Ejemplo n.º 1
    private float InterpolateY_NotUsed(Vector2 P2d)
        // The two lines that cross the road (Verts.TerrainFL to Verts.TerrainFR   and  Verts.TerrainBL to Verts.TerrainBR are at different heights
        // GIven a point P2d we want to know what height it should be to fall on the plane
        float rtn = 0;
        //First make the two lines 2d
        Vector2 FL = new Vector2(Verts.TerrainFL.x, Verts.TerrainFL.z);
        Vector2 FR = new Vector2(Verts.TerrainFR.x, Verts.TerrainFR.z);
        Vector2 BL = new Vector2(Verts.TerrainBL.x, Verts.TerrainBL.z);
        Vector2 BR = new Vector2(Verts.TerrainBR.x, Verts.TerrainBR.z);
        Vector2 FM = new Vector2(Verts.MidPtF.x, Verts.MidPtF.z);
        Vector2 BM = new Vector2(Verts.MidPtB.x, Verts.MidPtB.z);
        //Then Measure the distance from the point onto the two lines at rightangle to the lines
        float Dist0 = VectGeom.DistPointToLine2D(P2d, FL, FR);
        float Dist1 = VectGeom.DistPointToLine2D(P2d, BL, BR);
        float Dist2 = VectGeom.DistPointToLine2D(P2d, BL, FL);
        float Dist3 = VectGeom.DistPointToLine2D(P2d, BR, FR);
        float yL    = (Verts.TerrainBL.y - Verts.TerrainFL.y) * Dist0 / (Dist0 + Dist1) + Verts.TerrainFL.y;
        float yR    = (Verts.TerrainBR.y - Verts.TerrainFR.y) * Dist0 / (Dist0 + Dist1) + Verts.TerrainFR.y;

        rtn = (yL - yR) * Dist3 / (Dist2 + Dist3) + yR;
        if (roadMaterial != "Dirt")
            rtn = rtn - 0.12f;                              //Here's the bit where the terrain is slightly below the road. I'm always looking for this bit
    void OnMouseDown()
        MouseDown    = true;
        _rb.Dragging = true;
        FPCam.transform.parent.GetComponent <BuilderCamController>().FreezeTilt = true;
        _startAngle = Bez.CtrlPts[Mrkr.Index].BankAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
        Vector3 _bankDirection = AttachedTransform.forward * _startAngle;

        _untiltedPos = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(transform.position, OtherHandGizmo.position, -_bankDirection);
        Debug.Log("Start angle = " + Bez.CtrlPts[Mrkr.Index].BankAngle);
        Debug.Log("UntiltedPos = " + _untiltedPos);

        //Decide where to move the camera to... This is the nearest point perpendicular to the road and 30m from it
        Vector2 Perp2d = XSecCalculator.Perpndclr((AttachedTransform.GetComponent <RoadMarker>().Index - 1) * 20);
        Vector3 Perp   = new Vector3(Perp2d.x, 0, Perp2d.y);
        Vector3 Dest1  = AttachedTransform.position + Perp * 30;
        Vector3 Dest2  = AttachedTransform.position - Perp * 30;

        if (Vector3.Distance(FPCam.transform.position, Dest1) < Vector3.Distance(FPCam.transform.position, Dest2))
            LerpEndPt = Dest1;
            LerpEndPt = Dest2;

        LerpStartRot  = FPCam.transform.rotation;
        LerpStartPt   = FPCam.transform.position;
        LerpStartTime = Time.time;
        Lerping       = true;
        //Debug.Log("Lerp to " + LerpEndPt);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void GetTerrainHeights()

        for (int j = 0; j < _TerrainMinimap.Heights.GetLength(0); j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < _TerrainMinimap.Heights.GetLength(1); k++)
                Vector2 P2d = TerrainController.Instance.ConvertToWorldCoords(j + _TerrainMinimap.TerrainXBase, k + _TerrainMinimap.TerrainYBase);
                if (VectGeom.ContainsPoint(mesh2d, P2d))
                    _TerrainMinimap.Heights[j, k] = CalcTerrainHeightUsingPlaneRaycasts(P2d);

         *          TerrainHeight TH = new TerrainHeight();
         *          TH.j = P.j;
         *          TH.k = P.k;
         *          Vector2 P2d = TerrainController.Instance.ConvertToWorldCoords(P.j, P.k);
         *          TH.y = InterpolateY(P2d);
         *          Heights.Add(TH);
         *          //GameObject marker = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
         *          //marker.transform.position = new Vector3(P2d.x, WorldHeight, P2d.y);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void ShowGizmo(string Gz)
        if (PlayerManager.Type != "BuilderPlayer")
        UnityEngine.Object objGizmo = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Gizmos/Gizmo" + Gz);
        GameObject         Gizmo    = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(objGizmo, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

        Gizmo.name = "Gizmo" + Gz;
        if (Gz == "Rotate" || Gz == "Scale")
            Gizmo.transform.rotation = gameObject.transform.rotation;
        if (Gz == "Scale")
            Gizmo.transform.localScale = VectGeom.Reciprocal(gameObject.transform.localScale);
        aGizmo G = Gizmo.GetComponent <aGizmo>();

        G.OnGizmoMoved     += G_OnGizmoMoved;
        G.AttachedTransform = gameObject.transform;
        G.AttachedObject    = this;

        //this version puts the gizmo wherever you clicked on the collider
        RaycastHit Hit;

        FPCam = GameObject.Find("BuilderCamera").GetComponent <Camera>();
        Ray R = FPCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

        if (Physics.Raycast(R, out Hit) && Hit.collider.transform.parent == gameObject.transform)  //if clicked on this object
            //put the gizmo where you clicked
            Gizmo.transform.position = Hit.point;
            Collider TopC = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>().OrderBy(c => c.enabled == false ? -1000 : c.transform.position.y + c.bounds.max.y).LastOrDefault();
            Gizmo.transform.position = TopC.transform.position + new Vector3(0, TopC.bounds.extents.y, 0);
        if (Gz == "Move" || Gz == "Scale")
            Gizmo.transform.position += Vector3.up * 2;
        G.SetHoverPos(Gizmo.transform.position - gameObject.transform.position);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void RotateTop(Quaternion q)
        Vector3 _eulr = q.eulerAngles;

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, _eulr.y, 0));
        for (int n = 0; n < _verts.Length; n++)
            if (_verts[n].y > _yThreshold)
                _newVerts[n] = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(_verts[n], _pivotPos, q.eulerAngles * (_verts[n].y - _yThreshold) / (_maxY - _yThreshold));
                _newVerts[n] = new Vector3(_verts[n].x, _newVerts[n].y, _verts[n].z);
        _mesh.vertices = _newVerts;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public float Angle(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2)
        float   rtn;
        Vector2 Pt0_2d = VectGeom.Convert2d(p0);
        Vector2 Pt1_2d = VectGeom.Convert2d(p1);
        Vector2 Pt2_2d = VectGeom.Convert2d(p2);

        rtn = Vector2.Angle(Pt0_2d - Pt1_2d, Pt2_2d - Pt1_2d);
        //Work out the sign of the angle b doing a cross product
        Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(Pt0_2d - Pt1_2d, Pt2_2d - Pt1_2d);

        if (cross.z > 0)
            rtn = -rtn;
    void OnMouseDrag()
        if (Lerping)
        float MouseY = Input.mousePosition.y - _mouseOffsetY;
        float NewAngle;

        if (_hand == "L")
            NewAngle = _startAngle + Mathf.Atan2(MouseY, Screen.width / 2);
            NewAngle = _startAngle - Mathf.Atan2(MouseY, Screen.width / 2);
        NewAngle = NewAngle * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        //Debug.Log("New angle = " + NewAngle);
        Vector3 NewPos;
        Vector3 _bankDirection = AttachedTransform.forward * NewAngle;

