Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DriverType driverType;

            if (!AskUserForDriver(out driverType))

            useHighLevelShaders = AskUserForHighLevelShaders(driverType);

            if (useHighLevelShaders)
                useCgShaders = AskUserForCgShaders(driverType);

            device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(driverType, new Dimension2Di(640, 480));
            if (device == null)

            VideoDriver  driver = device.VideoDriver;
            SceneManager smgr   = device.SceneManager;

            string vsFileName = null;             // filename for the vertex shader
            string psFileName = null;             // filename for the pixel shader

            switch (driverType)
            case DriverType.Direct3D8:
                psFileName = "../../media/d3d8.psh";
                vsFileName = "../../media/d3d8.vsh";

            case DriverType.Direct3D9:
                if (useHighLevelShaders)
                    // Cg can also handle this syntax
                    psFileName = "../../media/d3d9.hlsl";
                    vsFileName = psFileName;                             // both shaders are in the same file
                    psFileName = "../../media/d3d9.psh";
                    vsFileName = "../../media/d3d9.vsh";

            case DriverType.OpenGL:
                if (useHighLevelShaders)
                    if (useCgShaders)
                        // Use HLSL syntax for Cg
                        psFileName = "../../media/d3d9.hlsl";
                        vsFileName = psFileName;                                 // both shaders are in the same file
                        psFileName = "../../media/opengl.frag";
                        vsFileName = "../../media/opengl.vert";
                    psFileName = "../../media/opengl.psh";
                    vsFileName = "../../media/opengl.vsh";

            if (!driver.QueryFeature(VideoDriverFeature.PixelShader_1_1) &&
                device.Logger.Log("WARNING: Pixel shaders disabled because of missing driver/hardware support.");

            if (!driver.QueryFeature(VideoDriverFeature.VertexShader_1_1) &&
                device.Logger.Log("WARNING: Vertex shaders disabled because of missing driver/hardware support.");

            // create materials

            GPUProgrammingServices gpu = driver.GPUProgrammingServices;
            MaterialType           newMaterialType1 = MaterialType.Solid;
            MaterialType           newMaterialType2 = MaterialType.TransparentAddColor;

            if (gpu != null)
                gpu.OnSetConstants += new GPUProgrammingServices.SetConstantsHandler(gpu_OnSetConstants);

                // create the shaders depending on if the user wanted high level or low level shaders

                if (useHighLevelShaders)
                    GPUShadingLanguage shadingLanguage = useCgShaders
                                                ? GPUShadingLanguage.Cg
                                                : GPUShadingLanguage.Default;

                    newMaterialType1 = gpu.AddHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles(
                        vsFileName, "vertexMain", VertexShaderType.VS_1_1,
                        psFileName, "pixelMain", PixelShaderType.PS_1_1,
                        MaterialType.Solid, 0, shadingLanguage);

                    newMaterialType2 = gpu.AddHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles(
                        vsFileName, "vertexMain", VertexShaderType.VS_1_1,
                        psFileName, "pixelMain", PixelShaderType.PS_1_1,
                        MaterialType.TransparentAddColor, 0, shadingLanguage);
                    // create material from low level shaders (asm or arb_asm)

                    newMaterialType1 = gpu.AddShaderMaterialFromFiles(vsFileName,
                                                                      psFileName, MaterialType.Solid);

                    newMaterialType2 = gpu.AddShaderMaterialFromFiles(vsFileName,
                                                                      psFileName, MaterialType.TransparentAddColor);

            if ((int)newMaterialType1 == -1)
                newMaterialType1 = MaterialType.Solid;

            if ((int)newMaterialType2 == -1)
                newMaterialType2 = MaterialType.TransparentAddColor;

            // create test scene node 1, with the new created material type 1

            SceneNode node = smgr.AddCubeSceneNode(50);

            node.Position = new Vector3Df(0);
            node.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/wall.bmp"));
            node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);

            smgr.AddTextSceneNode(device.GUIEnvironment.BuiltInFont, "PS & VS & EMT_SOLID", new Color(255, 255, 255), node);

            SceneNodeAnimator anim = smgr.CreateRotationAnimator(new Vector3Df(0, 0.3f, 0));


