Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static bool CheckSelfHit(Weapon w, ref Vector3D targetPos, ref Vector3D testPos, out Vector3D predictedMuzzlePos)
            var testLine = new LineD(targetPos, testPos);

            predictedMuzzlePos = testLine.To + (-testLine.Direction * w.MuzzleDistToBarrelCenter);
            var ai = w.Comp.Ai;
            var localPredictedPos = Vector3I.Round(Vector3D.Transform(predictedMuzzlePos, ai.MyGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv) * ai.MyGrid.GridSizeR);

            MyCube cube;
            var    noCubeAtPosition = !ai.MyGrid.TryGetCube(localPredictedPos, out cube);

            if (noCubeAtPosition || cube.CubeBlock == w.Comp.MyCube.SlimBlock)
                var noCubeInLine           = !ai.MyGrid.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref testLine, ref ai.GridHitInfo);
                var noCubesInLineOrHitSelf = noCubeInLine || ai.GridHitInfo.Position == w.Comp.MyCube.Position;

                if (noCubesInLineOrHitSelf)
                    w.System.Session.Physics.CastRay(predictedMuzzlePos, testLine.From, out w.LastHitInfo, CollisionLayers.DefaultCollisionLayer);

                    if (w.LastHitInfo != null && w.LastHitInfo.HitEntity == ai.MyGrid)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static IMySlimBlock Block(this IHitInfo hit, Vector3 rayDirection, float maxPrediction = 10f)
            if (hit == null)
            var fat = hit.HitEntity as IMyCubeBlock;

            if (fat != null)
            var grid = hit.HitEntity as IMyCubeGrid;

            if (grid == null)
            var local = Vector3.Transform(hit.Position, grid.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv);
            var test  = grid.GetCubeBlock(Vector3I.Round(local / grid.GridSize));

            if (test != null)
            return(grid.FirstBlock(hit.Position, hit.Position + maxPrediction * rayDirection));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase ob)

            var objectBuilder = ob as MyObjectBuilder_BlockNavigationDefinition;

            Debug.Assert(ob != null);
            if (ob == null)

            if (objectBuilder.NoEntry || objectBuilder.Triangles == null)
                NoEntry = true;
                NoEntry = false;
                var newMesh = new MyGridNavigationMesh(null, null, objectBuilder.Triangles.Length);

                Vector3I maxPos = objectBuilder.Size - Vector3I.One - objectBuilder.Center;
                Vector3I minPos = -(Vector3I)(objectBuilder.Center);

                foreach (var triOb in objectBuilder.Triangles)
                    Vector3 pa = (Vector3)triOb.Points[0];
                    Vector3 pb = (Vector3)triOb.Points[1];
                    Vector3 pc = (Vector3)triOb.Points[2];

                    var tri = newMesh.AddTriangle(ref pa, ref pb, ref pc);

                    var center = (pa + pb + pc) / 3.0f;

                    // We want to move the triangle vertices more towards the triangle center to ensure correct calculation of containing cube
                    Vector3  cvA      = (center - pa) * 0.0001f;
                    Vector3  cvB      = (center - pb) * 0.0001f;
                    Vector3  cvC      = (center - pc) * 0.0001f;
                    Vector3I gridPosA = Vector3I.Round(pa + cvA);
                    Vector3I gridPosB = Vector3I.Round(pb + cvB);
                    Vector3I gridPosC = Vector3I.Round(pc + cvC);
                    Vector3I.Clamp(ref gridPosA, ref minPos, ref maxPos, out gridPosA);
                    Vector3I.Clamp(ref gridPosB, ref minPos, ref maxPos, out gridPosB);
                    Vector3I.Clamp(ref gridPosC, ref minPos, ref maxPos, out gridPosC);
                    Vector3I min, max;
                    Vector3I.Min(ref gridPosA, ref gridPosB, out min);
                    Vector3I.Min(ref min, ref gridPosC, out min);
                    Vector3I.Max(ref gridPosA, ref gridPosB, out max);
                    Vector3I.Max(ref max, ref gridPosC, out max);

                    Vector3I pos = min;
                    for (var it = new Vector3I.RangeIterator(ref min, ref max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                        newMesh.RegisterTriangle(tri, ref pos);

                m_mesh = newMesh;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private MyHighLevelPrimitive GetClosestHighLevelPrimitive(ref Vector3 point, ref float closestDistanceSq)
            MyHighLevelPrimitive primitive = null;

            Vector3I vectori = Vector3I.Round((point + (this.m_voxelMap.PositionComp.GetPosition() - this.m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner)) / this.m_cellSize);

