Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void It_Returns_A_Vector_Rotated_By_An_Angle()
            // Arrange
            Vector3 vector          = new Vector3(-7, 10, -5);
            double  rotationAngle1  = GSharkMath.ToRadians(-0.0000125);
            Vector3 expectedResult1 = new Vector3(-7.0, 10.0, -5.0);
            double  rotationAngle2  = GSharkMath.ToRadians(0.0);
            Vector3 expectedResult2 = new Vector3(-7.0, 10.0, -5.0);
            double  rotationAngle3  = GSharkMath.ToRadians(12.5);
            Vector3 expectedResult3 = new Vector3(-7.454672, 10.649531, -2.239498);
            double  rotationAngle4  = GSharkMath.ToRadians(450);
            Vector3 expectedResult4 = new Vector3(-2.867312, 4.09616, 12.206556);

            Vector3 axis = new Vector3(10, 7, 0);

            // Act
            Vector3 result1 = vector.Rotate(axis, rotationAngle1);
            Vector3 result2 = vector.Rotate(axis, rotationAngle2);
            Vector3 result3 = vector.Rotate(axis, rotationAngle3);
            Vector3 result4 = vector.Rotate(axis, rotationAngle4);

            // Assert
            result1.EpsilonEquals(expectedResult1, 1e-6).Should().Be(true);
            result2.EpsilonEquals(expectedResult2, 1e-6).Should().Be(true);
            result3.EpsilonEquals(expectedResult3, 1e-6).Should().Be(true);
            result4.EpsilonEquals(expectedResult4, 1e-6).Should().Be(true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void UpdateCameraVectors()
            Vector3 Vaxis = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

            Vector3 View = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            View.Rotate(_angleHorizontal, Vaxis);

            Vector3 Haxis = Vaxis.CrossProduct(View);

            View.Rotate(_angleVertical, Haxis);

            _cameraTarget = View;

            _cameraUp = _cameraTarget.CrossProduct(Haxis);


            openGLControl_Resized(null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected override Vector3 GetRollDir()
        Vector3 targetPos = Vector3.zero;
        bool    found     = false;

        if (Agent.BlackBoard.desiredTarget != null)
            targetPos = Agent.BlackBoard.desiredTarget.Position - Agent.Position;
            targetPos = Agent.Position + (targetPos.normalized * Agent.BlackBoard.rollDistance);
            for (int degree = 20; degree < 40; ++degree)
                targetPos = targetPos.Rotate(Vector3.up, degree);
                if (CheckTargetPos(targetPos))
                    found = true;
                targetPos = targetPos.Rotate(Vector3.up, -degree);
                if (CheckTargetPos(targetPos))
                    found = true;

        if (found == false)

        return((targetPos - Agent.Position).normalized);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>Creates a new transformation, based upon yaw pitch and roll values</summary>
 /// <param name="Yaw">
 /// <para>The yaw to apply</para>
 /// <para>NOTE: The angle in radians by which the object is rotated in the XZ-plane in clock-wise order when viewed from above.</para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Pitch">
 /// <para>The pitch to apply</para>
 /// <para>NOTE: The angle in radians by which the object is rotated in the YZ-plane in *counter* clock-wise order when viewed from the right.</para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Roll">
 /// <para>The roll to apply</para>
 /// <para>NOTE: The angle in radians by which the object is rotated in the XY-plane in *counter* clock-wise order when viewed from ahead.</para>
 /// </param>
 public Transformation(double Yaw, double Pitch, double Roll)
     if (Yaw == 0.0 & Pitch == 0.0 & Roll == 0.0)
         X = Vector3.Right;
         Y = Vector3.Down;
         Z = Vector3.Forward;
     else if (Pitch == 0.0 & Roll == 0.0)
         double cosYaw = System.Math.Cos(Yaw);
         double sinYaw = System.Math.Sin(Yaw);
         X = new Vector3(cosYaw, 0.0, -sinYaw);
         Y = Vector3.Down;
         Z = new Vector3(sinYaw, 0.0, cosYaw);
         X = Vector3.Right;
         Y = Vector3.Down;
         Z = Vector3.Forward;
         X.Rotate(Y, Yaw);
         Z.Rotate(Y, Yaw);
         // In the left-handed coordinate system, the clock-wise rotation is positive when the origin is viewed from the positive direction of the axis.
         // Therefore, reverse the sign of rotation.
         Y.Rotate(X, -Pitch);
         Z.Rotate(X, -Pitch);
         X.Rotate(Z, -Roll);
         Y.Rotate(Z, -Roll);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public RaycastHit[] GetHits(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, bool debug = false)
            List <RaycastHit> hits             = new List <RaycastHit>();
            float             adjustedDistance = distance / Mathf.Cos(spread * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