            // create test scene node 2, with the new created material type 2

            node          = smgr.AddCubeSceneNode(50);
            node.Position = new Vector3Df(0, -10, 50);
            node.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/wall.bmp"));
            node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
            node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.BlendOperation, true);

            smgr.AddTextSceneNode(device.GUIEnvironment.BuiltInFont, "PS & VS & EMT_TRANSPARENT", new Color(255, 255, 255), node);

            anim = smgr.CreateRotationAnimator(new Vector3Df(0, 0.3f, 0));

            // create test scene node 3, with no shader

            node          = smgr.AddCubeSceneNode(50);
            node.Position = new Vector3Df(0, 50, 25);
            node.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/wall.bmp"));
            node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);

            smgr.AddTextSceneNode(device.GUIEnvironment.BuiltInFont, "NO SHADER", new Color(255, 255, 255), node);

            // add a nice skybox

            driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.CreateMipMaps, false);

            SceneNode skybox = smgr.AddSkyBoxSceneNode(

            driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.CreateMipMaps, true);

            // add a camera and disable the mouse cursor

            CameraSceneNode cam = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS();

            cam.Position = new Vector3Df(-100, 50, 100);
            cam.Target   = new Vector3Df(0);

            device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

            // draw everything

            int lastFPS = -1;

            while (device.Run())
                if (device.WindowActive)
                    driver.BeginScene(true, true, new Color(0));

                    int fps = driver.FPS;
                    if (lastFPS != fps)
                                                    "Vertex and pixel shader example - Irrlicht Engine [{0}] fps: {1}",
                                                    driver.Name, fps));

                        lastFPS = fps;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DriverType?driverType = AskForDriver();

            if (!driverType.HasValue)

            device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(driverType.Value, new Dimension2Di(800, 600), 16);
            if (device == null)

            device.OnEvent += new IrrlichtDevice.EventHandler(device_OnEvent);
            device.SetWindowCaption("Irrlicht Engine - Loading...");

            VideoDriver    driver = device.VideoDriver;
            GUIEnvironment env    = device.GUIEnvironment;
            SceneManager   smgr   = device.SceneManager;

            smgr.Attributes.SetValue(SceneParameters.COLLADA_CreateSceneInstances, true);

            driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.Always32Bit, true);

            smgr.AddLightSceneNode(null, new Vector3Df(200), new Colorf(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 2000);
            smgr.AmbientLight = new Colorf(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);

            // add our media directory as "search path"

            // read configuration from xml file
            // (we use .NET way to do this, since Lime doesn't support native Irrlicht' xml reader)
            XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();

            startUpModelFile = xml.DocumentElement["startUpModel"].Attributes["file"].Value;
            caption          = xml.DocumentElement["messageText"].Attributes["caption"].Value;
            messageText      = xml.DocumentElement["messageText"].InnerText;

            if (args.Length > 0)
                startUpModelFile = args[0];

            // set a nicer font
            GUIFont font = env.GetFont("fonthaettenschweiler.bmp");

            if (font != null)

            // load the irrlicht engine logo
            GUIImage img = env.AddImage(
                new Vector2Di(10, driver.ScreenSize.Height - 128));

            img.ID = (int)guiID.Logo;

            // lock the logo's edges to the bottom left corner of the screen
            img.SetAlignment(GUIAlignment.UpperLeft, GUIAlignment.UpperLeft, GUIAlignment.LowerRight, GUIAlignment.LowerRight);

            // create menu
            GUIContextMenu menu = env.AddMenu();

            menu.AddItem("File", -1, true, true);
            menu.AddItem("View", -1, true, true);
            menu.AddItem("Camera", -1, true, true);
            menu.AddItem("Help", -1, true, true);

            GUIContextMenu submenu;

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(0);
            submenu.AddItem("Open Model File & Texture...", (int)guiID.OpenModel);
            submenu.AddItem("Set Model Archive...", (int)guiID.SetModelArchive);
            submenu.AddItem("Load as Octree", (int)guiID.LoadAsOctree);
            submenu.AddItem("Quit", (int)guiID.Quit);

