public RequestInfo(Verb method, HttpUrl url, Stream body, IClaimBasedIdentity identity, HeaderCollection headers) { if (method == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); } if (url == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("url"); } if (body == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("body"); } if (identity == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("identity"); } Method = method; Url = url; Body = new UnclosableStream(_stream = body); _identity = identity; Headers = headers ?? new HeaderCollection(); }
public UriRoute(Uri baseUri, string template = null, Verb verbs = Verb.All, Func<IOwinContext, bool> filter = null) { Contract.Assert(baseUri != null); BaseUri = baseUri; Template = template ?? baseUri.PathAndQuery; Verbs = verbs; if (template == null) { Template = baseUri.PathAndQuery; } else { if (template.StartsWith("/") || !baseUri.PathAndQuery.EndsWith("/")) { Template = template; } else { Template = baseUri.PathAndQuery + template; } } Mapper = new UriRouteMapper(this, filter); }
Act(Person s, Verb v, Noun o1, Noun o2, Act c, System.Action<Act> R) : this() { //Debug.Assert(Arity(v) == 2 || o2, v.ToString() + " is a ternary verb."); subject = s; verb = v; primaryObject = o1; secondaryObject = o2; parent = c; Register = R; args = new VerbArguments(this); Register(this); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OnVerbAttribute" /> class.</summary> /// <param name="verb">Target HTTP verb.</param> public OnVerbAttribute(Verb verb) { if (verb == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("verb"); } Verb = verb; }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OperationInfo" /> class.</summary> /// <param name="underlyingMethod">Actual underlying method.</param> /// <param name="verb">An HTTP verb for given operation</param> /// <param name="uri">Base relative uri of the method without arguments.</param> /// <param name="templateRegex">Uri template regular expression.</param> /// <param name="uriTemplate">Relative uri template with all arguments included.</param> /// <param name="arguments">Argument descriptions.</param> public OperationInfo(MethodInfo underlyingMethod, Verb verb, Uri uri, Regex templateRegex, string uriTemplate, params ArgumentInfo[] arguments) : base(underlyingMethod, uri, uriTemplate, arguments) { if (verb == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("verb"); } Verb = verb; TemplateRegex = templateRegex; }
internal static IEnumerable<HttpStatusCode> DiscoverCrudStatusCodes(this MethodInfo method, Verb verb, Type controllerType = null) { var methods = (controllerType ?? method.DeclaringType).DiscoverCrudMethods(); MethodInfo matchedMethod; Verb matchedVerb; if (((!methods.TryGetValue(matchedVerb = verb, out matchedMethod)) || (matchedMethod != method)) && ((!methods.TryGetValue(matchedVerb = Verb.Empty, out matchedMethod)) || (matchedMethod != method))) { return DefaultStatusCodes; } return ControllerCrudMethodStatusCodes[matchedVerb]; }
private static Stream WebInvoke(Uri uri, Verb verb, Stream input, bool hasOutput) { var request = WebRequest.Create(uri); switch (verb) { case Verb.Get: request.Method = "GET"; break; case Verb.Post: request.Method = "POST"; break; case Verb.Put: request.Method = "PUT"; break; case Verb.Delete: request.Method = "DELETE"; break; } WebResponse response; if (input != null) { input.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); request.ContentType = "application/xml"; request.ContentLength = input.Length; using (var requestStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { var bytes = new byte[1024]; var read = 1; while (read > 0) { read = input.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, read); } } } using (response = request.GetResponse()) { if (!hasOutput) return null; var temp = new MemoryStream(); response.GetResponseStream().CopyTo(temp); temp.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); return temp; } }
public bool TryMap(Uri uri, Verb verb, out IDictionary<string, string> parameters) { parameters = null; if (!(string.Equals(_route.BaseUri.Host, uri.Host) && _route.BaseUri.Port == uri.Port)) return false; if (!_route.Verbs.HasFlag(verb)) return false; try { parameters = Parse(uri); return true; } catch (ArgumentException) { return false; } }
public TransferHandle( string path, Verb verb, string clientId, Socket clientSocket, bool disposeSocket, ICompressionProvider compression, Action<TransferHandle> onConnect) { ClientSocket = clientSocket; ClientId = clientId; Path = path; OnConnect = onConnect ?? (h => { }); Id = Util.GenerateId(); BufferSize = 1024; Verb = verb; _compression = compression; _disposeSocket = disposeSocket; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a fictive test <see cref="CapabilityList"/>. /// </summary> public static CapabilityList CreateTestCapabilityList() { var testIcon = new Icon {Href = new Uri(""), MimeType = "image/"}; var testVerb = new Verb {Name = Verb.NameOpen, Descriptions = {"Verb description"}, Command = Command.NameRun, Arguments = "--open"}; return new CapabilityList { OS = Architecture.CurrentSystem.OS, Entries = { new AppRegistration {ID = "myapp", CapabilityRegPath = @"SOFTWARE\MyApp\Capabilities"}, new AutoPlay {ID = "autoplay", Descriptions = {"Do somthing"}, Icons = {testIcon}, Provider = "MyApp", Verb = testVerb, Events = {new AutoPlayEvent {Name = AutoPlayEvent.NameBurnCD}}}, new ComServer {ID = "com-server"}, new ContextMenu {ID = "context-menu", Verb = testVerb}, new DefaultProgram {ID = "default-program", Descriptions = {"My mail client"}, Icons = {testIcon}, Verbs = {testVerb}, Service = "Mail", InstallCommands = new InstallCommands {ShowIcons = "helper.exe --show", HideIcons = "helper.exe --hide", Reinstall = "helper.exe --reinstall.exe"}}, new FileType {ID = "my_ext1", Descriptions = {"Text file"}, Icons = {testIcon}, Extensions = {new FileTypeExtension {Value = "txt", MimeType = "text/plain"}}, Verbs = {testVerb}}, new FileType {ID = "my_ext2", Descriptions = {"JPG image"}, Icons = {testIcon}, Extensions = {new FileTypeExtension {Value = "jpg", MimeType = "image/jpg"}}, Verbs = {testVerb}}, new UrlProtocol {ID = "my_protocol", Descriptions = {"My protocol"}, Icons = {testIcon}, Verbs = {testVerb}, KnownPrefixes = {new KnownProtocolPrefix {Value = "my-protocol"}}} } }; }
private HecpRequest(IAcDomain acDomain, IMessageDto cmdDto) : this(acDomain) { if (cmdDto == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("cmdDto"); } if (cmdDto.Body == null) { throw new AnycmdException(); } this._message = cmdDto; if (cmdDto.Body.InfoId == null) { _infoId = new DataItem[0]; } if (cmdDto.Body.InfoValue == null) { _infoValue = new DataItem[0]; } if (cmdDto.Body.InfoId != null) { _infoId = cmdDto.Body.InfoId.Where(a => a != null).Select(a => new DataItem(a.Key, a.Value)).ToArray(); } if (cmdDto.Body.InfoValue != null) { _infoValue = cmdDto.Body.InfoValue.Where(a => a != null).Select(a => new DataItem(a.Key, a.Value)).ToArray(); } this._queryList = cmdDto.Body.QueryList; this.Credential = new CredentialObject(cmdDto.Credential); this._verb = new Verb(cmdDto.Verb); if (cmdDto.Body.Event == null) return; _eventSourceType = cmdDto.Body.Event.SourceType; _eventSubject = cmdDto.Body.Event.Subject; _eventStatus = cmdDto.Body.Event.Status; _eventReasonPhrase = cmdDto.Body.Event.ReasonPhrase; }