        NewPos = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(_untiltedPos, OtherHandGizmo.position, _bankDirection);
        Bez.CtrlPts[Mrkr.Index].Pos       = (NewPos + _otherHandStartPos) / 2;
        AttachedTransform.position        = Bez.CtrlPts[Mrkr.Index].Pos;
        Bez.CtrlPts[Mrkr.Index].BankAngle = NewAngle;
        Bez.Interp(Mrkr.Index - 1);
        Bez.Interp(Mrkr.Index + 1);
        AttachedTransform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
            AttachedTransform.LookAt(BezierLine.Instance.Path[Bez.CtrlPts[Mrkr.Index].SegStartIdx + 1]);
            AttachedTransform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, NewAngle);
        catch (System.Exception e)
        {    //Todo Find something for it to look at
        transform.position      = NewPos;
        OtherHandGizmo.position = _otherHandStartPos;
        transform.LookAt(OtherHandGizmo, AttachedTransform.up);
        OtherHandGizmo.LookAt(transform, AttachedTransform.up);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public float Angle(int CtrlPtIdx)
        float rtn;

        if (CtrlPtIdx < 2)
        Vector2 Pt0_2d = VectGeom.Convert2d(CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 1].Pos);
        Vector2 Pt1_2d = VectGeom.Convert2d(CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx].Pos);
        Vector2 Pt2_2d = VectGeom.Convert2d(CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx + 1].Pos);

        rtn = Vector2.Angle(Pt0_2d - Pt1_2d, Pt2_2d - Pt1_2d);
        //Work out the sign of the angle b doing a cross product
        Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(Pt0_2d - Pt1_2d, Pt2_2d - Pt1_2d);

        if (cross.z > 0)
            rtn = -rtn;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public static void AdjustHairpin(BezierLine Bez, int CtlPtIdx)

        if (CtlPtIdx < 2)
        //Adjusts the Road.Instance.XSecs around the controlpoint
        string Hand;
        Road   Rd = Road.Instance;
        //SegAdj=new List<SegVerts>();
        Vector2 PivotStart2d    = Vector2.zero;
        Vector2 PivotEnd2d      = Vector2.zero;
        int     PrevCtrlPtSegId = Bez.CtrlPts[CtlPtIdx - 1].SegStartIdx;
        int     PivotStartIdx   = Bez.CtrlPts[CtlPtIdx].SegStartIdx;
        int     PivotEndIdx     = Bez.CtrlPts[CtlPtIdx].SegStartIdx;
        int     NxtCtrlPtSegId  = Bez.CtrlPts[CtlPtIdx + 1].SegStartIdx;

        if (CtlPtIdx < 2)
        //See if its a right or a left hand curve
        Vector2 Path2d    = Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[PivotStartIdx].MidPt);
        Vector2 PrvPath2d = Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[PivotStartIdx - 1].MidPt);
        Vector2 NxtPath2d = Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[PivotStartIdx + 1].MidPt);
        Vector3 cross     = Vector3.Cross(PrvPath2d - Path2d, NxtPath2d - Path2d);

        if (cross.z > 0)
            Hand = "R";
            Hand = "L";

        //Right Edge
        if (Hand == "R")
            //Catmull Rom up to the control pt
            int     NumXSecsToAdjust = Bez.CtrlPts[CtlPtIdx - 1].SegCount / 2;
            int     AdjustStartIdx   = (PrevCtrlPtSegId + PivotStartIdx) / 2;
            Vector3 a = Rd.XSecs[PrevCtrlPtSegId].KerbR;
            Vector3 b = Rd.XSecs[(PrevCtrlPtSegId + PivotStartIdx) / 2].KerbR;
            Vector3 c = Rd.XSecs[PivotStartIdx].KerbR;
            Vector3 d = Rd.XSecs[(PivotStartIdx + NxtCtrlPtSegId) / 2].KerbR;
            c = new Vector3(c.x, (b.y + d.y) / 2, c.z);
            float t = 0.5f;
            //if (Vector3.Angle(c - b, d - c) > 135 || Vector3.Angle(b - a, c - b) > 135) t = 2.5f;
            for (int p = 0; p < NumXSecsToAdjust; p++)
                float u = (float)p / NumXSecsToAdjust;

                //Coeffs for the catmullrom equation
                Vector3 c0   = b;
                Vector3 c1   = -t * a + t * c;
                Vector3 c2   = 2f * t * a + (t - 3f) * b + (3f - 2f * t) * c - t * d;
                Vector3 c3   = -t * a + (2f - t) * b + (t - 2f) * c + t * d;
                Vector3 temp = c0 + c1 * u + c2 * u * u + c3 * u * u * u;
                //Vector3 temp = .5f * ((-a + 3f * b - 3f * c + d) * (u * u * u) + (2f * a - 5f * b + 4f * c - d) * (u * u) + (-a + c) * u + 2f * b);
                Vector3 newKerb = temp;
                XSec    X       = new XSec((CtlPtIdx - 1) * 20 - 10 + p);
                X.KerbR = temp - Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].KerbR;
                Road.Instance.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].Adjust(X);

            //Catmull ROm after the control point
            NumXSecsToAdjust = Bez.CtrlPts[CtlPtIdx].SegCount / 2;
            AdjustStartIdx   = (PivotStartIdx) / 2;
            a = b;
            b = c;
            c = d;
            d = Rd.XSecs[NxtCtrlPtSegId].KerbR;
            //if (Vector3.Angle(c - b, d - c) > 135 || Vector3.Angle(b - a, c - b) > 135) t = 2.5f;
            for (int p = 0; p < NumXSecsToAdjust; p++)
                float u = (float)p / NumXSecsToAdjust;