            RaycastHit hit;

            if (Physics.Raycast(origin + offset, direction, out hit, distance, layerMask))

            if (Physics.Raycast(origin + offset, direction.Rotate(spread), out hit, adjustedDistance, layerMask))

            if (Physics.Raycast(origin + offset, direction.Rotate(-spread), out hit, adjustedDistance, layerMask))

            if (debug)
                DrawRays(origin, direction);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>Creates a new transformation, based upon yaw pitch and roll values</summary>
 /// <param name="Yaw">The yaw to apply</param>
 /// <param name="Pitch">The pitch to apply</param>
 /// <param name="Roll">The roll to apply</param>
 public Transformation(double Yaw, double Pitch, double Roll)
     if (Yaw == 0.0 & Pitch == 0.0 & Roll == 0.0)
         this.X = Vector3.Right;
         this.Y = Vector3.Down;
         this.Z = Vector3.Forward;
     else if (Pitch == 0.0 & Roll == 0.0)
         double cosYaw = System.Math.Cos(Yaw);
         double sinYaw = System.Math.Sin(Yaw);
         this.X = new Vector3(cosYaw, 0.0, -sinYaw);
         this.Y = Vector3.Down;
         this.Z = new Vector3(sinYaw, 0.0, cosYaw);
         X = Vector3.Right;
         Y = Vector3.Down;
         Z = Vector3.Forward;
         double cosYaw   = System.Math.Cos(Yaw);
         double sinYaw   = System.Math.Sin(Yaw);
         double cosPitch = System.Math.Cos(-Pitch);
         double sinPitch = System.Math.Sin(-Pitch);
         double cosRoll  = System.Math.Cos(-Roll);
         double sinRoll  = System.Math.Sin(-Roll);
         X.Rotate(Y, cosYaw, sinYaw);
         Z.Rotate(Y, cosYaw, sinYaw);
         Y.Rotate(X, cosPitch, sinPitch);
         Z.Rotate(X, cosPitch, sinPitch);
         X.Rotate(Z, cosRoll, sinRoll);
         Y.Rotate(Z, cosRoll, sinRoll);
Ejemplo n.º 7
            internal void UpdateTopplingCantAndSpring()
                if (CarSections.Length != 0)
                    //FRONT BOGIE

                    // get direction, up and side vectors
                    Vector3 d = new Vector3(FrontAxle.Follower.WorldPosition - RearAxle.Follower.WorldPosition);
                    Vector3 s;
                        double t = 1.0 / d.Norm();
                        d *= t;
                        t  = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(d.X * d.X + d.Z * d.Z);
                        double ex = d.X * t;
                        double ez = d.Z * t;
                        s  = new Vector3(ez, 0.0, -ex);
                        Up = Vector3.Cross(d, s);
                    // cant and radius