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(1);
            submenu.AddItem("sky box visible", (int)guiID.SkyBoxVisible, true, false, true);
            submenu.AddItem("toggle model debug information", (int)guiID.ToggleDebugInfo, true, true);
            submenu.AddItem("model material", -1, true, true);

            submenu = submenu.GetSubMenu(1);
            submenu.AddItem("Off", (int)guiID.DebugOff);
            submenu.AddItem("Bounding Box", (int)guiID.DebugBoundingBox);
            submenu.AddItem("Normals", (int)guiID.DebugNormals);
            submenu.AddItem("Skeleton", (int)guiID.DebugSkeleton);
            submenu.AddItem("Wire overlay", (int)guiID.DebugWireOverlay);
            submenu.AddItem("Half-Transparent", (int)guiID.DebugHalfTransparent);
            submenu.AddItem("Buffers bounding boxes", (int)guiID.DebugBuffersBoundingBoxes);
            submenu.AddItem("All", (int)guiID.DebugAll);

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(1).GetSubMenu(2);
            submenu.AddItem("Solid", (int)guiID.ModelMaterialSolid);
            submenu.AddItem("Transparent", (int)guiID.ModelMaterialTransparent);
            submenu.AddItem("Reflection", (int)guiID.ModelMaterialReflection);

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(2);
            submenu.AddItem("Maya Style", (int)guiID.CameraMaya);
            submenu.AddItem("First Person", (int)guiID.CameraFirstPerson);

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(3);
            submenu.AddItem("About", (int)guiID.About);

            // create toolbar

            GUIToolBar bar = env.AddToolBar();

            Texture image = driver.GetTexture("open.png");

            bar.AddButton((int)guiID.ButtonOpenModel, null, "Open a model", image, null, false, true);

            image = driver.GetTexture("tools.png");
            bar.AddButton((int)guiID.ButtonShowToolbox, null, "Open Toolset", image, null, false, true);

            image = driver.GetTexture("zip.png");
            bar.AddButton((int)guiID.ButtonSelectArchive, null, "Set Model Archive", image, null, false, true);

            image = driver.GetTexture("help.png");
            bar.AddButton((int)guiID.ButtonShowAbout, null, "Open Help", image, null, false, true);

            // create a combobox with some senseless texts

            GUIComboBox box = env.AddComboBox(new Recti(250, 4, 350, 23), bar, (int)guiID.TextureFilter);

            box.AddItem("No filtering");

            // disable alpha
            setSkinTransparency(255, env.Skin);

            // add a tabcontrol

            // create fps text
            GUIStaticText fpstext = env.AddStaticText("", new Recti(400, 4, 570, 23), true, false, bar);
            GUIStaticText postext = env.AddStaticText("", new Recti(10, 50, 470, 80), false, false, null, (int)guiID.PositionText);

            postext.Visible = false;

            // show about message box and load default model
            if (args.Length == 0)


            // add skybox

            skybox = smgr.AddSkyBoxSceneNode(
                "irrlicht2_up.jpg", "irrlicht2_dn.jpg",
                "irrlicht2_lf.jpg", "irrlicht2_rt.jpg",
                "irrlicht2_ft.jpg", "irrlicht2_bk.jpg");

            // add a camera scene node

            camera[0]          = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeMaya();
            camera[0].FarValue = 20000;
            // Maya cameras reposition themselves relative to their target,
            // so target the location where the mesh scene node is placed.
            camera[0].Target = new Vector3Df(0, 30, 0);

            camera[1]          = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS();
            camera[1].FarValue = 20000;
            camera[1].Position = new Vector3Df(0, 0, -70);
            camera[1].Target   = new Vector3Df(0, 30, 0);


            // set window caption
            caption = string.Format("{0} - [{1}]", caption, driver.Name);

            // remember state so we notice when the window does lose the focus
            bool hasFocus = device.WindowFocused;

