/// <summary> /// Remove VFR Info formation a Given Job /// </summary> /// <param name="jobID"></param> static public GlobalVars.ResultGeneric DeleteVFRInfo(int jobID) { GlobalVars.ResultGeneric result = new GlobalVars.ResultGeneric() { ReturnCode = 0, Message = "", RecordsCount = 0, HttpStatusCode = "" }; try { logger.Trace("Entering into DeleteVFRInfo Method ..."); using (ScanningDBContext DB = new ScanningDBContext()) { Vfr Matching_Result = DB.Vfr.FirstOrDefault(x => x.JobId == jobID); if (Matching_Result != null) { DB.Vfr.Remove(Matching_Result); DB.SaveChanges(); result.Message = "DeleteVFRInfo transaction completed successfully. One Record Deleted."; } else { result.ReturnCode = -1; result.Message = "Job ID" + jobID + " does not exist. DeleteVFRInfo transaction ignore."; } logger.Debug(result.Message); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("Error:" + e.Message + "\n" + "Exception: " + e.InnerException); result.ReturnCode = -2; result.Message = e.Message; var baseException = e.GetBaseException(); result.Exception = baseException.ToString(); } logger.Trace("Leaving DeleteVFRInfo Method ..."); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// The Update Method creates a new records if it does not exist /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> static public GlobalVars.ResultGeneric UpdateVFRInfo(GlobalVars.VFR vfr) { GlobalVars.ResultGeneric result = new GlobalVars.ResultGeneric() { ReturnCode = 0, Message = "", RecordsCount = 0, HttpStatusCode = "" }; try { logger.Trace("Entering into UpdateVFRInfo Method ..."); using (ScanningDBContext DB = new ScanningDBContext()) { // Customer Names must be unique in the Database. The Name could be change but it must be unique Vfr Matching_Result = DB.Vfr.FirstOrDefault(x => x.JobId == vfr.JobID); Vfr record = new Vfr(); record.Cadiurl = vfr.CADIUrl; record.CaptureTemplate = vfr.CaptureTemplate; record.InstanceName = vfr.InstanceName; record.JobId = vfr.JobID; //record.SettingId = vfr.SettingID; record.Password = vfr.Password; record.UserName = vfr.UserName; record.RepositoryName = vfr.RepositoryName; record.QueryField = vfr.QueryField; if (Matching_Result == null) { DB.Vfr.Add(record); DB.SaveChanges(); result.Message = "There was not information associated to an VFR Server, so new records was created successfully."; } else { // Means --> table has a record and it will be updated Matching_Result.Cadiurl = vfr.CADIUrl; Matching_Result.CaptureTemplate = vfr.CaptureTemplate; Matching_Result.InstanceName = vfr.InstanceName; Matching_Result.JobId = vfr.JobID; //Matching_Result.SettingId = vfr.SettingID; Matching_Result.Password = vfr.Password; Matching_Result.UserName = vfr.UserName; Matching_Result.RepositoryName = vfr.RepositoryName; Matching_Result.QueryField = vfr.QueryField; DB.SaveChanges(); result.Message = "VFR Inforation was updated successfully."; } } logger.Debug(result.Message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("Error:" + e.Message + "\n" + "Exception: " + e.InnerException); result.ReturnCode = -2; result.Message = e.Message; var baseException = e.GetBaseException(); result.Exception = baseException.ToString(); } logger.Trace("Leaving UpdateVFRInfo Method ..."); return(result); }