/// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ThrottleControlledAvionics.AtmoSim"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="body">Planetary body.</param>
 /// <param name="vsl">VesselWrapper.</param>
 public AtmoSim(CelestialBody body, VesselWrapper vsl)
     Body = body;
     VSL = vsl;
     //0.0005 converts dynamic pressure to kPa and divides area by 2: Drag = dP * Cd * S/2.
     Cd = 0.0005 * Globals.Instance.ORB.DragK * PhysicsGlobals.DragCubeMultiplier * PhysicsGlobals.DragMultiplier;
 public bool ConditionsMet(VesselWrapper VSL)
     var ret = Conditions.Count == 0;
     for(int i = 0, count = Conditions.Count; i < count; i++)
         ret |= Conditions[i].True(VSL);
     return ret;
 public static float BrakingDistance(float V0, float thrust, float mflow, float throttle, VesselWrapper VSL, out float ttb)
     ttb = VSL.Engines.TTB(V0, thrust, mflow, throttle);
     return V0*ttb +
         thrust/mflow *
         ((ttb-VSL.Physics.M/mflow/throttle) *
          Mathf.Log((VSL.Physics.M-mflow*throttle*ttb)/VSL.Physics.M) - ttb);
 public RendezvousTrajectory(VesselWrapper vsl, Vector3d dV, double startUT, WayPoint target, double min_PeR, double transfer_time = -1)
     : base(vsl, dV, startUT, target)
     MinPeR = min_PeR;
     TransferTime = transfer_time;
     TargetOrbit = Target.GetOrbit();
     TargetVessel = Target.GetVessel();
 public static void AddNode(VesselWrapper VSL, Vector3d dV, double UT)
     var node = VSL.vessel.patchedConicSolver.AddManeuverNode(UT);
     var norm = node.patch.GetOrbitNormal().normalized;
     var prograde = node.patch.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT).normalized;
     var radial = Vector3d.Cross(prograde, norm).normalized;
     node.DeltaV = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(dV, radial),
                                Vector3d.Dot(dV, norm),
                                Vector3d.Dot(dV, prograde));
 protected BaseTrajectory(VesselWrapper vsl, Vector3d dV, double startUT)
     VSL = vsl;
     ManeuverDeltaV = dV;
     ManeuverDuration = VSL.Engines.TTB((float)ManeuverDeltaV.magnitude);
     StartUT = startUT;
     TimeToStart = startUT-VSL.Physics.UT;
     Body = VSL.vessel.orbitDriver.orbit.referenceBody;
     OrigOrbit = VSL.vessel.orbitDriver.orbit;
     Orbit = TrajectoryCalculator.NewOrbit(OrigOrbit, ManeuverDeltaV, StartUT);
     StartPos = Orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(StartUT);
     StartVel = Orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(StartUT);
 public static float BrakingOffset(float V0, VesselWrapper VSL)
     float ttb; return BrakingDistance(V0, VSL, out ttb)/V0;
 protected override bool Evaluate(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return VSL.LandedOrSplashed;
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return VSL.HorizontalSpeed;
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute;
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return (float)VSL.vessel.staticPressurekPa;
 protected void Log(VesselWrapper VSL, string msg, params object[] args)
     VSL.vessel.Log(msg, args);
 public static VesselConfig GetConfig(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return GetConfig(VSL.vessel);
        public static bool AvoideVessel(VesselWrapper vsl, Vector3d dir, float dist, Vector3d dV, 
		                                float r2, Bounds exhaust2, Transform refT2,
		                                out Vector3d maneuver, float threshold = -1)
            maneuver = Vector3d.zero;
            //filter vessels on non-collision courses
            var dVn = dV.normalized;
            var cosA = Mathf.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(dir, dVn), -1, 1);
            var collision_dist = threshold.Equals(0)?