public Task<ITransferHandle> BeginTransfer(string path, Verb verb = Verb.Default, Action<TransferHandle> onConnect = null) { var socket = _socket ?? CreateSocket(); if (socket.Connected) throw new InvalidOperationException("Already connected"); var state = new TransferHandle(path, verb, _clientId, socket, _socket == null, _compression, onConnect); var connectedHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false); return Task<ITransferHandle>.Factory.StartNew(() => { if (!socket.Connected) { DebugOutput.Log("Connecting to " + _endpoint); socket.BeginConnect(_endpoint, a => { var handle = (TransferHandle)a.AsyncState; handle.ClientSocket.EndConnect(a); handle.OnConnect(handle); connectedHandle.Set(); }, state); connectedHandle.WaitOne(); if (socket.Connected) DebugOutput.Log("Connected to " + _endpoint); } else { connectedHandle.Set(); } return state; }); }
private TwiMLBuilder AddVerb(Verb verb, string value, object attributes, params Tuple<Verb, string, object>[] children) { this.Elements.Add(CreateBuilderElement(verb, value, attributes, children)); return this; }
public Responder(Verb verb, string expression, Callback callback) { Verb = verb; Expression = expression; Callback = callback; }
private static Verb GetVerb([NotNull] RegistryKey typeKey, [NotNull] CommandMapper commandMapper, [NotNull] string verbName) { #region Sanity checks if (typeKey == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(typeKey)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(verbName)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(verbName)); if (commandMapper == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandMapper)); #endregion using (var verbKey = typeKey.OpenSubKey(@"shell\" + verbName)) { if (verbKey == null) return null; string description = verbKey.GetValue("", "").ToString(); string commandLine; using (var commandKey = verbKey.OpenSubKey("command")) { if (commandKey == null) return null; commandLine = commandKey.GetValue("", "").ToString(); } string additionalArgs; var command = commandMapper.GetCommand(commandLine, out additionalArgs); if (command == null) return null; string commandName = command.Name; if (commandName == Command.NameRun) commandName = null; var verb = new Verb { Name = verbName, Command = commandName, Arguments = additionalArgs }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) verb.Descriptions.Add(description); return verb; } }
internal static FsResult Parse(Verb verb, string command, string xml) { var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml); var status = xdoc.Descendants("status").First().Value; if (status != "FS_OK") { throw new FsException(status); } if (verb == Verb.CreateSession) { var sessionId = xdoc.Descendants("sessionId").First().Value; return new FsResult<int>(int.Parse(sessionId)); } if (verb == Verb.DeleteSession) { return new FsResult<int>(0); } else if (verb == Verb.Get) { var value = xdoc.Descendants("value").Single(); switch (command) { case Command.POWER: case Command.NAVSTATUS: case Command.PLAY_REPEATE: case Command.PLAY_SCROBBLE: case Command.PLAY_SUFFLE: case Command.MUTE: case Command.MULTI_GROUP_MUTE_CLIENT: case Command.STANDBY_NETWORK: case Command.CUSTOM_EQ_LOUDNESS: return new FsResult<bool>(ParseBool(value)); case Command.SELECTPRESET: case Command.MODE: case Command.PLAY_DURATION: case Command.PLAY_POS: case Command.MAX_FM_FREQ: case Command.MIN_FM_FREQ: case Command.STEP_FM_FREQ: case Command.DAB_SID: case Command.SLEEP: return new FsResult<int>(ParseInt(value)); case Command.PLAY_FREQU: return new FsResult<uint>(ParseuInt(value)); case Command.DAB_EID: case Command.FM_RDSPI: return new FsResult<ushort>(ParseUshort(value)); case Command.VOLUME: case Command.VOLUME_STEPS: case Command.PLAY_CONTROL: case Command.PLAY_SIGNAL: case Command.PLAY_STATUS: case Command.EQ_PRESET: case Command.DAB_ECC: case Command.DAB_SCID: case Command.WLAN_STREGHT: case Command.MULTI_DEVICE_SERVER_STATE: case Command.MULTI_DEVICE_CLIENT: case Command.MULTI_GROUP_STATE: case Command.MULTI_GROUP_VOL: case Command.MULTI_GROUP_VOL_CLIENT: return new FsResult<byte>(ParseByte(value)); case Command.PLAY_INFO_NAME: case Command.PLAY_INFO_TEXT: case Command.PLAY_INFO_GRAPHIC: case Command.PLAY_ALBUM: case Command.PLAY_ARTIST: case Command.NAME: case Command.VERSION: case Command.DATE: case Command.TIME: case Command.WIRED_MAC: case Command.WIRELESS_MAC: case Command.MULTI_GROUP_NAME: case Command.MULTI_GROUP_ID: return new FsResult<string>(ParseString(value)); case Command.CUSTOM_EQ_BASS: case Command.CUSTOM_EQ_TREBLE: case Command.CUSTOM_EQ_RAW: return new FsResult<short>(ParseShort(value)); case Command.NUMENTRIES: return new FsResult<long>(ParseLong(value)); } throw new NotImplementedException(command); } else if (verb == Verb.ListGetNext) { switch (command) { case Command.VALID_MODES: return new FsResult<IEnumerable<RadioMode>>(ParseValidModes(xdoc)); case Command.EQUALIZER_PRESETS: return new FsResult<IEnumerable<EqualizerPreset>>(ParseEqualizerPresets(xdoc)); case Command.PRESETS: return new FsResult<IEnumerable<Preset>>(ParsePresets(xdoc)); case Command.NAVLIST: return new FsResult<IEnumerable<NavListItem>>(ParseNavList(xdoc)); case Command.CUSTOM_EQ_BANDS: return new FsResult<IEnumerable<EQBandListItem>>(ParseEQBandList(xdoc)); case Command.MULTI_LIST_ALL: return new FsResult<IEnumerable<MutliRoomItem>>(ParseMultiroomList(xdoc)); } throw new NotImplementedException(command); } else if (verb == Verb.GetNotify) { return new FsResult<IEnumerable<FsNotification>>(ParseNotifications(xdoc)); } else if (verb == Verb.Set) { return new FsResult<FsVoid>(); } throw new NotImplementedException(verb.ToString()); }
static void ProcessType() { switch (RawArgs[PassIndex].ToLower()) { case "-get-class": case "-gc": Console.WriteLine(CtxType.Class); break; case "-set-class": case "-sc": CtxType.Class = ReadParameter(); break; case "-get-default": case "-gd": Console.WriteLine(CtxType.Verbs.Default); break; case "-set-default": case "-sd": CtxType.Verbs.Default = ReadParameter(); break; case "-list-verbs": case "-lv": foreach (Verb v in CtxType.Verbs) { Console.WriteLine(v.ID); } break; case "-delete-verb": case "-dv": CtxType.Verbs.Delete(ReadParameter()); break; case "-get-extension-visibility": case "-gxv": switch (CtxType.ShowExtension) { case -1: Console.WriteLine("Hidden"); break; case 0: Console.WriteLine("Default"); break; case +1: Console.WriteLine("Visible"); break; } break; case "-set-extension-visibility": case "-sxv": switch (ReadParameter().ToLower()) { case "hidden": case "h": CtxType.ShowExtension = -1; break; case "default": case "d": CtxType.ShowExtension = 0; break; case "visible": case "v": CtxType.ShowExtension = +1; break; } break; case "-get-icon": case "-gi": Console.WriteLine(CtxType.Icon); break; case "-set-icon": case "-si": CtxType.Icon = ReadParameter(); break; case "-get-perceived": case "-gp": Console.WriteLine(CtxType.Perceived); break; case "-set-perceived": case "-sp": CtxType.Perceived = ReadParameter(); break; case "-get-name": case "-gn": Console.WriteLine(CtxType.Title); break; case "-set-name": case "-sn": CtxType.Title = ReadParameter(); break; case "-associate": case "-a": CtxType.Verbs["open"].Command = "\"" + ReadParameter() + "\" \"%1\""; CtxType.Verbs.Default = "open"; break; case "-verb": case "-v": CtxVerb = CtxType.Verbs[ReadParameter()]; break; default: CtxVerb = CtxType.Verbs[RawArgs[PassIndex]]; break; } }
public static void AdjustedCooldown_RapidFire_Postfix(ref Verb_Shoot __instance, Verb ownerVerb, Pawn attacker, ref float __result) { bool RapidFire = false; if (ownerVerb.EquipmentSource != null) { // Log.Message("ownerVerb.EquipmentSource"); if (!ownerVerb.EquipmentSource.AllComps.NullOrEmpty()) { if (ownerVerb.EquipmentSource.GetComp <CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules>() != null) { if (ownerVerb.EquipmentSource.GetComp <CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules>() is CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules GunExt) { RapidFire = GunExt.RapidFire; } } } } if (ownerVerb.HediffCompSource != null && !ownerVerb.IsMeleeAttack) { // Log.Message("ownerVerb.HediffCompSource"); HediffComp_VerbGiverExtra _VGE = (HediffComp_VerbGiverExtra)ownerVerb.HediffCompSource; RapidFire = _VGE.Props.verbEntrys[_VGE.VerbProperties.IndexOf(ownerVerb.verbProps)].RapidFire; } if (RapidFire && AMASettings.Instance.AllowRapidFire) { if (ownerVerb.caster.Position.InHorDistOf(((Pawn)ownerVerb.caster).TargetCurrentlyAimingAt.Cell, ownerVerb.verbProps.range / 2)) { __result = __result / 2; } } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the http verb to be used in the request. /// </summary> /// <param name="httpVerb">The <see cref="Verb"/>.</param> /// <returns>The current instance of <see cref="WebApiRequest"/>.</returns> public WebApiRequest WithVerb(Verb httpVerb) { verb = httpVerb; return this; }
