Ejemplo n.º 1
        int PickAimingLinkID(Transform t, List <int> LinkIDs)
            var   srcDir = t.forward;
            var   srcPos = t.position;
            float dotMax = 0;
            int   theIdx = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < LinkIDs.Count; i++)
                var lane      = Lanes[LinkIDs[i] - 1];
                var dtLane    = DtLanes[lane.DID - 1];
                var point     = Points[dtLane.PID - 1];
                var linkIDPos = VectorMapUtility.GetUnityPosition(new VectorMapPosition()
                    Bx = point.Bx, Ly = point.Ly, H = point.H
                }, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
                float dot = Vector3.Dot(srcDir, (linkIDPos - srcPos).normalized);
                if (dot > dotMax)
                    theIdx = i;
                    dotMax = dot;

            // Find the aiming linkId for traffic signals that are located behind stopline
            // Temp solution: virtually move srcPos in -srcDir direction by 20 meter.
            srcPos -= srcDir * (20);
            for (int i = 0; i < LinkIDs.Count; i++)
                var lane      = Lanes[LinkIDs[i] - 1];
                var dtLane    = DtLanes[lane.DID - 1];
                var point     = Points[dtLane.PID - 1];
                var linkIDPos = VectorMapUtility.GetUnityPosition(new VectorMapPosition()
                    Bx = point.Bx, Ly = point.Ly, H = point.H
                }, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
                float dot = Vector3.Dot(srcDir, (linkIDPos - srcPos).normalized);
                if (dot > dotMax)
                    theIdx = i;
                    dotMax = dot;

            if (theIdx < 0)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        int FindProperStoplineLinkID(Vector3 trafficLightPos, Vector3 trafficLightAim, float radius = 60f)
            throw new System.Exception("do not this function, it needs to be modified to adapt to segmented stoplines");
            var stoplineCandids = new Dictionary <int, KeyValuePair <Vector3, Vector3> >();
            trafficLightPos.Set(trafficLightPos.x, 0, trafficLightPos.z);
            trafficLightAim.Set(trafficLightAim.x, 0, trafficLightAim.z);
            for (int i = 0; i < StopLines.Count; i++)
                var line     = lines[StopLines[i].LID - 1];
                var startPos = VectorMapUtility.GetUnityPosition(Points[line.BPID - 1]);
                var endPos   = VectorMapUtility.GetUnityPosition(Points[line.FPID - 1]);
                startPos.Set(startPos.x, 0, startPos.z);
                endPos.Set(endPos.x, 0, endPos.z);
                var pos = (startPos + endPos) * 0.5f;
                if ((pos - trafficLightPos).magnitude < radius)
                    if (Vector3.Cross(trafficLightAim, startPos - trafficLightPos).y *Vector3.Cross(trafficLightAim, endPos - trafficLightPos).y < 0) // traffic light aims inbetween stopline's two ends
                        stoplineCandids.Add(StopLines[i].ID, new KeyValuePair <Vector3, Vector3>(startPos, endPos));

            float forbiddenThreshold = 4.5f;
            float minValidDist       = 10000f;
            int   nearestStopID      = -1;
            foreach (var stopId in stoplineCandids)
                var start      = stopId.Value.Key;
                var end        = stopId.Value.Value;
                var distToLine = (trafficLightPos - NearestPointOnFiniteLine(start, end, trafficLightPos)).magnitude;
                if (distToLine > forbiddenThreshold)
                    if (distToLine < minValidDist)
                        nearestStopID = stopId.Key;
                        minValidDist  = distToLine;

            return(StopLines[nearestStopID - 1].LinkID);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void MakeVisualLine(Line line, LineType type, out int retLinkID)
            retLinkID = 0;

            var startPos = VectorMapUtility.GetUnityPosition(new VectorMapPosition()
                Bx = Points[line.BPID - 1].Bx, Ly = Points[line.BPID - 1].Ly, H = Points[line.BPID - 1].H
            }, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
            var endPos = VectorMapUtility.GetUnityPosition(new VectorMapPosition()
                Bx = Points[line.FPID - 1].Bx, Ly = Points[line.FPID - 1].Ly, H = Points[line.FPID - 1].H
            }, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);

