Ejemplo n.º 1
            public bool QueryCallback(Entity node)
                var velocityObstacle = _velocityObstacleLookup[node];
                var neighbour        = new VelocityObstacle(velocityObstacle);
                // todo should probably take in to account neighbour radius here, it could be very large
                var distSq = math.lengthsq(_position - neighbour.Position);

                if (distSq < _rangeSq)
                    neighbour.Dist = distSq;

                    if (_neighbours.Length < _maxResults)

                    var i = _neighbours.Length - 1;

                    while (i != 0 && distSq < _neighbours[i - 1].Dist)
                        _neighbours[i] = _neighbours[--i];

                    _neighbours[i] = neighbour;

                    if (_neighbours.Length == _maxResults)
                        _rangeSq = _neighbours[_neighbours.Length - 1].Dist;

Ejemplo n.º 2
    //TODO this function will take as input the agent and its
    //_desired_ velocity (that can be computed by the current goal)
    //and will return the best _desired_ velocity compatible with the VO obstacles
    //computed previously
    public void Update(AIController agent)
        for (int i = 0; i < _forbiddenDirections.Count; i++)
            _forbiddenDirections[i] = 0;

        //for (int i = 0; i < _interestingDirections.Count; i++)
        //    _interestingDirections[i] = 0;
        List <VelocityObstacle> velocityObstacles = agent.GetVelocityObstacles();
        Transform agentTransform = agent.transform;

        for (int i = 0; i < velocityObstacles.Count; i++)
            VelocityObstacle VO           = velocityObstacles[i];
            Vector3          voLeftLocal  = agentTransform.InverseTransformVector(VO.VOLeft);
            Vector3          voRightLocal = agentTransform.InverseTransformVector(VO.VORight);
            for (int dirIndex = 0; dirIndex < _directionBounds.Count; dirIndex++)
                DirectionBounds directionBounds = _directionBounds[i];
                int             rightIndex      = -1;
                int             leftIndex       = -1;
                if (Vector3.Dot(voRightLocal, directionBounds.minDir) > 0 &&
                    Vector3.Dot(voRightLocal, directionBounds.maxDir) > 0)
                    if (Vector3.Cross(voRightLocal, directionBounds.minDir).y *Vector3.Cross(voLeftLocal, directionBounds.maxDir).y < 0)
                        rightIndex = dirIndex;

                if (Vector3.Dot(voLeftLocal, directionBounds.minDir) > 0 &&
                    Vector3.Dot(voLeftLocal, directionBounds.maxDir) > 0)
                    if (Vector3.Cross(voLeftLocal, directionBounds.minDir).y *Vector3.Cross(voLeftLocal, directionBounds.maxDir).y < 0)
                        leftIndex = dirIndex;

                bool leftIndexReached = false;
                for (int safetyCounter = 0; safetyCounter < DIRECTION_COUNT && !leftIndexReached; safetyCounter++)
                    int index = (rightIndex + safetyCounter) % DIRECTION_COUNT;
                    _forbiddenDirections[index] = -1.0f;
                    leftIndexReached            = (index == leftIndex);
        //TODO now in _forbiddenDirections we have stored what directions are forbidden
        //at this point the agent has to compute what is the closest allowed direction
        //to the direction defined by the current goal
        Vector3 goalLocal = agentTransform.InverseTransformPoint(agent.GetGoal());
Ejemplo n.º 3
    bool CheckInsideVO(Vector3 intersection, VelocityObstacle vobj)
        Line   A     = LineToClosestPoint(intersection, vobj.sideL, vobj.apex);
        Line   B     = LineToClosestPoint(intersection, vobj.sideR, vobj.apex);
        double angle = angleBetween2Lines(A, B) * (180.0 / Mathf.PI);

        if (angle > 90 && angle < 180)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    // Update is called once per frame
    public void Update()
        int idVO = 0;

        foreach (KinematicData i in DynamicObstacles)
            VelocityObstacle VO = new VelocityObstacle(Obstacles, DynamicObstacles)
                Character    = i,
                detectRadius = 20f

            Debug.Log("Calculate VO");
            List <VelocityObstacle> VOs = VO.calculateVOs();
            Debug.Log("Calculated VO");
            List <Vector3> intersections = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Line>    lines         = new List <Line>();
            float          finalDistance = float.MaxValue;
            Vector3        finalVelocity = new Vector3();
            foreach (VelocityObstacle velocityObstacle in VOs)
                lines.Add(new Line
                    id     = idVO,
                    origin = velocityObstacle.apex,
                    end    = velocityObstacle.apex + velocityObstacle.sideR * 1000
                lines.Add(new Line
                    id     = idVO,
                    origin = velocityObstacle.apex,
                    end    = velocityObstacle.apex + velocityObstacle.sideL * 1000

            foreach (Line line1 in lines)
                foreach (Line line2 in lines)
                    if (line1.id != line2.id)
                        Vector3 intersection = line1.intersectWith(line2);
                        if (intersection != Vector3.zero)

            foreach (Vector3 intersection in intersections)
                foreach (VelocityObstacle vobj in VOs)
                    if (CheckInsideVO(intersection, vobj))

            foreach (Vector3 candidate in intersections)
                float distance = GetDistance(i.prefVelocity.x, i.prefVelocity.z, candidate.x, candidate.z);
                if (distance < finalDistance)
                    finalDistance = distance;
                    finalVelocity = candidate;
            if (finalVelocity != Vector3.zero)
                i.velocity = finalVelocity;

            //Now that we have all the candidates, we need to check which of the candidates
            //is closer to the preferred velocity, and change the velocity of the Character
            //to the velocity