public bool AllowVerbCast(Pawn caster, LocalTargetInfo targ, Verb verb) { return(!(verb is Verb_LaunchProjectile) || ReachabilityImmediate.CanReachImmediate(caster.Position, targ, caster.Map, PathEndMode.Touch, null)); }
public static void HarmsHealthPostfix(Verb verb, ref bool __result) { __result = __result || verb is Verb_Launch_Stuffable_Projectile || verb is Verb_Shoot_Stuffable; }
public ClueItem(Noun n1, Noun n2, Verb v, string sprite, string desc) { info = new ClueInfo(n1, n2, v); description = desc; spriteName = sprite; }
public string GetRequestString() { return(Verb.ToString() + " " + Parameters); }
private void CheckForAutoAttack() { if (!base.pawn.Downed && !base.pawn.stances.FullBodyBusy) { collideWithPawns = false; bool flag = base.pawn.story == null || !base.pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent); bool flag2 = base.pawn.RaceProps.ToolUser && base.pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && !base.pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Firefighting); if (flag || flag2) { Fire fire = null; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { IntVec3 c = base.pawn.Position + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[i]; if (c.InBounds(base.pawn.Map)) { List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(base.Map); for (int j = 0; j < thingList.Count; j++) { if (flag) { Pawn pawn = thingList[j] as Pawn; if (pawn != null && !pawn.Downed && base.pawn.HostileTo(pawn)) { base.pawn.meleeVerbs.TryMeleeAttack(pawn); collideWithPawns = true; return; } } if (flag2) { Fire fire2 = thingList[j] as Fire; if (fire2 != null && (fire == null || fire2.fireSize < fire.fireSize || i == 8) && (fire2.parent == null || fire2.parent != base.pawn)) { fire = fire2; } } } } } if (fire != null && (!base.pawn.InMentalState || base.pawn.MentalState.def.allowBeatfire)) { base.pawn.natives.TryBeatFire(fire); } else if (flag && base.pawn.Faction != null && job.def == JobDefOf.Wait_Combat && (base.pawn.drafter == null || base.pawn.drafter.FireAtWill)) { Verb currentEffectiveVerb = base.pawn.CurrentEffectiveVerb; if (currentEffectiveVerb != null && !currentEffectiveVerb.verbProps.IsMeleeAttack) { TargetScanFlags targetScanFlags = TargetScanFlags.NeedLOSToPawns | TargetScanFlags.NeedLOSToNonPawns | TargetScanFlags.NeedThreat; if (currentEffectiveVerb.IsIncendiary()) { targetScanFlags |= TargetScanFlags.NeedNonBurning; } Thing thing = (Thing)AttackTargetFinder.BestShootTargetFromCurrentPosition(base.pawn, targetScanFlags); if (thing != null) { base.pawn.TryStartAttack(thing); collideWithPawns = true; } } } } } }
public AdjacencyPairPrefab_request(AdjacencyPair parent, ConversationalParamaters conversationalParamaters, PairParamaters q, Verb verb) { //init preset paramaters, then pass them up to the base class /*describe purpose of paramaters * 1. initiating part: request * 2. prefered response: grant request * 3. disprefered response: deny request * 4. default response: noncomittal * conditions: */ /*1. initiating options*/ //initiation 1: get straight to the point and request Action initiationDirect = new Action(new Conversation.MovesQueueItem("sense_request", new object[2] { q, verb })); //initation 2: first ask if its ok to make a request, then make the request (nests another request inside this request) //more polite, more long-winded, less direct Action[] initiatingActionArray; //if (not already a nested request) AND (random chance that increases with politeness) if ((this.parent.GetType() != typeof(AdjacencyPairPrefab_request)) && (conversationalParamaters.r.Next(4, 10) <= q.politeness))//becomes linearly more likely the higher the politeness is. minimum politeness 4 { //make the adjacency pair then insert in action Verb askAQuestion = new Verb(q.initiatingSpeaker, "ask"); askAQuestion.setMonoTransitive("", "a question"); //put that into a moveItem Conversation.MovesQueueItem m = new Conversation.MovesQueueItem("sense_permission", new object[2] { 1, askAQuestion }); //make that verb into an action which will consist of requesting to make a request, and it being either granted or denied Action initiationNestedRequest = new Action( new AdjacencyPair("request", this, conversationalParamaters, new Action[1] { new Action(m) }, //initiating move new Action[2] { //responding moves new Action(new Conversation.MovesQueueItem("sense_request_grantRequest", new object[2] { q, Preferredness.preferred })), new Action(new Conversation.MovesQueueItem("sense_request_denyRequest", new object[2] { q, Preferredness.dispreferred })) } ) ); //put actions in the array initiatingActionArray = new Action[] { initiationDirect, initiationNestedRequest }; } //end making the second option else //only one initiating action { initiatingActionArray = new Action[] { initiationDirect }; } /* * END MAKING INITIATING OPTIONS * * START MAKING THE RESPONDING OPTIONS * */ /*prefered response: grant request*/ Action preferredResponse = new Action(new Conversation.MovesQueueItem("sense_request_grantRequest", new object[] { q, Preferredness.preferred })); preferredResponse.preferredness = Preferredness.preferred; /*disprefered response: deny request*/ Action dispreferredResponse = new Action(new Conversation.MovesQueueItem("sense_request_denyRequest", new object[] { q, Preferredness.dispreferred })); preferredResponse.preferredness = Preferredness.dispreferred; //now put all the responding actions in an array Action[] respondingActionArray = { preferredResponse, dispreferredResponse }; /* * END MAKING RESPONDING OPTIONS * * PUSH ALL TO BASE * */ //send these presets to the base base.init("request", parent, conversationalParamaters, initiatingActionArray, respondingActionArray ); }
private VerbBase CreateVerbBase(Verb verb, string value, object attributes) { return new VerbBase(verb) { Value = value, Attributes = CreateAttributeDictionary(attributes) }; }
public String sendRequest(String url, Verb v, String mime, String body) { }
private Job TryGetAttackNearbyEnemyJob(Pawn pawn) { if (pawn.story != null && pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent)) { return(null); } bool flag = == null ||; float num = 8f; if (!flag) { num = Mathf.Clamp( * 0.66f, 2f, 20f); } float maxDist = num; Thing thing = AttackTargetFinder.BestAttackTarget(pawn, TargetScanFlags.NeedLOSToPawns | TargetScanFlags.NeedLOSToNonPawns | TargetScanFlags.NeedReachable | TargetScanFlags.NeedThreat, null, 0f, maxDist, default(IntVec3), 3.40282347E+38f, false); // TODO evaluate if this is necessary? Pawn o = thing as Pawn; if (o != null) { if (o.Downed || { return(null); } } if (thing == null) { return(null); } if (flag || thing.Position.AdjacentTo8Way(pawn.Position)) { return(new Job(JobDefOf.AttackMelee, thing)); } // Check for reload before attacking Verb verb = pawn.TryGetAttackVerb(); if ( != null && verb != null && verb == { if ( != null) { CompAmmoUser compAmmo = <CompAmmoUser>(); if (compAmmo != null) { if (!compAmmo.hasMagazine) { if (compAmmo.useAmmo && !compAmmo.hasAmmo) { return(new Job(JobDefOf.AttackMelee, thing)); } } else if (compAmmo.curMagCount <= 0) { Job job = new Job(CR_JobDefOf.ReloadWeapon, pawn,; if (job != null) { return(job); } } } } } return(new Job(JobDefOf.AttackStatic, thing)); }