                //Coeffs for the catmullrom equation
                Vector3 c0   = b;
                Vector3 c1   = -t * a + t * c;
                Vector3 c2   = 2f * t * a + (t - 3f) * b + (3f - 2f * t) * c - t * d;
                Vector3 c3   = -t * a + (2f - t) * b + (t - 2f) * c + t * d;
                Vector3 temp = c0 + c1 * u + c2 * u * u + c3 * u * u * u;
                //Vector3 temp = .5f * ((-a + 3f * b - 3f * c + d) * (u * u * u) + (2f * a - 5f * b + 4f * c - d) * (u * u) + (-a + c) * u + 2f * b);
                Vector3 newKerb = temp;
                XSec    X       = new XSec((CtlPtIdx - 1) * 20 + p);
                X.KerbR = temp - Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].KerbR;
                Road.Instance.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].Adjust(X);
        if (Hand == "L")
            for (int Idx1 = (CtlPtIdx - 2) * 20 + 1; Idx1 < (CtlPtIdx - 1) * 20 - 1; Idx1++)
                for (int Idx2 = (CtlPtIdx) * 20 - 1; Idx2 > (CtlPtIdx - 1) * 20; Idx2--)
                    Vector2 PrevKerb12d = Convert2d(XSecCalculator.CalcXSecPerp(Idx1 - 1, 8).KerbL);
                    Vector2 PrevKerb22d = Convert2d(XSecCalculator.CalcXSecPerp(Idx2 - 1, 8).KerbL);
                    Vector2 Kerb12d     = Convert2d(XSecCalculator.CalcXSecPerp(Idx1, 8).KerbL);
                    Vector2 Kerb22d     = Convert2d(XSecCalculator.CalcXSecPerp(Idx2, 8).KerbL);
                    if (VectGeom.LinesIntersect2d(PrevKerb12d, Kerb12d, PrevKerb22d, Kerb22d))
                        //We've found the crossing point
                        //                                                   where Hand = "L";
                        //Take 2 steps back cos the curve would be too tight
                        PivotStartIdx = Idx1 - 2;
                        PivotEndIdx   = Idx2 + 1;
                        PivotStart2d  = Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[PivotStartIdx].KerbL);
                        PivotEnd2d    = Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[PivotEndIdx].KerbL);
                        //Now move the closest pivot back so its the same distance from the control point
                        //Which is the closest?
                        Vector2 CtrlPt2d = Convert2d(Bez.CtrlPts[CtlPtIdx].Pos);
                        float   DistS    = Vector2.Distance(PivotStart2d, CtrlPt2d);
                        float   DistE    = Vector2.Distance(PivotEnd2d, CtrlPt2d);
                        if (DistS > DistE)
                            //Debug.Log("ClosestPivotIdx = PivotEndIdx");
                            PivotEnd2d = Vector2.Lerp(CtrlPt2d, PivotEnd2d, DistS / DistE);
                            Rd.XSecs[PivotEndIdx].KerbL = new Vector3(PivotEnd2d.x, 0, PivotEnd2d.y);           //Todo1
                            //Debug.Log("ClosestPivotIdx = PivotStartIdx");
                            PivotStart2d = CtrlPt2d + (PivotStart2d - CtrlPt2d) * DistE / DistS;
                            Rd.XSecs[PivotStartIdx].KerbL = new Vector3(PivotStart2d.x, 0, PivotStart2d.y);     //Todo1
        if (PivotStartIdx != PivotEndIdx)
            //Adjust all the right kerbs around the pivot
            //lets just lerp the kerb from pivotstart to pivotend
            //Todo: would be nice to do a catmul-rom curve around the pivot
            float TotLerp = (float)(PivotEndIdx - PivotStartIdx);
            for (int Idx = PivotStartIdx + 1; Idx < PivotEndIdx; Idx++)
                float   LerpFrac = (float)(Idx - PivotStartIdx) / TotLerp;
                Vector2 Kerb2d;
                if (Hand == "R")
                {                                                                           //Todo1
                    Kerb2d = Vector2.Lerp(Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[PivotStartIdx].KerbR), (Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[PivotEndIdx].KerbR)), LerpFrac);
                    Rd.XSecs[Idx].KerbR = new Vector3(Kerb2d.x, Bez.Path[Idx].y, Kerb2d.y); //Todo1
                {                                                                           //Todo1
                    Kerb2d = Vector2.Lerp(Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[PivotStartIdx].KerbL), (Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[PivotEndIdx].KerbL)), LerpFrac);
                    Rd.XSecs[Idx].KerbL = new Vector3(Kerb2d.x, Bez.Path[Idx].y, Kerb2d.y); //Todo1
        //Even if there is no hairpin we still might have a steep inner slope
        //So find where the steepness starts and finishes
        if (PivotStartIdx == PivotEndIdx)
            Vector3 K1;
            Vector3 K2;
            bool    PivotStarted = false;
            for (int i = (CtlPtIdx - 1) * 20 - 5; i < (CtlPtIdx - 1) * 20 + 5; i++)
                if (Hand == "L")
                    K1 = Road.Instance.XSecs[i].KerbL;
                    K2 = Road.Instance.XSecs[i + 1].KerbL;
                    K1 = Road.Instance.XSecs[i].KerbR;
                    K2 = Road.Instance.XSecs[i + 1].KerbR;
                if ((K2.y - K1.y) / Vector2.Distance(Convert2d(K2), Convert2d(K1)) > 0.4f)
                    if (PivotStarted == false)
                        PivotStartIdx = i;
                        PivotStarted  = true;
                    if (PivotStarted == true)
                        PivotEndIdx = i;
                    if (PivotStarted == true)
        //Adjust the heights so we don't get steps in the road
        //we adjust the inner slope before and after the pivot uaing a smoothstep function
        int NoOfSegmentsToAdjust = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Abs((Bez.Path[PivotEndIdx].y - Bez.Path[PivotStartIdx].y) / 2));
        int AdjStartIdx          = PivotStartIdx - NoOfSegmentsToAdjust;

        if (AdjStartIdx < 0)
            AdjStartIdx = 0;
        int   AdjEndIdx = PivotEndIdx + NoOfSegmentsToAdjust;
        float AdjStarty;
        float AdjEndy;
        float TotAdjDist = 0;

        if (Hand == "L")
            AdjStarty = Road.Instance.XSecs[AdjStartIdx].KerbL.y;
            AdjEndy   = Road.Instance.XSecs[AdjEndIdx].KerbL.y;
            for (int i = AdjStartIdx + 1; i <= AdjEndIdx; i++)
                TotAdjDist += Vector2.Distance(Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[i].KerbL), Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[i - 1].KerbL));
            float delta = 0;
            for (int i = AdjStartIdx + 1; i <= AdjEndIdx; i++)
                delta += Vector2.Distance(Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[i].KerbL), Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[i - 1].KerbL));
                float NewY = Mathf.SmoothStep(AdjStarty, AdjEndy, delta / TotAdjDist);
                float AdjY = NewY - Road.Instance.XSecs[i].KerbL.y;
                XSec  X    = new XSec(i);
                X.KerbL = new Vector3(0, AdjY, 0);
        if (Hand == "R")
            AdjStarty = Road.Instance.XSecs[AdjStartIdx].KerbR.y;
            AdjEndy   = Road.Instance.XSecs[AdjEndIdx].KerbR.y;
            for (int i = AdjStartIdx + 1; i <= AdjEndIdx; i++)
                TotAdjDist += Vector2.Distance(Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[i].KerbR), Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[i - 1].KerbR));
            float delta = 0;
            for (int i = AdjStartIdx + 1; i <= AdjEndIdx; i++)
                delta += Vector2.Distance(Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[i].KerbR), Convert2d(Road.Instance.XSecs[i - 1].KerbR));
                float NewY = Mathf.SmoothStep(AdjStarty, AdjEndy, delta / TotAdjDist);
                float AdjY = NewY - Road.Instance.XSecs[i].KerbR.y;
                XSec  X    = new XSec(i);
                X.KerbR = new Vector3(0, AdjY, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the Kerb positions for the segments leading up to the controlpoint
    /// <para>Ascertains if its possible first so it never crashes</para>
    /// </summary>
    public static void CalcXSecs(int CtrlPtIdx, int RoadWidth, bool FrstHlf = true, bool SecndHlf = true)
        BezierLine Bez = BezierLine.Instance;
        Road       Rd  = Road.Instance;

        //If this is Idx1 then calculate the last visible one
        if (CtrlPtIdx == 1 && Rd.IsCircular)
            CtrlPtIdx = Bez.CtrlPts.Count - 2;
        //if (CtrlPtIdx == Bez.CtrlPts.Count-1 && Rd.IsCircular) CtrlPtIdx = 1;   //doesnt work
        if (CtrlPtIdx < 2)
        if (CtrlPtIdx > Bez.CtrlPts.Count - 2)
        int CP1XId = Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 2].SegStartIdx;
        int CP2XId = Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 1].SegStartIdx;
        int CP3XId = Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx].SegStartIdx;
        int CP4XId = Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx + 1].SegStartIdx;

        if (Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 1].SegCount == 0)
            CP2XId = CP3XId;
        if (Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 2].SegCount == 0)
            CP1XId = CP2XId;
        if (Rd.IsCircular && CP2XId == Rd.XSecs.Count)
            CP2XId = Bez.CtrlPts[2].SegStartIdx; CP3XId = Bez.CtrlPts[2].SegStartIdx; CP4XId = Bez.CtrlPts[3].SegStartIdx;
        }                                                                                                                                                                 //because of the overlap
        if (Rd.IsCircular && CP3XId == Rd.XSecs.Count)
            CP3XId = Bez.CtrlPts[1].SegStartIdx; CP4XId = Bez.CtrlPts[2].SegStartIdx;
        }                                                                                                                            //because of the overlap
        if (Rd.IsCircular && CtrlPtIdx == 2)
            CP1XId = Bez.CtrlPts[Rd.Sectns.Count - 2].SegStartIdx;
        //if (Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx + 1].SegCount == 0) CP4XId = CP3XId;