            if (type == LineType.STOP) //If it is stopline
                int LinkID = FindNearestLaneId(VectorMapUtility.GetVectorMapPosition((startPos + endPos) / 2, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR), true);
                retLinkID = LinkID;
                var vmStopline = StopLine.MakeStopLine(StopLines.Count + 1, line.LID, 0, 0, LinkID);
            else if (type == LineType.WHITE || type == LineType.YELLOW) //if it is whiteline
                int LinkID = FindNearestLaneId(VectorMapUtility.GetVectorMapPosition((startPos + endPos) / 2, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR));
                retLinkID = LinkID;
                string color = "W";
                switch (type)
                case LineType.WHITE:
                    color = "W";

                case LineType.YELLOW:
                    color = "Y";
                var vmWhiteline = WhiteLine.MakeWhiteLine(WhiteLines.Count + 1, line.LID, .15, color, 0, LinkID);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        bool Calculate()
            // Initial collection
            var laneSegments     = new List <MapLane>();
            var lineSegments     = new List <MapLine>();
            var signalLightPoles = new List <MapPole>();

            laneSegments.AddRange(MapAnnotationData.GetData <MapLane>());
            lineSegments.AddRange(MapAnnotationData.GetData <MapLine>());
            signalLightPoles.AddRange(MapAnnotationData.GetData <MapPole>());

            var allVectorLaneSegments = new HashSet <MapVectorLane>();
            var allLineSegments       = new HashSet <MapLine>();

            foreach (var laneSegment in laneSegments)
                var vectorLaneSegment = new MapVectorLane();

            // Link before and after segment for each lane segment
            foreach (var laneSegment in allVectorLaneSegments)
                // Each segment must have at least 2 waypoints for calculation, otherwise exit
                while (laneSegment.MapWorldPositions.Count < 2)
                    Debug.LogError("Some segment has less than 2 waypoints. Cancelling map generation.");

                // Link lanes
                var firstPt = laneSegment.MapWorldPositions[0];
                var lastPt  = laneSegment.MapWorldPositions[laneSegment.MapWorldPositions.Count - 1];

                foreach (var laneSegmentCmp in allVectorLaneSegments)
                    if (laneSegment == laneSegmentCmp)

                    var firstPt_cmp = laneSegmentCmp.MapWorldPositions[0];
                    var lastPt_cmp  = laneSegmentCmp.MapWorldPositions[laneSegmentCmp.MapWorldPositions.Count - 1];

                    if ((firstPt - lastPt_cmp).magnitude < MapAnnotationTool.PROXIMITY / MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR)

                    if ((lastPt - firstPt_cmp).magnitude < MapAnnotationTool.PROXIMITY / MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR)

            foreach (var lineSegment in lineSegments)
                if (lineSegment.lineType != MapData.LineType.VIRTUAL)
            // Link before and after segment for each line segment
            foreach (var lineSegment in allLineSegments)
                if (lineSegment.lineType != MapData.LineType.STOP)
                    continue;                                                // Skip stop lines
                // Each segment must have at least 2 waypoints for calculation, otherwise exit
                while (lineSegment.mapLocalPositions.Count < 2)
                    Debug.LogError("Some segment has less than 2 waypoints. Cancelling map generation.");

                // Link lanes
                var firstPt = lineSegment.transform.TransformPoint(lineSegment.mapLocalPositions[0]);
                var lastPt  = lineSegment.transform.TransformPoint(lineSegment.mapLocalPositions[lineSegment.mapLocalPositions.Count - 1]);

                foreach (var lineSegmentCmp in allLineSegments)
                    if (lineSegment == lineSegmentCmp)
                    if (lineSegmentCmp.lineType != MapData.LineType.STOP)
                        continue;                                                   // Skip stop lines
                    var firstPt_cmp = lineSegmentCmp.transform.TransformPoint(lineSegmentCmp.mapLocalPositions[0]);
                    var lastPt_cmp  = lineSegmentCmp.transform.TransformPoint(lineSegmentCmp.mapLocalPositions[lineSegmentCmp.mapLocalPositions.Count - 1]);

                    if ((firstPt - lastPt_cmp).magnitude < MapAnnotationTool.PROXIMITY / MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR)
                        lineSegmentCmp.mapLocalPositions[lineSegmentCmp.mapLocalPositions.Count - 1] = lineSegmentCmp.transform.InverseTransformPoint(firstPt);
                        lineSegmentCmp.mapWorldPositions[lineSegmentCmp.mapWorldPositions.Count - 1] = firstPt;

                    if ((lastPt - firstPt_cmp).magnitude < MapAnnotationTool.PROXIMITY / MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR)
                        lineSegmentCmp.mapLocalPositions[0] = lineSegmentCmp.transform.InverseTransformPoint(lastPt);
                        lineSegmentCmp.mapWorldPositions[0] = lastPt;

