private static string BuildRequest(long domainID, bool isMobile, VendorID vendor, string gameCode, int maxRecords) { using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) using (JsonTextWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw)) { writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("RequestTime"); writer.WriteValue(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); writer.WritePropertyName("GameType"); writer.WriteValue(isMobile ? "mobile" : "desktop"); writer.WritePropertyName("GameVendor"); writer.WriteValue(vendor.ToString()); writer.WritePropertyName("GameCode"); writer.WriteValue(gameCode); writer.WritePropertyName("TopN"); writer.WriteValue(maxRecords); writer.WritePropertyName("DomainSpecific"); writer.WriteValue(domainID); writer.WriteEndObject(); return(sw.ToString()); } }
private void Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Connect connectObj = new Connect(); con = connectObj.connect(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM VENDOR WHERE VID = @vid", con); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vid", VendorID.Text); int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //If count is equal to 1, than show frmMain form if (i != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Customer Deletion Successful!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Customer Deletion Failed"); } con.Close(); //Clear the fields VendorID.Clear(); VendorName.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Vendor Not found"); } }
public CashTransporter(SessionPayload session, long domainId, VendorID vendor) { _vendorApi = new VendorApiClient(vendor.ToString()); _domainId = domainId; _userSession = session; _vendor = vendor; }
private void Clear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProductName.Clear(); productID.Clear(); VendorID.Clear(); Amount.Clear(); }
/* * A code defining the reason for going back to the lobby. * “0” = A normal game termination (the player selected to go to the lobby using the lobby button in the game) * “1” = The game was started from a bookmark; a login (real or for fun) is required to obtain a web session and play the game. * “2” = The game has been inactive for too long and requires pin code authentication. Note: This feature will not be available in first release of mobile games. * “4” = Play for real promotion has been displayed in-game, and the player wants to register and play for real money. * “5” = The player ran out of money when playing a game, and want to deposit more money. * “6” = The device is confirmed not supported. * “9” = An error occurred in the game and the player chose to go to the lobby. */ public ActionResult Return(long domainID, VendorID id, string gameId, string reason) { List <ceDomainConfigEx> domains = DomainManager.GetDomains(); ceDomainConfigEx domain = domains.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DomainID == domainID); if (domain == null) { throw new HttpException(404, "Invalid URL"); } switch (id) { case VendorID.NetEnt: { string postfix = string.Format("#{0}", reason); if (reason == "5") { return(this.Redirect(domain.MobileCashierUrl + postfix)); } if (reason == "10") { return(this.Redirect(domain.MobileAccountHistoryUrl + postfix)); } return(this.Redirect(domain.MobileLobbyUrl + postfix)); } default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
private void clear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { VendorName.Clear(); VendorAddress.Clear(); PhoneNumber.Clear(); email.Clear(); VendorID.Clear(); }
private void clear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { VendorName.Clear(); VendorAddress.Clear(); VendorPhoneNo.Clear(); Email.Clear(); VendorID.Clear(); VendorName2.Clear(); }
private void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (VendorName.Text == "" || VendorAddress.Text == "" || PhoneNO.Text == "" || Email.Text == "" || VendorID.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please provide all the details", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (PhoneNO.Text.Length != 10) { MessageBox.Show("Enter valid Phone number", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } try { Connect connectObj = new Connect(); con = connectObj.connect(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert into VENDOR (vid,vname,address,phone_number,email) values(@id,@vname,@address,@phno,@email);", con); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", VendorID.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vname", VendorName.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@phno", Convert.ToInt64(PhoneNO.Text)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@address", VendorAddress.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", Email.Text); int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //If count is equal to 1, than show frmMain form if (i != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Vendor Insertion Successful!", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Vendor Insertion Failed", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } con.Close(); //Clear all the fields. VendorName.Clear(); VendorAddress.Clear(); PhoneNO.Clear(); Email.Clear(); VendorID.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed!! Try with Different ID!!", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); } } }