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                Vector3I coordInLod  = (Vector3I)(vectori + m_cornerOffsets[i]);
                ulong    packedCoord = new MyCellCoord(0, coordInLod).PackId64();
                this.m_higherLevelHelper.CollectComponents(packedCoord, m_tmpIntList);
            foreach (int num3 in m_tmpIntList)
                MyHighLevelPrimitive primitive2 = this.m_higherLevel.GetPrimitive(num3);
                if (primitive2 != null)
                    float num4 = Vector3.DistanceSquared(primitive2.Position, point);
                    if (num4 < closestDistanceSq)
                        closestDistanceSq = num4;
                        primitive         = primitive2;
        private Vector3I FindTriangleCube(int triIndex, ref Vector3I edgePositionA, ref Vector3I edgePositionB)
            Vector3I min, max;

            Vector3I.Min(ref edgePositionA, ref edgePositionB, out min);
            Vector3I.Max(ref edgePositionA, ref edgePositionB, out max);
            min = Vector3I.Round(new Vector3(min) / 256.0f - Vector3.Half);
            max = Vector3I.Round(new Vector3(max) / 256.0f + Vector3.Half);

            for (var it = new Vector3I.RangeIterator(ref min, ref max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out min))
                List <int> list;
                m_smallTriangleRegistry.TryGetValue(min, out list);
                if (list == null)

                if (list.Contains(triIndex))

            Debug.Assert(false, "Could not find navmesh triangle cube. Shouldn't get here!");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private MyNavigationTriangle GetClosestNavigationTriangle(ref Vector3 point, ref float closestDistanceSq)
            MyNavigationTriangle triangle = null;
            Vector3I             vectori  = Vector3I.Round((point + (this.m_voxelMap.PositionComp.GetPosition() - this.m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner)) / this.m_cellSize);

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                Vector3I position = (Vector3I)(vectori + m_cornerOffsets[i]);
                if (this.m_processedCells.Contains(position))
                    ulong          packedCellCoord = new MyCellCoord(0, position).PackId64();
                    MyIntervalList list            = this.m_higherLevelHelper.TryGetTriangleList(packedCellCoord);
                    if (list != null)
                        MyIntervalList.Enumerator enumerator = list.GetEnumerator();
                        while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                            int current = enumerator.Current;
                            MyNavigationTriangle triangle2 = base.GetTriangle(current);
                            float num4 = Vector3.DistanceSquared(triangle2.Center, point);
                            if (num4 < closestDistanceSq)
                                closestDistanceSq = num4;
                                triangle          = triangle2;
Ejemplo n.º 7
            private int GetDivideIndex(ref Vector3I renderCellCoord)
                // TODO: Optimize
                int divideIndex = 0;

                if (m_lodDivisions > 1)
                    BoundingBoxD lodAabb = m_boundingBoxes.GetAabb(m_boundingBoxes.GetRoot());
                    Vector3I     test    = Vector3I.Round(lodAabb.Size / (double)MyVoxelCoordSystems.RenderCellSizeInMeters(m_lod));
                    //Vector3I lodSizeMinusOne = m_parentClipmap.LodSizeMinusOne(m_lod);
                    //Vector3I lodSize = lodSizeMinusOne + Vector3I.One;
                    Vector3I lodSize         = test;
                    Vector3I lodSizeMinusOne = test - 1;
                    Vector3I lodDivision     = Vector3I.One * (m_lodDivisions - 1);

                    var cellIterator = new Vector3I.RangeIterator(ref Vector3I.Zero, ref lodDivision);
                    for (; cellIterator.IsValid(); cellIterator.MoveNext())
                        Vector3I currentDivision = cellIterator.Current;
                        Vector3I min             = currentDivision * lodSize / m_lodDivisions;
                        Vector3I max             = (currentDivision + Vector3I.One) * lodSize / m_lodDivisions;
                        if (renderCellCoord.IsInsideInclusive(ref min, ref max))
                    Debug.Assert(cellIterator.IsValid(), "Valid division index not found!");
                    Vector3I foundCell = cellIterator.Current;
                    divideIndex = GetDivideIndexFromMergeCell(ref foundCell);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        void AddConvexShape(MySlimBlock block, bool applySkeleton)
            Debug.Assert(block.Min == block.Max, "Calculation assume that cube blocks have size 1x1x1");
            Debug.Assert(block.BlockDefinition.BlockTopology == MyBlockTopology.Cube, "Convex shape is available only for cube block");
            Debug.Assert(block.BlockDefinition.CubeDefinition != null, "No cube definition! Only armor can be convex");

            var     blockPos = block.Min * block.CubeGrid.GridSize;
            var     bonePos  = block.Min * MyGridSkeleton.BoneDensity + 1;
            var     skeleton = block.CubeGrid.Skeleton;
            Vector3 pointBone;

            foreach (var point in MyBlockVerticesCache.GetBlockVertices(block.BlockDefinition.CubeDefinition.CubeTopology, block.Orientation))
                var pointBonePos = bonePos + Vector3I.Round(point);
                var vert         = point * block.CubeGrid.GridSizeHalf;
                if (skeleton.TryGetBone(ref pointBonePos, out pointBone))
                m_tmpHelperVerts.Add(vert + blockPos);

