Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Freeze action.
    /// </summary>
    public void Freeze(float freezeTime)
        if (!CanDamage)

        // cannot be freeze.
        if (!mCanFreeze)

        // freeze x velocity.
        if (VelocityInfo != null)


        spriteRenderer.color = BF_GameSettings.instance.FREEZE_COLOR;

        mFreezeTime = freezeTime;

        mIsFreeze = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override Vector3 CalculateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)
            Vector3 currentVelocity            = velocityInfo.currentVelocity;
            Vector3 impulseVelocity            = velocityInfo.impulseVelocity;
            Vector3 impulseVelocityRedirectble = velocityInfo.impulseVelocityRedirectble;

            //Kill Y velocity if just get grounded so not to slide
            if (characterMotor.GroundingStatus.IsStableOnGround && !characterMotor.LastGroundingStatus.IsStableOnGround)
                currentVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(currentVelocity, characterMotor.CharacterUp);
                currentVelocity = characterMotor.GetDirectionTangentToSurface(currentVelocity,
                                                                              characterMotor.GroundingStatus.GroundNormal) * currentVelocity.magnitude;

            Vector3 totalImpulse = impulseVelocity;
            Vector3 resultingVelocity;
            Vector3 horizontalVelocity = CalculateHorizontalVelocity(currentVelocity);
            Vector3 verticalVelocity   = CalculateVerticalVelocity(currentVelocity);

            //Redirect impulseVelocityRedirectble if conditions met
            if (EnableRedirect && CheckRedirectConditions(impulseVelocityRedirectble))
                totalImpulse += CalculateRedirectedImpulse(impulseVelocityRedirectble);
                totalImpulse += impulseVelocityRedirectble;

            resultingVelocity  = horizontalVelocity + verticalVelocity;
            resultingVelocity += totalImpulse;

Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void UpdateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)

        Vector3 newVelocity;
        CharacterGroundingReport          GroundingStatus     = playerController.GroundingStatus;
        CharacterTransientGroundingReport LastGroundingStatus = playerController.LastGroundingStatus;

        //Take move input direction directly and flatten (Dont do turn smoothing for now)
        float slopeMoveSpeed = 10f;

        newVelocity = moveDirection.xoz() * slopeMoveSpeed;

        //Project velocity sideways along slope
        Vector3 slopeRight = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, GroundingStatus.GroundNormal);
        Vector3 slopeOut   = Vector3.Cross(slopeRight, Vector3.up);

        newVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(newVelocity, slopeOut).xoz();

        //Add velocity down slope
        float   slopeFallSpeed = 20f;
        Vector3 fallVelocity   = slopeFallSpeed * Vector3.down;

        newVelocity += Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(fallVelocity, GroundingStatus.GroundNormal);

        NewVelocityOut.Value = newVelocity;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the velocity data for the session's username and password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionId">The Session ID returned from the JavaScript data collector.</param>
        /// <param name="username">The username of the user.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password of the user.</param>
        /// <returns>Velocity data</returns>
        public VelocityInfo GetVelocity(string sessionId, string username, string password)

            using (IWebClient client = this._webClientFactory.Create())
                PrepareWebClient((WebClient)client, true);

                NameValueCollection reqparm = GetRequestedParams(sessionId, username, password);
                this.LogRequest(VelocityEndpoint, username: username, password: password, session: sessionId);

                    byte[]       responsebytes = client.UploadValues(VelocityEndpoint, "POST", reqparm);
                    string       responsebody  = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responsebytes);
                    VelocityInfo dInfo         = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VelocityInfo>(responsebody);

                catch (WebException ex)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    private void UpdateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)
        Vector3 currentVelocity = velocityInfo.currentVelocity;

        currentVelocity = Vector3.down * PoundSpeed.Value;

        NewVelocityOut.Value = currentVelocity;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public void UpdateVelocity(ref Vector3 currentVelocity, float deltaTime)
        //NOTE: this was moved to states
        //Kill Y velocity if just get grounded so not to slide
        // if (charMotor.GroundingStatus.IsStableOnGround && !charMotor.LastGroundingStatus.IsStableOnGround)
        // {
        //     currentVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(currentVelocity , charMotor.CharacterUp);
        //     currentVelocity  = charMotor.GetDirectionTangentToSurface(currentVelocity ,
        //         charMotor.GroundingStatus.GroundNormal) * currentVelocity .magnitude;
        // }