public void SaveTo(XmlTextWriter xw) { xw.WriteAttributeString("type", MappedType.ToString()); xw.WriteAttributeString("source", Source.ToString()); xw.WriteAttributeString("uuid", UUID.ToString()); if (Source == SourceType.RawInput) { xw.WriteAttributeString("vid", VendorID.ToString("X")); xw.WriteAttributeString("pid", ProductID.ToString("X")); xw.WriteAttributeString("rpt_hash", ReportHash.ToString()); xw.WriteAttributeString("idx", DeviceIndex.ToString()); } else if (Source == SourceType.XInput) { xw.WriteAttributeString("idx", DeviceIndex.ToString()); } else if (Source == SourceType.MUNIA) { xw.WriteAttributeString("devicepath", DevicePath); } else if (Source == SourceType.Arduino) { xw.WriteAttributeString("arduino_port", ArduinoPort.Name); xw.WriteAttributeString("arduino_type", ArduinoSource.ToString()); } xw.WriteStartElement("buttons"); foreach (var btn in ButtonMaps) { btn.SaveTo(xw); } xw.WriteEndElement(); xw.WriteStartElement("axes"); foreach (var axis in AxisMaps) { axis.SaveTo(xw); } xw.WriteEndElement(); xw.WriteStartElement("buttons_to_axis"); foreach (var btn in ButtonToAxisMaps) { btn.SaveTo(xw); } xw.WriteEndElement(); xw.WriteStartElement("axis_to_buttons"); foreach (var axis in AxisToButtonMaps) { axis.SaveTo(xw); } xw.WriteEndElement(); }
public TokenResponse GetToken(long domainId, long userId, VendorID vendorId, bool logActivity = false) { TokenRequest tokenRequest = new TokenRequest() { DomainId = domainId, UserID = userId, VendorID = vendorId, }; return(GetToken(tokenRequest, logActivity)); }
public static bool IsVendorEnabled(VendorID vendorID) { if (DomainManager.CurrentDomainID == Constant.SystemDomainID) { return(true); } CasinoVendorAccessor cva = CasinoVendorAccessor.CreateInstance <CasinoVendorAccessor>(); List <VendorID> enabledVendors = cva.GetEnabledVendors(DomainManager.CurrentDomainID); return(enabledVendors.Exists(v => v == vendorID)); }
/// <summary> /// Get device. /// </summary> /// <param name="aVendorID">A vendor ID.</param> /// <param name="aDeviceID">A device ID.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static PCIDevice GetDevice(VendorID aVendorID, DeviceID aDeviceID) { foreach (var xDevice in Devices) { if ((VendorID)xDevice.VendorID == aVendorID && (DeviceID)xDevice.DeviceID == aDeviceID) { return(xDevice); } } return(null); }
public static PCIDevice GetDevice(VendorID aVendorID, DeviceID aDeviceID) { for (int i = 0; i < Devices.Count; i++) { var xDevice = Devices[i]; if ((VendorID)xDevice.VendorID == aVendorID && (DeviceID)xDevice.DeviceID == aDeviceID) { return(Devices[i]); } } return(null); }
public ActionResult VendorWizards(VendorID vendorID) { string viewName = string.Format("VendorWizards_{0}", vendorID.ToString()); ViewEngineResult result = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(ControllerContext, viewName, null); bool exists = (result.View != null); if (!exists) { viewName = "VendorWizards_Basic"; } ViewData["vendorID"] = vendorID; return(this.View(viewName)); }
public static bool Exists(VendorID aVendorID, DeviceID aDeviceID) { PCIDevice aDevice = GetDevice(aVendorID, aDeviceID); if (aDevice == null) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
private void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProductName.Text == "" || VendorID.Text == "" || Amount.Text == "" || ProductID.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please provide all the details", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } try { Connect connectObj = new Connect(); con = connectObj.connect(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert into PRODUCT (PID,PNAME,AMOUNT,VID) values(@pid,@pname,@amount,@vid);", con); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", ProductID.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pname", ProductName.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vid", VendorID.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@amount", Amount.Text); int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //If count is equal to 1, than show frmMain form if (i != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Product Insertion Successful!", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Product Insertion Failed", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } con.Close(); ProductName.Clear(); VendorID.Clear(); Amount.Clear(); ProductID.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); } } }
private void update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (VendorName.Text == "" || VendorAddress.Text == "" || PhoneNumber.Text == "" || email.Text == "" || VendorID.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please provide all the details", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } try { Connect connectObj = new Connect(); con = connectObj.connect(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE VENDOR SET vname = @vname,address = @address,phone_number = @phno,email = @email WHERE vid = @id;", con); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", VendorID.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vname", VendorName.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@phno", Convert.ToInt64(PhoneNumber.Text)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@address", VendorAddress.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", email.Text); int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //If count is equal to 1, than show frmMain form if (i != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Vendor Updation Successful!", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Vendor Updation Failed", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Vendor not found", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); } } VendorName.Clear(); VendorAddress.Clear(); PhoneNumber.Clear(); email.Clear(); VendorID.Clear(); }
private static string GetGameRecommendedUrl(long domainID, bool isMobile, VendorID vendor, string gameCode) { //{0}&GameCode={1}&GameType={2}&TopN={3} string url = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture , ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Recommendation.GameRecommendedURL"] , RecommendedGame.ConvertToReportVendorID(vendor) , gameCode , isMobile ? "Mobile" : "Desktop"); return(url); }