                    //TODO: This currently uses the figures from the base car
                    // apply position due to cant/toppling
                        double a = baseCar.Specs.CurrentRollDueToTopplingAngle +
                        double  x = Math.Sign(a) * 0.5 * Game.RouteRailGauge * (1.0 - Math.Cos(a));
                        double  y = Math.Abs(0.5 * Game.RouteRailGauge * Math.Sin(a));
                        Vector3 c = new Vector3(s.X * x + Up.X * y, s.Y * x + Up.Y * y, s.Z * x + Up.Z * y);
                        FrontAxle.Follower.WorldPosition += c;
                        RearAxle.Follower.WorldPosition  += c;
                    // apply rolling
                        double a = -baseCar.Specs.CurrentRollDueToTopplingAngle -
                        double cosa = Math.Cos(a);
                        double sina = Math.Sin(a);
                        s.Rotate(d, cosa, sina);
                        Up.Rotate(d, cosa, sina);
                    // apply pitching
                    if (CurrentCarSection >= 0 &&
                        double a    = baseCar.Specs.CurrentPitchDueToAccelerationAngle;
                        double cosa = Math.Cos(a);
                        double sina = Math.Sin(a);
                        d.Rotate(s, cosa, sina);
                        Up.Rotate(s, cosa, sina);
                        Vector3 cc = 0.5 * (FrontAxle.Follower.WorldPosition + RearAxle.Follower.WorldPosition);
                        FrontAxle.Follower.WorldPosition -= cc;
                        RearAxle.Follower.WorldPosition  -= cc;
                        FrontAxle.Follower.WorldPosition.Rotate(s, cosa, sina);
                        RearAxle.Follower.WorldPosition.Rotate(s, cosa, sina);
                        FrontAxle.Follower.WorldPosition += cc;
                        RearAxle.Follower.WorldPosition  += cc;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void DrawRays(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction)
            float adjustedDistance = distance / Mathf.Cos(spread * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

            Debug.DrawRay(origin + offset, direction * distance, Color.green);
            Debug.DrawRay(origin + offset, direction.Rotate(spread) * adjustedDistance, Color.green);
            Debug.DrawRay(origin + offset, direction.Rotate(-spread) * adjustedDistance, Color.green);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    private void setIllusionsToVector(Vector3 i_PerpendicularVector)
        m_LastRecordedDirection = i_PerpendicularVector;

        m_Illusions[0].transform.position = transform.position + i_PerpendicularVector.Rotate(m_DegreeBetweenIllusions / 2).normalized * m_IllusionDistanceFromDemon;

        m_Illusions[1].transform.position = transform.position + i_PerpendicularVector.Rotate(-m_DegreeBetweenIllusions / 2).normalized * m_IllusionDistanceFromDemon;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>Creates a new transformation, based upon an initial transformation, plus secondary yaw pitch and roll values</summary>
 /// <param name="Transformation">The initial transformation</param>
 /// <param name="Yaw">The yaw to apply</param>
 /// <param name="Pitch">The pitch to apply</param>
 /// <param name="Roll">The roll to apply</param>
 public Transformation(Transformation Transformation, double Yaw, double Pitch, double Roll)
     X = new Vector3(Transformation.X);
     Y = new Vector3(Transformation.Y);
     Z = new Vector3(Transformation.Z);
     X.Rotate(Y, Yaw);
     Z.Rotate(Y, Yaw);
     Y.Rotate(X, -Pitch);
     Z.Rotate(X, -Pitch);
     X.Rotate(Z, Roll);
     Y.Rotate(Z, Roll);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>Creates a new transformation, based upon an initial transformation, plus secondary yaw pitch and roll values</summary>
 /// <param name="Transformation">The initial transformation</param>
 /// <param name="Yaw">
 /// <para>The yaw to apply</para>
 /// <para>NOTE: The angle in radians by which the object is rotated in the XZ-plane in clock-wise order when viewed from above.</para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Pitch">
 /// <para>The pitch to apply</para>
 /// <para>NOTE: The angle in radians by which the object is rotated in the YZ-plane in *counter* clock-wise order when viewed from the right.</para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Roll">
 /// <para>The roll to apply</para>
 /// <para>NOTE: The angle in radians by which the object is rotated in the XY-plane in *counter* clock-wise order when viewed from ahead.</para>
 /// </param>
 public Transformation(Transformation Transformation, double Yaw, double Pitch, double Roll)
     X = new Vector3(Transformation.X);
     Y = new Vector3(Transformation.Y);
     Z = new Vector3(Transformation.Z);
     X.Rotate(Y, Yaw);
     Z.Rotate(Y, Yaw);
     // In the left-handed coordinate system, the clock-wise rotation is positive when the origin is viewed from the positive direction of the axis.
     // Therefore, reverse the sign of rotation.
     Y.Rotate(X, -Pitch);
     Z.Rotate(X, -Pitch);
     X.Rotate(Z, -Roll);
     Y.Rotate(Z, -Roll);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>Updates the position and rotation of an animated object which follows a track</summary>
        private void UpdateObjectPosition()
            //Get vectors
            Direction = new Vector3(FrontAxleFollower.WorldPosition - RearAxleFollower.WorldPosition);
                double t = 1.0 / Direction.Norm();
                Direction *= t;
                t          = 1.0 / System.Math.Sqrt(Direction.X * Direction.X + Direction.Z * Direction.Z);
                double ex = Direction.X * t;
                double ez = Direction.Z * t;
                Side = new Vector3(ez, 0.0, -ex);
                Up   = Vector3.Cross(Direction, Side);