            // New sets for newly converted(to world space) segments
            var allConvertedLaneSegments = new HashSet <MapVectorLane>(); //for lane segments

            // Filter and convert all lane segments
            if (allVectorLaneSegments.Count > 0)
                var startLaneSegs   = new HashSet <MapVectorLane>(); // The lane segments that are at merging or forking or starting position
                var visitedLaneSegs = new HashSet <MapVectorLane>(); // tracking for record

                foreach (var laneSegment in allVectorLaneSegments)
                    if (laneSegment.Befores.Count != 1 || (laneSegment.Befores.Count == 1 && laneSegment.Befores[0].Afters.Count > 1)) //no any before segments

                foreach (var startLaneSeg in startLaneSegs)
                    ConvertAndJointSingleConnectedSegments(startLaneSeg, allVectorLaneSegments, ref allConvertedLaneSegments, visitedLaneSegs);

                while (allVectorLaneSegments.Count > 0) // Remaining should be isolated loops
                    MapVectorLane pickedLaneSeg = null;
                    foreach (var laneSegment in allVectorLaneSegments)
                        pickedLaneSeg = laneSegment;
                    if (pickedLaneSeg != null)
                        ConvertAndJointSingleConnectedSegments(pickedLaneSeg, allVectorLaneSegments, ref allConvertedLaneSegments, visitedLaneSegs);

            // Set up all lanes vector map data
            var laneSegTerminalIDsMapping = new Dictionary <MapVectorLane, int[]>(); //tracking for record

            if (allConvertedLaneSegments.Count > 0)
                foreach (var laneSegment in allConvertedLaneSegments)
                    List <Vector3> positions;
                    var            laneCount  = laneSegment.LaneCount;
                    var            laneNumber = laneSegment.LaneNumber;

                    //Interpolate based on waypoint world positions
                    Interpolate(laneSegment.MapWorldPositions, out positions, 1.0f / MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR, true); //interpolate and divide to ensure 1 meter apart

                    laneSegTerminalIDsMapping.Add(laneSegment, new int[2]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++)
                        var pos          = positions[i];
                        var vectorMapPos = VectorMapUtility.GetVectorMapPosition(pos, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
                        var vmPoint      = Point.MakePoint(Points.Count + 1, vectorMapPos.Bx, vectorMapPos.Ly, vectorMapPos.H);

                        var vmNode = Node.MakeNode(Nodes.Count, Points.Count + 1);

                        var deltaDir = Vector3.zero;
                        if (i < positions.Count - 1)
                            deltaDir = positions[i + 1] - pos;
                            if (laneSegment.Afters.Count > 0)
                                deltaDir = laneSegment.Afters[0].MapWorldPositions[0] - pos;
                                deltaDir = pos - positions[i - 1];
                        Vector3 eulerAngles          = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, deltaDir).eulerAngles;
                        var     convertedEulerAngles = VectorMapUtility.GetRvizCoordinates(eulerAngles);
                        var     vmDTLane             = DtLane.MakeDtLane(DtLanes.Count + 1, i, vmPoint.PID, -convertedEulerAngles.z * Mathf.Deg2Rad, .0, .1, .1);

                        int beforeLaneID = 0;
                        int laneId       = Lanes.Count + 1;
                        if (i > 0)
                            beforeLaneID = Lanes.Count; // beforeLaneID won't be 0 since we add one vmLane to Lanes when i == 0
                            var beforeLane = Lanes[beforeLaneID - 1];
                            beforeLane.FLID         = laneId;
                            Lanes[beforeLaneID - 1] = beforeLane; //This is needed for struct copy to be applied back
                        var speedLimit = (int)laneSegment.SpeedLimit;
                        var vmLane     = Lane.MakeLane(laneId, vmDTLane.DID, beforeLaneID, 0, (Nodes.Count - 1), Nodes.Count, laneCount, laneNumber, speedLimit);
                        Lanes.Add(vmLane); // if positions.Count is n, then Lanes.Count is n-1.

