private Pair<Statement, string> PreparePurityWarning(VariableEffect vEffect)
            Pair<Statement, string> res = null;

            // Add the path (decorated with text) to the set of warnings to inform to the developer
            string path = vEffect.ToString();
            Label lb = vEffect.Label;
            Variable v = vEffect.Variable;
            Statement stat = lb.Statement;
            if (stat != null)
                if (vEffect.Variable is Parameter)
                    Parameter p = (Parameter)vEffect.Variable;
                    if (p.IsOut)
                        return res;

                string msg;
                if (method.Equals(Method))
                    msg = string.Format("Cannot prove this statement does not modify {0} in declared pure method {1}", path, Method.Name);
                    msg = string.Format("Cannot prove this statement does not (indirectly) modify {0} in declared pure method {1}", path, Method.Name);

                // Constructor are allowed to modify the "this" parameter
                if (!isConstructor(Method) || !v.Equals(Method.ThisParameter))
                    res = new Pair<Statement, string>(stat, msg);

                string statementString = stat.SourceContext.SourceText;
                if (stat.SourceContext.SourceText == null)
                    statementString = CodePrinter.StatementToString(stat);

                //Console.Out.WriteLine("({0},{1}) {2} {3}. Statement:{4}",
                //    stat.SourceContext.StartLine,
                //    stat.SourceContext.StartColumn,
                //    method.Equals(Method) ? "modifies" : "is modified in this call",
                //    path,
                //    statementString);
            return res;