            // apply position due to cant/toppling
                double  a = CurrentRollDueToTopplingAngle + CurrentRollDueToCantAngle;
                double  x = System.Math.Sign(a) * 0.5 * FrontAxleFollower.RailGauge * (1.0 - System.Math.Cos(a));
                double  y = System.Math.Abs(0.5 * FrontAxleFollower.RailGauge * System.Math.Sin(a));
                Vector3 c = Side * x + Up * y;

                FrontAxleFollower.WorldPosition += c;
                RearAxleFollower.WorldPosition  += c;
            // apply rolling
                double a    = CurrentRollDueToTopplingAngle - CurrentRollDueToCantAngle;
                double cosa = System.Math.Cos(a);
                double sina = System.Math.Sin(a);
                Side.Rotate(Direction, cosa, sina);
                Up.Rotate(Direction, cosa, sina);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public void Move(Vector3 target)
        int     troopCounter     = 0;
        int     segmentLength    = 1;
        Vector3 lastPosition     = target;
        Vector3 currentDirection = Vector3.forward;

        TroopBase[] troops = GetTroops();

        while (troopCounter < troops.Length)
            for (int i = 0; i < segmentLength / 2;)
                TroopBase troop = troops[troopCounter];

                if (troop.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    troop.Target  = lastPosition;
                    lastPosition += currentDirection * troop.radius;

                troopCounter += 1;

                if (troopCounter >= troops.Length)

            currentDirection = currentDirection.Rotate(90, Vector3.up);
            segmentLength   += 1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
    Chunk createAndPlaceNewChunk(GameObject prefab, int chunkId, float loadSpeed)
        Chunk   prefabChunk = prefab.GetComponent <Chunk>();
        int     yDifference = this.lastRoomRightExitY - prefabChunk.entreanceY;
        Vector3 movement    = new Vector3(0, yDifference, 0);

        movement             = movement.Rotate(rotation, Vector3.back);
        lastRoomEndPosition += movement;

        Chunk newChunk = createChunk(prefab, chunkId, loadSpeed);

        if (lastChunk != null)
            lastChunk.nextChunk = newChunk;
            newChunk.lastChunk  = lastChunk;
        lastChunk = newChunk;

        newChunk.chunkId             = chunkId;
        newChunk.proceduralGenerator = proceduralGeneratorOfChunk;