        VelocityInfo velocityInfo = new VelocityInfo()
            currentVelocity            = currentVelocity,
            impulseVelocity            = impulseVelocity,
            impulseVelocityRedirectble = impulseVelocityRedirectable

        //Only use NewVelocity if there was subscriber that handled the update
        //Otherwise, will risk using stale value from last subscriber update!
        if (onStartUpdateVelocity != null)
            currentVelocity = NewVelocity.Value;

        #region OverlayedVelocity

        if (impulseVelocityOverlayed.y > 0f)

        if (!Mathf.Approximately(0f, impulseVelocityOverlayed.sqrMagnitude))
            currentVelocity  += impulseVelocityOverlayed;
            NewVelocity.Value = currentVelocity; //Update new velocity to keep in sync

        if (!Mathf.Approximately(0f, impulseVelocityOverlayedOverrideX.sqrMagnitude))
            currentVelocity   = impulseVelocityOverlayedOverrideX;
            NewVelocity.Value = currentVelocity; //Update new velocity to keep in sync

        if (!Mathf.Approximately(StoredJumpVelocity.Value, 0f))
            currentVelocity.y = StoredJumpVelocity.Value;
            NewVelocity.Value = currentVelocity; //Update new velocity to keep in sync


        impulseVelocity                   = Vector3.zero;
        impulseVelocityRedirectable       = Vector3.zero;
        impulseVelocityOverlayed          = Vector3.zero;
        impulseVelocityOverlayedOverrideX = Vector3.zero;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public SimulationStep()
     Pitch        = new PitchInfo();
     Control      = new ControlInfo();
     Coordinates  = new CoordinatesInfo();
     Velocity     = new VelocityInfo();
     Acceleration = new AccelerationInfo();
     Atmosphere   = new AtmosphereInfo();
     Aerodynamics = new AerodynamicsInfo();
     Control      = new ControlInfo();
Ejemplo n.º 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Opposite of freeze effect.
    /// </summary>
    public void UnFreeze()
        if (VelocityInfo != null)

        spriteRenderer.color = Color.white;
        mIsFreeze            = false;

Ejemplo n.º 9
 private void UpdateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)
     //If not grounded yet, keep y velocity going until grounded
     if (!playerController.GroundingStatus.IsStableOnGround)
         NewVelocityOut.Value = velocityInfo.currentVelocity.y * Vector3.one.oyo();
         NewVelocityOut.Value = Vector3.zero;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override Vector3 CalculateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)

            //If not grounded yet, keep y velocity going until grounded
            if (!playerController.GroundingStatus.IsStableOnGround)
                return(Vector3.down * 10f);

Ejemplo n.º 11
    private void UpdateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)
        NewVelocityOut.Value = SlingshotDirection.Value * currentSpeed;

        if (slingshotTargetSceneReference.Value != null)
            Vector3 playerToTarget =
                (slingshotTargetSceneReference.Value.position - playerController.transform.position).normalized;
            NewVelocityOut.Value = playerToTarget * currentSpeed;

        previousVelocityOutput = NewVelocityOut.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected override Vector3 CalculateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)
            Vector3 currentVelocity            = velocityInfo.currentVelocity;
            Vector3 impulseVelocity            = velocityInfo.impulseVelocity;
            Vector3 impulseVelocityRedirectble = velocityInfo.impulseVelocityRedirectble;

            Vector3 totalImpulse = impulseVelocity;
            Vector3 resultingVelocity;
            Vector3 horizontalVelocity = CalculateHorizontalVelocity(currentVelocity);
            Vector3 verticalVelocity   = CalculateVerticalVelocity(currentVelocity);

            //Redirect impulseVelocityRedirectble if conditions met
            if (EnableRedirect && CheckRedirectConditions(impulseVelocityRedirectble))
                totalImpulse += CalculateRedirectedImpulse(impulseVelocityRedirectble);
                totalImpulse += impulseVelocityRedirectble;

            //Cache moveInput value for fast turn
            if (MoveInput.Value.magnitude > FastTurnInputDeadZone.Value)
                lastMoveInputDirection = MoveInput.Value.normalized;

            if (Mathf.Approximately(totalImpulse.magnitude, 0f))
                resultingVelocity = horizontalVelocity + verticalVelocity;