                Mathf.Sqrt(exhaust2.SqrDistance(refT2.InverseTransformPoint(vsl.Physics.wCoM))) :
                Mathf.Max(vsl.Geometry.R, dist-vsl.Geometry.DistToBounds(vsl.Physics.wCoM+dir*dist)) +
                Mathf.Max(r2, dist-Mathf.Sqrt(exhaust2.SqrDistance(refT2.InverseTransformPoint(vsl.Physics.wCoM))));
            //			vsl.Log("R {}, R2 {}; r {}, r2 {}", vsl.Geometry.R, r2,
            //			        dist-vsl.DistToBounds(vsl.wCoM+dir*dist),
            //			        dist-Mathf.Sqrt(exhaust2.SqrDistance(refT2.InverseTransformPoint(vsl.wCoM))));//debug
            //			Utils.Log("{}: cosA: {}, threshold {}", vsl.vessel.vesselName, cosA, threshold);//debug
            if(cosA <= 0) goto check_distance;
            if(threshold < 0) threshold = CPS.MinDistance;
            var sinA = Mathf.Sqrt(1-cosA*cosA);
            var min_separation = dist*sinA;
            var sep_threshold = collision_dist+threshold;
            //			Utils.Log("{}: min_sep > sep_thresh: {} > {}, threshold {}",
            //			          vsl.vessel.vesselName, min_separation, sep_threshold, threshold);//debug
            if(min_separation > sep_threshold) goto check_distance;
            //calculate time to collision
            var vDist = 0f;
            var alpha = Mathf.Acos(cosA);
            var dVm   = dV.magnitude;
            if(sinA <= 0) vDist = dist-sep_threshold;
            else if(dist > sep_threshold) vDist = sep_threshold*Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Asin(min_separation/sep_threshold)-alpha)/sinA;
            var vTime = Utils.ClampL(vDist, 0.1f)/dVm;
            //				Utils.Log("{}: vTime > SafeTime: {} > {}",
            //				          vsl.vessel.vesselName, vTime, CPS.SafeTime/Utils.Clamp(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(vsl.wMaxAngularA, dVn)), 0.01f, 1f));//debug
            if(vTime > SafeTime(vsl, dVn)) goto check_distance;
            //calculate maneuver
            Vector3d side;
            if(cosA < 0.9) side = (dVn*cosA-dir).normalized;
            else if(Math.Abs(Vector3d.Dot(dVn, vsl.Physics.Up)) < 0.9)
                side = Vector3d.Cross(dVn, vsl.Physics.Up).normalized;
            else side = Vector3d.Cross(dVn, vsl.OnPlanetParams.Fwd).normalized;
            //			if(dist > sep_threshold)
            //			{
            //				var beta = Mathf.Asin(sep_threshold/dist)-alpha;
            //				maneuver = (Mathf.Sin(beta)*side + dVn*(Mathf.Cos(beta)-1)).normalized;
            //			}
            //			else
            maneuver  = side;
            maneuver += vsl.Physics.Up*Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(dir, vsl.Physics.Up))*(min_separation/sep_threshold-1);
            maneuver *= (sep_threshold-min_separation) / Math.Sqrt(vTime);
            //			maneuver = (-vsl.Up*Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(dir, vsl.Up))*(1-min_separation/sep_threshold) +
            //			            (dVn*cosA-dir).normalized).normalized * (sep_threshold-min_separation) / vTime;
            //			vsl.Log("\ndist {}\ndV {}\nmaneuver: {}\n" +
            //			        "vTime {}, vDist {}, min sep {}, sep_thresh {}",
            //			        dir*dist, dV, maneuver, vTime, vDist, min_separation, sep_threshold);//debug
            #if DEBUG
            Collided |= dist < collision_dist;
            //if distance is not safe, correct course anyway
            var collision = !maneuver.IsZero();
            dist -= collision_dist;
            if(dist < threshold)
                var dist_to_safe = Utils.ClampH(dist-threshold, -0.01f);
                var dc = dir*dist_to_safe;
                if(vsl.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector.sqrMagnitude > CPS.LatAvoidMinVelSqr)
                    var lat_avoid = Vector3d.Cross(vsl.Physics.Up, vsl.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector.normalized);
                    dc = Vector3d.Dot(dc, lat_avoid) >= 0?
