Ejemplo n.º 1
        Vec2D ProjectPointOnLine(Vec2D p1, Vec2D p2, Double d)
            Vec2D  r = new Vec2D(0, 0);
            Double d1, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;

            x1 = p1.X;
            y1 = p1.Y;
            x2 = p2.X;
            y2 = p2.Y;
            d1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.Pow(y2 - y1, 2));

            if ((y2 == y1) && (x2 == x1)) // p1 == p2 is not allowed
                x3  = x1 + ((d * (x2 - x1)) / d1);
                y3  = y1 + ((d * (y2 - y1)) / d1);
                r.X = x3;
                r.Y = y3;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static double CalculateDistanceToNearestEndpoint(BspSegment segment, double tSegment)
            Vec2D endpointVertex    = (tSegment < 0.5 ? segment.Start.Struct() : segment.End.Struct());
            Vec2D intersectionPoint = segment.FromTime(tSegment);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        //Vec2D SmallestX(List<Vec2D> l)
        //    Vec2D r = l[0];
        //    for (int i = 1; i < l.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        if (l[i].X < r.X)
        //        {
        //            r = l[i];
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return r;
        //Vec2D SmallestY(List<Vec2D> l)
        //    Vec2D r = l[0];
        //    for (int i = 1; i < l.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        if (l[i].Y < r.Y)
        //        {
        //            r = l[i];
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return r;
        //Vec2D BiggestY(List<Vec2D> l)
        //    Vec2D r = l[0];
        //    for (int i = 1; i < l.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        if (l[i].Y > r.Y)
        //        {
        //            r = l[i];
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return r;

        //Polygon2D GetPoly2(Vec2D p1, Vec2D p2)
        //    double halfwidth = m_avoidPathWidth / 2;
        //    Polygon2D poly = new Polygon2D();

        //    List<Vec2D> vertices = new List<Vec2D>();

        //    Vec2D v1 = GetPerpendicularPoint(p1, p2, -1* halfwidth);
        //    Vec2D v2 = GetPerpendicularPoint(p1, p2, 1 * halfwidth);
        //    Vec2D v3 = GetPerpendicularPoint(p2, p1, 1 * halfwidth);
        //    Vec2D v4 = GetPerpendicularPoint(p2, p1, -1 * halfwidth);

        //    if (v1 == null || v2 == null || v3 == null || v4 == null)
        //    {
        //        return null;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        vertices.Add(v1);
        //        vertices.Add(v2);
        //        vertices.Add(v3);
        //        vertices.Add(v4);

        //        Vec2D first = SmallestX(vertices);
        //        vertices.Remove(first);
        //        Vec2D second = SmallestX(vertices);
        //        vertices.Remove(second);
        //        Vec2D third;

        //        if (second.Y > first.Y)
        //        {
        //            third = BiggestY(vertices);
        //            vertices.Remove(third);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            third = SmallestY(vertices);
        //            vertices.Remove(third);
        //        }
        //        Vec2D fourth = vertices[0];

        //        poly.AddVertex(first);
        //        poly.AddVertex(second);
        //        poly.AddVertex(third);
        //        poly.AddVertex(fourth);
        //        return poly;
        //    }


        //Vec2D GetPerpendicularPoint(Vec2D p1, Vec2D p2, double d)
        //    Vec2D p3 = new Vec2D(0, 0);

        //    p3.X = p2.X + 1;
        //    double m = -1 * ((p2.Y - p1.Y) / (p2.X - p1.X));
        //    double b = p2.Y + ((p2.Y - p1.Y) / (p2.X - p1.X));
        //    p3.Y = (m * p3.X) + b;

        //    return ProjectPointOnLine(p2, p3, d);