            //If y of impulseVelocity is 0, dont override current y component
            else if (Mathf.Approximately(totalImpulse.y, 0f))
                resultingVelocity = horizontalVelocity + verticalVelocity + totalImpulse;

            //Add impulse and override current y component
                resultingVelocity = horizontalVelocity + totalImpulse;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void TestGetVelocityWebExceptionWithResponse()
                MockupWebClientFactory mockFactory = new MockupWebClientFactory(this.jsonVeloInfo);

                AccessSdk sdk = new AccessSdk("gty://bad.host.com", merchantId, apiKey, DEFAULT_VERSION, mockFactory);

                VelocityInfo vInfo = sdk.GetVelocity(session, user, password);

                Assert.Fail($"AccessException Not thrown");
            catch (AccessException ae)
                Assert.AreEqual(ae.ErrorType, AccessErrorType.NETWORK_ERROR);
                Assert.IsTrue("BAD RESPONSE(OK):OK. UNKNOWN NETWORK ISSUE.".Equals(ae.Message.Trim()));
Ejemplo n.º 14
    private void UpdateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)
        Vector3 currentVelocity = velocityInfo.currentVelocity;

        if (restrictX)
            currentVelocity.x = 0f;
        if (restrictY)
            currentVelocity.y = 0f;
        if (restrictZ)
            currentVelocity.z = 0f;

        NewVelocityOut.Value = currentVelocity;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        protected override Vector3 CalculateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)
            Vector3 currentVelocity            = velocityInfo.currentVelocity;
            Vector3 impulseVelocity            = velocityInfo.impulseVelocity;
            Vector3 impulseVelocityRedirectble = velocityInfo.impulseVelocityRedirectble;

            //Kill Y velocity if just get grounded so not to slide
            if (characterMotor.GroundingStatus.IsStableOnGround && !characterMotor.LastGroundingStatus.IsStableOnGround)
                currentVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(currentVelocity, characterMotor.CharacterUp);
                currentVelocity = characterMotor.GetDirectionTangentToSurface(currentVelocity,
                                                                              characterMotor.GroundingStatus.GroundNormal) * currentVelocity.magnitude;

            Vector3 horizontalVelocity = CalculateHorizontalVelocity(currentVelocity);

            //Addive in XZ but sets in Y
            return(horizontalVelocity + impulseVelocity);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void TestGetVelocity()
                MockupWebClientFactory mockFactory = new MockupWebClientFactory(this.jsonVeloInfo);

                AccessSdk sdk = new AccessSdk(accessUrl, merchantId, apiKey, DEFAULT_VERSION, mockFactory);

                VelocityInfo vInfo = sdk.GetVelocity(session, user, password);



                Assert.AreEqual(vInfo.ResponseId, responseId);
            catch (AccessException ae)
                Assert.Fail($"Bad exception {ae.ErrorType}:{ae.Message}");
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private void UpdateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)
     NewVelocityOut.Value = Vector3.zero;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple Example within the Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public KountAccessExample()
                // Create the SDK. If any of these values are invalid, an com.kount.kountaccess.AccessException will be
                // thrown along with a message detailing why.
                AccessSdk sdk = new AccessSdk(host, merchantId, apiKey);

                // If you want the device information for a particular user's session, just pass in the sessionId. This
                // contains the id (fingerprint), IP address, IP Geo Location (country), whether the user was using a proxy
                // (and it was bypassed), and ...
                DeviceInfo deviceInfo = sdk.GetDevice(this.session);


                // ... if you want to see the velocity information in relation to the users session and their account
                // information, you can make an access (velocity) request. Usernames and passwords will be hashed prior to
                // transmission to Kount within the SDK. You may optionally hash prior to passing them in as long as the
                // hashing method is consistent for the same value.
                String       username   = "******";
                String       password   = "******";
                VelocityInfo accessInfo = sdk.GetVelocity(session, username, password);

                // Let's see the response
                Console.WriteLine("Response: " + accessInfo);

                // Each Access Request has its own uniqueID
                Console.WriteLine("This is our access response_id: " + accessInfo.ResponseId);

                // The device is included in an access request:

