Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override Vector2 UpdateLocation()
            //FIXME: For efficiency store the last position and time and do relative calculations from last path used
            //FIXME: Get speed to work
            long    curTime      = (long)(Clock.getClock().getTime());
            long    relativeTime = curTime - StartTime;
            Vector2 addLocation  = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 location     = InitialLocation;

            LinkedListNode <Piece> curPiece = pieces.First;

            while (curPiece != null && curPiece.Value.duration < relativeTime)
                addLocation   = curPiece.Value.equation.GetLocation(curPiece.Value.duration);
                addLocation   = VectorRotation.RotateVector(curPiece.Value.angleOffset, addLocation);
                location     += addLocation;
                relativeTime -= (long)(curPiece.Value.duration);
                curPiece      = curPiece.Next;
            //Haven't reached the end else nothing will happen.
            if (curPiece != null)
                addLocation = curPiece.Value.equation.GetLocation((long)(relativeTime));
                addLocation = VectorRotation.RotateVector(curPiece.Value.angleOffset, addLocation);
                location   += addLocation;
                // Console.WriteLine(location);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void LaunchTowardsAngle(float initialSpeed, float direction)
            active        = true;
            trail.enabled = true;
            Vector2 directionVector = VectorRotation.RotateVector(Vector2.right, direction);
            Vector2 launchVelocity  = (directionVector * initialSpeed);

            ballBody.velocity = launchVelocity;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void UpdateLaunchDirection()
        targetLine.positionCount = 2;
        launchDirection          = 90 + ((transform.position.x / 2) * -45);
        startLaunchLocation      = new Vector2(
            transform.position.x * 1.25f,
            transform.position.y + 0.5f);
        targetLine.SetPosition(0, startLaunchLocation);
        Vector2      launchVector = VectorRotation.RotateVector(Vector2.right, launchDirection);
        int          layerMask    = LayerMask.GetMask("Bricks", "Balls");
        RaycastHit2D hit          = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, launchVector, 20, layerMask);

        if (hit.collider != null)
            targetLaunchLocation = hit.point;
            targetLaunchLocation = startLaunchLocation + (launchVector * 20);
        targetLine.SetPosition(1, targetLaunchLocation);