            Shapes.Add(new HkConvexVerticesShape(m_tmpHelperVerts.GetInternalArray(), m_tmpHelperVerts.Count, SHRINK_CONVEX_SHAPE, MyPerGameSettings.PhysicsConvexRadius));
            ShapeInfos.Add(new ShapeInfo()
                Count = 1, Min = block.Min, Max = block.Max
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void AddConvexShape(MySlimBlock block, bool applySkeleton)
            Vector3        vector   = (Vector3)(block.Min * block.CubeGrid.GridSize);
            Vector3I       vectori  = (Vector3I)((block.Min * 2) + 1);
            MyGridSkeleton skeleton = block.CubeGrid.Skeleton;

            foreach (Vector3 vector3 in MyBlockVerticesCache.GetBlockVertices(block.BlockDefinition.CubeDefinition.CubeTopology, block.Orientation))
                Vector3  vector2;
                Vector3I pos     = (Vector3I)(vectori + Vector3I.Round(vector3));
                Vector3  vector4 = vector3 * block.CubeGrid.GridSizeHalf;
                if (applySkeleton && skeleton.TryGetBone(ref pos, out vector2))
                this.m_tmpHelperVerts.Add(vector4 + vector);
            this.Shapes.Add((HkShape) new HkConvexVerticesShape(this.m_tmpHelperVerts.GetInternalArray <Vector3>(), this.m_tmpHelperVerts.Count, false, MyPerGameSettings.PhysicsConvexRadius));
            ShapeInfo item = new ShapeInfo {
                Count = 1,
                Min   = block.Min,
                Max   = block.Max

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock ConvertDynamicGridBlockToStatic(ref MatrixD worldMatrix, MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock origBlock)
            MyDefinitionId        defId = new MyDefinitionId(origBlock.TypeId, origBlock.SubtypeName);
            MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefinition;

            MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetCubeBlockDefinition(defId, out blockDefinition);
            if (blockDefinition == null)

            var blockBuilder = Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.Serializer.MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(defId) as MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock;

            blockBuilder.EntityId = origBlock.EntityId;
            // Orientation quaternion is not setup in origblock
            MyBlockOrientation orientation = origBlock.BlockOrientation;
            Quaternion         rotationQuat;

            orientation.GetQuaternion(out rotationQuat);
            Matrix origRotationMatrix = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(rotationQuat);
            Matrix rotationMatrix     = origRotationMatrix * worldMatrix;

            blockBuilder.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(rotationMatrix);

            Vector3I origSizeRotated = Vector3I.Abs(Vector3I.Round(Vector3.TransformNormal((Vector3)blockDefinition.Size, origRotationMatrix)));
            Vector3I origMin         = origBlock.Min;
            Vector3I origMax         = origBlock.Min + origSizeRotated - Vector3I.One;

            Vector3I minXForm = Vector3I.Round(Vector3.TransformNormal((Vector3)origMin, worldMatrix));
            Vector3I maxXForm = Vector3I.Round(Vector3.TransformNormal((Vector3)origMax, worldMatrix));

            blockBuilder.Min = Vector3I.Min(minXForm, maxXForm);
        protected new void UpdatePastePosition()
            m_pastePositionPrevious = m_pastePosition;

            if (MyCubeBuilder.Static.DynamicMode)
                m_visible = true;
                IsSnapped = false;

                // Cast shapes commented out - difficult to place larger grids (blueprints).
                //Vector3D? fixedPastePosition = GetFreeSpacePlacementPositionGridAabbs(true, out m_dynamicBuildAllowed);
                //if (fixedPastePosition.HasValue)
                //    m_pastePosition = fixedPastePosition.Value;
                m_pastePosition = MyCubeBuilder.IntersectionStart + m_dragDistance * MyCubeBuilder.IntersectionDirection;

                Matrix   firstGridOrientation = GetFirstGridOrientationMatrix();
                Vector3D worldRefPointOffset  = Vector3.TransformNormal(m_dragPointToPositionLocal, firstGridOrientation);

                m_pastePosition += worldRefPointOffset;
                m_visible = true;

                if (!IsSnapped)
                    m_pasteOrientationAngle = 0.0f;
                    m_pasteDirForward       = Vector3I.Forward;
                    m_pasteDirUp            = Vector3I.Up;

                IsSnapped = true;

                MatrixD pasteMatrix      = GetPasteMatrix();
                Vector3 dragVectorGlobal = pasteMatrix.Forward * m_dragDistance;
                var     gridSettings     = m_settings.GetGridPlacementSettings(PreviewGrids[0]);
                if (!TrySnapToSurface(gridSettings.Mode))
                    m_pastePosition = pasteMatrix.Translation + dragVectorGlobal;