        Polygon2D GetPoly(Vec2D p1, Vec2D p2)
            double    halfwidth = m_avoidPathWidth / 2;
            Polygon2D poly      = new Polygon2D();

            double dx = p2.X - p1.X >= 0 ? halfwidth : halfwidth * -1;
            double dy = p2.Y - p1.Y >= 0 ? halfwidth : halfwidth * -1;

            if (Math.Abs(p2.X - p1.X) > Math.Abs(p2.Y - p1.Y))
                poly.AddVertex(new Vec2D(p1.X, p1.Y - halfwidth));
                poly.AddVertex(new Vec2D(p1.X, p1.Y + halfwidth));
                poly.AddVertex(new Vec2D(p2.X + dx, p2.Y + halfwidth));
                poly.AddVertex(new Vec2D(p2.X + dx, p2.Y - halfwidth));
                poly.AddVertex(new Vec2D(p1.X - halfwidth, p1.Y));
                poly.AddVertex(new Vec2D(p1.X + halfwidth, p1.Y));
                poly.AddVertex(new Vec2D(p2.X + halfwidth, p2.Y + dy));
                poly.AddVertex(new Vec2D(p2.X - halfwidth, p2.Y + dy));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Update()
            if (InputWinform.Instance.GetKeyDown(Keys.A))
                Vec2D point = gameObject.transform.position;

                point.X -= MoveSpeed * GameEngine.Instance.DeltaTime;

                if (point.X - imageWidthHlaf < 0)
                    point.X = imageWidthHlaf;

                gameObject.transform.position = point;

            if (InputWinform.Instance.GetKeyDown(Keys.D))
                Vec2D point = gameObject.transform.position;

                point.X += MoveSpeed * GameEngine.Instance.DeltaTime;

                if (point.X + imageWidthHlaf > MaxWidth)
                    point.X = MaxWidth - imageWidthHlaf;

                gameObject.transform.position = point;
        protected override Vec4D CalculateMotionData4D(Particle particle)
            //normal displacement
            var cr = particle.CollisionRadius * particle.Scale;
            var r  = Vec2D.GetFromPool(particle.X - X, particle.Y - Y);

            //no collision detected
            var len = r.Length - cr;

            if (len > Radius)

            //collision detected
            r.Length = Radius + cr;
            var v = Vec2D.GetFromPool(particle.Vx, particle.Vy);


            var factor = 1 + Bounce;

            return(Vec4D.GetFromPool(X + r.X, Y + r.Y,
                                     (particle.Vx - v.X * factor) * Slipperiness,
                                     (particle.Vy - v.Y * factor) * Slipperiness));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public T_Move SetToInterceptCourse(T_Move move, T_Reveal reveal, Dictionary <T_Move, T_Reveal> merchantsDict)
            //Pick the closest merchant, either newly revealed or existing.
            double distance   = 1000000000000000;
            T_Move closestKey = null;
            Vec2D  location   = new Vec2D(GetLocation(move, reveal));

            foreach (T_Move key in merchantsDict.Keys)
                double thisDistance = new Vec2D(location).ScalerDistanceTo(new Vec2D(GetLocation(key, merchantsDict[key])));
                if (thisDistance < distance)
                    closestKey = key;
                    distance   = thisDistance;

            double merchantSpeed       = closestKey.Throttle * GetMaxSpeed(closestKey);
            Vec2D  merchantStart       = new Vec2D(GetLocation(closestKey, merchantsDict[closestKey]));
            Vec2D  merchantDestination = new Vec2D((LocationValue)closestKey.Location.Item);
            Vec2D  interceptPoint      = GetInterceptPoint(merchantStart, merchantDestination, merchantSpeed, location, GetMaxSpeed(move));

            move.Location      = new T_Location();
            move.Location.Item = interceptPoint.ToLocationValue();
            Console.WriteLine("setting pirate " + move.ID + " on intercept course to merchant " + closestKey.ID);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        //isPirate here refers to the objects we are trying to find, e.g. isPirate = true means find pirates
        private List <SeamateAdapter.DDD.DDDAdapter.SeamateObject> findObjectsInPlay(LocationValue nearby, PolygonValue pirateEntryRegion, T_Groupings grouping, bool isPirate)
            List <DDDAdapter.SeamateObject> vessels = new List <DDDAdapter.SeamateObject>();