            // draw everything
            while (device.Run() && driver != null)
                // Catch focus changes (workaround until Irrlicht has events for this)
                bool focused = device.WindowFocused;
                if (hasFocus && !focused)

                hasFocus = focused;

                if (device.WindowActive)
                    driver.BeginScene(ClearBufferFlag.All, new Color(50, 50, 50));

                    string str = string.Format("FPS: {0} Tris: {1}", driver.FPS, driver.PrimitiveCountDrawn);
                    fpstext.Text = str;

                    CameraSceneNode cam = device.SceneManager.ActiveCamera;
                    str          = string.Format("Pos: {0} Tgt: {1}", cam.Position, cam.Target);
                    postext.Text = str;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main()
            DriverType?driverType = AskForDriver();

            if (!driverType.HasValue)

            IrrlichtDevice device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(driverType.Value, new Dimension2Di(640, 480));

            if (device == null)

            VideoDriver    driver = device.VideoDriver;
            SceneManager   smgr   = device.SceneManager;
            GUIEnvironment env    = device.GUIEnvironment;

            driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.Always32Bit, true);

            // add irrlicht logo
            env.AddImage(driver.GetTexture("../../media/irrlichtlogoalpha2.tga"), new Vector2Di(10));

            // add camera
            CameraSceneNode camera = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS();

            camera.Position = new Vector3Df(-200, 200, -200);

            // disable mouse cursor
            device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

            driver.Fog = new Fog(new Color(138, 125, 81, 0), FogType.Linear, 250, 1000, 0.003f, true, false);

            AnimatedMesh roomMesh = smgr.GetMesh("../../media/room.3ds");
            SceneNode    room     = null;
            SceneNode    earth    = null;

            if (roomMesh != null)
                // the room mesh doesn't have proper texture mapping on the floor,
                // so we can recreate them on runtime
                smgr.MeshManipulator.MakePlanarTextureMapping(roomMesh.GetMesh(0), 0.003f);

                Texture normalMap = driver.GetTexture("../../media/rockwall_height.bmp");
                if (normalMap != null)
                    driver.MakeNormalMapTexture(normalMap, 9.0f);

                Mesh tangentMesh = smgr.MeshManipulator.CreateMeshWithTangents(roomMesh.GetMesh(0));
                room = smgr.AddMeshSceneNode(tangentMesh);
                room.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/rockwall.jpg"));
                room.SetMaterialTexture(1, normalMap);
                room.GetMaterial(0).SpecularColor = new Color(0);
                room.GetMaterial(0).Shininess     = 0.0f;
                room.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Fog, true);
                room.GetMaterial(0).MaterialTypeParam = 1.0f / 64.0f; // adjust height for parallax effect

                tangentMesh.Drop();                                   // drop mesh because we created it with a "create" call

            // add earth sphere
            AnimatedMesh earthMesh = smgr.GetMesh("../../media/earth.x");

            if (earthMesh != null)
                // perform various task with the mesh manipulator
                MeshManipulator manipulator = smgr.MeshManipulator;

                // create mesh copy with tangent informations from original earth.x mesh
                Mesh tangentSphereMesh = manipulator.CreateMeshWithTangents(earthMesh.GetMesh(0));

                // set the alpha value of all vertices to 200
                manipulator.SetVertexColorAlpha(tangentSphereMesh, 200);

                // scale the mesh by factor 50
                Matrix m = new Matrix();
                m.Scale = new Vector3Df(50);
                manipulator.Transform(tangentSphereMesh, m);

                earth          = smgr.AddMeshSceneNode(tangentSphereMesh);
                earth.Position = new Vector3Df(-70, 130, 45);

                // load heightmap, create normal map from it and set it
                Texture earthNormalMap = driver.GetTexture("../../media/earthbump.jpg");
                if (earthNormalMap != null)
                    driver.MakeNormalMapTexture(earthNormalMap, 20);
                    earth.SetMaterialTexture(1, earthNormalMap);

                // adjust material settings
                earth.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Fog, true);

                // add rotation animator
                SceneNodeAnimator anim = smgr.CreateRotationAnimator(new Vector3Df(0, 0.1f, 0));

                // drop mesh because we created it with a "create" call.

