Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static List <AssemblyFolderItem> GatherVersionStrings(string targetRuntimeVersion, AssemblyFolderCollection collection)
         ((from folder in collection.AssemblyFolders
           let targetVersion = VersionUtilities.ConvertToVersion(targetRuntimeVersion)
                               let replacementVersion = GetFrameworkVersion(folder.FrameworkVersion)
                                                        where targetVersion != null && targetVersion >= replacementVersion
                                                        orderby folder.FrameworkVersion descending
                                                        select folder).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerate the gac and generate a list of assemblies which match the strongname by runtime.
        /// </summary>
        private static SortedDictionary <Version, SortedDictionary <AssemblyNameExtension, string> > GenerateListOfAssembliesByRuntime(string strongName, GetAssemblyRuntimeVersion getRuntimeVersion, Version targetedRuntime, FileExists fileExists, GetPathFromFusionName getPathFromFusionName, GetGacEnumerator getGacEnumerator, bool specificVersion)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(targetedRuntime, nameof(targetedRuntime));

            IEnumerable <AssemblyNameExtension> gacEnum = getGacEnumerator(strongName);

            // Dictionary of Runtime version (sorted in reverse order) to a list of assemblies which are part of that runtime. This will allow us to pick the highest runtime and version first.
            SortedDictionary <Version, SortedDictionary <AssemblyNameExtension, string> > assembliesWithValidRuntimes = new SortedDictionary <Version, SortedDictionary <AssemblyNameExtension, string> >(ReverseVersionGenericComparer.Comparer);

            // Enumerate the gac values returned based on the partial or full fusion name.
            if (gacEnum != null)
                foreach (AssemblyNameExtension gacAssembly in gacEnum)
                    // We only have a fusion name from the IAssemblyName interface we need to get the path to the assembly to resolve it and to check its runtime.
                    string assemblyPath = getPathFromFusionName(gacAssembly.FullName);

                    // Make sure we could get the path from the Fusion name and make sure the file actually exists.
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyPath) && fileExists(assemblyPath))
                        // Get the runtime version from the found assembly.
                        string runtimeVersionRaw = getRuntimeVersion(assemblyPath);

                        // Convert the runtime string to a version so we can properly compare them as per version object comparison rules.
                        // We will accept version which are less than or equal to the targeted runtime.
                        Version runtimeVersion = VersionUtilities.ConvertToVersion(runtimeVersionRaw);

                        // Make sure the targeted runtime is greater than or equal to the runtime version of the assembly we got from the gac.
                        if (runtimeVersion != null)
                            if (targetedRuntime.CompareTo(runtimeVersion) >= 0 || specificVersion)
                                SortedDictionary <AssemblyNameExtension, string> assembliesWithRuntime = null;
                                assembliesWithValidRuntimes.TryGetValue(runtimeVersion, out assembliesWithRuntime);

                                // Create a new list if one does not exist.
                                if (assembliesWithRuntime == null)
                                    assembliesWithRuntime = new SortedDictionary <AssemblyNameExtension, string>(AssemblyNameReverseVersionComparer.GenericComparer);
                                    assembliesWithValidRuntimes.Add(runtimeVersion, assembliesWithRuntime);

                                if (!assembliesWithRuntime.ContainsKey(gacAssembly))
                                    // Add the assembly to the list
                                    assembliesWithRuntime.Add(gacAssembly, assemblyPath);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static Version GetFrameworkVersion(string version)
            var candidateVersion = VersionUtilities.ConvertToVersion(version);

            return(new Version(candidateVersion.Major, candidateVersion.Minor));