                // you can get the device information from the accessInfo object
                Device device = accessInfo.Device;

                string jsonVeloInfo = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(accessInfo);


                // Or you can access specific Metrics directly. Let's say we want the
                // number of unique user accounts used by the current sessions device
                // within the last hour
                int numUsersForDevice = accessInfo.Velocity.Device.ulh;
                    "The number of unique user access request(s) this hour for this device is:" + numUsersForDevice);

                // Decision Information is stored in a JSONObject, by entity type
                DecisionInfo decisionInfo = sdk.GetDecision(session, username, password);
                Decision     decision     = decisionInfo.Decision;
                // Let's look at the data

                // Get Kount Access data for session based on what was requested in the info flag
                String          uniq    = "uniq(customer identifier)";
                DataSetElements dataSet = new DataSetElements()

                Info info = sdk.GetInfo(session, username, password, uniq, dataSet);

                // Get devices that belong to a uniq user.
                DevicesInfo devices = sdk.GetDevices(uniq);
                foreach (var d in devices.Devices)

                // Get the uniq users that belong to a device.
                string deviceId = "DEVICE_ID";
                var    uniques  = sdk.GetUniques(deviceId);
                foreach (var u in uniques.Uniques)

                // Update device trust referenced by session ID
                sdk.SetDeviceTrustBySession(session, uniq, DeviceTrustState.Banned);

                // Update device trust referenced by device ID
                sdk.SetDeviceTrustByDevice(uniq, deviceId, DeviceTrustState.Trusted);

                // Update behavior data.
                string timing = "timing data";
                // BehavioHost and BehavioEnvironment can be set via AccessSdk constructor too.
                // sdk.BehavioHost = "https://api.behavio.kaptcha.com";
                //sdk.BehavioEnvironment = "sandbox";

                //sdk.SetBehavioSec(session, uniq, timing);
            catch (AccessException ae)
                // These can be thrown if there were any issues making the request.
                // See the AccessException class for more information.
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR Type: " + ae.ErrorType);
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + ae.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected override Vector3 CalculateVelocity(VelocityInfo velocityInfo)
            Vector3 currentVelocity            = velocityInfo.currentVelocity;
            Vector3 impulseVelocity            = velocityInfo.impulseVelocity;
            Vector3 impulseVelocityRedirectble = velocityInfo.impulseVelocityRedirectble;

            Vector3 totalImpulse = impulseVelocity;
            Vector3 resultingVelocity;
            Vector3 horizontalVelocity = CalculateHorizontalVelocity(currentVelocity);
            Vector3 verticalVelocity   = CalculateVerticalVelocity(currentVelocity);

            //Redirect impulseVelocityRedirectble if conditions met
            if (EnableRedirect && CheckRedirectConditions(impulseVelocityRedirectble))
                totalImpulse += CalculateRedirectedImpulse(impulseVelocityRedirectble);
                totalImpulse += impulseVelocityRedirectble;

            resultingVelocity  = horizontalVelocity + verticalVelocity;
            resultingVelocity += totalImpulse;

            CharacterGroundingReport          GroundingStatus     = playerController.GroundingStatus;
            CharacterTransientGroundingReport LastGroundingStatus = playerController.LastGroundingStatus;

            #region Bounce

            //Bounce if just became grounded
            Vector3 velocityIntoGround = Vector3.Project(previousVelocityOutput, -GroundingStatus.GroundNormal);

            float velocityGroundDot = Vector3.Dot(previousVelocityOutput.normalized, GroundingStatus.GroundNormal);

            if (EnableBounce && !LastGroundingStatus.FoundAnyGround && GroundingStatus.FoundAnyGround &&
                velocityIntoGround.magnitude >= BounceThresholdVelocity.Value &&
                -velocityGroundDot > BounceGroundDotThreshold.Value)

                //Reflect velocity perfectly then dampen the y based on dot with normal
                Vector3 reflectedVelocity = Vector3.Reflect(previousVelocityOutput, GroundingStatus.GroundNormal);
                reflectedVelocity.y *= BounceFactor.Value;