        Vector3 movementX = new Vector3(prefabChunk.width, 0, 0);

        movementX            = movementX.Rotate(rotation, Vector3.back);
        lastRoomEndPosition += movementX;
        lastRoomRightExitY   = prefabChunk.rightExitY;
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public virtual LineSegment3D Rotate(Vector3 pivotPoint, Quaternion rotation)
        Vector3 outputStart = start.Rotate(pivotPoint, rotation);
        Vector3 outputEnd   = end.Rotate(pivotPoint, rotation);

        return(new LineSegment3D(outputStart, outputEnd));
Ejemplo n.º 16
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the angle of attack of the part in degrees
    /// </summary>
    public float GetAoA(VehiclePart part, float angle, Vector3 worldVelocity)
        float   aoa;
        Vehicle vehicle = part.Vehicle;
        // Get the velocity in vehicle space
        Vector3 velocityVehicleSpace = vehicle.transform.InverseTransformDirection(worldVelocity);
        // Get the right direction of the part in vehicle space
        Vector3 partRightDirectionVehicleSpace =
            part.PartConfig.localRightDirection.RecontextualizeDirection(part.transform, vehicle.transform).normalized;

        // Flatten the velocity in vehicle space to a plane perpendicular to the part's right direction in vehicle space
        // Get the default forward direction of the part in vehicle space
        Vector3 partDefaultForwardDirectionVehicleSpace =
            part.PartConfig.localForwardDirection.RecontextualizeDirection(part.transform, vehicle.transform).normalized;
        // Get the current forward direction the part in vehicle space
        Vector3 partForwardDirectionVehicleSpace = partDefaultForwardDirectionVehicleSpace.Rotate(angle, partRightDirectionVehicleSpace);

        // Get the angle between the current forward direction of the part in vehicle space and the flattened velocity in vehicle space.
        aoa = Vector3.SignedAngle(partForwardDirectionVehicleSpace, velocityVehicleSpace, partRightDirectionVehicleSpace);

        // This does the same thing. Is it faster?

        /*Vector3 partUpDirectionVehicleSpace = Vector3.Cross(partForwardDirectionVehicleSpace, partRightDirectionVehicleSpace);
         * float upAmount = Vector3.Dot(velocityVehicleSpace, partUpDirectionVehicleSpace);
         * float forwardAmount = Vector3.Dot(velocityVehicleSpace, partForwardDirectionVehicleSpace);
         * float aoa2 = Mathf.Atan2(-upAmount, forwardAmount) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
         * Debug.Log(aoa/aoa2);*/

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void Rotate()
            var point   = new Vector3(5.0, 5.0);
            var rotated = point.Rotate(Vector3.Origin, 180.0);

            Assert.Equal(-5.0, rotated.X, 10);
            Assert.Equal(-5.0, rotated.Y, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void TestFunctions()
            // member
            Vector3 v = new Vector3(1, 2, 3);
            float   l = v.magnitude;

            Assert.AreEqual(v, new Vector3(1 / l, 2 / l, 3 / l));

            v.Set(1, 0, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(v, new Vector3(1, 0, 2));

            Assert.AreEqual(v.Rotate(Vector3.up, Mathf.PI), new Vector3(-1f, 0f, -2f));
            Assert.IsTrue(v.Rotate(Vector3.up, Mathf.PI) == new Vector3(-1f, 0f, -2f));

            Assert.AreEqual(v, new Vector3(1, 0, 2));

            // staitc
            Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(1, 2, 3);
            Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(2, 3, 4);

            Assert.IsTrue(Mathf.Equals(v1, new Vector3(1.000009f, 2.000009f, 2.999991f)));
            Assert.IsFalse(Mathf.Equals(v1, new Vector3(1.00001f, 2.000009f, 2.999991f)));
            Assert.IsFalse(Mathf.Equals(v1, new Vector3(1.000009f, 2.00001f, 2.999991f)));
            Assert.IsFalse(Mathf.Equals(v1, new Vector3(1.000009f, 2.000009f, 2.99999f)));

