = Instantiate(pfTimer, Match.Get().transform); //TIMER SPAWN POSITION
        ViewTimer  viewTimer = goTimer.GetComponent <ViewTimer>();

        if (viewTimer == null)
            Debug.LogError("ERROR - pfTimer doesn't have a viewTimer component");
        viewTimer.InitTimer(fDelay, sLabel);

        //Check if we should delete the previous timer
        if (viewTimerCur != null)
            //Debug.Log("Deleting previous timer for " + viewTimerCur.sLabel);
        viewTimerCur = viewTimer;