public static string Label(this Verb verb, AdditionalVerbProps props = null) { return(VerbLabel(verb, props).CapitalizeFirst()); }
public override Verb ReflectionHandler(Verb newVerb) { CompAbilityUserMagic holder = GetPawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); bool canReflect = this.Props.canReflect && holder.IsMagicUser; Verb result; if (canReflect) { this.lastAccuracyRoll = this.ReflectionAccuracy(); VerbProperties verbProperties = new VerbProperties { hasStandardCommand = newVerb.verbProps.hasStandardCommand, defaultProjectile = newVerb.verbProps.defaultProjectile, range = newVerb.verbProps.range, muzzleFlashScale = newVerb.verbProps.muzzleFlashScale, warmupTime = 0f, defaultCooldownTime = 0f, soundCast = this.Props.deflectSound }; switch (this.lastAccuracyRoll) { case CompDeflector.CompDeflector.AccuracyRoll.CritialFailure: { verbProperties.accuracyLong = 999f; verbProperties.accuracyMedium = 999f; verbProperties.accuracyShort = 999f; this.lastShotReflected = true; break; } case CompDeflector.CompDeflector.AccuracyRoll.Failure: verbProperties.forcedMissRadius = 50f; verbProperties.accuracyLong = 0f; verbProperties.accuracyMedium = 0f; verbProperties.accuracyShort = 0f; this.lastShotReflected = false; break; case CompDeflector.CompDeflector.AccuracyRoll.Success: verbProperties.accuracyLong = 999f; verbProperties.accuracyMedium = 999f; verbProperties.accuracyShort = 999f; this.lastShotReflected = true; break; case CompDeflector.CompDeflector.AccuracyRoll.CriticalSuccess: { verbProperties.accuracyLong = 999f; verbProperties.accuracyMedium = 999f; verbProperties.accuracyShort = 999f; this.lastShotReflected = true; break; } } newVerb.verbProps = verbProperties; result = newVerb; } else { result = newVerb; } return(result); //return base.ReflectionHandler(newVerb); }
public override IEnumerable <FloatMenuOption> GetFloatMenuOptions(Pawn selPawn) { // do nothing if not of colony if (selPawn.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { yield break; } // base float menus foreach (FloatMenuOption fmo in base.GetFloatMenuOptions(selPawn)) { yield return(fmo); } // do shooting menu // ================ // Check Reachability if (!selPawn.CanReserve(this, 1)) { yield return(new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseReserved".Translate(), null)); yield break; } if (!selPawn.CanReach(this, PathEndMode.InteractionCell, Danger.Deadly)) { yield return(new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseNoPath".Translate(), null)); yield break; } // Check weapon status Verb attackVerb = null; if (selPawn != null) { attackVerb = selPawn.TryGetAttackVerb(false); } if (attackVerb != null && attackVerb.verbProps != null && !attackVerb.verbProps.MeleeRange) { Thing chair; JoyGiverDef joyGiverDef = this.GetJoyGiverDef(); IntVec3 standCell = Utility_PositionFinder.TryFindWatchBuildingPosition(selPawn, this, this.def.building.watchBuildingStandDistanceRange, joyGiverDef.desireSit, out chair); Action action_PracticeShooting = delegate { selPawn.drafter.Drafted = false; Job job = new Job(this.GetJobDef(), this, standCell, chair); if (job != null) {; } }; if (standCell != IntVec3.Invalid) { yield return(new FloatMenuOption("TrainingFacility_PracticeShooting".Translate(), action_PracticeShooting)); } } else { yield return(new FloatMenuOption("TrainingFacility_RangedWeaponRequired".Translate(), null)); } }
private static bool HasRangedAttack(IAttackTargetSearcher t) { Verb currentEffectiveVerb = t.CurrentEffectiveVerb; return(currentEffectiveVerb != null && !currentEffectiveVerb.verbProps.IsMeleeAttack); }
/// <summary> /// Determines the armor penetration value of a given dinfo. Attempts to extract the tool/verb from the damage info. /// </summary> /// <param name="dinfo">DamageInfo to determine penetration for</param> /// <returns>Armor penetration value for attack used, 0 if it can't be determined</returns> private static float GetPenetrationValue(DamageInfo dinfo) { if (dinfo.Def.isExplosive) { return(dinfo.Amount * 0.1f); // Explosions have 10% of their damage as penetration } if (dinfo.Weapon != null) { // Case 1: projectile attack (Weapon.projectile indicates that Weapon IS a projectile) ProjectilePropertiesCE projectileProps = dinfo.Weapon.projectile as ProjectilePropertiesCE; if (projectileProps != null) { return(projectileProps.armorPenetration); } // Case 2: melee attack Pawn instigatorPawn = dinfo.Instigator as Pawn; if (instigatorPawn != null) { // Case 2.1: .. of an equiped melee weapon if (dinfo.Weapon.IsMeleeWeapon) { ThingWithComps equipment =; if (equipment == null || equipment.def != dinfo.Weapon) { Log.Error("CE tried getting armor penetration from melee weapon " + dinfo.Weapon.defName + " but instigator " + dinfo.Instigator.ToString() + " equipment (" + String.Join(",", => x.LabelCap).ToArray()) + ") does not match."); return(0); } var penetrationMult = equipment.GetStatValue(CE_StatDefOf.MeleePenetrationFactor); var tool = <ToolCE>().GetUsedTool(dinfo); if (tool != null) { return(tool.armorPenetration * penetrationMult); } } // Case 2.2: .. of a ranged weapon if (dinfo.Weapon.IsRangedWeapon) { var tool = <ToolCE>().GetUsedTool(dinfo); if (tool != null) { return(tool.armorPenetration); } } // Case 2.3: .. of the pawn if (instigatorPawn.def == dinfo.Weapon) { // meleeVerbs: all verbs considered "melee worthy" Verb availableVerb = instigatorPawn.meleeVerbs.TryGetMeleeVerb(); // Case 2.3.1: .. of a weaponized hediff (power claw, scyther blade) HediffCompProperties_VerbGiver compProps = dinfo.WeaponLinkedHediff?.CompPropsFor(typeof(HediffComp_VerbGiver)) as HediffCompProperties_VerbGiver; if (compProps != null) { var tool = <ToolCE>().GetUsedTool(dinfo); if (tool != null) { return(tool.armorPenetration); } VerbPropertiesCE verbProps = compProps.verbs?.FirstOrDefault(v => v is VerbPropertiesCE) as VerbPropertiesCE; var verbs = compProps.verbs; if (verbs.Count() > 1) { Log.ErrorOnce("CE :: HediffCompProperties_VerbGiver for " + dinfo.WeaponLinkedHediff + " has multiple VerbPropertiesCE (" + String.Join(",", compProps.verbs.Select(x => x.label).ToArray()) + "). [While evaluating DamageInfo " + dinfo.ToString() + "]", dinfo.WeaponLinkedHediff.GetHashCode() + 128937921); } if (verbProps != null) { Log.ErrorOnce("CE :: HediffCompProperties_VerbGiver from DamageInfo " + dinfo.ToString() + " has VerbPropertiesCE (" + String.Join(",", compProps.verbs.Select(x => x.label).ToArray()) + "), but these are preferably moved to <tools> for B18", dinfo.WeaponLinkedHediff.GetHashCode() + 128937921); return(verbProps.meleeArmorPenetration); } } // AllVerbs: bodyparts of the pawn // Case 2.4: .. of a toolCE/verbPropsCE naturally on the body (hands/fist, head) if (instigatorPawn.verbTracker != null && !instigatorPawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs.NullOrEmpty()) { var verbs = instigatorPawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs .Where(v => { var toolCE = v.tool as ToolCE; var propsCE = v.verbProps as VerbPropertiesCE; // Case 2.4.1: .. of a tool restricted by gender return(v.LinkedBodyPartsGroup == dinfo.WeaponBodyPartGroup && ((toolCE != null && (toolCE.restrictedGender == Gender.None || toolCE.restrictedGender == instigatorPawn.gender) || propsCE != null))); }); if (verbs.Count() > 1) { Log.ErrorOnce("CE :: Race " + instigatorPawn.def + " has multiple ToolCE/VerbPropertiesCE (" + String.Join(",", instigatorPawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()) + ") with linkedBodyPartsGroup=" + dinfo.WeaponBodyPartGroup.ToString() + " which can not be distunguished between. Consider using different linkedBodyPartsGroups. [While evaluating DamageInfo " + dinfo.ToString() + "]", instigatorPawn.def.GetHashCode() + 128937921); } if (!verbs.Any()) { Log.ErrorOnce("CE :: Pawn " + instigatorPawn.ToString() + " for BodyPartGroup " + dinfo.WeaponBodyPartGroup.ToString() + " could not find matching ToolCE/Verb_MeleeAttackCE (in AllVerbs: " + String.Join(",", instigatorPawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()) + ") [While evaluating DamageInfo " + dinfo.ToString() + "]", instigatorPawn.def.GetHashCode() + 128937921); return(0); } var firstVerb = verbs.First(); if (firstVerb.tool is ToolCE) { return((firstVerb.tool as ToolCE).armorPenetration); } if (firstVerb.verbProps is VerbPropertiesCE) { return((firstVerb.verbProps as VerbPropertiesCE).meleeArmorPenetration); } } } } } #if DEBUG Log.Warning("CE could not determine armor penetration, defaulting"); #endif return(9999); // Really high default value so vanilla damage sources such as GiveInjuriesToKill always penetrate }