                        if (i == 0)
                            laneSegTerminalIDsMapping[laneSegment][(int)TerminalType.START] = vmLane.LnID;
                        if (i == positions.Count - 1)
                            laneSegTerminalIDsMapping[laneSegment][(int)TerminalType.END] = vmLane.LnID;

                //Assuming merging and diversing won't happen at the same spot
                //correcting start and end lanes's BLID and FLID to the lane segment's before and after lane IDs in other lane segments
                //each lane will have up to 4 before lane Ids and after lane Ids to set, later executed operation will be ignore if number exceeds 4
                //correcting DtLanes last lane's dir value
                foreach (var laneSegment in allConvertedLaneSegments)
                    var terminalIdPair = laneSegTerminalIDsMapping[laneSegment];
                    if (laneSegment.Befores.Count > 0)
                        var segStartId = terminalIdPair[(int)TerminalType.START];
                        var ln         = Lanes[segStartId - 1];

                        for (int i = 0; i < laneSegment.Befores.Count; i++)
                            int beforeSegAfterLn = laneSegTerminalIDsMapping[laneSegment.Befores[i]][(int)TerminalType.END];
                            //chose the BLID that has not been set to meaningful lane id
                            if (ln.BLID == 0)
                                ln.BLID = beforeSegAfterLn;
                            else if (ln.BLID2 == 0)
                                ln.BLID2 = beforeSegAfterLn;
                                //ln.JCT = 3; //means merging
                            else if (ln.BLID3 == 0)
                                ln.BLID3 = beforeSegAfterLn;
                            else if (ln.BLID4 == 0)
                                ln.BLID4 = beforeSegAfterLn;

                        Lanes[segStartId - 1] = ln;

                    if (laneSegment.Afters.Count > 0)
                        var segEndId = terminalIdPair[(int)TerminalType.END];
                        var ln       = Lanes[segEndId - 1];

                        int afterSegStartLn = laneSegTerminalIDsMapping[laneSegment.Afters[0]][(int)TerminalType.START];
                        for (int i = 0; i < laneSegment.Afters.Count; i++)
                            afterSegStartLn = laneSegTerminalIDsMapping[laneSegment.Afters[i]][(int)TerminalType.START];
                            //chose the FLID that has not been set to meaningful lane id
                            if (ln.FLID == 0)
                                ln.FLID = afterSegStartLn;
                            else if (ln.FLID2 == 0)
                                ln.FLID2 = afterSegStartLn;
                                ln.JCT   = 1; //means branching
                            else if (ln.FLID3 == 0)
                                ln.FLID3 = afterSegStartLn;
                            else if (ln.FLID4 == 0)
                                ln.FLID4 = afterSegStartLn;

                        Lanes[segEndId - 1] = ln;

                        // Adjust last dtlane of each lane segment
                        var endDtLn   = DtLanes[Lanes[segEndId - 1].DID - 1];
                        var DtLnAfter = DtLanes[Lanes[afterSegStartLn - 1].DID - 1];

                        var pointPos = VectorMapUtility.GetUnityPosition(new VectorMapPosition()
                            Bx = Points[endDtLn.PID - 1].Bx, Ly = Points[endDtLn.PID - 1].Ly, H = Points[endDtLn.PID - 1].H
                        }, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
                        var pointAfterPos = VectorMapUtility.GetUnityPosition(new VectorMapPosition()
                            Bx = Points[DtLnAfter.PID - 1].Bx, Ly = Points[DtLnAfter.PID - 1].Ly, H = Points[DtLnAfter.PID - 1].H
                        }, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
                        var     deltaDir             = pointAfterPos - pointPos;
                        Vector3 eulerAngles          = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, deltaDir).eulerAngles;
                        var     convertedEulerAngles = VectorMapUtility.GetRvizCoordinates(eulerAngles);
                        endDtLn.Dir = -convertedEulerAngles.z * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                        DtLanes[endDtLn.DID - 1] = endDtLn;

            // Set up all lines vector map data
            var lineSegTerminalIDsMapping = new Dictionary <MapLine, KeyValuePair <int, LineType>[]>(); //tracking for record
            var stoplineLinkIDMapping     = new Dictionary <MapLine, List <int> >();

            if (allLineSegments.Count > 0)
                foreach (var lineSegment in allLineSegments)
                    var lineType = LineType.NONE;
                    if (lineSegment.lineType == MapData.LineType.STOP) //If it is stopline
                        lineType = LineType.STOP;
                    else if (lineSegment.lineType == MapData.LineType.SOLID_WHITE || lineSegment.lineType == MapData.LineType.DOUBLE_WHITE || lineSegment.lineType == MapData.LineType.DOTTED_WHITE)
                        lineType = LineType.WHITE;
                    else if (lineSegment.lineType == MapData.LineType.SOLID_YELLOW || lineSegment.lineType == MapData.LineType.DOUBLE_YELLOW || lineSegment.lineType == MapData.LineType.DOTTED_YELLOW)
                        lineType = LineType.YELLOW;