        XSec XSec1 = CalcXSecPerp(CP1XId, RoadWidth);
        XSec XSec2 = CalcXSecPerp(CP2XId, RoadWidth);
        XSec XSec3 = CalcXSecPerp(CP3XId, RoadWidth);
        XSec XSec4 = CalcXSecPerp(CP4XId, RoadWidth);

        Vector3 RKerb1;
        Vector3 RKerb2;
        Vector3 RKerb3;
        Vector3 RKerb4;
        Vector3 LKerb1;
        Vector3 LKerb2;
        Vector3 LKerb3;
        Vector3 LKerb4;

        RKerb1 = XSec1.KerbR;
        RKerb2 = XSec2.KerbR;
        RKerb3 = XSec3.KerbR;
        RKerb4 = XSec4.KerbR;

        LKerb1 = XSec1.KerbL;
        LKerb2 = XSec2.KerbL;
        LKerb3 = XSec3.KerbL;
        LKerb4 = XSec4.KerbL;

        //this worked on the flat road. Now we have to bank the road
        Vector3 _bankDirection;

            //This will fail at some point if you are moving a cone at the end - its OK tho
            _bankDirection = (Bez.PathPlusOne(CP1XId) - Bez.Path[CP1XId]).normalized * Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 2].BankAngle;
            if (Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 2].BankAngle < 0)
                LKerb1 = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(LKerb1, Bez.Path[CP1XId], _bankDirection);
                RKerb1 = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(RKerb1, Bez.Path[CP1XId], _bankDirection);
            _bankDirection = (Bez.PathPlusOne(CP2XId) - Bez.Path[CP2XId]).normalized * Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 1].BankAngle;
            if (Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 1].BankAngle < 0)
                LKerb2 = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(LKerb2, Bez.Path[CP2XId], _bankDirection);
                RKerb2 = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(RKerb2, Bez.Path[CP2XId], _bankDirection);
            _bankDirection = (Bez.PathPlusOne(CP3XId) - Bez.Path[CP3XId]).normalized * Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx].BankAngle;
            if (Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx].BankAngle < 0)
                LKerb3 = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(LKerb3, Bez.Path[CP3XId], _bankDirection);
                RKerb3 = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(RKerb3, Bez.Path[CP3XId], _bankDirection);
            _bankDirection = (Bez.PathPlusOne(CP4XId) - Bez.Path[CP4XId]).normalized * Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx + 1].BankAngle;
            if (Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx + 1].BankAngle < 0)
                LKerb4 = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(LKerb4, Bez.Path[CP4XId], _bankDirection);
                RKerb4 = VectGeom.RotatePointAroundPivot(RKerb4, Bez.Path[CP4XId], _bankDirection);
        catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.ToString()); }

        int NumXSecsToAdjust;

        //Catmull Rom up to the control pt
        //RIGHT KERB
        try { NumXSecsToAdjust = Bez.CtrlPts[CtrlPtIdx - 1].SegCount; }
        catch (System.Exception e) { NumXSecsToAdjust = 0; }
        int     AdjustStartIdx = CP2XId;
        Vector3 a = RKerb1;
        Vector3 b = RKerb2;
        Vector3 c = RKerb3;
        Vector3 d = RKerb4;

        float t = 0.5f;

        //if (Vector3.Angle(c - b, d - c) > 135 || Vector3.Angle(b - a, c - b) > 135) t = 2.5f;
        for (int p = 0; p < NumXSecsToAdjust; p++)
            float u = (float)p / NumXSecsToAdjust;

            //Coeffs for the catmullrom equation
            Vector3 c0   = b;
            Vector3 c1   = -t * a + t * c;
            Vector3 c2   = 2f * t * a + (t - 3f) * b + (3f - 2f * t) * c - t * d;
            Vector3 c3   = -t * a + (2f - t) * b + (t - 2f) * c + t * d;
            Vector3 temp = c0 + c1 * u + c2 * u * u + c3 * u * u * u;
            //Vector3 temp = .5f * ((-a + 3f * b - 3f * c + d) * (u * u * u) + (2f * a - 5f * b + 4f * c - d) * (u * u) + (-a + c) * u + 2f * b);
            Vector3 newKerb = temp;
            Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].KerbR = temp;

        //Catmull Rom up to the control pt
        //LEFT KERB
        a = LKerb1;
        b = LKerb2;
        c = LKerb3;
        d = LKerb4;

        //if (Vector3.Angle(c - b, d - c) > 135 || Vector3.Angle(b - a, c - b) > 135) t = 2.5f;
        for (int p = 0; p < NumXSecsToAdjust; p++)
            float u = (float)p / NumXSecsToAdjust;

            //Coeffs for the catmullrom equation
            Vector3 c0   = b;
            Vector3 c1   = -t * a + t * c;
            Vector3 c2   = 2f * t * a + (t - 3f) * b + (3f - 2f * t) * c - t * d;
            Vector3 c3   = -t * a + (2f - t) * b + (t - 2f) * c + t * d;
            Vector3 temp = c0 + c1 * u + c2 * u * u + c3 * u * u * u;
            //Vector3 temp = .5f * ((-a + 3f * b - 3f * c + d) * (u * u * u) + (2f * a - 5f * b + 4f * c - d) * (u * u) + (-a + c) * u + 2f * b);
            Vector3 newKerb = temp;
            Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].KerbL    = temp;
            Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].TerrainL = (Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].KerbL - Bez.Path[AdjustStartIdx + p]) * 1.3f + Bez.Path[AdjustStartIdx + p];
            Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].TerrainR = (Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].KerbR - Bez.Path[AdjustStartIdx + p]) * 1.3f + Bez.Path[AdjustStartIdx + p];

            Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].MidPt = (Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].KerbL + Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].KerbR) / 2;
            Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].MidPt = new Vector3(Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].MidPt.x, Bez.Path[AdjustStartIdx + p].y, Rd.XSecs[AdjustStartIdx + p].MidPt.z);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    internal void CalcTurnin()
        //GameObject goCirc;

        //CapsuleCollider Circ;
        //goCirc = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
        //goCirc.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().enabled = false;
        //Circ = goCirc.AddComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
        //goCirc.name = "CircColl" + BendId;
        //Circ.height = 100;
        Radius = SqrtRad * SqrtRad;
        Vector3        Centre         = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3        C              = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3        AP             = VectGeom.Convert2d(ApexPos);
        Vector3        TP             = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3        EP             = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        int            e              = 0;
        float          ExitFrac       = 1;//1 is a wide turn, 0 is tight
        float          SmallestRadErr = 1000;
        PossBendCircle bbc            = new PossBendCircle();
        Vector3        ApexPos2d      = VectGeom.Convert2d(ApexPos);
        float          NxtBndDist     = Rd.XSecs.Diff(ApexXSec, NextBend.ApexXSec);