            foreach (DDDAdapter.SeamateObject vessel in ddd.GetAllRevealedSeaVessels())
                if (isPirate && vessel.Owner == "Pirate DM" || !isPirate && vessel.Owner == "Merchant DM")
                double distance = new Vec2D(vessel.Location).ScalerDistanceTo(new Vec2D(nearby));
                bool   inSameEntryRegionAsPirate = false;
                if (pirateEntryRegion != null)
                    inSameEntryRegionAsPirate = Polygon2D.IsPointInside(new Polygon2D(pirateEntryRegion), new Vec2D(vessel.Location));

                if (grouping == T_Groupings.One && distance < oneGroupingDistance && !inSameEntryRegionAsPirate)
                else if (grouping == T_Groupings.Two && distance > twoGroupingDistance && !inSameEntryRegionAsPirate)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether a merchant is within grouping constraints of previously chosen pirates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vessel">Merchant</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        private bool MatchesGroupingConstraints(DDDAdapter.SeamateObject vessel)
            if (vessel.Intent != "")

            if (grouping == T_Groupings.One)
                foreach (T_Move key in dict.Keys)
                    Vec2D  otherVesselLocation = new Vec2D(GetLocation(key, dict[key]));
                    double distance            = new Vec2D(vessel.Location).ScalerDistanceTo(otherVesselLocation);
                    if (distance > oneGroupingDistance)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a boolean value expressing whether or not a new vessel can be added to an existing group while fulfilling
 /// grouping constraints.
 /// One grouping: Every item in the group must be within the one-grouping parameter of each other.
 /// Two grouping: At least one pair in the group must be separated by the two-grouping parameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oneOrTwo">Must be "One" or "Two" for a one- or two-grouping</param>
 /// <param name="newVessel">Vessel to be added to the group</param>
 /// <param name="otherVessels">Existing group of vessels</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool MatchesGroupingCriteria(T_Groupings grouping, DDDAdapter.SeamateObject newVessel, List <DDDAdapter.SeamateObject> otherVessels)
     if (otherVessels.Contains(newVessel))
     if (grouping == T_Groupings.One)
         foreach (DDDAdapter.SeamateObject vessel in otherVessels)
             double distance = new Vec2D(vessel.Location).ScalerDistanceTo(new Vec2D(newVessel.Location));
             if (distance > oneGroupingDistance)
         foreach (DDDAdapter.SeamateObject vessel in otherVessels)
             double distance = new Vec2D(vessel.Location).ScalerDistanceTo(new Vec2D(newVessel.Location));
             if (distance > twoGroupingDistance)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public Vec2D GetRandomPointInZones()
            Vec2D md2D     = null;
            int   numZones = Zones.Count;

            if (numZones > 1)
                float        sumArea = 0;
                List <float> areas   = new List <float>();
                for (int i = 0; i < numZones; i++)
                    sumArea += Zones[i].GetArea();
                float position = (float)Rng.NextDouble() * sumArea;
                for (int i = 0; i < areas.Count; i++)
                    if (position <= areas[i])
                        md2D = Zones[i].GetPoint();
            else if (numZones == 1)
                md2D = Zones[0].GetPoint();
            return(md2D); // returns null if there are no zones
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void OperatorOverloadMinus()
            Vec2D point = new Vec2D(4f, 3f) - new Vec2D(1f, 2f);

            Assert.That(point.x, Is.InRange <float>(3f - EPSILON, 3f + EPSILON));
            Assert.That(point.y, Is.InRange <float>(1f - EPSILON, 1f + EPSILON));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void OperatorOverloadPlus()
            Vec2D point = new Vec2D(1f, 2f) + new Vec2D(3f, 4f);

            Assert.That(point.x, Is.InRange <float>(4f - EPSILON, 4f + EPSILON));
            Assert.That(point.y, Is.InRange <float>(6f - EPSILON, 6f + EPSILON));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void ConstructorParameterless()
            Vec2D point = new Vec2D();

            Assert.That(point.x, Is.EqualTo(0f));
            Assert.That(point.y, Is.EqualTo(0f));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes a point which is in the closest entry region to the group of pirates,
        /// TODO: but not in the same entry region as any of them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pirates">The move events representing pirates</param>
        /// <param name="entryRegions">All entry regions</param>
        /// <returns>A random point in the closest entry region to the group of pirates</returns>
        private Vec2D GetPointInClosestEntryRegion(Dictionary <T_Move, T_Reveal> pirates, List <PolygonValue> entryRegions)
            Vec2D        point           = new Vec2D(0, 0);
            double       closestDistance = 100000000;
            PolygonValue closestRegion   = null;