private static bool CanShootAtFromCurrentPosition(IAttackTarget target, IAttackTargetSearcher searcher, Verb verb) { return(verb != null && verb.CanHitTargetFrom(searcher.Thing.Position, target.Thing)); }
private static IAttackTarget GetRandomShootingTargetByScore(List <IAttackTarget> targets, IAttackTargetSearcher searcher, Verb verb) { Pair <IAttackTarget, float> pair; if (ARA_AttackTargetFinder.GetAvailableShootingTargetsByScore(targets, searcher, verb).TryRandomElementByWeight((Pair <IAttackTarget, float> x) => x.Second, out pair)) { return(pair.First); } return(null); }
private static List <Pair <IAttackTarget, float> > GetAvailableShootingTargetsByScore(List <IAttackTarget> rawTargets, IAttackTargetSearcher searcher, Verb verb) { ARA_AttackTargetFinder.availableShootingTargets.Clear(); if (rawTargets.Count == 0) { return(ARA_AttackTargetFinder.availableShootingTargets); } ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargetScores.Clear(); ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpCanShootAtTarget.Clear(); float num = 0f; IAttackTarget attackTarget = null; for (int i = 0; i < rawTargets.Count; i++) { ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargetScores.Add(-3.40282347E+38f); ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpCanShootAtTarget.Add(false); if (rawTargets[i] != searcher) { bool flag = ARA_AttackTargetFinder.CanShootAtFromCurrentPosition(rawTargets[i], searcher, verb); ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpCanShootAtTarget[i] = flag; if (flag) { float shootingTargetScore = ARA_AttackTargetFinder.GetShootingTargetScore(rawTargets[i], searcher, verb); ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargetScores[i] = shootingTargetScore; if (attackTarget == null || shootingTargetScore > num) { attackTarget = rawTargets[i]; num = shootingTargetScore; } } } } if (num < 1f) { if (attackTarget != null) { ARA_AttackTargetFinder.availableShootingTargets.Add(new Pair <IAttackTarget, float>(attackTarget, 1f)); } } else { float num2 = num - 30f; for (int j = 0; j < rawTargets.Count; j++) { if (rawTargets[j] != searcher) { if (ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpCanShootAtTarget[j]) { float num3 = ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargetScores[j]; if (num3 >= num2) { float second = Mathf.InverseLerp(num - 30f, num, num3); ARA_AttackTargetFinder.availableShootingTargets.Add(new Pair <IAttackTarget, float>(rawTargets[j], second)); } } } } } return(ARA_AttackTargetFinder.availableShootingTargets); }
protected static IRouteContext CreateContext(string appPath, Verb httpMethod) { return new RouteContext(new StubRequest(httpMethod.ToString()), null, appPath, new Hashtable()); }
public static IAttackTarget BestAttackTarget(IAttackTargetSearcher searcher, TargetScanFlags flags, Predicate <Thing> validator = null, float minDist = 0f, float maxDist = 9999f, IntVec3 locus = default(IntVec3), float maxTravelRadiusFromLocus = 3.40282347E+38f, bool canBash = false) { Thing searcherThing = searcher.Thing; Pawn searcherPawn = searcher as Pawn; Verb verb = searcher.CurrentEffectiveVerb; if (verb == null) { //Log.Error("BestAttackTarget with " + searcher + " who has no attack verb."); return(null); } bool onlyTargetMachines = verb != null && verb.IsEMP(); float minDistanceSquared = minDist * minDist; float num = maxTravelRadiusFromLocus + verb.verbProps.range; float maxLocusDistSquared = num * num; Func <IntVec3, bool> losValidator = null; if ((byte)(flags & TargetScanFlags.LOSBlockableByGas) != 0) { losValidator = delegate(IntVec3 vec3) { Gas gas = vec3.GetGas(searcherThing.Map); return(gas == null || !gas.def.gas.blockTurretTracking); }; } Predicate <IAttackTarget> innerValidator = delegate(IAttackTarget t) { Thing thing = t.Thing; if (t == searcher) { return(false); } if (minDistanceSquared > 0f && (float)(searcherThing.Position - thing.Position).LengthHorizontalSquared < minDistanceSquared) { return(false); } if (maxTravelRadiusFromLocus < 9999f && (float)(thing.Position - locus).LengthHorizontalSquared > maxLocusDistSquared) { return(false); } if (!searcherThing.HostileTo(thing)) { return(false); } if (validator != null && !validator(thing)) { return(false); } if ((byte)(flags & TargetScanFlags.NeedLOSToAll) != 0 && !searcherThing.CanSee(thing, losValidator)) { if (t is Pawn) { if ((byte)(flags & TargetScanFlags.NeedLOSToPawns) != 0) { return(false); } } else if ((byte)(flags & TargetScanFlags.NeedLOSToNonPawns) != 0) { return(false); } } if ((byte)(flags & TargetScanFlags.NeedThreat) != 0 && t.ThreatDisabled(searcher)) { return(false); } Pawn pawn = t as Pawn; if (onlyTargetMachines && pawn != null && pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh) { return(false); } if ((byte)(flags & TargetScanFlags.NeedNonBurning) != 0 && thing.IsBurning()) { return(false); } if (searcherThing.def.race != null && searcherThing.def.race.intelligence >= Intelligence.Humanlike) { CompExplosive compExplosive = thing.TryGetComp <CompExplosive>(); if (compExplosive != null && compExplosive.wickStarted) { return(false); } } if (thing.def.size.x == 1 && thing.def.size.z == 1) { if (thing.Position.Fogged(thing.Map)) { return(false); } } else { bool flag2 = false; CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator = thing.OccupiedRect().GetIterator(); while (!iterator.Done()) { if (!iterator.Current.Fogged(thing.Map)) { flag2 = true; break; } iterator.MoveNext(); } if (!flag2) { return(false); } } return(true); }; if (ARA_AttackTargetFinder.HasRangedAttack(searcher)) { //Log.Warning("Finder: Range detected. Verb is " + verb); //Log.Warning("Finder: Pawn " + searcherPawn.Faction); ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets.Clear(); //This needs to be fixed. Can't use searcherThing. Doing this the hard way. //Set request for all attackable. ThingRequest thingReq = ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.AttackTarget); IEnumerable <Thing> searchSet = searcherThing.Map.listerThings.ThingsMatching(thingReq); foreach (IAttackTarget iTarget in searchSet) { ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets.Add(iTarget); } if ((byte)(flags & TargetScanFlags.NeedReachable) != 0) { Predicate <IAttackTarget> oldValidator = innerValidator; innerValidator = ((IAttackTarget t) => oldValidator(t) && ARA_AttackTargetFinder.CanReach(searcherThing, t.Thing, canBash)); } bool flag = false; if (searcherThing.