        //Try a range of turnin segs
        //For each Turnin seg, draw a line perpendicular to the fwd direction
        //and find the turninPt (TP)
        //Find the midpoint (MP) of the line from apex to turninPoint and draw a line perpendicular to this (MPerp)
        //Where MPerp crosses TPerp is the centre of the circle, C
        /// <image url="$(SolutionDir)\CommonImages\CalcTurninAlgorithm.png" scale="1.2"/>
        if (Type == BendType.Right)
            if (NextBend.Type == BendType.Left && NxtBndDist < 200)
                ExitFrac = NxtBndDist / 200;
            for (XSec tx = Rd.XSecs[StartSegIdx - 70]; tx.IsBefore(Rd.XSecs[StartSegIdx]); tx = Rd.XSecs.Next(tx))    //removed circlebug
                Vector2 TPerp = VectGeom.Convert2d(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, tx.Forward));
                TP = VectGeom.Convert2d(tx.KerbL + (tx.KerbR - tx.KerbL).normalized * TurninGap);
                Vector2 MP    = (ApexPos2d + TP) / 2;
                Vector2 MPerp = new Vector2((ApexPos2d - TP).y, -(ApexPos2d - TP).x);
                if (VectGeom.LineLineIntersection(out C, TP, TPerp, MP, MPerp)) //these vars are all Vector3(x,0,y)
                    float          biggestCos = 0;
                    float          R          = Vector2.Distance(TP, C);
                    PossBendCircle pbc        = new PossBendCircle();
                    float          RadErr     = 1000;
                    for (e = EndXSec.Idx + 70; e > EndXSec.Idx; e--) //bugbugbug circlebug
                        Vector2 WideExitPt     = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL + (Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR - Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL).normalized * 2);
                        Vector2 TightExitPoint = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR + (Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL - Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR).normalized * 2);
                        EP = Vector2.Lerp(TightExitPoint, WideExitPt, ExitFrac);
                        Vector3 EPerp = VectGeom.Convert2d(-Rd.XSecs[e].Right).normalized;
                        float   cos   = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Dot((EP - C).normalized, EPerp));
                        if (cos > biggestCos)
                            RadErr = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(EP, C) - R);
                            pbc    = new PossBendCircle {
                                C = C, RSq = 0, RadErr = RadErr, EP = EP, EX = Rd.XSecs[e], TP = TP, TX = tx
                            biggestCos = cos;
                    if (RadErr < SmallestRadErr)
                        bbc = new PossBendCircle {
                            C = pbc.C, RSq = 0, RadErr = pbc.RadErr, EP = pbc.EP, EX = pbc.EX, TP = pbc.TP, TX = pbc.TX
                        SmallestRadErr = pbc.RadErr;
            Centre       = new Vector3(bbc.C.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.C.y);
            Radius       = Vector2.Distance(bbc.TP, bbc.C);
            TurninXSec   = bbc.TX;
            TurninSegIdx = TurninXSec.Idx;
            TurninPos    = new Vector3(bbc.TP.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.TP.y);
            ExitXSec     = bbc.EX;
            ExitPos      = new Vector3(bbc.EP.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.EP.y);
            goto FoundCentre;
            //Not found Centre
            Debug.Log("No Centre for Bend" + BendId);
            ExitXSec = Rd.XSecs[e];
        if (Type == BendType.Left)
            if (NextBend.Type == BendType.Right && NxtBndDist < 200)
                ExitFrac = NxtBndDist / 200;
            for (int t = StartSegIdx - 70; t < StartSegIdx; t++)    //bugbugbug circlebug
                Vector2 TPerp = VectGeom.Convert2d(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, Rd.XSecs[t].Forward));
                TP = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[t].KerbR + (Rd.XSecs[t].KerbL - Rd.XSecs[t].KerbR).normalized * TurninGap);
                Vector2 MP    = (ApexPos2d + TP) / 2;
                Vector2 MPerp = new Vector2((ApexPos2d - TP).y, -(ApexPos2d - TP).x);
                if (VectGeom.LineLineIntersection(out C, TP, TPerp, MP, MPerp)) //these vars are all Vector3(x,0,y)
                    float          biggestCos = 0;
                    float          R          = Vector2.Distance(TP, C);
                    PossBendCircle pbc        = new PossBendCircle();
                    float          RadErr     = 1000;
                    for (e = EndXSec.Idx + 70; e > EndXSec.Idx; e--) //bugbugbug circlebug
                        Vector2 WideExitPt     = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR + (Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL - Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR).normalized * 2);
                        Vector2 TightExitPoint = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL + (Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR - Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL).normalized * 2);
                        EP = Vector2.Lerp(TightExitPoint, WideExitPt, ExitFrac);
                        Vector3 EPerp = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].Right).normalized;
                        float   cos   = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Dot((EP - C).normalized, EPerp));
                        if (cos > biggestCos)
                            RadErr = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(EP, C) - R);
                            pbc    = new PossBendCircle {
                                C = C, RSq = 0, RadErr = RadErr, EP = EP, EX = Rd.XSecs[e], TP = TP, TX = Rd.XSecs[t]
                            biggestCos = cos;
                    if (RadErr < SmallestRadErr)
                        bbc = new PossBendCircle {
                            C = pbc.C, RSq = 0, RadErr = pbc.RadErr, EP = pbc.EP, EX = pbc.EX, TP = pbc.TP, TX = pbc.TX
                        SmallestRadErr = pbc.RadErr;
            Centre       = new Vector3(bbc.C.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.C.y);
            Radius       = Vector2.Distance(bbc.TP, bbc.C);
            TurninXSec   = bbc.TX;
            TurninSegIdx = TurninXSec.Idx;
            TurninPos    = new Vector3(bbc.TP.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.TP.y);
            ExitXSec     = bbc.EX;
            ExitPos      = new Vector3(bbc.EP.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.EP.y);
            goto FoundCentre;
            //Not found Centre
            Debug.Log("No Centre for Bend" + BendId);
            ExitXSec = Rd.XSecs[e];
        //goCirc.transform.position = Centre;
        //Circ.radius = Radius;
        Angle = VectGeom.SignedAngle(TurninXSec.Forward, ExitXSec.Forward);
        float RacelineSegCount = Rd.XSecs.Diff(TurninXSec, ExitXSec);;

        RacelineAnglePerSeg = Angle / RacelineSegCount;
        RacelineSegLength   = Angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad * Radius / RacelineSegCount;
        //Circ.enabled = false; //cos the gameobject doesnt get destroyed till end of frame

        if (TurninXSec == null)
            TurninXSec = Rd.XSecs[ApexSegIdx - 50]; TurninSegIdx = TurninXSec.Idx;
            ExitXSec   = Rd.XSecs[ApexSegIdx + (ApexSegIdx - TurninSegIdx)];
            if (Type == BendType.Right)
                TurninPos = TurninXSec.KerbL + (TurninXSec.KerbR - TurninXSec.KerbL).normalized * 4f;
                TurninPos = TurninXSec.KerbR + (TurninXSec.KerbL - TurninXSec.KerbR).normalized * 4f;
            Radius = 100;
        //Circ.enabled = false; //cos the gameobject doesnt get destroyed till end of frame
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public void CalculateBends()
        if (!IsCircular)
        Bends = new CircleList <Bend>();
        Bend           _bend      = new Bend();
        int            BendId     = 0;
        MovingAvgFloat AngleQueue = new MovingAvgFloat(5);