public static string VendorIDStr(VendorID vID) { if (vID == VendorID.Virtualbox) { return("VirtualBox"); } else if (vID == VendorID.VMWare) { return("VMWare"); } else { return("UnknownID"); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if Address instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of Address to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(Address other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( ID == other.ID || ID != null && ID.Equals(other.ID) ) && ( VendorID == other.VendorID || VendorID != null && VendorID.Equals(other.VendorID) ) && ( Street == other.Street || Street != null && Street.Equals(other.Street) ) && ( City == other.City || City != null && City.Equals(other.City) ) && ( State == other.State || State != null && State.Equals(other.State) ) && ( Country == other.Country || Country != null && Country.Equals(other.Country) ) && ( ZipCode == other.ZipCode || ZipCode != null && ZipCode.Equals(other.ZipCode) )); }
/// <summary> /// Get the recommended games /// </summary> /// <param name="domainID">domain ID</param> /// <param name="isMobile">is mobile</param> /// <param name="userID">user ID</param> /// <param name="countryID">country ID</param> /// <param name="gender">Female / Male</param> /// <param name="age">age</param> /// <param name="maxNumber">The maximum records of the recommended games</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool TryGet(long domainID, bool isMobile, VendorID vendor, string gameCode, out List <RecommendedGame> games) { string url = GetGameRecommendedUrl(domainID, isMobile, vendor, gameCode); bool success = RecommendedGame.TryGet(url, out games); if (success) { games = games.Skip(1).ToList(); } return(success); // string request = BuildRequest(domainID, isMobile, vendor, gameCode, maxRecords); // #region fake JSON // string json = @"{ // ""code"":201, // ""message"":""success"", // ""results"":{ // ""GameType"":""Desktop"", // ""Recolist"":[ // [ // ""NetEnt"", // ""lrtxsholdem_sw"", // 0.5 // ], // [ // ""EGT"", // ""804"", // 0.3 // ], // [ // ""PlaynGO"", // ""34"", // 0.1 // ] // ] // } //}"; // #endregion // return RecommendedGame.Parse(json); }
public XElement Serialize() { var xel = new XElement("Joystick", new XAttribute("Name", Name), new XAttribute("Code", Code), new XAttribute("VendorID", VendorID.ToString("X4")), new XAttribute("ProductID", ProductID.ToString("X4")), new XAttribute("ReportStructure", ReportStructure ?? ""), new XAttribute("ID", ID)); foreach (var joystickControl in __Controls) { xel.Add(joystickControl.Serialize()); } return(xel); }
private string GetVendorRestrictedCountries(long domainID, VendorID vendor) { string cacheKey = string.Format("LoaderController.GetVendorRestrictedCountries.{0}", domainID); Dictionary <VendorID, string> dic = HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey] as Dictionary <VendorID, string>; if (dic == null) { CasinoVendorAccessor cva = CasinoVendorAccessor.CreateInstance <CasinoVendorAccessor>(); dic = cva.GetRestrictedTerritoriesDictionary(domainID); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, dic, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); } string restrictedCountries = null; dic.TryGetValue(vendor, out restrictedCountries); return(restrictedCountries); }
public static string GetLanguage(VendorID vendor, string lang) { string language = string.Empty; switch (vendor) { case VendorID.Opus: language = GetOpusLanguage(lang); break; default: language = lang; break; } return(language); }
private void Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProductName.Text == "" || productID.Text == "" || VendorID.Text == "" || Amount.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please provide all the details", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } try { Connect conObj = new Connect(); con = conObj.connect(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE PRODUCT SET pname = @pname,amount = @amount,vid = @vid WHERE pid = @id;", con); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", productID.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pname", ProductName.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vid", VendorID.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@amount", Amount.Text); //cid += 1; int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //If count is equal to 1, than show frmMain form if (i != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Product Updation Successful!", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Product Updation Failed", "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Captions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); } } ProductName.Clear(); productID.Clear(); VendorID.Clear(); Amount.Clear(); }
///<summary> ///Returns a <see cref="T:System.String"/> that represents the current <see cref="UsbDeviceDescriptor"/>. ///</summary> /// ///<param name="prefixSeperator">The field prefix string.</param> ///<param name="entitySperator">The field/value seperator string.</param> ///<param name="suffixSeperator">The value suffix string.</param> ///<returns>A formatted representation of the <see cref="UsbDeviceDescriptor"/>.</returns> public string ToString(string prefixSeperator, string entitySperator, string suffixSeperator) { Object[] values = { Length, DescriptorType, "0x" + BcdUsb.ToString("X4"), Class, "0x" + SubClass.ToString("X2"), "0x" + Protocol.ToString("X2"), MaxPacketSize0, "0x" + VendorID.ToString("X4"), "0x" + ProductID.ToString("X4"), "0x" + BcdDevice.ToString("X4"), ManufacturerStringIndex, ProductStringIndex, SerialStringIndex, ConfigurationCount }; string[] names = { "Length", "DescriptorType", "BcdUsb", "Class", "SubClass", "Protocol", "MaxPacketSize0", "VendorID", "ProductID", "BcdDevice", "ManufacturerStringIndex", "ProductStringIndex", "SerialStringIndex", "ConfigurationCount" }; return(Helper.ToString(prefixSeperator, names, entitySperator, values, suffixSeperator)); }