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { //Log.Warning("Finder: Target available : " + ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets.Count); for (int i = 0; i < ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets.Count; i++) { IAttackTarget attackTarget = ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets[i]; if (attackTarget.Thing.Position.InHorDistOf(searcherThing.Position, maxDist) && innerValidator(attackTarget) && ARA_AttackTargetFinder.CanShootAtFromCurrentPosition(attackTarget, searcher, verb)) { //Log.Warning("Finder: flag is true"); flag = true; break; } } } IAttackTarget result; if (flag) { //Log.Warning("Finder: FlagTrue result"); ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets.RemoveAll((IAttackTarget x) => !x.Thing.Position.InHorDistOf(searcherThing.Position, maxDist) || !innerValidator(x)); //Log.Warning("Finder: Target Avaliable : " + ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets.Count); result = ARA_AttackTargetFinder.GetRandomShootingTargetByScore(ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets, searcher, verb); } else { Predicate <Thing> validator2; if ((byte)(flags & TargetScanFlags.NeedReachableIfCantHitFromMyPos) != 0 && (byte)(flags & TargetScanFlags.NeedReachable) == 0) { //Log.Warning("Finder: Needs reachable"); validator2 = ((Thing t) => innerValidator((IAttackTarget)t) && (ARA_AttackTargetFinder.CanReach(searcherThing, t, canBash) || ARA_AttackTargetFinder.CanShootAtFromCurrentPosition((IAttackTarget)t, searcher, verb))); } else { //Log.Warning("Finder: Running normal validator"); validator2 = ((Thing t) => innerValidator((IAttackTarget)t)); } result = (IAttackTarget)GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(searcherThing.Position, ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets, maxDist, validator2, null); } ARA_AttackTargetFinder.tmpTargets.Clear(); //Log.Warning("Trying to return result " + result); return(result); } //Log.Warning("Returning Null"); return(null); }
static void ProcessVerb() { switch (RawArgs[PassIndex].ToLower()) { case "-get-command": case "-gc": Console.WriteLine(CtxVerb.Command); break; case "-set-command": case "-sc": CtxVerb.Command = ReadParameter(); break; case "-get-hidden": case "-gh": Console.WriteLine(CtxVerb.IsExtended ? "True" : "False"); break; case "-set-hidden": case "-sh": string p = ReadParameter().ToLower(); if (p == "true" || p == "t") { CtxVerb.IsExtended = true; } else if (p == "false" || p == "f") { CtxVerb.IsExtended = false; } else { throw new SyntaxError(); } break; case "-type": case "-t": CtxType = new Type(ReadParameter()); CtxVerb = null; break; case "-get-icon": case "-gi": Console.WriteLine(CtxVerb.Icon); break; case "-set-icon": case "-si": CtxVerb.Icon = ReadParameter(); break; case "-get-name": case "-gn": Console.WriteLine(CtxVerb.Title); break; case "-set-name": case "-sn": CtxVerb.Title = ReadParameter(); break; case "-get-program": case "-gp": Console.WriteLine(CtxVerb.Program); break; case "-set-program": case "-sp": CtxVerb.Command = "\"" + ReadParameter() + "\" \"%1\""; break; case "-verb": case "-v": CtxVerb = CtxType.Verbs[ReadParameter()]; break; default: CtxVerb = CtxType.Verbs[RawArgs[PassIndex]]; break; } }
private static float GetShootingTargetScore(IAttackTarget target, IAttackTargetSearcher searcher, Verb verb) { float num = 60f; num -= Mathf.Min((target.Thing.Position - searcher.Thing.Position).LengthHorizontal, 40f); if (target.TargetCurrentlyAimingAt == searcher.Thing) { num += 10f; } if (searcher.LastAttackedTarget == target.Thing && Find.TickManager.TicksGame - searcher.LastAttackTargetTick <= 300) { num += 40f; } num -= CoverUtility.CalculateOverallBlockChance(target.Thing.Position, searcher.Thing.Position, searcher.Thing.Map) * 10f; Pawn pawn = target as Pawn; if (pawn != null && pawn.RaceProps.Animal && pawn.Faction != null && !pawn.IsFighting()) { num -= 50f; } return(num + ARA_AttackTargetFinder.FriendlyFireShootingTargetScoreOffset(target, searcher, verb)); }
private TwiMLBuilderElement CreateBuilderElement(Verb verb, string value, object attributes, params Tuple<Verb, string, object>[] children) { List<VerbBase> childList = new List<VerbBase>(); if (children != null) childList = children.Select(x => CreateVerbBase(x.Item1, x.Item2, x.Item3)).ToList(); return new TwiMLBuilderElement() { Verb = CreateVerbBase(verb, value, attributes), Children = childList }; }
public float calcPawnSightRange(IntVec3 position, bool forTargeting, bool shouldMove) { if (pawn == null) { Log.Error("calcPawnSightRange performed on non pawn thing"); return(0); } #if InternalProfile ProfilingUtils.startProfiling("CompFieldOfViewWatcher.calcPawnSightRange"); #endif float sightRange = 0f; initMap(); bool sleeping = !isMechanoid && pawn.CurJob != null &&; if (!shouldMove && !sleeping && (pawnPather == null || !pawnPather.Moving)) { Verb attackVerb = null; if (pawn.CurJob != null) { JobDef jobDef = pawn.CurJob.def; if (jobDef == JobDefOf.ManTurret) { Building_Turret mannedTurret = pawn.CurJob.targetA.Thing as Building_Turret; if (mannedTurret != null) { attackVerb = mannedTurret.AttackVerb; } } else if (jobDef == JobDefOf.AttackStatic || jobDef == JobDefOf.AttackMelee || jobDef == JobDefOf.Wait_Combat || jobDef == JobDefOf.Hunt) { if ( != null) { ThingWithComps primary =; if (primary != null && primary.def.IsRangedWeapon) { attackVerb = primary.GetComp <CompEquippable>().PrimaryVerb; } } } } if (attackVerb != null && attackVerb.verbProps.range > baseViewRange && attackVerb.verbProps.requireLineOfSight && attackVerb.EquipmentSource.def.IsRangedWeapon) { float attackVerbRange = attackVerb.verbProps.range; if (baseViewRange < attackVerbRange) { int ticksStanding = Find.TickManager.TicksGame - lastMovementTick; float statValue = pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.AimingDelayFactor, true); int ticksToSearch = (attackVerb.verbProps.warmupTime * statValue).SecondsToTicks() * Mathf.RoundToInt((attackVerbRange - baseViewRange) / 2); if (ticksStanding >= ticksToSearch) { sightRange = attackVerbRange * capacities.GetLevel(PawnCapacityDefOf.Sight); } else { int incValue = Mathf.RoundToInt((attackVerbRange - baseViewRange) * ((float)ticksStanding / ticksToSearch)); sightRange = (baseViewRange + incValue) * capacities.GetLevel(PawnCapacityDefOf.Sight); } } } } if (sightRange == 0f) { sightRange = baseViewRange * capacities.GetLevel(PawnCapacityDefOf.Sight); } if (!forTargeting && sleeping) { // Sleeping: sight reduced to 20% (if not for targeting). sightRange *= 0.2f; } // TODO: Apply moving penality? /*else if (!calcOnlyBase && pawnPather.Moving) { * // When moving, sight reduced to 90%s. * sightRange *= 0.9f; * } */ // Check if standing on an affect view object. List <CompAffectVision> compsAffectVision = mapCompSeenFog.compAffectVisionGrid[(position.z * mapSizeX) + position.x]; int compsCount = compsAffectVision.Count; for (int i = 0; i < compsCount; i++) { sightRange *= compsAffectVision[i].Props.fovMultiplier; } // Additional dark and weather debuff. if (!isMechanoid) { float currGlow = glowGrid.GameGlowAt(position); if (currGlow != 1f) { float darkModifier = 0.6f; // Each bionic eye reduce the dark debuff by 20. int hediffsCount = hediffs.Count; for (int i = 0; i < hediffsCount; i++) { if (hediffs[i].def == HediffDefOf.BionicEye) { darkModifier += 0.2f; } } // Apply only if to debuff. if (darkModifier < 1f) { // Adjusted to glow (100% full light - 60% dark). sightRange *= Mathf.Lerp(darkModifier, 1f, currGlow); } } if (!roofGrid.Roofed(position.x, position.z)) { float weatherFactor = weatherManager.CurWeatherAccuracyMultiplier; if (weatherFactor != 1f) { // Weather factor is applied by half. sightRange *= Mathf.Lerp(0.5f, 1f, weatherFactor); } } } // Mininum sight. if (sightRange < 1f) { return(1); } #if InternalProfile ProfilingUtils.stopProfiling("CompFieldOfViewWatcher.calcPawnSightRange"); #endif return(sightRange); }
public VerbEntry(Verb verb, Pawn pawn, Thing equipment = null) { this.verb = verb; this.cachedSelectionWeight = verb.verbProps.AdjustedMeleeSelectionWeight(verb, pawn, equipment); }