        _bez = BezierLine.Instance;
        int      XSecCount = XSecs.Count();
        Vector3  PrevMid;
        Vector3  ThisMid;
        Vector3  NextMid;
        BendType _bt            = BendType.Unknown;
        BendType _prevbt        = BendType.Unknown;
        int      Incr           = 1;
        float    AngleThreshold = 1.34f;

        foreach (XSec X in XSecs)
            PrevMid = XSecs.Prev(X).MidPt;
            ThisMid = X.MidPt;
            NextMid = XSecs.Next(X).MidPt;
            float Angle    = VectGeom.SignedAngle(ThisMid + ThisMid - PrevMid, ThisMid, NextMid, Vector3.up);
            float _segDist = Vector3.Distance(ThisMid, NextMid);
            if (Mathf.Abs(AngleQueue.Avg) < AngleThreshold)
                _bt = BendType.Straight;
                _bt = AngleQueue.Avg > 0 ? BendType.Right : BendType.Left;

            if (_prevbt == _bt)
                _bend.Angle += Angle;
                if (_prevbt == BendType.Left || _prevbt == BendType.Right)
                {  //Finish off the previous bend
                    if (Mathf.Abs(_bend.Angle) < 15)
                        //ignore small bends
                        //take 2 off cos of moving avg
                        _bend.EndXSec    = XSecs[X.Idx - 2];
                        _bend.EndSegIdx  = _bend.EndXSec.Idx;
                        _bend.ApexXSec   = XSecs[_bend.StartSegIdx + Mathf.RoundToInt(XSecs.Diff(_bend.StartXSec, _bend.EndXSec) / 2)];
                        _bend.ApexSegIdx = _bend.ApexXSec.Idx;
                        if (_bend.Type == BendType.Right)
                            _bend.ApexPos = _bend.ApexXSec.KerbR + (_bend.ApexXSec.KerbL - _bend.ApexXSec.KerbR).normalized; _bend.MinTurninPos = _bend.StartXSec.KerbR + (_bend.StartXSec.KerbL - _bend.StartXSec.KerbR).normalized * (_bend.Concatenated ? 4 : 2);
                        if (_bend.Type == BendType.Left)
                            _bend.ApexPos = _bend.ApexXSec.KerbL + (_bend.ApexXSec.KerbR - _bend.ApexXSec.KerbL).normalized; _bend.MinTurninPos = _bend.StartXSec.KerbL + (_bend.StartXSec.KerbR - _bend.StartXSec.KerbL).normalized * (_bend.Concatenated ? 4 : 2);
                        //Fmax = mv^2/r
                        float c = (_bend.EndSegIdx - _bend.StartSegIdx) * 360 / _bend.Angle;
                        float r = Mathf.Abs(c) / Mathf.PI / 2f;
                        //Debug.Log("Bend" + _bend.BendId + " radius = " + r);
                        _bend.SqrtRad = Mathf.Sqrt(r);
                {   //We might be starting a new bend or carrying n the previous one
                    if (_bt == BendType.Left || _bt == BendType.Right)
                        bool StartNewBend = true;

                        if (BendId > 0 && X.Idx - Bends[BendId - 1].EndSegIdx < 15 && Bends[BendId - 1].Type == _bt) ///bugbugbug circle bug
                        {                                                                                            //if the bend we've just finished is close to and the same sign as one before
                          //We just carry on with this bend and dont create a new one
                            StartNewBend       = false;
                            _bend.Concatenated = true;
                            GameObject.Destroy(GameObject.Find("Turnin" + _bend.BendId));
                            GameObject.Destroy(GameObject.Find("Apex" + _bend.BendId));
                            GameObject.Destroy(GameObject.Find("BendStart" + _bend.BendId));

                        if (StartNewBend)
                            //Create a new Bend
                            _bend             = new Bend();
                            _bend.Type        = _bt;
                            _bend.Sign        = _bt == BendType.Right ? (Int16)1 : (Int16)(-1);
                            _bend.StartXSec   = XSecs[X.Idx - 2];//-2 cos of moving avg
                            _bend.StartSegIdx = _bend.StartXSec.Idx;
                            _bend.Angle       = Angle;
                            _bend.BendId      = BendId;
            _prevbt = _bt;
        //This is the last bend. NOt a brilliant bit but it doesn't crash
        if (_bt == BendType.Straight)
            goto Finalise;
        _bend.EndSegIdx = XSecs.Count - 1;
        _bend.EndXSec   = XSecs[_bend.EndSegIdx];
        if (_bend.EndSegIdx <= _bend.StartSegIdx && Bends.Count() > 0)
            Bends.Remove(_bend); Bends.Last().EndSegIdx = XSecs.Count;
            _bend.ApexSegIdx = Mathf.RoundToInt((_bend.EndSegIdx + _bend.StartSegIdx) / 2);
            _bend.ApexXSec   = XSecs[_bend.ApexSegIdx];
            if (_bend.Type == BendType.Right)
                _bend.ApexPos = _bend.ApexXSec.KerbR + (_bend.ApexXSec.KerbL - _bend.ApexXSec.KerbR).normalized;
            if (_bend.Type == BendType.Left)
                _bend.ApexPos = _bend.ApexXSec.KerbL + (_bend.ApexXSec.KerbR - _bend.ApexXSec.KerbL).normalized;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    void Update()
        _speed     = _gps.Speed;
        _currXSec  = _gps.CurrXSec;
        PrevSegIdx = SegIdx;
        SegIdx     = _currXSec.Idx;
        if (CR_Running)
        if (Timer == 0)
            Timer = 5;
        if (Timer != 4)
            goto DoThisEveryFrame;
        //This bit only runs every 5 frames
        _currBend         = _gps.CurrBend;
        _nextBend         = _gps.NextBend;
        _gpsNextBendAngle = _nextBend.Angle;
        SegFwdDir         = _currXSec.Forward;
        Vector3 Heading = transform.forward;

        HeadingAngle = Vector3.Angle(Heading, SegFwdDir);
        Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(Heading, SegFwdDir);

        if (cross.y > 0)
            HeadingAngle = -HeadingAngle;
        //Postition across the cross sec
        Vector3 L = Road.Instance.XSecs[SegIdx].KerbL;
        Vector3 R = Road.Instance.XSecs[SegIdx].KerbR;

        DistFromLKerb = Vector3.Distance(_currXSec.KerbL, transform.position);
        DistFromRKerb = Vector3.Distance(_currXSec.KerbR, transform.position);

        _bendPhase = BendPhase.Straight;

        int  ApproachSegs    = Mathf.RoundToInt(0.5f * _speed * _speed + _speed / 2);
        XSec _approachXSec   = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + ApproachSegs];
        XSec _decisionXSec   = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + Mathf.RoundToInt(_speed * 2)];
        bool FirstHalfOfBend = _currBend != null && _currXSec.IsBefore(_currBend.ApexXSec);

        if (!FirstHalfOfBend)
            _approachBend = _nextBend;

            if (_approachBend.TurninXSec.IsBefore(_approachXSec))
                _bendPhase = BendPhase.Approach;
                SpeedAdj   = 1f;
                DriftAngle = _approachBend.DriftAngle * Mathf.Pow(TurnInSpeed / _approachBend.Speed, 2.8f) * _approachBend.Sign; //this is cool

                //Slide the Adjusted turnin point along the gate
                SlideFrac = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Clamp01(TurnInSpeed / _nextBend.Speed)); // - Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(DriftAngle)) * 1.5f); //SlideFrac=1 for a big swingout
                //Debug.Log("SlideFrac=" + TurnInSpeed  + "/" + _nextBend.Speed + "=" + SlideFrac);
                AdjustedTurninPt   = Vector3.Lerp(_nextBend.MinTurninPos, _nextBend.TurninPos, SlideFrac);
                AdjustedTurninXSec = Rd.XSecs[Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Lerp(_nextBend.StartSegIdx, _nextBend.TurninSegIdx, SlideFrac))];


