Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (Level.AllowMotion) {
            /** calc closest poiunt on path */
            if (cPP_i+1 < pc.getPathPointCount()-1) {

                current_distance = Vector3.Distance(pc.getPathPoint(cPP_i), this.transform.position);
                next_distance = Vector3.Distance(pc.getPathPoint(cPP_i+1), this.transform.position);

                if (current_distance > next_distance) {
                    if (!pc.getPathObject(cPP_i).tag.Equals(prev_tag)) {
                    prev_tag = pc.getPathObject(cPP_i).tag;

            /** push ship forward along the path */
            if ((cPP_i + 1 < pc.getPathPointCount() - 1) && (logic.countdownOver)) {
                Vector3 forward = (pc.getPathPoint(cPP_i + 1) - pc.getPathPoint(cPP_i)).normalized * 4000;

            /** rotate ship towards current path_point+40 */
            if ((cPP_i + 40 < pc.getPathPointCount() - 1) && (logic.countdownOver)) {
                // pid controller to adjust the torgue of the ship
                // ref: http://webber.physik.uni-freiburg.de/~hon/vorlss02/Literatur/Ingenieurswiss/pid/pid+matlab/PID%20systems%20tutorial.htm
                VectorPid angularVelocityController = new VectorPid(1.7766f, 0, 0.2553191f);
                VectorPid headingController = new VectorPid(1.244681f, 0, 0.06382979f);

                Vector3 target = pc.getPathPoint(cPP_i + 40);
                var angularVelocityError = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularVelocity * -1;
                Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularVelocity * 10, Color.black);

                var angularVelocityCorrection = angularVelocityController.Update(angularVelocityError, Time.deltaTime);
                Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, angularVelocityCorrection, Color.green);


                var desiredHeading = target - this.transform.position;
                Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, desiredHeading, Color.yellow);

                var currentHeading = this.transform.forward;
                Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, currentHeading * 15, Color.blue);

                var headingError = Vector3.Cross(currentHeading, desiredHeading);
                var headingCorrection = headingController.Update(headingError, Time.deltaTime);


            /** drag  ship to its connected point*/
            // apply force
            float perc_dist = current_distance / radius;
            // is the ship in the inner 60% around the actual portalpoint?
            if (perc_dist > 0.6f) {
                // calc the impact 0 - 100% of the force that should be applied
                float impact_factor = (perc_dist - 0.6f) / 0.4f; // 0 - 0.4
                Vector3 push_f = ((pc.getPathPoint(cPP_i) - this.transform.position).normalized * 22500) * impact_factor;

            /** limit velocity of ship */
            float current_vel = fastEuclidDist(transform.position, prev_pos);
            if (current_vel > 3.6f) { // too fast > reduce maxspeed
                this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity * 0.99f;
            } else {
                if (current_vel > 3.5f) {
                } else {
                    //Debug.Log("current spedd" + (current_vel / 3.6f));
                    int speed = Mathf.RoundToInt((current_vel / 3.6f) * 100);
            prev_pos = transform.position;