            // add light 1 (more green)
            LightSceneNode light1 = smgr.AddLightSceneNode(null, new Vector3Df(), new Colorf(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f), 800);

            if (light1 != null)
                light1.DebugDataVisible = DebugSceneType.BBox;

                // add fly circle animator to light
                SceneNodeAnimator anim = smgr.CreateFlyCircleAnimator(new Vector3Df(50, 300, 0), 190.0f, -0.003f);

                // attach billboard to the light
                BillboardSceneNode bill = smgr.AddBillboardSceneNode(light1, new Dimension2Df(60, 60));
                bill.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
                bill.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.ZWrite, false);
                bill.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/particlegreen.jpg"));

            // add light 2 (red)
            SceneNode light2 = smgr.AddLightSceneNode(null, new Vector3Df(), new Colorf(1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f), 800.0f);

            if (light2 != null)
                // add fly circle animator to light
                SceneNodeAnimator anim = smgr.CreateFlyCircleAnimator(new Vector3Df(0, 150, 0), 200.0f, 0.001f, new Vector3Df(0.2f, 0.9f, 0.0f));

                // attach billboard to light
                SceneNode bill = smgr.AddBillboardSceneNode(light2, new Dimension2Df(120, 120));
                bill.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
                bill.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.ZWrite, false);
                bill.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/particlered.bmp"));

                // add particle system
                ParticleSystemSceneNode ps = smgr.AddParticleSystemSceneNode(false, light2);

                // create and set emitter
                ParticleEmitter em = ps.CreateBoxEmitter(
                    new AABBox(-3, 0, -3, 3, 1, 3),
                    new Vector3Df(0.0f, 0.03f, 0.0f),
                    80, 100,
                    new Color(255, 255, 255, 10), new Color(255, 255, 255, 10),
                    400, 1100);

                em.MinStartSize = new Dimension2Df(30.0f, 40.0f);
                em.MaxStartSize = new Dimension2Df(30.0f, 40.0f);

                ps.Emitter = em;

                // create and set affector
                ParticleAffector paf = ps.CreateFadeOutParticleAffector();

                // adjust some material settings
                ps.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
                ps.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.ZWrite, false);
                ps.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/fireball.bmp"));

            MyEventReceiver receiver = new MyEventReceiver(device, room, earth);

            int lastFPS = -1;

            while (device.Run())
                if (device.WindowActive)
                    driver.BeginScene(ClearBufferFlag.All, new Color(0));



                    int fps = driver.FPS;
                    if (lastFPS != fps)
                                                    "Per pixel lighting example - Irrlicht Engine [{0}] fps: {1}",
                                                    driver.Name, fps));

                        lastFPS = fps;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void Main()
            DriverType?driverType = AskForDriver();

            if (!driverType.HasValue)

            IrrlichtDevice device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(driverType.Value, new Dimension2Di(640, 480));

            if (device == null)

            VideoDriver    driver = device.VideoDriver;
            SceneManager   smgr   = device.SceneManager;
            GUIEnvironment env    = device.GUIEnvironment;

            driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.Always32Bit, true);

            // add irrlicht logo
            env.AddImage(driver.GetTexture("../../media/irrlichtlogoalpha2.tga"), new Vector2Di(10));

            // set gui font

            // add some help text
                "Press 'W' to change wireframe mode\nPress 'D' to toggle detail map\nPress 'S' to toggle skybox/skydome",
                new Recti(10, 421, 250, 475), true, true, null, -1, true);

            // add camera
            CameraSceneNode camera = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS(null, 100.0f, 1.2f);

            camera.Position = new Vector3Df(2700 * 2, 255 * 2, 2600 * 2);
            camera.Target   = new Vector3Df(2397 * 2, 343 * 2, 2700 * 2);
            camera.FarValue = 42000.0f;

            // disable mouse cursor
            device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

            // add terrain scene node
            TerrainSceneNode terrain = smgr.AddTerrainSceneNode(
                "../../media/terrain-heightmap.bmp",                    // heightmap
                null,                                                   // parent node
                -1,                                                     // node id
                new Vector3Df(),                                        // position
                new Vector3Df(),                                        // rotation
                new Vector3Df(40, 4.4f, 40),                            // scale
                new Color(255, 255, 255),                               // vertex color
                5,                                                      // max LOD
                TerrainPatchSize._17,                                   // patch size
                4);                                                     // smooth factor

            terrain.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
            terrain.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/terrain-texture.jpg"));
            terrain.SetMaterialTexture(1, driver.GetTexture("../../media/detailmap3.jpg"));

            terrain.ScaleTexture(1, 20);

