Ejemplo n.º 1
    // it is called every frame update
    void Update()
        // render the ros communication

        // get the player object position
        double playerPosX = player.transform.position.x;
        double playerPosY = player.transform.position.y;
        double playerPosZ = player.transform.position.z;

        // get the player position vector
        Vector3Msg playerPositionVector = new Vector3Msg(playerPosX, playerPosY, playerPosZ);
        // get the player rotation vector
        Vector3Msg playerRotationVector = new Vector3Msg(0, 0, 0);

        // get the twist message for the player pose
        TwistMsg playerPoseMsg = new TwistMsg(playerPositionVector, playerRotationVector);

        // publish the message
        ros.Publish(BallPosePublisher.GetMessageTopic(), playerPoseMsg);

        // get player speed
        float playerSpeed = (float)BallSpeedSubscriber.playerSpeed;

        // update player speed
        playerController.speed = (playerSpeed == 0)? 1 : playerSpeed;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Update()

        if (!_running)

        timer -= Time.deltaTime;

        if (timer <= 0)
            timer = pollRate;

            PointMsg               point  = new PointMsg(1, 2, 3);
            QuaternionMsg          quat   = new QuaternionMsg(1, 2, 3, 4);
            PoseMsg                pose   = new PoseMsg(point, quat);
            PoseWithCovarianceMsg  posec  = new PoseWithCovarianceMsg(pose);
            Vector3Msg             vec3   = new Vector3Msg(1, 2, 3);
            TwistMsg               twist  = new TwistMsg(vec3, vec3);
            TwistWithCovarianceMsg twistc = new TwistWithCovarianceMsg(twist, new double[36]);
            HeaderMsg              header = new HeaderMsg(1, new TimeMsg(1, 1), "0");

            PoseStampedMsg ps  = new PoseStampedMsg(header, pose);
            PathMsg        msg = new PathMsg(header, new PoseStampedMsg[] { ps, ps, ps });

            BoolMsg             boolmsg = new BoolMsg(true);
            StringMsg           str     = new StringMsg("This is a test");
            RegionOfInterestMsg roi     = new RegionOfInterestMsg(0, 1, 2, 3, true);
            CameraInfoMsg       caminfo = new CameraInfoMsg(header, 100, 200, "plumb_bob", new double[5], new double[9], new double[9], new double[12], 14, 123, roi);

        public static Vector3 From(this Vector3Msg self, CoordinateSpaceSelection selection)
            switch (selection)
            case CoordinateSpaceSelection.RUF:
                return(self.From <RUF>());

            case CoordinateSpaceSelection.FLU:
                return(self.From <FLU>());

            case CoordinateSpaceSelection.FRD:
                return(self.From <FRD>());

            case CoordinateSpaceSelection.ENU:
                return(self.From <ENU>());

            case CoordinateSpaceSelection.NED:
                return(self.From <NED>());

            case CoordinateSpaceSelection.ENULocal:
                return(self.From <ENULocal>());

            case CoordinateSpaceSelection.NEDLocal:
                return(self.From <NEDLocal>());

                Debug.LogError("Invalid coordinate space " + selection);
                return(self.From <RUF>());
Ejemplo n.º 4
    IEnumerator SendImu()
        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        var now            = DateTime.Now;
        var timeSpan       = now - lastFrame;
        var timeSinceStart = now - camStart;
        var timeMessage    = new TimeMsg(timeSinceStart.Seconds, timeSinceStart.Milliseconds);
        var headerMessage  = new HeaderMsg(count, timeMessage, "imu");

        Quaternion vehicleImu;

        vehicleImu = vehicle.transform.rotation;
        double xey     = vehicleImu.x;
        double yey     = vehicleImu.y;
        double zey     = vehicleImu.z;
        double wey     = vehicleImu.w;
        var    imuData = new QuaternionMsg(xey, yey, zey, wey);

        double[] arg3 = { 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 };

        var vect3 = new Vector3Msg(0.00, 0.00, 0.00);

        var imumessage = new ImuMessage(headerMessage, imuData, arg3, vect3, arg3, vect3, arg3);

        ros.Publish(imuPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), imumessage);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish velocity to turtlesim through the ROSBridge
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="linearInput"></param>
        /// <param name="angularInput"></param>
        public void SendVelocity(float linearInput, float angularInput)
            Vector3Msg linearVelocity  = new Vector3Msg(linearInput, 0f, 0f);
            Vector3Msg angularVelocity = new Vector3Msg(0f, 0f, -angularInput);
            TwistMsg   msg             = new TwistMsg(linearVelocity, angularVelocity);