                    Matrix   firstGridOrientation = GetFirstGridOrientationMatrix();
                    Vector3D worldRefPointOffset  = Vector3.TransformNormal(m_dragPointToPositionLocal, firstGridOrientation);
                    m_pastePosition += worldRefPointOffset;

                    IsSnapped = true;

                double gridSize = PreviewGrids[0].GridSize;
                if (m_settings.StaticGridAlignToCenter)
                    m_pastePosition = Vector3I.Round(m_pastePosition / gridSize) * gridSize;
                    m_pastePosition = Vector3I.Round(m_pastePosition / gridSize + 0.5) * gridSize - 0.5 * gridSize;
Ejemplo n.º 12
            // Finds the grid direction for left (x) and down (y)
            private void GetAxis(IMyTextPanel panel, out Vector3I xAxis, out Vector3I yAxis)
                Base6Directions.Direction xAxisDir = Base6Directions.GetFlippedDirection(panel.Orientation.Left);
                xAxis = Vector3I.Round(Base6Directions.GetVector(xAxisDir));

                Base6Directions.Direction yAxisDir = Base6Directions.GetFlippedDirection(panel.Orientation.Up);
                yAxis = Vector3I.Round(Base6Directions.GetVector(yAxisDir));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected virtual bool TryDrillBlocks(MyCubeGrid grid, Vector3 worldPoint, bool onlyCheck, out MyStringHash blockMaterial)
            var invWorld           = grid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
            var gridLocalPosCenter = Vector3.Transform(m_sensor.Center, invWorld);
            var gridLocalPos       = Vector3.Transform(m_sensor.FrontPoint, invWorld);
            var gridLocalTarget    = Vector3.Transform(worldPoint, invWorld);

            var gridSpacePos = Vector3I.Round(gridLocalPos / grid.GridSize);
            var block        = grid.GetCubeBlock(gridSpacePos);

            if (block != null)
                if (block.BlockDefinition.PhysicalMaterial.Id.SubtypeId == MyStringHash.NullOrEmpty)
                    blockMaterial = m_metalMaterial;
                    blockMaterial = block.BlockDefinition.PhysicalMaterial.Id.SubtypeId;
                blockMaterial = MyStringHash.NullOrEmpty;

            int createDebris = 0;

            if (!onlyCheck)
                if (block != null && block is IMyDestroyableObject && block.CubeGrid.BlocksDestructionEnabled)
                    var destroyable = (block as IMyDestroyableObject);
                    destroyable.DoDamage(60, MyDamageType.Drill, Sync.IsServer, attackerId: m_drillEntity != null ? m_drillEntity.EntityId : 0);
                    createDebris = grid.Physics.ApplyDeformation(0.25f, 1.5f, 2f, gridLocalTarget, Vector3.Normalize(gridLocalPos - gridLocalPosCenter), MyDamageType.Drill, attackerId: m_drillEntity != null ? m_drillEntity.EntityId : 0);

            m_target = createDebris != 0 ? null : block;

            bool success = false;

            if (block != null)
                if (createDebris != 0)
                    BoundingSphereD bsphere = m_cutOut.Sphere;
                    BoundingBoxD    aabb    = BoundingBoxD.CreateFromSphere(bsphere);
                    MyDebris.Static.CreateExplosionDebris(ref bsphere, block.CubeGrid, ref aabb, 0.3f);

                success = true;

Ejemplo n.º 14
 private void FixSnapTransformationBase6()
     if (base.CopiedGrids.Count != 0)
         MyCubeGrid hitEntity = base.m_hitEntity as MyCubeGrid;
         if (hitEntity != null)
             Matrix rotationDeltaMatrixToHitGrid = this.GetRotationDeltaMatrixToHitGrid(hitEntity);
             foreach (MyCubeGrid local1 in base.PreviewGrids)
                 MatrixD worldMatrix = local1.WorldMatrix;
                 Matrix  matrix2     = (Matrix)(worldMatrix.GetOrientation() * rotationDeltaMatrixToHitGrid);
                 MatrixD xd          = MatrixD.CreateWorld(base.m_pastePosition, matrix2.Forward, matrix2.Up);
                 local1.PositionComp.SetWorldMatrix(xd, null, false, true, true, false, false, false);
             if ((hitEntity.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large) && (base.PreviewGrids[0].GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small))
                 base.m_pastePosition = hitEntity.GridIntegerToWorld(MyCubeBuilder.TransformLargeGridHitCoordToSmallGrid(base.m_hitPos, hitEntity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv, hitEntity.GridSize));
                 Vector3I vectori    = Vector3I.Round(base.m_hitNormal);
                 Vector3I gridOffset = hitEntity.WorldToGridInteger(base.m_pastePosition);
                 Vector3I min        = base.PreviewGrids[0].Min;
                 Vector3I vectori4   = Vector3I.Abs(Vector3I.Round(Vector3D.TransformNormal(Vector3D.TransformNormal((Vector3D)((base.PreviewGrids[0].Max - min) + Vector3I.One), base.PreviewGrids[0].WorldMatrix), hitEntity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv)));
                 int      num        = Math.Abs(Vector3I.Dot(ref vectori, ref vectori4));
                 int      num2       = 0;
                 while (true)
                     if ((num2 >= num) || hitEntity.CanMergeCubes(base.PreviewGrids[0], gridOffset))
                         if (num2 == num)
                             gridOffset = hitEntity.WorldToGridInteger(base.m_pastePosition);
                         base.m_pastePosition = hitEntity.GridIntegerToWorld(gridOffset);
                     gridOffset = (Vector3I)(gridOffset + vectori);
             for (int i = 0; i < base.PreviewGrids.Count; i++)
                 MyCubeGrid local2      = base.PreviewGrids[i];
                 MatrixD    worldMatrix = local2.WorldMatrix;
                 worldMatrix.Translation = base.m_pastePosition + Vector3.Transform(base.m_copiedGridOffsets[i], rotationDeltaMatrixToHitGrid);
                 local2.PositionComp.SetWorldMatrix(worldMatrix, null, false, true, true, false, false, false);
             if (MyDebugDrawSettings.DEBUG_DRAW_COPY_PASTE)
                 MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawLine3D(base.m_hitPos, base.m_hitPos + base.m_hitNormal, Color.Red, Color.Green, false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private ConveyorLinePosition PositionToGridCoords(ConveyorLinePosition position)
            ConveyorLinePosition position2 = new ConveyorLinePosition();
            Matrix result = new Matrix();