            // create triangle selector for the terrain
            TriangleSelector selector = smgr.CreateTerrainTriangleSelector(terrain, 0);

            terrain.TriangleSelector = selector;

            // create collision response animator and attach it to the camera
            SceneNodeAnimator anim = smgr.CreateCollisionResponseAnimator(
                selector, camera,
                new Vector3Df(60, 100, 60),
                new Vector3Df(0, 0, 0),
                new Vector3Df(0, 50, 0));


            // create skybox and skydome
            driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.CreateMipMaps, false);

            SceneNode skybox = smgr.AddSkyBoxSceneNode(

            SceneNode skydome = smgr.AddSkyDomeSceneNode(driver.GetTexture("../../media/skydome.jpg"), 16, 8, 0.95f, 2);

            driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.CreateMipMaps, true);

            // create event receiver
            new MyEventReceiver(device, terrain, skybox, skydome);

            int lastFPS = -1;

            while (device.Run())
                if (device.WindowActive)
                    driver.BeginScene(ClearBufferFlag.All, new Color(0));



                    // display frames per second in window title
                    int fps = driver.FPS;
                    if (lastFPS != fps)
                        // also print terrain height of current camera position
                        // we can use camera position because terrain is located at coordinate origin

                                                    "Terrain rendering example - Irrlicht Engine [{0}] fps: {1} Height: {2}",
                                                    driver.Name, fps, terrain.GetHeight(camera.AbsolutePosition.X, camera.AbsolutePosition.Z)));

                        lastFPS = fps;

        /// <summary>
        /// The irrlicht thread for rendering.
        /// </summary>
        private void StartIrr()
                float DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = (float)(Math.PI / 180.0);

                IrrlichtCreationParameters irrparam = new IrrlichtCreationParameters();
                if (irrlichtPanel.IsDisposed)
                    throw new Exception("Form closed!");
                if (irrlichtPanel.InvokeRequired)
                    irrlichtPanel.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { irrparam.WindowID = irrlichtPanel.Handle; }));
                irrparam.DriverType   = DriverType.Direct3D9;
                irrparam.BitsPerPixel = 32;
                irrparam.AntiAliasing = 1;

                device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(irrparam);

                if (device == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("Could not create device for engine!");

                driver = device.VideoDriver;
                smgr   = SceneManagerWolvenKit.Create(device);
                gui    = device.GUIEnvironment;

                smgr.Attributes.SetValue("TW_TW3_TEX_PATH", depot);
                driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.Always32Bit, true);

                lightNode         = smgr.AddLightSceneNode(null, new Vector3Df(0, 0, 0), new Colorf(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 200000.0f);
                smgr.AmbientLight = new Colorf(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                worldNode         = smgr.AddEmptySceneNode();
                //NOTE: Witcher assets use Z up but Irrlicht uses Y up so rotate the model
                worldNode.Rotation = new Vector3Df(-90, 0, 0);
                //NOTE: We also need to flip the x-coordinate with this rotation
                worldNode.Scale   = new Vector3Df(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                worldNode.Visible = true;

                var dome = smgr.AddSkyDomeSceneNode(driver.GetTexture("Terrain\\skydome.jpg"), 16, 8, 0.95f, 2.0f);
                dome.Visible = true;

                fpsText = gui.AddStaticText("FPS: 0",
                                            new Recti(2, 10, 200, 30), false, false, null, 1, false);
                fpsText.OverrideColor = IrrlichtLime.Video.Color.SolidRed;
                fpsText.OverrideFont  = gui.GetFont("#DefaultWKFont");

                vertexCountText = gui.AddStaticText("Vertices: " + totalVertexCount.ToString(),
                                                    new Recti(2, 32, 300, 52), false, false, null, 1, false);
                vertexCountText.OverrideColor = IrrlichtLime.Video.Color.SolidRed;
                vertexCountText.OverrideFont  = gui.GetFont("#DefaultWKFont");

                meshCountText = gui.AddStaticText("Meshes: " + totalMeshCount.ToString(),
                                                  new Recti(2, 54, 300, 74), false, false, null, 1, false);
                meshCountText.OverrideColor = IrrlichtLime.Video.Color.SolidRed;
                meshCountText.OverrideFont  = gui.GetFont("#DefaultWKFont");

                var camera = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeWolvenKit();
                camera.FarValue = 10000.0f;