/// <summary> /// Serves as a hash function for a particular type. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Object"/>. /// </returns> /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int result = BcdUsb.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ Class.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ SubClass.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ Protocol.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ MaxPacketSize0.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ VendorID.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ ProductID.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ BcdDevice.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ ManufacturerStringIndex.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ ProductStringIndex.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ SerialStringIndex.GetHashCode(); result = (result * 397) ^ ConfigurationCount.GetHashCode(); return(result); } }
public static string ConvertToReportVendorID(VendorID vendorID) { switch (vendorID) { case VendorID.OneXTwoGaming: return("1x2Gaming"); case VendorID.BallyGaming: return("Bally"); case VendorID.ISoftBet: return("iSoftBet"); case VendorID.NYXGaming: return("NYX"); default: return(vendorID.ToString()); } }
public JsonResult TransferMoney(CashTransporterRequest request) { CashTransporterResponse response = new CashTransporterResponse(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Sid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.VendorName) || request.DomainId == 0) { response.Success = false; response.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Parameter requied. Received parameters: Sid: {0}, DomainId: {1}, VendorName: {2}, Language: {3}", request.Sid, request.DomainId, request.VendorName, request.Language); return(Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } SessionPayload session = _agentClient.GetSessionByGuid(request.Sid); try { if (session != null && session.IsAuthenticated == true && session.DomainID == request.DomainId) { VendorID vendor = (VendorID)Enum.Parse(typeof(VendorID), request.VendorName, true); CashTransporter cashTransporter = new CashTransporter(session, request.DomainId, vendor); string language = VendorLanguageSelector.GetLanguage(vendor, request.Language); cashTransporter.TransferMoney(language); response.Success = true; } else { response.ErrorMessage = "Session expired"; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; } return(Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (ID != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ID.GetHashCode(); } if (VendorID != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + VendorID.GetHashCode(); } if (Street != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Street.GetHashCode(); } if (City != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + City.GetHashCode(); } if (State != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + State.GetHashCode(); } if (Country != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Country.GetHashCode(); } if (ZipCode != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ZipCode.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
private void CreateCasinoBonusAccounts(IDBProvider dbInstance, List<string> typeCurrencyList, VendorID vendorOwnerID, long userID, string currency) { CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusGranted); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusWagered); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusCashout); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusForfeitedBonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusForfeitedDeposit); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusForfeitedWins); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusExpiredBonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusExpiredDeposit); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusExpiredWins); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, typeCurrencyList, vendorOwnerID, userID, currency, AccountType.BonusExceededMaxWins); }
private void CreateVendorAccount(IDBProvider dbInstance, List<string> typeCurrencyList, VendorID vendorOwnerID, long userID, string currency, AccountType newType) { if (!typeCurrencyList.Contains(string.Format("{0}_{1}", (int)newType, currency))) { Entity<AccountRec>.Insert(dbInstance.Get, new AccountRec() { Type = newType, UserID = userID, Balance = 0, Currency = currency, VendorID = VendorID.System, VendorOwnerID = vendorOwnerID, ActiveStatus = ActiveStatus.Active }); } }
