Ejemplo n.º 1
        public int VideoMenu()
            VideoOptionsClass VideoMenuOptions = new VideoOptionsClass();

            int result = 0;

                result = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            catch (Exception myerror)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void RentInput()
            SloganDisplay display = new SloganDisplay();  //slogan

                VideoOptionsClass rentOptions = new VideoOptionsClass(); //video options, rent options
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Product Name:                          (Exclude date when entering product name)");
                string productName = Console.ReadLine(); //get user input and call it productName

                string[] names = new string[8] {
                    "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Godfather", "The Godfather: Part II", "The Dark Knight", "Schindler's List", "12 Angry Men", "Pulp Fiction", "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
                if (names.Any(productName.Equals)) //make sure productName = names, if not go to else
                    Console.WriteLine("How many days would you like to rent this?");
                    int        rentdays      = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
                    ReturnDate returndate    = new ReturnDate();
                    string     thereturndate = returndate.ReturnDateCal(rentdays);
                    double     totalrentcost = returndate.RentCost(rentdays);
                    Display    newDisplay    = new Display();
                    newDisplay.EndDisplay(productName, thereturndate, totalrentcost);
                    SloganDisplay displayError = new SloganDisplay(); //displays slogan
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter an avalible title\n Press Enter to continue");
                    RentInput(); //return to rentinput, have user try again
            catch (Exception myerror)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void BuyInput()
            SloganDisplay buySlogan = new SloganDisplay(); //slogan

            buySlogan.Display();                           //display slogan
                VideoOptionsClass buyOptions = new VideoOptionsClass();                                                                //video options class called
                buyOptions.BuyOptions();                                                                                               //use the buy options class inside video options
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Product Name:                                    (Exclude date when entering product name)"); //printed to screen asking for userinput(string)
                string productName = Console.ReadLine();                                                                               // userinput(string) called productName
                // !Not used! double[] prices = new double[8] { 5.00, 15.00,10.00, 20.00, 5.00, 3.50, 25.00, 5.00};
                string[] names = new string[8] {
                    "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Godfather", "The Godfather: Part II", "The Dark Knight", "Schindler's List", "12 Angry Men", "Pulp Fiction", "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
                //above is an array that holds all titles we offer(8)
                if (names.Any(productName.Equals)) //check that productName equals a value in the array(any value)
                    //if productName equals a value in the array, we then check to see what productName was entered to find the cost of the item.
                    if (productName.Equals("The Shawshank Redemption"))
                        double          videocost   = 5.00;                           //cost of the item
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();             //call the videocostcal class
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost); //send videocost into the videocostcal class then but the value into totalcost
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();          //call the videobuydisplay
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);              //send the productName and totalcost to the display class
                    if (productName.Equals("The Godfather"))
                        double          videocost   = 15.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Godfather: Part II"))
                        double          videocost   = 10.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Dark Knight"))
                        double          videocost   = 20.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Schindler's List"))
                        double          videocost   = 5.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("12 Angry Men"))
                        double          videocost   = 3.50;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Pulp Fiction"))
                        double          videocost   = 25.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"))
                        double          videocost   = 5.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                else //runs if the productName entered isnt in the array but doesnt throw and error
                    SloganDisplay displayError = new SloganDisplay();  //solgan
                    displayError.Display();                                                        //display the slogan
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter an avalible title\n Press Enter to continue"); //write and wait for user key strike
                    BuyInput();                                                                    //run the method again
            catch (Exception myerror) //error catch