                //    camera.FarValue = (float)Math.Pow(10.0, (double)distanceBar.Value);

                viewPort = driver.ViewPort;
                var lineMat = new IrrlichtLime.Video.Material
                    Lighting = false

                var WMatrix = new Matrix(new Vector3Df(0, 0, 0), smgr.ActiveCamera.ModelRotation);

                var PMatrix = new Matrix();
                PMatrix = PMatrix.BuildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH(100, 80, 0.001f, 10000.0f);

                var VMatrix = new Matrix();
                VMatrix = VMatrix.BuildCameraLookAtMatrixLH(new Vector3Df(50, 0, 0), new Vector3Df(0, 0, 0), new Vector3Df(0, 1f, 0));

                int gizmoX        = (int)(irrlichtPanel.Width * 0.92f);
                int gizmoY        = (int)(irrlichtPanel.Height * 0.92f);
                var gizmoViewPort = new Recti(gizmoX, gizmoY, irrlichtPanel.Width, irrlichtPanel.Height);

                while (device.Run())
                    if (this.Visible)

                        int val = driver.FPS;
                        fpsText.Text = "FPS: " + val.ToString();


                        // draw xyz axis right bottom
                        driver.ViewPort = gizmoViewPort;


                        WMatrix.SetRotationRadians(smgr.ActiveCamera.ModelRotation * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
                        driver.SetTransform(TransformationState.World, WMatrix);
                        driver.SetTransform(TransformationState.Projection, PMatrix);
                        driver.SetTransform(TransformationState.View, VMatrix);

                        driver.Draw3DLine(0, 0, 0, 30f, 0, 0, IrrlichtLime.Video.Color.SolidGreen);
                        driver.Draw3DLine(0, 0, 0, 0, 30f, 0, IrrlichtLime.Video.Color.SolidBlue);
                        driver.Draw3DLine(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30f, IrrlichtLime.Video.Color.SolidRed);

                        driver.ViewPort = viewPort;

            catch (ThreadAbortException) { }
            catch (NullReferenceException) { }
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!this.IsDisposed)
                    //this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.Close(); }));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// The irrlicht thread for rendering.
        /// </summary>
        private void StartIrr()
                IrrlichtCreationParameters irrparam = new IrrlichtCreationParameters();
                if (irrlichtPanel.IsDisposed)
                    throw new Exception("Form closed!");
                if (irrlichtPanel.InvokeRequired)
                    irrlichtPanel.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { irrparam.WindowID = irrlichtPanel.Handle; }));
                irrparam.DriverType   = DriverType.Direct3D9;
                irrparam.DriverType   = DriverType.OpenGL;
                irrparam.BitsPerPixel = 16;

                device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(irrparam);

                if (device == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("Could not create device for engine!");

                driver = device.VideoDriver;
                smgr   = device.SceneManager;
                gui    = device.GUIEnvironment;

                var cam = smgr.AddCameraSceneNode(null);
                cam.TargetAndRotationBinding = true;
                cam.Position = new Vector3Df(-100.0f, 500.0f, 100.0f);
                cam.Target   = new Vector3Df(0.0f);
                cam.FarValue = 42000.0f;

                device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

                heightmap = driver.CreateImage("Terrain\\basemap.bmp");

                terrain = smgr.AddTerrainSceneNode(
                    new Vector3Df(0.0f)
                terrain.Scale = new Vector3Df(32, 5, 32);
                terrain.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);

                terrain.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("Terrain\\rockwall.jpg"));
                selector = smgr.CreateTerrainTriangleSelector(terrain, 0);

                var arrow = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(smgr.AddArrowMesh("arrow", new IrrlichtLime.Video.Color(255, 255, 0, 0), new IrrlichtLime.Video.Color(255, 0, 255, 0)), null);
                arrow.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
                arrow.Scale    = new Vector3Df(100.0f);
                arrow.Rotation = new Vector3Df(0.0f, 0.0f, 180.0f);