                //Have we reached the decision point? We only decide the flickSegs once we reach the decision point
                if ((_approachBend.TurninXSec.IsBefore(_decisionXSec) && FlickXSec == null) || (FlickXSec != null && _currXSec.IsOnOrBefore(FlickXSec)))
                    FlickSegs       = 0;
                    ReachedFlickEnd = false;
                    //This is the basic flickseg pre-calculation = 150/Radius*FlickSegMultiplier
                    FlickSegs = _approachBend.FlickSegs;
                    //Are we approaching at an angle or spinning?
                    float FlickSegAdj = Rd.XSecs.Diff(AdjustedTurninXSec, _approachBend.ApexXSec) * (TurnInSpeed - _approachBend.Speed) / _approachBend.Speed; // (HeadingAngle + _rb.angularVelocity.y * 20) * _approachBend.FlickSegsMultiplier * -_approachBend.Sign;
                    //if (_approachBend.Type == BendType.Right) FlickSegAdj = -FlickSegAdj;
                    //Debug.Log("FlickSegs = " + FlickSegs + "   FlickSegAdj=(" + Rd.XSecs.Diff(AdjustedTurninXSec, _approachBend.ApexXSec) + " * " + (TurnInSpeed - _approachBend.Speed) / _approachBend.Speed + " = " + FlickSegAdj + "\nTotal=" + (FlickSegs + FlickSegAdj));
                    FlickSegs += FlickSegAdj;
                    //Too slow, the flick will be too harsh
                    //Debug.Log("FlickSegs*=" + TurnInSpeed + "^2/225=" + FlickSegs);
                    //Wrong siede of the road
                    if (_approachBend.Type == BendType.Right ? (DistFromLKerb > DistFromRKerb) : (DistFromRKerb > DistFromLKerb))
                        FlickSegs = 0;
                    //Is there a long curve on the turnin?
                    //Debug.Log("TurninCurve=" + Vector3.Angle(_approachBend.StartXSec.Forward, _approachBend.TurninXSec.Forward) + "\nFlickSegs=" + FlickSegs);
                    //RequiredRotation worked ok but didnt take into account the initial rotation
                    //float RequiredRotation = Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, _approachBend.ApexXSec.Forward);
                    //FlickXSec = Rd.XSecs[Mathf.RoundToInt(_approachBend.TurninSegIdx - Mathf.Abs(RequiredRotation) / 2.8f)];
                    FlickXSec = Rd.XSecs[AdjustedTurninXSec.Idx - Mathf.RoundToInt(FlickSegs)];
                } //End of Decision

                if (_currXSec.IsAfter(BrakeXSec) && _currXSec.IsBefore(FlickXSec))
                    _bendPhase = BendPhase.Brake;
                if (FlickXSec != null && _currXSec.IsAfter(FlickXSec))
                    _bendPhase = BendPhase.Turnin;

                PrevFrac = SlideFrac; //used in the turnin
            }//end if Approach
        }                             //end if !FirstHalfOfBend
        {                             //if FIrstHalfOfBend
            _approachBend = _currBend;
            _bendPhase    = BendPhase.Turnin;
        if (_currBend != null && !FirstHalfOfBend)
            if (_bendPhase != BendPhase.Approach)
                _bendPhase = BendPhase.Exit; FlickXSec = null;

        if (_bendPhase == BendPhase.Straight)
            Vector3 _apprXSecFwd = _approachXSec.Forward;
            float   _curveAngle  = Vector3.Angle(SegFwdDir, _apprXSecFwd);
            if (Vector3.Cross(SegFwdDir, _apprXSecFwd).y > 0)
                _curveAngle = -_curveAngle;
            if (_curveAngle > 15)
                _bendPhase = BendPhase.LCurve;
            if (_curveAngle < -15)
                _bendPhase = BendPhase.RCurve;

        AimPoint      = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 20].MidPt;
        SteerOverride = null;

        if (_bendPhase == BendPhase.Approach)
            Accel = 1; BrakeForce = 0;
            float AvgApprSpeed  = (_speed + LiftOffSpeed) / 2;
            float TimeToBrakePt = DistToBrakePt / AvgApprSpeed;

            //Aim for half the dist to the turnin
            XSec    AimXSec = Rd.XSecs[_currXSec.Idx + Rd.XSecs.Diff(_currXSec, AdjustedTurninXSec) / 2];
            Vector3 T       = (AimXSec.KerbR - AimXSec.KerbL).normalized * _approachBend.TurninGap;

            if (_approachBend.Type == BendType.Right)
                if (TimeToBrakePt < 1)
                    SlideFrac = DistFromRKerb / (DistFromLKerb + DistFromRKerb - _approachBend.TurninGap);
                AimPoint = Vector3.Lerp(AimXSec.KerbR, AimXSec.KerbL + T, SlideFrac);
                if (TimeToBrakePt < 1)
                    SlideFrac = DistFromLKerb / (DistFromLKerb + DistFromRKerb - _approachBend.TurninGap);
                AimPoint = Vector3.Lerp(AimXSec.KerbL, AimXSec.KerbR - T, SlideFrac);

            //I abandoned this because it never had time to straighten up
            /// <image url="$(SolutionDir)\CommonImages\SCurve.png" scale="0.7"/>

        if (_bendPhase == BendPhase.Brake)
            Accel    = 0; BrakeForce = 1;
            AimPoint = (AdjustedTurninPt + transform.position + transform.forward) / 2;

        int   SegsToApex = 0;
        float diff       = 0;

        if (_bendPhase == BendPhase.Turnin)
            float TotSegsToApex = Rd.XSecs.Diff(AdjustedTurninXSec, _approachBend.ApexXSec);
            float SegFrac       = 1 - SegsToApex / TotSegsToApex;
            //SegFrac starts at 0 at the turninPt and ends at 1 at the apex
            float TotalRequiredRotation = VectGeom.SignedAngle(AdjustedTurninXSec.Forward, _approachBend.ApexXSec.Forward) + DriftAngle;
            float CurrRotation          = VectGeom.SignedAngle(AdjustedTurninXSec.Forward, transform.forward);
            float da = (Mathf.Abs(DriftAngle) < 20 && SegFrac > 0.5f) ? DriftAngle / 2 : DriftAngle;
            float RequiredRotation = VectGeom.SignedAngle(transform.forward, _approachBend.ApexXSec.Forward) + DriftAngle;
            SegsToApex = Rd.XSecs.Diff(_currXSec, _approachBend.ApexXSec);
            float TimeToApex         = SegsToApex / _gps.SegsPerSec;
            float ProjectedRotation  = _rb.angularVelocity.y * 57.3f * TimeToApex;
            float ProjectedRotation2 = CurrRotation / SegFrac;
            diff = ProjectedRotation - RequiredRotation;

            Accel = 1; BrakeForce = 0;
            if (_speed < 8)
                AimPoint = _approachBend.Type == BendType.Right ? Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 10].MidRight : Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 10].MidLeft; BrakeForce = 0;
                AimPoint = _approachBend.ApexPos;

                //Debug.Log("rotdiff=" + ProjectedRotation + " - " + RequiredRotation + " = " + diff);
                if (_approachBend.Type == BendType.Right)
                     * //Manage the Fractional Distance
                     * if (PrevSegIdx != SegIdx)
                     * {
                     *  FracPerSeg = (Frac - PrevFrac) / (SegIdx - PrevSegIdx);
                     *  ProjectedFrac = Frac + FracPerSeg * SegsToApex;
                     *  //Debug.Log("ProjectedFrac=" + ProjectedFrac);
                     *  PrevFrac = Frac;
                     * }

                    //Stop understeer
                    if (diff < 0)
                        BrakeForce = Mathf.Clamp01(-diff / 80); Accel = 1 - BrakeForce; SteerOverride = 40;
                    if (diff < -40)
                        BrakeForce = Mathf.Clamp01(-diff / 40); Accel = 1;
                    if (_rb.angularVelocity.y < 0)
                        BrakeForce = 0; AimPoint = _approachBend.ApexPos;
                    }                                                                                    //stop the backskid
                if (_approachBend.Type == BendType.Left)
                    if (diff > 0)
                        BrakeForce = Mathf.Clamp01(diff / 80); Accel = 1 - BrakeForce; SteerOverride = -40;
                    if (diff > 40)
                        BrakeForce = Mathf.Clamp01(diff / 40); Accel = 1;
                    if (_rb.angularVelocity.y > 0)
                        BrakeForce = 0; AimPoint = _approachBend.ApexPos;
                    }                                                                                    //stop the backskid
                    //if (SegsToApex > 40) { BrakeForce = 0; Accel = 1; AimPoint = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 10].MidPt; }  //Stop the serious oversteer
        if (_bendPhase == BendPhase.Exit)
            Accel = 1;
            Vector3 _transverse   = (_currXSec.KerbR - _currXSec.KerbL).normalized;
            float   SpeedTwdRKerb = Vector3.Dot(_rb.velocity, _transverse);
            //Debug.Log("SpeedTwdKerb=" + SpeedTwdRKerb);
            AimPoint = _currBend.ExitPos; BrakeForce = 0;
            if (_currBend.Type == BendType.Right)
                if (Rd.XSecs.Diff(_currXSec, _currBend.ExitXSec) > 5)
                    AimPoint = _currBend.ExitXSec.MidRight;
            if (_currBend.Type == BendType.Left)
                if (Rd.XSecs.Diff(_currXSec, _currBend.ExitXSec) > 5)
                    AimPoint = _currBend.ExitXSec.MidLeft;