public static Stream WebInvoke(Uri uri, Verb verb, Stream input, WebMessageFormat requestFormat, bool hasOutput) { var request = WebRequest.Create(uri); switch (verb) { case Verb.Get: request.Method = "GET"; break; case Verb.Post: request.Method = "POST"; break; case Verb.Put: request.Method = "PUT"; break; case Verb.Delete: request.Method = "DELETE"; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } if (input != null) { input.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); switch (requestFormat) { case WebMessageFormat.Xml: request.ContentType = "application/xml"; break; case WebMessageFormat.Json: request.ContentType = "application/json"; break; } request.ContentLength = input.Length; using (var requestStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { var bytes = new byte[1024]; var read = 1; while (read > 0) { read = input.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, read); } } } try { using (var response = request.GetResponse()) { if (!hasOutput) return null; var length = (int) response.ContentLength; var copy = (length > 0) ? new MemoryStream(length) : new MemoryStream(); response.GetResponseStream().CopyTo(copy); copy.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); return copy; } } catch (WebException ex) { var message = string.Format("The remote server returned an unexpected response: {0}", ex.Message); throw new CommunicationException(message, ex); } }
public Command(Verb verb,int time) { Verb = verb; Time = time; }
private static string VerbLabel(Verb verb, AdditionalVerbProps props = null) { return(FirstNonEmptyString(props?.visualLabel, verb.verbProps.label, (verb as Verb_LaunchProjectile)?.Projectile.LabelCap, verb.caster?.def?.label)); }
public static String sendRequest(String url, Verb v, String mime, String body) { return getPage(url); }
// Token: 0x06000032 RID: 50 RVA: 0x00003C9C File Offset: 0x00001E9C public override bool AllowVerbCast(Verb v) { return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Checks it the <paramref name="testMethod"/> is accessible from the <paramref name="allowedMethods"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="allowedMethods">THe verbs, http methods, that are allowed.</param> /// <param name="testMethod">The verb, http method, that is being testing for access.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the <paramref name="testMethod"/> is an allowed method in the <paramref name="allowedMethods"/> otherwise <c>false</c></returns> public static bool ForHttpMethod(Verb allowedMethods, Verb testMethod) { return (allowedMethods & testMethod) == testMethod; }
protected void GetNextVerb(Verb verb = null) { if (Util.Verben == null || Util.Verben.Count == 0) { Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), () => { DisplayAlert("Hallo", "Deine Verben Wörterbuch ist leer. Vielleicht dein Handy ist nicht verbindung.", "OK"); return(false); }); } else { if (NumbersKnown.Count == Util.Verben.Count) { NumbersKnown = new List <int>(); } var index = 0; if (verb == null) { index = new Random().Next(0, Util.Verben.Count); while (NumbersKnown.Contains(index)) { index = new Random().Next(0, Util.Verben.Count); } NumbersKnown.Add(index); CurrentVerb = Util.Verben[index]; } else { CurrentVerb = verb; index = Util.Verben.IndexOf(verb); } lblWort.Text = CurrentVerb.Name; lblArt.Text = CurrentVerb.Art; lblPerfekt.Text = CurrentVerb.Perfekt; grdKonjugation.Children.Clear(); var lblIndikativPrasens = new Label { Text = "Indikativ Präsens", FontSize = 18, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, TextColor = Color.FromHex("#003994"), FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold }; grdKonjugation.Children.Add(lblIndikativPrasens, 0, 0); Grid.SetColumnSpan(lblIndikativPrasens, 6); var lblIndikativPrateritum = new Label { Text = "Indikativ Präteritum", FontSize = 18, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, TextColor = Color.FromHex("#003994"), FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold }; OrganizierenKonjugation(CurrentVerb.Prasens, true); grdKonjugation.Children.Add(lblIndikativPrateritum, 0, 7); Grid.SetColumnSpan(lblIndikativPrateritum, 6); OrganizierenKonjugation(CurrentVerb.Prateritum, false); var index2 = new Random().Next(0, Util.Verben.Count); var index3 = new Random().Next(0, Util.Verben.Count); while (index2 == index) { index2 = new Random().Next(0, Util.Verben.Count); } while (index3 == index || index3 == index2) { index3 = new Random().Next(0, Util.Verben.Count); } var indexs = new List <int>() { index, index2, index3 }; var indexOptionOne = new Random().Next(0, indexs.Count); lblOptionOne.Text = Util.Verben[indexs[indexOptionOne]].Ubersetzung; var indexOptionTwo = new Random().Next(0, indexs.Count); while (indexOptionTwo == indexOptionOne) { indexOptionTwo = new Random().Next(0, indexs.Count); } lblOptionTwo.Text = Util.Verben[indexs[indexOptionTwo]].Ubersetzung; var indexOptionThree = new Random().Next(0, indexs.Count); while (indexOptionThree == indexOptionOne || indexOptionThree == indexOptionTwo) { indexOptionThree = new Random().Next(0, indexs.Count); } lblOptionThree.Text = Util.Verben[indexs[indexOptionThree]].Ubersetzung; } }
internal static IEnumerable<int> DiscoverCrudStatusCodeNumbers(this MethodInfo method, Verb verb, Type controllerType = null) { return method.DiscoverCrudStatusCodes(verb, controllerType).Select(httpStatusCode => (int)httpStatusCode).Distinct(); }
public ApplyPrototype(Verb verb, params IFuturePrototype[] prototypeParams) { this.verb = verb; this.prototypeParams = prototypeParams; }
private static float FriendlyFireShootingTargetScoreOffset(IAttackTarget target, IAttackTargetSearcher searcher, Verb verb) { if (verb.verbProps.ai_AvoidFriendlyFireRadius <= 0f) { return(0f); } Map map = target.Thing.Map; IntVec3 position = target.Thing.Position; int num = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(verb.verbProps.ai_AvoidFriendlyFireRadius); float num2 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = position + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (intVec.InBounds(map)) { bool flag = true; List <Thing> thingList = intVec.GetThingList(map); for (int j = 0; j < thingList.Count; j++) { if (thingList[j] is IAttackTarget && thingList[j] != target) { if (flag) { if (!GenSight.LineOfSight(position, intVec, map, true, null, 0, 0)) { break; } flag = false; } float num3; if (thingList[j] == searcher) { num3 = 40f; } else if (thingList[j] is Pawn) { num3 = ((!thingList[j].def.race.Animal) ? 18f : 7f); } else { num3 = 10f; } if (searcher.Thing.HostileTo(thingList[j])) { num2 += num3 * 0.6f; } else { num2 -= num3; } } } } } return(Mathf.Min(num2, 0f)); }