            T_Move        randomPirate = pirates.Keys.ToList().ElementAt(0);
            LocationValue location     = GetLocation(randomPirate, pirates[randomPirate]);

            foreach (PolygonValue entryRegion in entryRegions)
                Polygon2D entry2D  = new Polygon2D(entryRegion);
                double    distance = Polygon2D.ScalarDistanceToPolygon(entry2D, new Vec2D(location));

                if (distance < oneGroupingDistance)
                    point = entry2D.PointInside();
                    if (distance < closestDistance)
                        closestDistance = distance;
                        closestRegion   = entryRegion;
            if (point == null)
                point = new Polygon2D(closestRegion).PointInside();
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of entry regions in which new pirates can be added while satisfying grouping constraints, given a group of existing pirates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grouping">Grouping constraints</param>
        /// <param name="group">Group of existing pirates</param>
        /// <param name="entryRegions">All avilable entry regions</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <PolygonValue> GetMatchingEntryRegions(T_Groupings grouping, List <DDDAdapter.SeamateObject> group, List <PolygonValue> entryRegions)
            List <PolygonValue> matchingEntryRegions = new List <PolygonValue>();

            //One grouping: matching entry regions must be within certain distance of every individual vessel in group
            if (grouping == T_Groupings.One)
                foreach (PolygonValue region in entryRegions)
                    Vec2D regionPoint = new Vec2D(region.points.ElementAt(0).X, region.points.ElementAt(0).Y);
                    bool  matching    = true;
                    foreach (DDDAdapter.SeamateObject vessel in group)
                        Vec2D vesselPoint = new Vec2D(vessel.Location);
                        if (vesselPoint.ScalerDistanceTo(regionPoint) > oneGroupingDistance)
                            matching = false;
                    if (matching)
            //Two grouping: any entry region will do, the existing group satisfies constraint
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static List <SubsectorEdge> CreateSubsectorEdges(ConvexTraversal convexTraversal, Rotation rotation)
            List <ConvexTraversalPoint> traversal = convexTraversal.Traversal;

            Debug.Assert(traversal.Count >= 3, "Traversal must yield at least a triangle in size");

            List <SubsectorEdge> subsectorEdges = new List <SubsectorEdge>();

            ConvexTraversalPoint firstTraversal = traversal.First();
            Vec2D startPoint = firstTraversal.Vertex;

            foreach (ConvexTraversalPoint traversalPoint in traversal)
                BspSegment segment            = traversalPoint.Segment;
                Vec2D      endingPoint        = segment.Opposite(traversalPoint.Endpoint).Struct();
                bool       traversedFrontSide = CheckIfTraversedFrontSide(traversalPoint, rotation);

                SubsectorEdge edge = new SubsectorEdge(startPoint, endingPoint, segment.Line.Value, traversedFrontSide);

                Debug.Assert(startPoint != endingPoint, "Traversal produced the wrong endpoint indices");
                startPoint = endingPoint;

            Debug.Assert(subsectorEdges.Count == traversal.Count, "Added too many subsector edges in traversal");
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a subsector edge from some geometric data and for some
 /// side.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">The starting point.</param>
 /// <param name="end">The ending point.</param>
 /// <param name="line">The line this is on top of, or null if this is
 /// a miniseg.</param>
 /// <param name="front">True if this is on the front side, false if it
 /// is the back. This value is not used if this is a miniseg. This
 /// must never be false for a one sided line.</param>
 public SubsectorEdge(Vec2D start, Vec2D end, IBspUsableLine line = null, bool front = true)
     Start   = start;
     End     = end;
     IsFront = front;
     Line    = line;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    // void Start()
    public void Load()
        // マップ読み込み
        TMXLoader tmx = new TMXLoader();


        // 経路レイヤーを取得
        Layer2D lPath = tmx.GetLayer("path");