                    var positions = lineSegment.mapWorldPositions;

                    lineSegTerminalIDsMapping.Add(lineSegment, new KeyValuePair <int, LineType>[2] {
                        new KeyValuePair <int, LineType>(-1, LineType.NONE), new KeyValuePair <int, LineType>(-1, LineType.NONE)
                    for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count - 1; i++)
                        var startPos = positions[i];
                        var endPos   = positions[i + 1];

                        var vectorMapPos = VectorMapUtility.GetVectorMapPosition(startPos, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
                        var vmStartPoint = Point.MakePoint(Points.Count + 1, vectorMapPos.Bx, vectorMapPos.Ly, vectorMapPos.H);

                        vectorMapPos = VectorMapUtility.GetVectorMapPosition(endPos, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
                        var vmEndPoint = Point.MakePoint(Points.Count + 1, vectorMapPos.Bx, vectorMapPos.Ly, vectorMapPos.H);

                        int beforeLineID = 0;
                        if (i > 0)
                            beforeLineID = Lines.Count;
                            var beforeLine = Lines[beforeLineID - 1];
                            beforeLine.FLID         = Lines.Count + 1;
                            Lines[beforeLineID - 1] = beforeLine; //This is needed for struct copy to be applied back
                        var vmLine = Line.MakeLine(Lines.Count + 1, vmStartPoint.PID, vmEndPoint.PID, beforeLineID, 0);

                        if (i == 0)
                            lineSegTerminalIDsMapping[lineSegment][(int)TerminalType.START] = new KeyValuePair <int, LineType>(vmLine.LID, lineType);
                        if (i == positions.Count - 2)
                            lineSegTerminalIDsMapping[lineSegment][(int)TerminalType.END] = new KeyValuePair <int, LineType>(vmLine.LID, lineType);

                        int LinkID;
                        MakeVisualLine(vmLine, lineType, out LinkID);
                        if (lineType == LineType.STOP)
                            if (LinkID < 1)
                                Debug.LogError("Some stopline can not find have a correct linkID that equals to a nearby lane's id", lineSegment.gameObject);
                                UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = lineSegment.gameObject;
                                Debug.LogError($"Selected the problematic {nameof(lineSegment)}");
                            if (stoplineLinkIDMapping.ContainsKey(lineSegment))
                                //Debug.Log("Extra IDs for same builder: " + stopLinkIDMapping[builder].Count);
                                stoplineLinkIDMapping.Add(lineSegment, new List <int>()

                //correcting each segment's start and end line segments BLID and FLID to new line segments that is between each segment and their adjacent segment
                //only make BLID/FLID set to only one of the new line segments' last/first line ID because in the vector map format one line only has one BLID and one FLID
                //Later executed operation will overrite previously configured BLID and/or FLID
                foreach (var lineSegment in allLineSegments)
                    var terminalIdPairs = lineSegTerminalIDsMapping[lineSegment];
                    if (lineSegment.befores.Count > 0 && lineSegTerminalIDsMapping.ContainsKey(lineSegment.befores[0])) //if before line doesn't exist in the record set then no operation to avoid extra in between line
                        var tPairs            = terminalIdPairs[(int)TerminalType.START];
                        var segStartId        = tPairs.Key;
                        var segStartLin       = Lines[segStartId - 1];
                        var beforeSegEndLinId = lineSegTerminalIDsMapping[lineSegment.befores[0]][(int)TerminalType.END].Key; //only make BLID set to only one of the line segments' last line ID
                        var newLin            = Line.MakeLine(Lines.Count + 1, Lines[beforeSegEndLinId - 1].FPID, segStartLin.BPID, beforeSegEndLinId, segStartLin.LID);
                        MakeVisualLine(newLin, tPairs.Value);
                        segStartLin.BLID      = beforeSegEndLinId;
                        Lines[segStartId - 1] = segStartLin;