private void InstallVendor(IDBProvider dbInstance, VendorID vendorID, Dictionary<VendorID, VendorRec> vendorSetup) { //create vendor var vendorRec = dbInstance._<VendorAccessor>().Vendor(vendorID); if (vendorRec == null) { //user UserRec urec = new UserRec() { Type = UserType.Vendor, UserName = ((int)vendorID).ToString(), Password = "******", DisplayName = "n/a", ActiveStatus = ActiveStatus.Active, Email = string.Format("{0}", Util.Crypto.GenGuid()), //hack to avoid unique email constraint error }; Entity<UserRec>.Insert(dbInstance.Get, urec); //vendor vendorRec = vendorSetup[vendorID]; vendorRec.UserID = urec.ID; Entity<VendorRec>.Insert(dbInstance.Get, vendorRec); } //get vendor userid long userID = vendorRec.UserID; //get vendor account type list List<string> tcl = dbInstance._<AccountAccessor>().AccountTypeCurrencyList(userID); //create accounts foreach (var c in SP.CurrencyProvider.GetSupportedCurrencyList()) { CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Ordinary); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Fee); //specific switch (vendorID) { case VendorID.System: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Compensation); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.ChargeBack); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TestFunds); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.SDA); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Others); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.SA); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.ChipDumping); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.RecoveredFunds); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Adjustment); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.GoodWill); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.PaymentFee); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.DoubleFundsCorrection); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.PaymentsToInternational); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.CashDesk); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.FraudFunds); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.InactiveAccountFee); break; case VendorID.NetEnt: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.CasinoFPP); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.OddsMatrix: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.CakeNetwork: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Prize); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.RakeBack); break; case VendorID.GutsGames: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.Affiliate: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.AffiliateFee); break; case VendorID.ViG: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); break; case VendorID.OnGame: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Prize); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.RakeBack); break; case VendorID.BingoNetwork: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Prize); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.RakeBack); CreateCasinoBonusAccounts(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c); break; case VendorID.Microgaming: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); break; case VendorID.IGT: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.MergeNetwork: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.CTXM: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.CasinoWallet: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.CasinoFPP); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.CashDesk); CreateCasinoBonusAccounts(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c); break; case VendorID.PlaynGO: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.XProGaming: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.ENET: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.IDM: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.EverleafNetwork: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.PACasino: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.BetSoft: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.GreenTube: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.BuzzSports: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.PAClassic: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.CasinoKlas: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.Sheriff: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.CasinoSieger: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); break; case VendorID.Norske: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); break; case VendorID.OMI: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.EvolutionGaming: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.ISoftBet: //TODO: Clarify is that correct CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.Ezugi: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.EGB: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.BetGames: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.GTS: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.Vivo: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.OneXTwoGaming: //TODO: Clarify is that correct CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.Lega: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.EGT: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.BetConstruct: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.BonusGranted); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.BonusCashout); break; case VendorID.Yggdrasil: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Bonus); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.TransferCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.Misc); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); break; case VendorID.Bank: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.SDAdeposit); goto case VendorID.PaymentTrust; case VendorID.PaymentTrust: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WithdrawalCorrection); goto default; case VendorID.NYXGaming: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); goto default; case VendorID.BallyGaming: CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.WalletCorrections); goto default; default: //other payment vendors CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.DepositCorrections); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.DepositCorrectionsNoFee); CreateVendorAccount(dbInstance, tcl, vendorID, userID, c, AccountType.PaymentFee); break; } } }