        // 開始地点を検索
        Vec2D pos = lPath.Search(CHIP_PATH_START);

        // 座標リストを作成
        _path = new List <Vec2D>();

        // 開始座標を座標リストに登録
        _path.Add(new Vec2D(pos.X, pos.Y));

        // 通路をふさぐ
        lPath.Set(pos.X, pos.Y, CHIP_NONE);

        // 座標リスト作成
        CreatePath(lPath, pos.X, pos.Y, _path);

        // コリジョンレイヤーを取得する
        _lCollision = tmx.GetLayer("collision");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void TimeTick(SimulationEvent e)
            foreach (StateDB.ActiveRegion region in StateDB.dynamicRegions.Values)
                if (region.linkedObject == "")
                    continue; //don't draw unlinked regions
                SimulationObjectProxy obProx = objectProxies[region.linkedObject];
                //Calculate new absolute poly for region and send ViewPro event
                LocationValue lvLoc = (LocationValue)obProx["Location"].GetDataValue();
                Vec2D         loc   = new Vec2D(lvLoc);
                if (!lvLoc.exists)
                    return; //possible that the tractor object doesn't exist, so don't show it.
                Polygon3D absolutePoly = GetAbsolutePolygon(loc, region.poly.Footprint);
                absolutePoly.TopZ             = region.poly.TopZ;
                absolutePoly.BottomZ          = region.poly.BottomZ;
                region.referencePoint         = loc;
                region.currentAbsolutePolygon = absolutePoly;

                this.SendViewProActiveRegionUpdate(region.id, region.isVisible, region.displayColor, absolutePoly);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void Reverse()
            Vec2D temp = Start;

            Start = End;
            End   = temp;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    /// 次の移動先に進める
    protected void MoveNext()
        if (_pathIdx >= _path.Count)
            // ゴールにたどりついた
            _tSpeed = 100.0f;
            if (X < 0)

        // ⑧移動先を移動元にコピーする

        // ⑦チップ座標を取り出す
        Vec2D v = _path[_pathIdx];

        _next.x = Field.ToWorldX(v.X);
        _next.y = Field.ToWorldY(v.Y);
        // パス番号を進める
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void ConstructorXZ()
            Vec2D point = new Vec2D(1f, 2f);

            Assert.That(point.x, Is.EqualTo(1f));
            Assert.That(point.y, Is.EqualTo(2f));
        public override void Update()
            Vec2D nextPoint = gameObject.transform.position;

            if (ScrollX)
                if (XAddNegative)
                    nextPoint.X -= Speed * GameEngine.Instance.DeltaTime;
                    nextPoint.X += Speed * GameEngine.Instance.DeltaTime;

            if (ScrollY)
                if (YAddNegative)
                    nextPoint.Y -= Speed * GameEngine.Instance.DeltaTime;
                    nextPoint.Y += Speed * GameEngine.Instance.DeltaTime;

            gameObject.transform.position = nextPoint;
Ejemplo n.º 24
            public static Vec2D Normalize(Vec2D v)
                var result = v;

Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the time the point would have on the segment. This does not
 /// need to be between the [0, 1] range.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// If the point is not on the segment, then the result will be wrong.
 /// A corollary to this is that `Start + t*Delta = point`.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="point">The point to get the time for.</param>
 /// <returns>The time the point is on this segment.</returns>
 public double ToTime(Vec2D point)
     if (!Delta.X.ApproxZero())
         return((point.X - Start.X) * DeltaInverse.X);
     return((point.Y - Start.Y) * DeltaInverse.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        const float EPSILON = 0.001f; // Intentionally agressive.

        bool FuzzyEquals(Vec2D a, Vec2D b)
            float a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1];
            float b0 = b[0], b1 = b[1];

            return(Math.Abs(a0 - b0) <= EPSILON * Math.Max(1.0f, Math.Max(Math.Abs(a0), Math.Abs(b0))) &&
                   Math.Abs(a1 - b1) <= EPSILON * Math.Max(1.0f, Math.Max(Math.Abs(a1), Math.Abs(b1))));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        protected Vec2D GetInterceptPoint(Vec2D targetStart, Vec2D targetEnd, double targetSpeed, Vec2D start, double speed)
            Vec2D D_o = start.Add(targetStart.Multiply(-1)); //Vector from vessel to target start
            //Vec2D D_o = targetStart.Add(start.Multiply(-1)); //Vector from vessel to target start
            double d_o = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(D_o.X, 2) + Math.Pow(D_o.Y, 2)));
            Vec2D  V_m = targetEnd.Add(targetStart.Multiply(-1));
            Vec2D  unitVectorTarget = new Vec2D(V_m);