                    if (lineSegment.afters.Count > 0 && lineSegTerminalIDsMapping.ContainsKey(lineSegment.afters[0])) //if before line doesn't exist in the record set then no operation to avoid extra in between line
                        var tPairs             = terminalIdPairs[(int)TerminalType.END];
                        var segEndId           = tPairs.Key;
                        var segEndLin          = Lines[segEndId - 1];
                        var afterSegStartLinId = lineSegTerminalIDsMapping[lineSegment.afters[0]][(int)TerminalType.START].Key; //only make FLID set to only one of the line segments' first line ID
                        var newLin             = Line.MakeLine(Lines.Count + 1, segEndLin.FPID, Lines[afterSegStartLinId - 1].BPID, segEndLin.LID, afterSegStartLinId);
                        MakeVisualLine(newLin, tPairs.Value);
                        segEndLin.FLID      = newLin.LID;
                        Lines[segEndId - 1] = segEndLin;

            //Setup all traffic light poles and their corrsponding traffic lights
            var tempIDMapping = new Dictionary <MapPole, int>(); //builder pole id mapping

            foreach (var pole in signalLightPoles)
                var pos          = pole.transform.position;
                var vectorMapPos = VectorMapUtility.GetVectorMapPosition(pos, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
                var PID          = Points.Count + 1;
                var vmPoint      = Point.MakePoint(PID, vectorMapPos.Bx, vectorMapPos.Ly, vectorMapPos.H);

                var   VID  = Vectors.Count + 1;
                float Vang = Vector3.Angle(pole.transform.forward, Vector3.up);
                float Hang = .0f;
                if (Vang != .0f)
                    var projectedHorizonVec = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(pole.transform.forward, Vector3.up);
                    Hang = Vector3.Angle(projectedHorizonVec, Vector3.forward) * (Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, projectedHorizonVec).y > 0 ? 1 : -1);
                var vmVector = Vector.MakeVector(VID, PID, Hang, Vang);

                float Length = pole.length;
                float Dim    = .4f;
                var   PLID   = Poles.Count + 1;
                var   vmPole = Pole.MakePole(PLID, VID, Length, Dim);
                tempIDMapping.Add(pole, PLID);

            foreach (var pole in signalLightPoles)
                var PLID = tempIDMapping[pole];
                foreach (var signalLight in pole.signalLights)
                    if (signalLight == null || !signalLight.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)

                    var trafficLightAim = signalLight.transform.forward;
                    foreach (var lightData in signalLight.signalData)
                        var trafficLightPos = signalLight.transform.TransformPoint(lightData.localPosition);
                        var vectorMapPos    = VectorMapUtility.GetVectorMapPosition(trafficLightPos, MapAnnotationTool.EXPORT_SCALE_FACTOR);
                        var PID             = Points.Count + 1;
                        var vmPoint         = Point.MakePoint(PID, vectorMapPos.Bx, vectorMapPos.Ly, vectorMapPos.H);

                        var   VID  = Vectors.Count + 1;
                        float Vang = Vector3.Angle(trafficLightAim, Vector3.up);
                        float Hang = .0f;
                        if (Vang != .0f)
                            var projectedHorizonVec = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(trafficLightAim, Vector3.up);
                            Hang = Vector3.Angle(projectedHorizonVec, Vector3.forward) * (Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, projectedHorizonVec).y > 0 ? 1 : -1);
                        var vmVector = Vector.MakeVector(VID, PID, Hang, Vang);

                        int ID     = SignalDataList.Count + 1;
                        int Type   = (int)lightData.signalColor;
                        int LinkID = -1;

                        if (signalLight.stopLine != null)
                            if (!stoplineLinkIDMapping.ContainsKey(signalLight.stopLine))
                                Debug.LogError("Selected the related stopline that is not in the mapping");
                                UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = signalLight.stopLine.gameObject;

                            LinkID = PickAimingLinkID(signalLight.transform, stoplineLinkIDMapping[signalLight.stopLine]);

                            if (LinkID < 0)
                                Debug.LogError("Selected the related stopline that is related to the missing LinkID");
                                UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = signalLight.stopLine.gameObject;
                            Debug.LogError($"some signal light({nameof(MapSignal)}) have null stopline");
                            UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = signalLight.gameObject;
                            Debug.LogError($"selected the problematic {nameof(MapSignal)}");

                            LinkID = FindProperStoplineLinkID(trafficLightPos, trafficLightAim);

                        if (Type == 2)
                            Type = 3;
                        else if (Type == 3)
                            Type = 2;
                        var vmSignalData = SignalData.MakeSignalData(ID, VID, PLID, Type, LinkID);