                        lat_avoid*dist_to_safe :
                if(dc.sqrMagnitude > 0.25) maneuver += dc/CPS.SafeTime*2;
            //				vsl.Log("adding safe distance correction: {}", dc/CPS.SafeTime*2);//debug
            //			#if DEBUG
            //			Dir = dir*dist;
            //			DeltaV = dV;
            //			Maneuver = maneuver;
            //			#endif
            return collision;
 public static bool AvoidStatic(VesselWrapper vsl, Vector3d dir, float dist, Vector3d dV, out Vector3d maneuver)
     maneuver = Vector3d.zero;
     var dVn = dV.normalized;
     var cosA = Mathf.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(dir, dVn), -1, 1);
     if(cosA <= 0) return false;
     var sinA = Mathf.Sqrt(1-cosA*cosA);
     var vdist = dist*cosA;
     var min_separation = dist*sinA;
     if(min_separation > vsl.Geometry.D ||
        min_separation > vsl.Geometry.R && vdist < min_separation) return false;
     maneuver = (dVn*cosA-dir).normalized;
     var vTime = dist*cosA/dV.magnitude;
     if(vTime > SafeTime(vsl, dVn)) return false;
     maneuver *= (vsl.Geometry.D-min_separation) / Math.Sqrt(vTime);
     return true;
 public static float BrakingNodeCorrection(float V0, VesselWrapper VSL)
     float ttb;
     var offset = BrakingOffset(V0, VSL, out ttb);
     return  offset - ttb/2;
 public static float BrakingDistance(float V0, VesselWrapper VSL, out float ttb)
     return BrakingDistance(V0, VSL.Engines.MaxThrustM, VSL.Engines.MaxMassFlow,
                            ThrottleControl.NextThrottle((float)V0, 1, VSL),
                            VSL, out ttb);
 public static Sweep Cast(VesselWrapper vsl, Vector3 dir, float angle, float dist)
     var s = new Sweep(vsl);
     s.Cast(dir, angle, dist);
     return s;
 public void Copy(Sweep s)
     VSL = s.VSL;
     L = s.L; C = s.C; R = s.R;
     Obstacle = s.Obstacle;
     Altitude = s.Altitude;
     Maneuver = s.Maneuver;
     Valid = s.Valid;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 protected override bool Evaluate(VesselWrapper VSL)
 public HorizontalSpeedProps(VesselWrapper vsl) : base(vsl)
 static float SafeTime(VesselWrapper vsl, Vector3d dVn)
     return CPS.SafeTime/Utils.Clamp(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(vsl.Torque.MaxCurrent.AA, vsl.LocalDir(dVn))), 0.01f, 1f);
 public AltitudeProps(VesselWrapper vsl)
     : base(vsl)
 public static float NextThrottle(float dV, float throttle, VesselWrapper VSL)
     return NextThrottle(dV, throttle, VSL.Physics.M, VSL.Engines.MaxThrustM, VSL.Engines.ThrustDecelerationTime);
 public OnPlanetProps(VesselWrapper vsl)
     : base(vsl)
 /// <summary>
 /// Perform the Action on a specified VSL.
 /// Returns true if it is not finished and should be called on next update. 
 /// False if it is finished.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="VSL">VesselWrapper</param>
 protected virtual bool Action(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected override bool Evaluate(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return(VSL.OnPlanet && VSL.Body.atmosphere);
 public bool Execute(VesselWrapper VSL)
     if(Done) return false;
         Active = true;
         if(Parent != null)
     Done = !Action(VSL);
     Active &= !Done;
     return !Done;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 protected override bool Evaluate(VesselWrapper VSL)
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return (float)VSL.vessel.srfSpeed;
Ejemplo n.º 31
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return VSL.Altitude;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)
 protected override bool Evaluate(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return VSL.OnPlanet && VSL.Body.atmosphere;
Ejemplo n.º 35
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)
 protected override bool Evaluate(VesselWrapper VSL)
     return VSL.OnPlanet;
Ejemplo n.º 37
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)
 public InfoProps(VesselWrapper vsl)
     : base(vsl)
Ejemplo n.º 39
 protected override float VesselValue(VesselWrapper VSL)