            base.Orientation.GetMatrix(out result);
            position2.LocalGridPosition = (Vector3I)(Vector3I.Round(Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(position.LocalGridPosition), result)) + base.Position);
            position2.Direction         = base.Orientation.TransformDirection(position.Direction);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private MyNavigationTriangle AddTriangleInternal(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
            int      num;
            int      num2;
            int      num3;
            Vector3I pointB   = Vector3I.Round(a * 256f);
            Vector3I pointA   = Vector3I.Round(b * 256f);
            Vector3I vectori3 = Vector3I.Round(c * 256f);
            Vector3  vector   = pointB / 256f;
            Vector3  vector2  = pointA / 256f;
            Vector3  vector3  = vectori3 / 256f;

            if (!this.m_connectionHelper.TryGetValue(new EdgeIndex(ref pointA, ref pointB), out num))
                num = -1;
            if (!this.m_connectionHelper.TryGetValue(new EdgeIndex(ref vectori3, ref pointA), out num2))
                num2 = -1;
            if (!this.m_connectionHelper.TryGetValue(new EdgeIndex(ref pointB, ref vectori3), out num3))
                num3 = -1;
            int num4 = num2;
            int num5 = num3;
            MyNavigationTriangle triangle = base.AddTriangle(ref vector, ref vector3, ref vector2, ref num3, ref num2, ref num);

            if (num == -1)
                this.m_connectionHelper.Add(new EdgeIndex(ref pointB, ref pointA), num);
                this.m_connectionHelper.Remove(new EdgeIndex(ref pointA, ref pointB));
            if (num4 == -1)
                this.m_connectionHelper.Add(new EdgeIndex(ref pointA, ref vectori3), num2);
                this.m_connectionHelper.Remove(new EdgeIndex(ref vectori3, ref pointA));
            if (num5 == -1)
                this.m_connectionHelper.Add(new EdgeIndex(ref vectori3, ref pointB), num3);
                this.m_connectionHelper.Remove(new EdgeIndex(ref pointB, ref vectori3));
 public static void GetPosRoundedToGrid(ref Vector3D vecToRound, double gridSize, bool isStaticGridAlignToCenter)
     if (isStaticGridAlignToCenter)
         vecToRound = Vector3I.Round(vecToRound / gridSize) * gridSize;
         vecToRound = Vector3I.Round(vecToRound / gridSize + 0.5) * gridSize - 0.5 * gridSize;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void AddEdgeInfo(ref Vector3 point0, ref Vector3 point1, ref Vector3 normal0, ref Vector3 normal1, Color color, MySlimBlock owner)
            Vector3              pos           = (point0 + point1) * 0.5f;
            Vector3I             edgeDirection = Vector3I.Round((point0 - point1) / this.m_gridRender.GridSize);
            MyCubeGridRenderCell orAddCell     = this.GetOrAddCell(pos, true);

            if (orAddCell.AddEdgeInfo(this.CalculateEdgeHash(point0, point1), new MyEdgeInfo(ref pos, ref edgeDirection, ref normal0, ref normal1, ref color, MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(owner.BlockDefinition.EdgeType)), owner))
        private void ProcessChangedGrid(MyCubeGrid newGrid)
            Vector3I gridOffset = Vector3I.Round((m_grid.PositionComp.GetPosition() - newGrid.PositionComp.GetPosition()) / m_grid.GridSize);
            Vector3  fw         = (Vector3)Vector3D.TransformNormal(m_grid.WorldMatrix.Forward, newGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv);
            Vector3  up         = (Vector3)Vector3D.TransformNormal(m_grid.WorldMatrix.Up, newGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv);

