Ejemplo n.º 1
        private string RenderTokenVerificationEmail(string template, string callbackUrl, string code, string email)
            var emailModel = new VerificationTokenEmailModel
                CallbackUrl       = callbackUrl,
                InformationUrl    = Url.Action("Index", "Home", new {}, Request.Url.Scheme),
                VerificationToken = code,
                Recipient         = email
            var emailBody = razorEngine.RunCompile(template, typeof(VerificationTokenEmailModel), emailModel);

        private async Task SendNotificationEmail(string userId, string email)
            log.Info($"Sending invitation to user {userId}");
            var code = await userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(userId);

            var emailModel = new VerificationTokenEmailModel
                CallbackUrl =
                    Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "UserAdministration", new { userId, code, area = string.Empty }, Request.Url.Scheme),
                InformationUrl    = Url.Action("Index", "Home", new { area = string.Empty }, Request.Url.Scheme),
                VerificationToken = code,
                Recipient         = email
            var emailBody = razor.RunCompile("NewUserInvitation.cshtml", typeof(VerificationTokenEmailModel), emailModel);
            await userManager.SendEmailAsync(userId, "Invitation to Star Quest by Monkton Stargazers", emailBody);

            log.Info($"Successfully sent invitation email to user id {userId}");