            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Angle(v1, v2), 0.121868052f);

            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2) == new Vector3(-1, 2, -1));

            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Distance(v1, v2), Mathf.Sqrt(3));

            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Dot(v1, v2), 20);

            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Lerp(v1, v2, 0), v1);
            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Lerp(v1, v2, 0.5f), new Vector3(1.5f, 2.5f, 3.5f));
            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Lerp(v1, v2, 1), v2);

            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.SqrMagnitude(v1), 14);
            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Magnitude(v1), Mathf.Sqrt(14));
            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Normalize(v1), new Vector3(1 / v1.magnitude, 2 / v1.magnitude, 3 / v1.magnitude));

            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Max(v1, v2), v2);
            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Min(v1, v2), v1);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello Core!");

            var point = new Vector3(10, 10, 10);


            Console.WriteLine(point.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));

            Console.WriteLine(point.Rotate(new Vector3(Math.PI, 0, 0)));
            Console.WriteLine(point.Rotate(new Vector3(Math.PI, 0, 0)));

            Console.WriteLine(point.Rotate(new Vector3(0, Math.PI, 0)));
            Console.WriteLine(point.Rotate(new Vector3(0, Math.PI, 0)));

            Console.WriteLine(point.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, Math.PI)));
            Console.WriteLine(point.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, Math.PI)));


Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>Creates a new transformation, based upon a base transformation and an additional transformation</summary>
 /// <param name="firstTransformation">The transformation to apply first</param>
 /// <param name="secondTransformation">The transformation to apply second</param>
 public Transformation(Transformation firstTransformation, Transformation secondTransformation)
     X = new Vector3(firstTransformation.X);
     Y = new Vector3(firstTransformation.Y);
     Z = new Vector3(firstTransformation.Z);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>Creates a new transformation, based upon a base transformation and an auxiliary transformation</summary>
 /// <param name="BaseTransformation">The base transformation</param>
 /// <param name="AuxTransformation">The auxiliary transformation</param>
 public Transformation(Transformation BaseTransformation, Transformation AuxTransformation)
     X = new Vector3(BaseTransformation.X);
     Y = new Vector3(BaseTransformation.Y);
     Z = new Vector3(BaseTransformation.Z);
     X.Rotate(AuxTransformation.Z, AuxTransformation.Y, AuxTransformation.X);
     Y.Rotate(AuxTransformation.Z, AuxTransformation.Y, AuxTransformation.X);
     Z.Rotate(AuxTransformation.Z, AuxTransformation.Y, AuxTransformation.X);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void RotateAround(Vector3 point, Vector3 axis, float angle)
            Vector3 tmp = point - Position;

            Rotate(axis, angle);

            tmp.Rotate(axis, angle);
            Translate(-tmp.X, -tmp.Y, -tmp.Z);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void Rotate_ReturnSucceed(float a, float b, float c, float radians, float xcenter, float ycenter, float zcenter, float x, float y, float z)
            var input  = new Vector3(a, b, c);
            var center = new Vector3(xcenter, ycenter, zcenter);
            var result = input.Rotate(radians, center);

            Assert.Equal(Math.Round(x, 3), Math.Round(result.X, 3));
            Assert.Equal(Math.Round(y, 3), Math.Round(result.Y, 3));
            Assert.Equal(Math.Round(z, 3), Math.Round(result.Z, 3));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>Creates a new transformation, based upon an initial transformation, plus secondary yaw pitch and roll values</summary>
        /// <param name="Transformation">The initial transformation</param>
        /// <param name="Yaw">The yaw to apply</param>
        /// <param name="Pitch">The pitch to apply</param>
        /// <param name="Roll">The roll to apply</param>
        public Transformation(Transformation Transformation, double Yaw, double Pitch, double Roll)
            X = new Vector3(Transformation.X);
            Y = new Vector3(Transformation.Y);
            Z = new Vector3(Transformation.Z);
            double cosYaw   = System.Math.Cos(Yaw);
            double sinYaw   = System.Math.Sin(Yaw);
            double cosPitch = System.Math.Cos(-Pitch);
            double sinPitch = System.Math.Sin(-Pitch);
            double cosRoll  = System.Math.Cos(Roll);
            double sinRoll  = System.Math.Sin(Roll);

