Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        myref         = transform;
        SensorRotator = myref.Find("Laser Sensor");
        emitter       = SensorRotator.Find("Emitter");

        horCurrentAngle = 0;
        vc = new VelodyneWrapper("/home/robil/simConfigs/velodyne.conf", true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Start()
        Application.targetFrameRate = 200;

        Sensor   = GetComponentInChildren <GPULidar>();
        depthCam = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();

        // Calculation of FOV
        verticalFOV = HigherAngle - LowerAngle;
        m_VerticalAngularResolution = verticalFOV / (Channels - 1f);
        horizontalFOV = Time.fixedDeltaTime * 360.0f * RotateFrequency / SuperSample;

        // Calculation of the Camera Projection Mat
        Matrix4x4 projMat        = depthCam.projectionMatrix;
        float     horizontalMval = 1.0f / (Mathf.Tan((horizontalFOV / 2.0f) * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
        float     verticalMval   = 1.0f / (Mathf.Tan((verticalFOV / 2.0f) * Mathf.Deg2Rad));

        projMat[0, 0]             = horizontalMval;
        projMat[1, 1]             = verticalMval;
        depthCam.projectionMatrix = projMat;

        // target Texture size calculation
        m_ColumnsPerPhysStep   = Mathf.RoundToInt(Time.fixedDeltaTime * RotationAngle * RotateFrequency / AngularResolution) / SuperSample;
        m_ResWidth             = m_ColumnsPerPhysStep;
        m_ResHeight            = Channels;
        depthCam.targetTexture = new RenderTexture(m_ResWidth, m_ResHeight, 1, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default);
        RangesSamples          = new Texture2D(m_ResWidth, m_ResHeight, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

        depthCam.farClipPlane  = MeasurementRange;
        depthCam.nearClipPlane = MinMeasurementRange;

        // initial direction of the depthCam scan window center
        cameraRotationAngle = horizontalFOV / 2.0f;
        Sensor.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-(HigherAngle + LowerAngle) / 2.0f, cameraRotationAngle, 0);

        // activtion of the ICD interface
        if (sendDataOnICD)
            vel16ICDinterface = new VelodyneWrapper(ICD_ConfigFile, true);

        if (UseThreading)
            int bar1ID = iSCentralDispatch.DispatchNewThread("ProcessVelodyne", ProcessVelodyneThread);
            iSCentralDispatch.SetPriorityForThread(bar1ID, iSCDThreadPriority.VeryHigh);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void Awake()
        Sensor   = GetComponentInChildren <GPULidar>();
        depthCam = Sensor.GetComponent <Camera>();

        // Calculation of FOV
        verticalFOV = HigherAngle - LowerAngle;
        verticalAngularResolution = verticalFOV / (Channels - 1f);
        horizontalFOV             = Time.fixedDeltaTime * RotationAngle * RotateFrequency / SuperSample;

        // Calculation of the Camera Projection Mat
        Matrix4x4 projMat        = depthCam.projectionMatrix;
        float     horizontalMval = 1.0f / (Mathf.Tan((horizontalFOV / 2.0f) * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
        float     verticalMval   = 1.0f / (Mathf.Tan((verticalFOV / 2.0f) * Mathf.Deg2Rad));

        projMat[0, 0]             = horizontalMval;
        projMat[1, 1]             = verticalMval;
        depthCam.projectionMatrix = projMat;

        // target Texture size calculation
        ColumnsPerPhysStep     = Mathf.RoundToInt(horizontalFOV / AngularResolution);
        ResWidth               = ColumnsPerPhysStep;
        ResHeight              = Channels;
        depthCam.targetTexture = new RenderTexture(ResWidth, ResHeight, 1, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default);
        RangesSamples          = new Texture2D(ResWidth, ResHeight, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

        depthCam.farClipPlane  = MeasurementRange;
        depthCam.nearClipPlane = MinMeasurementRange;

        // initial direction of the depthCam scan window center
        cameraRotationAngle = horizontalFOV / 2.0f;
        Sensor.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-(HigherAngle + LowerAngle) / 2.0f, cameraRotationAngle, 0);

        // activtion of the ICD interface
        if (sendDataOnICD)
            vel16ICDinterface = new VelodyneWrapper(ICD_ConfigFile, true);