public static IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmosForVerb(this Verb verb, ManagedVerb man = null) { var props = man?.Props; Thing ownerThing = null; switch (verb.DirectOwner) { case ThingWithComps twc when twc.TryGetComp <Comp_VerbGiver>() is Comp_VerbGiver giver: ownerThing = twc; props = giver.PropsFor(verb); break; case Thing thing: ownerThing = thing; break; case Comp_VerbGiver comp: ownerThing = comp.parent; props = comp.PropsFor(verb); break; case CompEquippable eq: ownerThing = eq.parent; break; case HediffComp_ExtendedVerbGiver hediffGiver: props = hediffGiver.PropsFor(verb); break; } Command gizmo; var command = new Command_VerbTarget { verb = verb }; gizmo = command; if (ownerThing != null) { gizmo.defaultDesc = FirstNonEmptyString(props?.description, ownerThing.def.LabelCap + ": " + ownerThing .def?.description? .Truncate(500, __truncateCache)? .CapitalizeFirst()); gizmo.icon = verb.Icon(props, ownerThing, false); } else if (verb.DirectOwner is HediffComp_VerbGiver hediffGiver) { var hediff = hediffGiver.parent; gizmo.defaultDesc = FirstNonEmptyString(props?.description, hediff.def.LabelCap + ": " + hediff.def.description .Truncate(500, __truncateCache) .CapitalizeFirst()); gizmo.icon = verb.Icon(props, null, false); } gizmo.tutorTag = "VerbTarget"; gizmo.defaultLabel = verb.Label(props); if (verb.Caster.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { gizmo.Disable("CannotOrderNonControlled".Translate()); } else if (verb.CasterIsPawn) { if (verb.CasterPawn.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent)) { gizmo.Disable("IsIncapableOfViolence".Translate(verb.CasterPawn.LabelShort, verb.CasterPawn)); } else if (verb.CasterPawn.drafter != null && !verb.CasterPawn.drafter.Drafted) { gizmo.Disable("IsNotDrafted".Translate(verb.CasterPawn.LabelShort, verb.CasterPawn)); } else if (verb.CasterPawn.InMentalState) { gizmo.Disable("CannotOrderNonControlled".Translate()); } } yield return(gizmo); if (props != null && props.canBeToggled && man != null && verb.caster.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && props.separateToggle || verb.CasterIsPawn && verb.CasterPawn.RaceProps.Animal) { yield return(new Command_ToggleVerbUsage(man)); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the <paramref name="httpMethod"/> is accessible. /// </summary> /// <param name="httpMethod">The Http Method to check.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if <paramref name="httpMethod"/> is allowed, otherwise <c>false.</c></returns> public bool ForHttpMethod(Verb httpMethod) { return ForHttpMethod(Verb, httpMethod); }
public static bool TryFindCastPosition(CastPositionRequest newReq, out IntVec3 dest) { req = newReq; casterLoc = req.caster.Position; targetLoc =; verb = req.verb; avoidGrid = newReq.caster.GetAvoidGrid(onlyIfLordAllows: false); if (verb == null) { Log.Error(req.caster + " tried to find casting position without a verb."); dest = IntVec3.Invalid; return(false); } if (req.maxRegions > 0) { Region region = casterLoc.GetRegion(req.caster.Map); if (region == null) { Log.Error("TryFindCastPosition requiring region traversal but root region is null."); dest = IntVec3.Invalid; return(false); } inRadiusMark = Rand.Int; RegionTraverser.MarkRegionsBFS(region, null, newReq.maxRegions, inRadiusMark); if (req.maxRangeFromLocus > 0.01f) { Region locusReg =; if (locusReg == null) { Log.Error("locus " + + " has no region"); dest = IntVec3.Invalid; return(false); } if (locusReg.mark != inRadiusMark) { inRadiusMark = Rand.Int; RegionTraverser.BreadthFirstTraverse(region, null, delegate(Region r) { r.mark = inRadiusMark; req.maxRegions++; return(r == locusReg); }); } } } CellRect cellRect = CellRect.WholeMap(req.caster.Map); if (req.maxRangeFromCaster > 0.01f) { int num = Mathf.CeilToInt(req.maxRangeFromCaster); CellRect otherRect = new CellRect(casterLoc.x - num, casterLoc.z - num, num * 2 + 1, num * 2 + 1); cellRect.ClipInsideRect(otherRect); } int num2 = Mathf.CeilToInt(req.maxRangeFromTarget); CellRect otherRect2 = new CellRect(targetLoc.x - num2, targetLoc.z - num2, num2 * 2 + 1, num2 * 2 + 1); cellRect.ClipInsideRect(otherRect2); if (req.maxRangeFromLocus > 0.01f) { int num3 = Mathf.CeilToInt(req.maxRangeFromLocus); CellRect otherRect3 = new CellRect(targetLoc.x - num3, targetLoc.z - num3, num3 * 2 + 1, num3 * 2 + 1); cellRect.ClipInsideRect(otherRect3); } bestSpot = IntVec3.Invalid; bestSpotPref = 0.001f; maxRangeFromCasterSquared = req.maxRangeFromCaster * req.maxRangeFromCaster; maxRangeFromTargetSquared = req.maxRangeFromTarget * req.maxRangeFromTarget; maxRangeFromLocusSquared = req.maxRangeFromLocus * req.maxRangeFromLocus; rangeFromTarget = (req.caster.Position -; rangeFromTargetSquared = (float)(req.caster.Position -; optimalRangeSquared = verb.verbProps.range * 0.8f * (verb.verbProps.range * 0.8f); EvaluateCell(req.caster.Position); if ((double)bestSpotPref >= 1.0) { dest = req.caster.Position; return(true); } float slope = -1f / CellLine.Between(, req.caster.Position).Slope; CellLine cellLine = new CellLine(, slope); bool flag = cellLine.CellIsAbove(req.caster.Position); CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator = cellRect.GetIterator(); while (!iterator.Done()) { IntVec3 current = iterator.Current; if (cellLine.CellIsAbove(current) == flag && cellRect.Contains(current)) { EvaluateCell(current); } iterator.MoveNext(); } if (bestSpot.IsValid && bestSpotPref > 0.33f) { dest = bestSpot; return(true); } CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator2 = cellRect.GetIterator(); while (!iterator2.Done()) { IntVec3 current2 = iterator2.Current; if (cellLine.CellIsAbove(current2) != flag && cellRect.Contains(current2)) { EvaluateCell(current2); } iterator2.MoveNext(); } if (bestSpot.IsValid) { dest = bestSpot; return(true); } dest = casterLoc; return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a AccessibleThroughAttribute with /// the specified <paramref name="verb"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="verb">The <see cref="Verb"/> to allow for this action.</param> public AccessibleThroughAttribute(Verb verb) { this.verb = verb; }
public List <VerbEntry> GetUpdatedAvailableVerbsList(bool terrainTools) { Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Clear(); if (!terrainTools) { List <Verb> allVerbs = this.pawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs; for (int i = 0; i < allVerbs.Count; i++) { if (allVerbs[i].IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn)) { Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs[i], this.pawn)); } } if ( != null) { List <ThingWithComps> allEquipmentListForReading =; for (int j = 0; j < allEquipmentListForReading.Count; j++) { ThingWithComps thingWithComps = allEquipmentListForReading[j]; CompEquippable comp = thingWithComps.GetComp <CompEquippable>(); if (comp != null) { List <Verb> allVerbs2 = comp.AllVerbs; if (allVerbs2 != null) { for (int k = 0; k < allVerbs2.Count; k++) { if (allVerbs2[k].IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn)) { Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs2[k], this.pawn)); } } } } } } if (this.pawn.apparel != null) { List <Apparel> wornApparel = this.pawn.apparel.WornApparel; for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++) { Apparel apparel = wornApparel[l]; CompEquippable comp2 = apparel.GetComp <CompEquippable>(); if (comp2 != null) { List <Verb> allVerbs3 = comp2.AllVerbs; if (allVerbs3 != null) { for (int m = 0; m < allVerbs3.Count; m++) { if (allVerbs3[m].IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn)) { Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs3[m], this.pawn)); } } } } } } foreach (Verb verb in { if (verb.IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn)) { Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(verb, this.pawn)); } } } else if (this.pawn.Spawned) { TerrainDef terrain = this.pawn.Position.GetTerrain(this.pawn.Map); if (this.terrainVerbs == null || this.terrainVerbs.def != terrain) { this.terrainVerbs = Pawn_MeleeVerbs_TerrainSource.Create(this, terrain); } List <Verb> allVerbs4 = this.terrainVerbs.tracker.AllVerbs; for (int n = 0; n < allVerbs4.Count; n++) { Verb verb2 = allVerbs4[n]; if (verb2.IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn)) { Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(verb2, this.pawn)); } } } return(Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs); }
private bool FindGrammar(InputResult result, Verb verb, IEnumerable<string> grammars) { foreach (var possibleGrammar in grammars) { var matchedGrammar = verb.Grammars.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Format == possibleGrammar); if (matchedGrammar != null) { result.Grammar = matchedGrammar; return true; } } return false; }
private void WriteVerb(Verb verb) => _socketStream.WriteByte((byte)verb);