            ROSBridge.Instance.Publish(TurtleVelocityPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), msg);
 public SemanticObjectMsg(string id, ObjectHypothesisMsg[] scores, PoseMsg pose, int ndetections, String roomId, String roomType, Vector3Msg size)
     _id         = id;
     _scores     = scores;
     _pose       = pose;
     _detections = ndetections;
     _roomId     = roomId;
     _roomType   = roomType;
     _size       = size;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public ImuMessage(HeaderMsg header, QuaternionMsg quaternionIMU, double[] orientation_c, Vector3Msg angularVelocity, double[] angular_velocity_c, Vector3Msg linearAcceleration, double[] linear_acceleration_c)
     _header                = header;
     _quaternionIMU         = quaternionIMU;
     _orientation_c         = orientation_c;
     _angularVelocity       = angularVelocity;
     _angular_velocity_c    = angular_velocity_c;
     _linearAcceleration    = linearAcceleration;
     _linear_acceleration_c = linear_acceleration_c;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public SemanticObjectMsg(String id, String idRoom, String type, float score, PointCloudMsg pointCloud, PoseMsg position, Vector3Msg scale)
     _id         = id;
     _idRoom     = idRoom;
     _type       = type;
     _score      = score;
     _pointCloud = pointCloud;
     _pose       = position;
     _scale      = scale;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public SemanticObjectMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _id         = msg["id"];
     _idRoom     = msg["idRoom"];
     _type       = msg["type"];
     _score      = double.Parse(msg["score"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     _pointCloud = new PointCloudMsg(msg["pointCloud"]);
     _pose       = new PoseMsg(msg["pose"]);
     _scale      = new Vector3Msg(msg["scale"]);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void GUI(this Vector3Msg message, string name)
            string body = $"[{message.x:F2}, {message.y:F2}, {message.z:F2}]";

            if (name == null || name == "")
                GUILayout.Label($"{name}: {body}");
 public SemanticObjectMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _id     = msg["id"];
     _scores = new ObjectHypothesisMsg[msg["scores"].Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < _scores.Length; i++)
         _scores[i] = new ObjectHypothesisMsg(msg["scores"][i]);
     _pose       = new PoseMsg(msg["pose"]);
     _detections = int.Parse(msg["detections"]);
     _roomId     = msg["roomId"];
     _roomType   = msg["roomType"];
     _size       = new Vector3Msg(msg["size"]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    private void Updatemess()
        float   deltatime  = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - pretime;
        Vector3 linacc     = (game.transform.position - patpos) / (deltatime);
        Vector3 angularvel = (game.transform.rotation.eulerAngles - qn.eulerAngles) / deltatime;
        Vector3 rota       = game.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        pretime         = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        patpos          = game.transform.position;
        qn              = game.transform.rotation;
        geometryVector3 = new Vector3Msg(linacc.x, linacc.y, linacc.z);
        geomv           = new Vector3Msg(angularvel.x, angularvel.y, angularvel.z);
        geonm           = new Vector3Msg(rota.x, rota.y, rota.z);
        msg             = new Info(geometryVector3, geomv, geonm);
        GameObject.Find("Cube").GetComponent <ROSInitialize>().ros.Publish(contInfo.GetMessageTopic(), msg);
Ejemplo n.º 13
            public ImuMessage(JSONNode msg)
                _header        = new HeaderMsg(msg ["header"]);
                _quaternionIMU = new QuaternionMsg(msg ["orientation"]);

                 * for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                 *      _orientation_c [i] = double.Parse (msg ["orientation_covariance"] [i]);
                 *      _angular_velocity_c [i]= double.Parse (msg ["angular_velocity_covariance"][i]);
                 *      _linear_acceleration_c [i]= double.Parse (msg ["linear_acceleration_covariance"][i]);
                 * }
                _angularVelocity    = new Vector3Msg(msg ["angular_velocity"]);
                _linearAcceleration = new Vector3Msg(msg ["linear_acceleration"]);
                //Debug.Log ("IMU Message Done");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void DrawAxisVectors <C>(Drawing3d drawing, Vector3Msg position, QuaternionMsg rotation, float size, bool drawUnityAxes) where C : ICoordinateSpace, new()
            Vector3    unityPosition = position.From <C>();
            Quaternion unityRotation = rotation.From <C>();
            Vector3    x, y, z;

            if (drawUnityAxes)
                x = unityRotation * new Vector3(1, 0, 0) * size;
                y = unityRotation * new Vector3(0, 1, 0) * size;
                z = unityRotation * new Vector3(0, 0, 1) * size;
                x = unityRotation * new Vector3 <C>(1, 0, 0).toUnity *size;
                y = unityRotation * new Vector3 <C>(0, 1, 0).toUnity *size;
                z = unityRotation * new Vector3 <C>(0, 0, 1).toUnity *size;
            drawing.DrawLine(unityPosition, unityPosition + x, Color.red, size * 0.1f);
            drawing.DrawLine(unityPosition, unityPosition + y, Color.green, size * 0.1f);
            drawing.DrawLine(unityPosition, unityPosition + z, Color.blue, size * 0.1f);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public TwistMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _linear  = new Vector3Msg(msg["linear"]);
     _angular = new Vector3Msg(msg["angular"]);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void setAngular(Vector3Msg rosAngular)
     OdomAngular = rosAngular;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static void GUI(this Vector3Msg message)
     GUILayout.Label($"[{message.x:F2}, {message.y:F2}, {message.z:F2}]");
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void setLinear(Vector3Msg rosLinear)
     OdomLinear = rosLinear;
 public TransformMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _translation = new Vector3Msg(msg["translation"]);
     _rotation    = new QuaternionMsg(msg["rotation"]);
Ejemplo n.º 20
    public ROSBridgeMsg OnReceiveMessage(string topic, JSONNode raw_msg, ROSBridgeMsg parsed = null)
        ROSBridgeMsg result = null;