                //Redirect bounce if conditions met
                if (EnableRedirect && CheckRedirectConditions(reflectedVelocity))
                    reflectedVelocity = CalculateRedirectedImpulse(reflectedVelocity);

                resultingVelocity = reflectedVelocity;


            previousVelocityOutput = resultingVelocity;

        public void TestSdkInit()
            ILoggerFactory factory = LogFactory.GetLoggerFactory();

            this.logger = factory.GetLogger(typeof(AccessSDKTestBase).ToString());

            deviceInfo        = new DeviceInfo();
            deviceInfo.Device = new Device {
                Country = ipGeo, Region = "ID", GeoLat = 43.37, GeoLong = -116.200, Id = fingerprint, IpAddress = ipAddress, IpGeo = ipGeo, Mobile = 1, Proxy = 0
            deviceInfo.ResponseId = responseId;
            jsonDevInfo           = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deviceInfo);

            velocityInfo                  = new VelocityInfo();
            velocityInfo.Device           = deviceInfo.Device;
            velocityInfo.ResponseId       = responseId;
            velocityInfo.Velocity         = new Velocity();
            velocityInfo.Velocity.Account = new SubAccount {
                dlh = 1, dlm = 1, iplh = 1, iplm = 1, plh = 1, plm = 1, ulh = 1, ulm = 1
            velocityInfo.Velocity.Device = new SubDevice {
                alh = 1, alm = 1, iplh = 3, iplm = 3, plh = 2, plm = 2, ulh = 1, ulm = 1
            velocityInfo.Velocity.IpAddress = new SubAddress {
                ulm = 3, ulh = 3, plm = 3, plh = 3, alh = 2, alm = 2, dlh = 1, dlm = 1
            velocityInfo.Velocity.Password = new SubPassword {
                dlm = 2, dlh = 2, alm = 2, alh = 2, iplh = 1, iplm = 1, ulh = 3, ulm = 3
            velocityInfo.Velocity.User = new SubUser {
                iplm = 3, iplh = 3, alh = 2, alm = 2, dlh = 2, dlm = 2, plh = 1, plm = 1
            jsonVeloInfo = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(velocityInfo);

            decisionInfo            = new DecisionInfo();
            decisionInfo.Device     = deviceInfo.Device;
            decisionInfo.ResponseId = responseId;
            decisionInfo.Velocity   = velocityInfo.Velocity;
            decisionInfo.Decision   = new Decision
                Errors = new List <string> {
                    "E1", "E2"
                Warnings = new List <string> {
                    "W1", "W2"
                Reply = new Reply
                    RuleEvents = new RuleEvents
                        Decision = decision,
                        Total    = 10,
                        Events   = new List <string> {
                            "Event 1", "Event 2"

            jsonDeciInfo = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(decisionInfo);

            info            = new Info();
            info.Device     = deviceInfo.Device;
            info.Decision   = decisionInfo.Decision;
            info.Velocity   = velocityInfo.Velocity;
            info.ResponseId = responseId;
            info.Trusted    = new TrustState()
                State = DeviceTrustState.Trusted
            info.BehavioSec = new BehavioSec()
                Confidence = 0,
                IsBot      = false,
                IsTrained  = false,
                PolicyId   = 4,
                Score      = 0

            jsonInfo = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(info);

            devicesInfo            = new DevicesInfo();
            devicesInfo.ResponseId = responseId;
            devicesInfo.Devices    = new List <DeviceBasicInfo>()
                new DeviceBasicInfo()
                    DeviceId = "54569fcbd187483a8a1570a3c67d1113", FriendlyName = "Device A", TrustState = DeviceTrustState.Trusted, DateFirstSeen = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1)
                new DeviceBasicInfo()
                    DeviceId = "abcdef12345678910abcdef987654321", FriendlyName = "Device B", TrustState = DeviceTrustState.Banned, DateFirstSeen = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-2)

            jsonDevicesInfo = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(devicesInfo);

            uniquesInfo            = new UniquesInfo();
            uniquesInfo.ResponseId = responseId;
            uniquesInfo.Uniques    = new List <Unique>()
                new Unique()
                    UniqueId = "55e9fbfda2ce489d83b4a99c84c6f3e1", DateLastSeen = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1), TrustState = DeviceTrustState.Trusted
                new Unique()
                    UniqueId = "55e9fbfda2ce489d83b4a99c84c6f3e2", DateLastSeen = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-2), TrustState = DeviceTrustState.Banned

            jsonUniquesInfo = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(uniquesInfo);