            X.Rotate(Y, cosYaw, sinYaw);
            Z.Rotate(Y, cosYaw, sinYaw);
            Y.Rotate(X, cosPitch, sinPitch);
            Z.Rotate(X, cosPitch, sinPitch);
            X.Rotate(Z, cosRoll, sinRoll);
            Y.Rotate(Z, cosRoll, sinRoll);
        private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            Vector3 moveControl = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Vector3.zero;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.W)
                moveControl.z += 1;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.S)
                moveControl.z += -1;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D)
                moveControl.x += 1;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A)
                moveControl.x += -1;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down)
                rot_up -= 0.2f;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up)
                rot_up += 0.2f;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
                pointOfView.y += 1;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey)
                pointOfView.y -= 1;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right)
                rot_side -= 0.2f;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left)
                rot_side += 0.2f;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.R)
                drawnObject.Position    = pointOfView * 1;
                drawnObject.Position.y -= 01f;

            pointOfView += moveControl.Rotate(rot_side, rot_up);

Ejemplo n.º 26
    public void UpdateVisualWheels()
        WheelCollider.GetWorldPose(out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion quat);
        float offset = (Vehicle.transform.InverseTransformPoint(pos) - transform.localPosition).magnitude;

        VisualWheel.position = Vehicle.transform.TransformPoint(_visualWheelDefaultVehiclePosition + upDirection * offset);
        Vector3    worldUpDirection      = Vehicle.transform.TransformDirection(upDirection);
        Vector3    worldDefaultDirection = Vehicle.transform.TransformDirection(defaultDirection);
        Quaternion desiredRotation       = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldDefaultDirection.Rotate(steerAngle, worldUpDirection), worldUpDirection);

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, desiredRotation, 5f * Time.deltaTime);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void Rotate()
            var v0    = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
            var angle = 45.0.ToRad();

            v0.Rotate(angle, new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
            var targ_y = 1.0 * Math.Sin(angle);
            var targ_z = -1.0 * Math.Cos(angle);

            Assert.AreEqual(v0.Y, targ_y, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(v0.Z, targ_z, 1e-8);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private void MoveSelectionByArrows(Vector3 vector3)
            Vector3 angles     = PlayerController.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles;
            var     rotation90 = Mathf.RoundToInt(angles.y / 90f) * 90;

            vector3 = vector3.Rotate(0, rotation90, 0);

            Vector3Int offset = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(vector3);

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override void Update()
            var delta = Engine.Get().Delta;

            _factorDay = _driverDay.Update(delta);

            _skyboxRotation = new Vector3(360.0f * _factorDay, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            var lightDirection = _skyboxRotation.Rotate(new Vector3(0.2f, 0.0f, 0.5f));


            var fogColour = FogColourSunrise.Interpolate(FogColourNight, SunriseFactor);

            fogColour = fogColour.Interpolate(FogColourDay, ShadowFactor);

            _sunPosition  = lightDirection * new Vector3(-6048.0f, -6048.0f, -6048.0f);
            _moonPosition = lightDirection * new Vector3(6048.0f, 6048.0f, 6048.0f);

            /*if (Scenes.Get().GetCamera() != null)
             * {
             *  _sunPosition += Scenes.Get().Camera.Position;
             *  _moonPosition += Scenes.Get().Camera.Position;
             * }*/