            V_m = unitVectorTarget.Multiply(targetSpeed);//Vector target velocity

            double v_m = targetSpeed;
            double targetEndToStartDistance = targetEnd.ScalerDistanceTo(targetStart);
            double v_p   = speed;
            Vec2D  P     = start;
            Vec2D  M     = targetStart;
            double cos_B = (D_o.X * V_m.X + D_o.Y * V_m.Y) / (d_o * v_m);
            double a     = (Math.Pow((v_p / v_m), 2) - 1);
            double b     = 2 * (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(D_o.X, 2) + Math.Pow(D_o.Y, 2))) * cos_B;
            double c     = -1 * Math.Pow(d_o, 2);
            double x1    = (-b + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a);
            double x2    = (-b - Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a);
            double interceptDistance;

            if (double.IsNaN(x1) && !double.IsNaN(x2))
                interceptDistance = x2;
            else if (double.IsNaN(x2) && !double.IsNaN(x1))
                interceptDistance = x1;
            else if (double.IsNaN(x1) && double.IsNaN(x2))
                interceptDistance = targetEndToStartDistance + 100;
            else if (x1 > 0 && x2 > 0)
                interceptDistance = Math.Min(x1, x2);
                interceptDistance = Math.Max(x1, x2);

            Vec2D interceptPoint;

            if ((interceptDistance > targetEndToStartDistance)) //vessel can't catch target in the length of the move
                interceptPoint = targetEnd;
                interceptPoint = unitVectorTarget.Multiply(interceptDistance).Add(targetStart);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void Length()
            Vec2D point = new Vec2D(2, 2);

            float length   = point.Length();
            float expected = (float)(2 * Math.Sqrt(2));

            Assert.That(length, Is.InRange <float>(expected - EPSILON, expected + EPSILON));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        private void TimeTick(SimulationEvent e)
            //update time
            if (((IntegerValue)e["Time"]).value % 1000 == 0)
                time = ((IntegerValue)e["Time"]).value / 1000; // time is in ms, we want seconds

             * "Time" is an attribute of all events.  The SimulationModel.xml file lists all of the top-level attributes for each event.
             * Certain events have an additional "Attribute" attribute, which contains a key-value pair collection of additional attributes.
             * See RevealObject for an example of this.
            if (((IntegerValue)e["Time"]).value == 1000)
            SimulationObjectProxy obProx;

            foreach (string id in objectProxies.Keys)
                obProx = objectProxies[id];
                bool            isInSealane       = false;
                bool            movingTowardsPort = false;
                StringListValue slv  = obProx["InActiveRegions"].GetDataValue() as StringListValue;
                LocationValue   dest = obProx["DestinationLocation"].GetDataValue() as LocationValue;
                if (dest.exists)
                    Vec2D     destVec = new Vec2D(dest);
                    Polygon2D p;
                    foreach (Aptima.Asim.DDD.CommonComponents.SimulatorTools.StateDB.ActiveRegion a in StateDB.activeRegions.Values)
                        if (!a.id.Contains("Entry-"))
                        p = new Polygon2D();
                        p = a.poly.Footprint;

                        if (Aptima.Asim.DDD.CommonComponents.SimMathTools.Polygon2D.IsPointInside(p, destVec))
                            movingTowardsPort = true;

                if (slv.strings.Count > 0)
                    isInSealane = true;

Ejemplo n.º 30
 public override void Update()
     if (gameObject.transform.position.Y - spriteHeight / 2 >= spriteHeight)
         Vec2D point = gameObject.transform.position;
         point.Y -= spriteHeight * 2;
         gameObject.transform.position = point;