        // Writing all code in here for now. May need to move out to separate handler functions when it gets too unwieldy.
        switch (topic)
        case "/dji_sdk/attitude":
            QuaternionMsg attitudeMsg = (parsed == null) ? new QuaternionMsg(raw_msg["quaternion"]) : (QuaternionMsg)parsed;
            attitude = offset * (new Quaternion(attitudeMsg.GetX(), attitudeMsg.GetY(), attitudeMsg.GetZ(), attitudeMsg.GetW()));
            result   = attitudeMsg;

        case "/dji_sdk/battery_state":
            battery_state = (parsed == null) ? new BatteryStateMsg(raw_msg) : (BatteryStateMsg)parsed;
            result        = battery_state;

        case "/dji_sdk/flight_status":
            if (isM100)
                m100_flight_status = (FlightStatusM100)(new UInt8Msg(raw_msg)).GetData();
                flight_status = (FlightStatus)(new UInt8Msg(raw_msg)).GetData();

        case "/dji_sdk/gimbal_angle":
            Vector3Msg gimbleAngleMsg = (parsed == null) ? new Vector3Msg(raw_msg["vector"]) : (Vector3Msg)parsed;
            gimble_joint_angles = new Vector3((float)gimbleAngleMsg.GetX(), (float)gimbleAngleMsg.GetY(), (float)gimbleAngleMsg.GetZ());
            result = gimbleAngleMsg;

        case "/dji_sdk/gps_health":
            gps_health = (parsed == null) ? (new UInt8Msg(raw_msg)).GetData() : ((UInt8Msg)parsed).GetData();

        case "/dji_sdk/gps_position":
            gps_position = (parsed == null) ? new NavSatFixMsg(raw_msg) : (NavSatFixMsg)parsed;
            result       = gps_position;

        case "/dji_sdk/imu":
            imu    = (parsed == null) ? new IMUMsg(raw_msg) : (IMUMsg)parsed;
            result = imu;

        case "/dji_sdk/rc":
            remote_controller_msg = (parsed == null) ? new JoyMsg(raw_msg) : (JoyMsg)parsed;
            result = remote_controller_msg;

        case "/dji_sdk/velocity":
            Vector3Msg velocityMsg = (parsed == null) ? new Vector3Msg(raw_msg["vector"]) : (Vector3Msg)parsed;
            velocity = new Vector3((float)velocityMsg.GetX(), (float)velocityMsg.GetY(), (float)velocityMsg.GetZ());
            result   = velocityMsg;

        case "/dji_sdk/height_above_takeoff":
            relative_altitude = (parsed == null) ? (new Float32Msg(raw_msg)).GetData() : ((Float32Msg)parsed).GetData();

        case "/dji_sdk/local_position":
            PointMsg pointMsg = (parsed == null) ? new PointMsg(raw_msg["point"]) : (PointMsg)parsed;
            local_position = new Vector3(pointMsg.GetX(), pointMsg.GetY(), pointMsg.GetZ());
            result         = pointMsg;

            Debug.LogError("Topic not implemented: " + topic);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public Info(JSONNode msg)
     _linear  = new Vector3Msg(msg["linear"]);
     _angular = new Vector3Msg(msg["angular"]);
     _rota    = new Vector3Msg(msg["rota"]);
 public static Vector3 From <C>(this Vector3Msg self) where C : ICoordinateSpace, new()
     return(new Vector3 <C>((float)self.x, (float)self.y, (float)self.z).toUnity);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public Info(Vector3Msg linear, Vector3Msg angular, Vector3Msg rota)
     _linear  = linear;
     _angular = angular;
     _rota    = rota;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public TwistMsg(Vector3Msg linear, Vector3Msg angular)
     _linear  = linear;
     _angular = angular;
 public TransformMsg(Transform tf)
     _translation = new Vector3Msg(tf.localPosition, true);
     _rotation    = new QuaternionMsg(tf.localRotation, true);
 public TransformMsg(Vector3Msg translation, QuaternionMsg rotation)
     _translation = translation;
     _rotation    = rotation;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public override void Deserialize(JSONNode msg)
     _linear  = new Vector3Msg(msg["linear"]);
     _angular = new Vector3Msg(msg["angular"]);