                //Skybox and skydome
                driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.CreateMipMaps, false);

                /*var box = smgr.AddSkyBoxSceneNode(
                 *  ("Terrain\\irrlicht2_up.jpg"),
                 *  ("Terrain\\irrlicht2_dn.jpg"),
                 *  ("Terrain\\irrlicht2_lf.jpg"),
                 *  ("Terrain\\irrlicht2_rt.jpg"),
                 *  ("Terrain\\irrlicht2_ft.jpg"),
                 *  ("Terrain\\irrlicht2_bk.jpg"));
                 * box.Visible = true;*/

                var dome = smgr.AddSkyDomeSceneNode(driver.GetTexture("Terrain\\skydome.jpg"), 16, 8, 0.95f, 2.0f);
                dome.Visible = true;
                driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.CreateMipMaps, true);

                var helpq = gui.AddStaticText("Press Q to disable focus!",
                                              new Recti(0, this.ClientSize.Height - 40, 100, this.ClientSize.Height), true, true, null, 1, true);
                var helpesc = gui.AddStaticText("Press ESC to quit",
                                                new Recti(0, this.ClientSize.Height - 20, 100, this.ClientSize.Height), true, true, null, 1, true);
                middletext = gui.AddStaticText("Click to enable mouselook and move with WASD",
                                               new Recti(ClientSize.Width / 2 - 100, this.ClientSize.Height / 2, ClientSize.Width / 2 + 100, this.ClientSize.Height / 2 + 30), true, true, null, 1, true);
                middletext.OverrideColor   = IrrlichtLime.Video.Color.SolidWhite;
                middletext.BackgroundColor = IrrlichtLime.Video.Color.SolidBlack;
                var irrTimer = device.Timer;
                var then     = 0;
                var then30   = 0;

                device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

                Vector2Df lastcurr = new Vector2Df(0f);
                uint      dt       = 0;
                while (device.Run())

                    if (catchmouse)
                        // move the arrow to the nearest vertex ...
                        IrrlichtLime.Core.Vector2Di center = new IrrlichtLime.Core.Vector2Di(irrlichtPanel.Width / 2, irrlichtPanel.Height / 2);
                        Line3Df     ray = smgr.SceneCollisionManager.GetRayFromScreenCoordinates(center, cam);
                        Vector3Df   pos;
                        Triangle3Df Tri;
                        var         curr = device.CursorControl.RelativePosition;

                        // Threshold and periodical check so we don't spin around due to float conversions
                        if (device.Timer.Time > dt && curr.GetDistanceFrom(lastcurr) > 0.01f)
                            Line3Df cursor_ray = smgr.SceneCollisionManager
                                                 .GetRayFromScreenCoordinates(new Vector2Di((int)(curr.X * irrlichtPanel.Width), (int)(curr.Y * irrlichtPanel.Height)), cam);

                            smgr.ActiveCamera.Target = cursor_ray.Middle;
                            dt       = device.Timer.Time + 30;
                            lastcurr = curr;
                            device.CursorControl.Position = center;

                        if (smgr.SceneCollisionManager.GetCollisionPoint(ray, selector, out pos, out Tri, out outnode))
                            var scale = 32;  // terrain is scaled 32X
                            var size  = 512; // heightmap is 512x512 pixels
                            var x     = (pos.X / scale);
                            var z     = (pos.Z / scale);
                            var index = x * size + z;

                            x *= scale;
                            z *= scale;

                            arrow.Position = new Vector3Df(x, terrain.GetHeight(x, z) + 100, z);



                    //device.CursorControl.Position = new Vector2Di(irrlichtPanel.

            catch (ThreadAbortException) { }
            catch (NullReferenceException) { }
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!this.IsDisposed)
                    //this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.Close(); }));