            Base6Directions.Direction fwDir = Base6Directions.GetClosestDirection(fw);
            Base6Directions.Direction upDir = Base6Directions.GetClosestDirection(up);
            if (upDir == fwDir)
                upDir = Base6Directions.GetPerpendicular(fwDir);
            MatrixI transform = new MatrixI(ref gridOffset, fwDir, upDir);

            MyGridInfo gridInfo = new MyGridInfo();

            gridInfo.Grid      = newGrid;
            gridInfo.Transform = transform;


            // Remove from split grid
            if (m_removeLocationsForGridSplits.Count > 0)
                List <int> indexesToRemove = new List <int>();

                for (int i = 0; i < m_removeLocationsForGridSplits.Count; ++i)
                    MyGeneratedBlockLocation location = m_removeLocationsForGridSplits[i];
                    Debug.Assert(location.GeneratedBlockType != MyStringId.NullOrEmpty);
                    RemoveBlock(location, gridInfo, location.GeneratedBlockType);

            // Add to split grid
            List <MySlimBlock> newGridBlocks = new List <MySlimBlock>();

            m_addLocations.RemoveWhere(delegate(MyGeneratedBlockLocation loc)
                if (loc.RefBlock != null && loc.RefBlock.CubeGrid == newGrid)

            foreach (var newGridBlock in newGridBlocks)
                Debug.Assert(newGrid == newGridBlock.CubeGrid);
                newGridBlock.CubeGrid.AdditionalModelGenerators.ForEach(g => g.UpdateAfterGridSpawn(newGridBlock));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        internal MyCubeGridRenderCell GetCell(Vector3 pos)
            Vector3I             cellPos = Vector3I.Round((pos - m_basePos) / (SplitCellCubeCount * m_gridRender.GridSize));
            MyCubeGridRenderCell result;

            if (!m_cells.TryGetValue(cellPos, out result))
                result           = new MyCubeGridRenderCell(m_gridRender);
                result.DebugName = cellPos.ToString();
                m_cells[cellPos] = result;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private bool IsFaceTriangle(MyNavigationTriangle triangle, Vector3I cubePosition, Vector3I direction)
            MyWingedEdgeMesh.FaceVertexEnumerator vertexEnumerator = triangle.GetVertexEnumerator();
            cubePosition *= 0x100;
            Vector3I vectori4 = (Vector3I)(cubePosition + (direction * 0x80));
            Vector3I vectori  = Vector3I.Round(vertexEnumerator.Current * 256f) - vectori4;
            Vector3I vectori2 = Vector3I.Round(vertexEnumerator.Current * 256f) - vectori4;
            Vector3I vectori3 = Vector3I.Round(vertexEnumerator.Current * 256f) - vectori4;

            return(!((vectori * direction) != Vector3I.Zero) ? (!((vectori2 * direction) != Vector3I.Zero) ? (!((vectori3 * direction) != Vector3I.Zero) ? ((vectori.AbsMax() <= 0x80) && ((vectori2.AbsMax() <= 0x80) && (vectori3.AbsMax() <= 0x80))) : false) : false) : false);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void AddEdgeInfo(ref Vector3 point0, ref Vector3 point1, ref Vector3 normal0, ref Vector3 normal1, Color color, MySlimBlock owner)
            var      hash      = CalculateEdgeHash(point0, point1);
            var      pos       = (point0 + point1) * 0.5f;
            Vector3I direction = Vector3I.Round((point0 - point1) / m_gridRender.GridSize);

            MyEdgeInfo info = new MyEdgeInfo(ref pos, ref direction, ref normal0, ref normal1, ref color, MyLibraryUtils.GetHash(owner.BlockDefinition.EdgeType));
            var        cell = GetCell(pos);

            if (cell.AddEdgeInfo(hash, info, owner))
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public static ConveyorLinePosition PositionToGridCoords(ConveyorLinePosition position, MyCubeBlock cubeBlock)
            ConveyorLinePosition retval = new ConveyorLinePosition();

            Matrix matrix = new Matrix();

            cubeBlock.Orientation.GetMatrix(out matrix);
            Vector3 transformedPosition = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(position.LocalGridPosition), matrix);

            retval.LocalGridPosition = Vector3I.Round(transformedPosition) + cubeBlock.Position;
            retval.Direction         = cubeBlock.Orientation.TransformDirection(position.Direction);

Ejemplo n.º 24
        private ConveyorLinePosition PositionToGridCoords(ConveyorLinePosition position)
            ConveyorLinePosition retval = new ConveyorLinePosition();