        XSec    LongAimXSec  = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 40];
        Vector3 LongAimPoint = LongAimXSec.MidPt;

        if (_bendPhase == BendPhase.Straight)
            Accel = 1; BrakeForce = 0;
            if (_nextBend == null)
            if (_nextBend.Type == BendType.Right)
                AimPoint = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 20].MidLeft;
                AimPoint = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 20].MidRight;
        if (_bendPhase == BendPhase.RCurve)
            Accel = 1; BrakeForce = 0; AimPoint = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 20].MidRight;
        if (_bendPhase == BendPhase.LCurve)
            Accel = 1; BrakeForce = 0; AimPoint = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 20].MidLeft;

        //steer round the car in front
        Vector3 FrontOfCar = transform.position + transform.up * 0.5f + transform.forward * 2.5f;

        CollisionRay = new Ray(FrontOfCar, AimPoint + Vector3.up - FrontOfCar);
        int layerMask = (1 << 8);

        if (Physics.Raycast(CollisionRay, out CollisionHit, 50, layerMask))
            if (CollisionHit.collider.name != this.name && CollisionHit.collider.name != "ColldrF")
                if (CollisionHit.rigidbody.velocity.sqrMagnitude < 1)
                    AimPoint = Rd.XSecs[SegIdx + 10].MidRight;
        //Debug.DrawRay(FrontOfCar, AimPoint + Vector3.up - FrontOfCar, Color.red);

        //Coming up to a hill, put your foot down
        if (LongAimPoint.y - SegFwdDir.y > 0)
            //Accel = ((LongAimPoint.y - SegFwdDir.y) * 0.005f) + 0.9f;

        //coming up to a hill bend slow down
        if (Mathf.Abs(_gpsNextBendAngle) > 10 && _gps.NextHill > 2 && _gps.Speed > 10)
            // Accel = 0; BrakeForce = 0.5f;


        // Pointing towards kerb - do a 3 point turn
        if (HeadingAngle > -100 && HeadingAngle < -80 && DistFromLKerb < 3)
        if (HeadingAngle < 100 && HeadingAngle > 80 && DistFromRKerb < 3)

        if (SteerOverride == null)
            //Steer towards the aim point
            float   DesiredHeadingAngle = Vector3.Angle(AimPoint - transform.position, SegFwdDir);
            Vector3 crossDes            = Vector3.Cross(AimPoint - transform.position, SegFwdDir);
            if (crossDes.y > 0)
                DesiredHeadingAngle = -DesiredHeadingAngle;

            //Positive steer = right
            Steer = (DesiredHeadingAngle - HeadingAngle);
            Steer = (float)SteerOverride;

        //if (_bendPhase == BendPhase.Flick) Steer = _gpsNextBendAngle > 0 ? 40 : -40;
        if (_opponentCollisionDirec == CollisionDirection.Left && Steer < 0)
            Steer = 10;
        if (_opponentCollisionDirec == CollisionDirection.Right && Steer > 0)
            Steer = -10;

        if (_playerCollision)
            if (Time.time - _playerCollisionTime > 3)
                if (_playerGPS.IsOnRoad)
                    if (!_gps.IsOnRoad)
                        Main.Instance.PopupMsg("Road Rage Bonus\n$20", Color.red);
                        Race.Current.HogBonus += 20;
                        UserDataManager.Instance.Data.Coins += 10;
                    else if (_playerGPS.CurrSegIdx - _gps.CurrSegIdx > 12 && _playerGPS.CurrSegIdx - _gps.CurrSegIdx < 100)
                        int pts = (_playerGPS.CurrSegIdx - _gps.CurrSegIdx) / 6;
                        Race.Current.HogBonus += pts;
                        Main.Instance.PopupMsg("Road Hog Bonus\n$" + pts.ToString(), Color.red);
                        UserDataManager.Instance.Data.Coins += pts;
                _playerCollision = false;

        _inputBuffer.RecordInput(Accel, BrakeForce, Steer, Time.time);
Ejemplo n.º 14
    public Vector3 LimitSlope(Vector3 Pt, float MaxSlope)
        if (CtrlPts.Count == 2)
            return(Pt);                                     //Because the first click can be anywhere
        BezCtrlPt PrevCtrlPt = CtrlPts[CtrlPts.Count - 2];
        Vector3   Pt1        = PrevCtrlPt.Pos;
        Vector3   Pt2        = Pt;
        float     HorizDist  = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(Pt1.x, Pt1.z), new Vector2(Pt2.x, Pt2.z));

        //If point is too close move it further away
        if (HorizDist < 20)
            Vector3 NewPt_3d = Pt1 + Vector3.Normalize(Pt2 - Pt1) * 20f;
            Pt2       = NewPt_3d;
            HorizDist = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(Pt1.x, Pt1.z), new Vector2(Pt2.x, Pt2.z));
        //if point is too high lower it
        float VertDist = Pt2.y - Pt1.y;
        float Slope    = 0;

        if (HorizDist > 0)
            Slope = VertDist / HorizDist;
        if (Slope > MaxSlope)
            //Debug.Log("Lowering cos too steep");
            Slope = MaxSlope;
            float NewVertDist = Slope * HorizDist;
            Pt2.y = Pt1.y + NewVertDist;
        //Dont allow the angle less than 30 degrees
        float angle = 180;

        if (CtrlPts.Count > 3)
            angle = Angle(CtrlPts[CtrlPts.Count - 3].Pos, PrevCtrlPt.Pos, Pt2);
            if (Mathf.Abs(angle) < 45)
                //Debug.Log("Widening angle cos its too acute");
                float RotAngle;
                if (angle > 0)
                    RotAngle = 45;
                    RotAngle = -45;
                Quaternion Rot      = Quaternion.Euler(0, RotAngle - angle, 0);
                Vector3    NewPt_3d = VectGeom.RotateAroundPoint(Pt2, Pt1, Rot);
                Pt2   = NewPt_3d;
                angle = RotAngle;

        //if hairpins are too sharp and too close together, spread them out

        if (HorizDist * Mathf.Abs(angle) < 1500)
            //Debug.Log("Moving CtrlPt away from hairpin");
            Vector3 NewPt_3d = Pt1 + Vector3.Normalize(Pt2 - Pt1) * 1500 / Mathf.Abs(angle);
            Pt2       = NewPt_3d;
            HorizDist = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(Pt1.x, Pt1.z), new Vector2(Pt2.x, Pt2.z));

        if (Slope > 0 && Mathf.Abs(angle) / Slope < 270)
            //Debug.Log("Flattening steep hairpin");
            Slope = Mathf.Abs(angle) / 270;
            float NewVertDist = Slope * HorizDist;
            Pt2.y = Pt1.y + NewVertDist;

        //Debug.Log("Dist = " + HorizDist.ToString());
        //Debug.Log("Slope = " + Slope.ToString());
        //Debug.Log("Angle = " + angle.ToString());
        //Typical values
        //      Dist 10 - 30
        //      Slope < 0.3