            _sunColour = SunColourSunrise.Interpolate(SunColourNight, SunriseFactor);
            _sunColour = _sunColour.Interpolate(SunColourDay, ShadowFactor);

            _moonColour = MoonColourNight.Interpolate(MoonColourDay, ShadowFactor);

            _fog.Colour     = fogColour;
            _fog.Density    = 0.002f + ((1.0f - ShadowFactor * 0.002f));
            _fog.Gradient   = 2.0f - ((1.0f - ShadowFactor) * 0.380f);
            _fog.LowerLimit = 0.0f;
            _fog.UpperLimit = 0.15f - ((1.0f - ShadowFactor) * 0.03f);

            _skyColour = SkyboxColourDay;

            if (Shadows.Get() != null)
                Shadows.Get().LightDirection    = lightDirection;
                Shadows.Get().ShadowBoxOffset   = (4.0f * (1.0f - ShadowFactor)) + 10.0f;
                Shadows.Get().ShadowBoxDistance = 40.0f;
                Shadows.Get().ShadowTransition  = 5.0f;
                Shadows.Get().ShadowDarkness    = 0.6f * ShadowFactor;

            _factorSunrise = Math.Clamp(-((float)Math.Sin(2.0f * Math.PI * DayFactor) - 1.0f) / 2.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            _factorShadow  = Math.Clamp(1.7f * (float)Math.Sin(2.0f * Math.PI * DayFactor), 0.0f, 1.0f);;
            _sunHeight     = _sunPosition.Y;
            _starIntensity = Math.Clamp(1.0f - ShadowFactor, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void Vector3RotationTest()
            Vector3 a = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);


            Assert.AreEqual(-1f, a.X);

            a = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(-1f, a.X);
Ejemplo n.º 31
    protected override Vector3 GetRollDir()
        Vector3 targetPos = Vector3.zero;
        bool    found     = false;

        if (Agent.BlackBoard.desiredTarget != null)
            targetPos = Agent.Position - Agent.BlackBoard.desiredTarget.Position;
            targetPos = Agent.Position + (targetPos.normalized * Agent.BlackBoard.rollDistance);
            // 尝试N次
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                // 随机角度
                int degree = Random.Range(0, 2) == 0 ? 1 : -1;
                degree   *= Random.Range(0, 60);
                targetPos = targetPos.Rotate(Vector3.up, degree);
                if (CheckTargetPos(targetPos))
                    found = true;
                targetPos = targetPos.Rotate(Vector3.up, -degree);
                if (CheckTargetPos(targetPos))
                    found = true;

        if (found == false)

        return((targetPos - Agent.Position).normalized);
Ejemplo n.º 32
            public CompassDirection? VectorToDirection( Vector3 vec )
                vec = vec.Rounded();

                if ( UpVec == vec )
                    return CompassDirection.North;

                vec = vec.Rotate( Normal, MathHelper.PiOver2 ).Rounded();

                if ( UpVec == vec )
                    return CompassDirection.East;

                vec = vec.Rotate( Normal, MathHelper.PiOver2 ).Rounded();

                if ( UpVec == vec )
                    return CompassDirection.South;

                vec = vec.Rotate( Normal, MathHelper.PiOver2 ).Rounded();

                if ( UpVec == vec )
                    return CompassDirection.West;

                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 private Vector2 Transform3dTo2d( Vector3 vec3d, Face cubeFace )
     vec3d = vec3d.Rotate( cubeFace.Normal, -cubeFace.Rotation )
                  .Transform( VectorUtils.RotateOnto_Q( cubeFace.Normal, Vector3.UnitZ ) );
     return new Vector2( vec3d.X, -vec3d.Y );
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public Vector2 Transform3dTo2d( Vector3 vec3d )
     vec3d = vec3d.Rotate( Normal, -Rotation )
                  .Transform( VectorUtils.RotateOnto_Q( Normal, Vector3.UnitZ ) );
     return new Vector2( vec3d.X, -vec3d.Y );