            Matrix matrix = new Matrix();

            this.Orientation.GetMatrix(out matrix);
            Vector3 transformedPosition = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(position.LocalGridPosition), matrix);

            retval.LocalGridPosition = Vector3I.Round(transformedPosition) + this.Position;
            retval.Direction         = this.Orientation.TransformDirection(position.Direction);

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static bool IsAirtightBlock(IMySlimBlock block, Vector3I pos, Vector3 normal)
            var def = block.BlockDefinition as MyCubeBlockDefinition;

            if (def == null)

            var airtight = IsAirtightFromDefinition(def, block.BuildLevelRatio);

            if (airtight != AirTightMode.USE_MOUNTS)
                return(airtight == AirTightMode.SEALED);

            Matrix matrix;

            block.Orientation.GetMatrix(out matrix);

            Vector3  position = (block.FatBlock == null ? Vector3.Zero : (pos - block.FatBlock.Position));
            Vector3I cell     = Vector3I.Round(Vector3.Transform(position, matrix) + def.Center);
            Vector3I side     = Vector3I.Round(Vector3.Transform(normal, matrix));

            var pressurized = def.IsCubePressurized[cell][side];

            if (pressurized == MyCubeBlockDefinition.MyCubePressurizationMark.PressurizedAlways)

            IMyDoor door = block.FatBlock as IMyDoor;

            if (door != null && (door.Status == DoorStatus.Closed || door.Status == DoorStatus.Closing))
                if (pressurized == MyCubeBlockDefinition.MyCubePressurizationMark.PressurizedClosed)
                    return(IsDoorAirtightInternal(def, ref side, door.IsFullyClosed));

Ejemplo n.º 26
        protected static void AddFastBuildModelWithSubparts(ref MatrixD matrix, List <MatrixD> matrices, List <string> models, MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefinition)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(blockDefinition.Model))

            var data = new MyEntitySubpart.Data();

            MyCubeBlockDefinition subBlockDefinition;
            MatrixD subBlockMatrix;
            Vector3 dummyPosition;

            MyModel modelData = MyModels.GetModelOnlyData(blockDefinition.Model);

            foreach (var dummy in modelData.Dummies)
                if (MyEntitySubpart.GetSubpartFromDummy(blockDefinition.Model, dummy.Key, dummy.Value, ref data))
                    MatrixD mCopy = MatrixD.Multiply(data.InitialTransform, matrix);
                else if (MyFakes.ENABLE_SUBBLOCKS &&
                         MyCubeBlock.GetSubBlockDataFromDummy(blockDefinition, dummy.Key, dummy.Value, false, out subBlockDefinition, out subBlockMatrix, out dummyPosition))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subBlockDefinition.Model))
                        // Repair subblock matrix to have int axes (because preview renderer does not allow such non integer rotation).
                        Vector3I forward    = Vector3I.Round(Vector3.DominantAxisProjection(subBlockMatrix.Forward));
                        Vector3I invForward = Vector3I.One - Vector3I.Abs(forward);
                        Vector3I right      = Vector3I.Round(Vector3.DominantAxisProjection((Vector3)subBlockMatrix.Right * invForward));
                        Vector3I up;
                        Vector3I.Cross(ref right, ref forward, out up);

                        subBlockMatrix.Forward = forward;
                        subBlockMatrix.Right   = right;
                        subBlockMatrix.Up      = up;

                        MatrixD mCopy = MatrixD.Multiply(subBlockMatrix, matrix);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        static MySlimBlock GetContactBlock(MyCubeGrid grid, Vector3D worldPosition, float graceDistance)
            graceDistance  = Math.Max(Math.Abs(graceDistance), grid.GridSize * 0.2f);
            graceDistance += 1f;
            MatrixD  invWorld      = grid.PositionComp.GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv();
            Vector3D localVelocity = Vector3D.TransformNormal(grid.Physics.LinearVelocity * Sandbox.Common.MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS, invWorld);
            Vector3D localPos;

            Vector3D.Transform(ref worldPosition, ref invWorld, out localPos);

            // MW:TODO optimize
            var min1 = Vector3I.Round((localPos - graceDistance - localVelocity) / grid.GridSize);
            var max1 = Vector3I.Round((localPos + graceDistance + localVelocity) / grid.GridSize);
            var min2 = Vector3I.Round((localPos + graceDistance - localVelocity) / grid.GridSize);
            var max2 = Vector3I.Round((localPos - graceDistance + localVelocity) / grid.GridSize);

            Vector3I min = Vector3I.Min(Vector3I.Min(Vector3I.Min(min1, max1), min2), max2);
            Vector3I max = Vector3I.Max(Vector3I.Max(Vector3I.Max(min1, max1), min2), max2);

            MySlimBlock resultBlock = null;
            float       distSq      = float.MaxValue;

            // TODO: optimize this, it should be possible using normal from contact
            Vector3I pos;

            for (pos.X = min.X; pos.X <= max.X; pos.X++)
                for (pos.Y = min.Y; pos.Y <= max.Y; pos.Y++)
                    for (pos.Z = min.Z; pos.Z <= max.Z; pos.Z++)
                        var block = grid.GetCubeBlock(pos);
                        if (block != null)
                            var testDistSq = (float)(pos * grid.GridSize - localPos).LengthSquared();
                            if (testDistSq < distSq)
                                distSq      = testDistSq;
                                resultBlock = block;

Ejemplo n.º 28
        Vector3 GetPointPos(Vector3 point, MySlimBlock block, bool applySkeleton)
            float   gridSize = block.CubeGrid.GridSize;
            Vector3 pos      = block.Min * gridSize;

            Matrix blockOrientation;

            block.Orientation.GetMatrix(out blockOrientation);
            Vector3I pointTransformed = Vector3I.Round(Vector3.Transform(point, blockOrientation));

            if (applySkeleton)
                pos += block.CubeGrid.Skeleton.GetBone(block.Min, pointTransformed + Vector3I.One);
                //pos += Vector3.Clamp(block.CubeGrid.Skeleton.Bones[boneIndex], new Vector3(-gridSize), new Vector3(gridSize));
            return(Vector3.Transform(point * gridSize / 2, blockOrientation) + pos);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static void RayCastGrid(this IMyCubeGrid grid, Vector3 rayStart, Vector3 direction, Action <Vector3I> visitor)
            Matrix worldToLocal = Matrix.Invert(grid.WorldMatrix);

            Vector3 transformedDirection = Vector3.TransformNormal(direction, worldToLocal);

            Vector3  currentPointF = Vector3.Transform(rayStart, worldToLocal) / grid.GridSize;
            Vector3I currentPoint  = Vector3I.Round(currentPointF);

            if (!Inside(grid.Min, grid.Max, currentPoint))
                //find intersection
                BoundingBoxI bbI = new BoundingBoxI(grid.Min, grid.Max);
                var          hit = bbI.Intersects(new Ray(currentPointF, transformedDirection));
                if (!hit.HasValue)
                    //Program.instance.Log($"No misses bounding box");
                    return; //no intersection
                currentPointF += (float)hit.Value * transformedDirection;
                currentPoint   = Vector3I.Round(currentPointF);

            //Program.instance.Log($"Starting at: {currentPoint}");
            //Program.instance.Log($"Direction at: {transformedDirection}");

            while (Inside(grid.Min, grid.Max, currentPoint))
                if (grid.CubeExists(currentPoint))

                float toXShift = ClosestGridBlockChange(currentPointF.X, transformedDirection.X);
                float toYShift = ClosestGridBlockChange(currentPointF.Y, transformedDirection.Y);
                float toZShift = ClosestGridBlockChange(currentPointF.Z, transformedDirection.Z);

                currentPointF += transformedDirection * Min(toXShift, toYShift, toZShift);
                currentPoint   = Vector3I.Round(currentPointF);

                //Program.instance.Log($"Shift by: {toXShift}, {toYShift}, {toZShift}");
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private void ProcessChangedGrid(MyCubeGrid newGrid)
            Vector3I position = Vector3I.Round((this.m_grid.PositionComp.GetPosition() - newGrid.PositionComp.GetPosition()) / ((double)this.m_grid.GridSize));
            Vector3  vec      = (Vector3)Vector3D.TransformNormal(this.m_grid.WorldMatrix.Forward, newGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv);

            Base6Directions.Direction closestDirection = Base6Directions.GetClosestDirection(vec);
            Base6Directions.Direction up = Base6Directions.GetClosestDirection((Vector3)Vector3D.TransformNormal(this.m_grid.WorldMatrix.Up, newGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv));
            if (up == closestDirection)
                up = Base6Directions.GetPerpendicular(closestDirection);
            MyGridInfo item = new MyGridInfo {
                Grid      = newGrid,
                Transform = new MatrixI(ref position, closestDirection, up)

            if (this.m_removeLocationsForGridSplits.Count > 0)
                List <int> list1 = new List <int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < this.m_removeLocationsForGridSplits.Count; i++)
                    MyGeneratedBlockLocation location = this.m_removeLocationsForGridSplits[i];
                    this.RemoveBlock(location, item, location.GeneratedBlockType);
            List <MySlimBlock> newGridBlocks = new List <MySlimBlock>();

            this.m_addLocations.RemoveWhere(delegate(MyGeneratedBlockLocation loc) {
                if ((loc.RefBlock == null) || !ReferenceEquals(loc.RefBlock.CubeGrid, newGrid))
            using (List <MySlimBlock> .Enumerator enumerator = newGridBlocks.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    MySlimBlock newGridBlock;
                    newGridBlock.CubeGrid.AdditionalModelGenerators.ForEach(g => g.UpdateAfterGridSpawn(newGridBlock));