Ejemplo n.º 1
            public static IEnumerable <TestCaseData> TestCase2(string testName)
                const int   minValue            = 1;
                const int   maxValue            = 101;
                const int   iterations          = 1_000_000;
                const float maxDeviationPercent = 10;
                int         count = maxValue - minValue;

                int[] values1 = Enumerable.Range(minValue, count).ToArray();
                int[] values2 = values1.Select(value => value == minValue + 1 ? minValue : value).ToArray();
                int[] values3 = values1.Select(value => value == count - 1 ? count : value).ToArray();
                IValueProvider <int> valueProviderRandomStandard = ValueProvider.Create(() => GetNextRandomStandardValue(minValue, maxValue));
                IValueProvider <int> valueProviderRandomCrypto   = ValueProvider.Create(() => GetNextRandomCryptoValue(minValue, maxValue));
                IValueProvider <int> valueProviderStub1          = ValueProviderStub.Create(values1);
                IValueProvider <int> valueProviderStub2          = ValueProviderStub.Create(values2);
                IValueProvider <int> valueProviderStub3          = ValueProviderStub.Create(values3);

                yield return(new TestCaseData(valueProviderRandomStandard, minValue, maxValue, iterations, maxDeviationPercent).SetName($"{testName} - Random Standard").Returns(true));

                yield return(new TestCaseData(valueProviderRandomCrypto, minValue, maxValue, iterations, maxDeviationPercent).SetName($"{testName} - Random Crypto").Returns(true));

                yield return(new TestCaseData(valueProviderStub1, minValue, maxValue, count, maxDeviationPercent).SetName($"{testName} - ValueProviderStub - 1").Returns(true));

                yield return(new TestCaseData(valueProviderStub2, minValue, maxValue, count, maxDeviationPercent).SetName($"{testName} - ValueProviderStub - 2").Returns(false));

                yield return(new TestCaseData(valueProviderStub3, minValue, maxValue, count, maxDeviationPercent).SetName($"{testName} - ValueProviderStub - 3").Returns(false));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // After all cards have been retrieved by the GetCard2() method the RemainingCards
        // property must be empty.
        public void WhenAllCardsHaveBeenRetrievedByInvokingTheGetCard2Method_ThenTheRemainingCardsPropertyIsEmpty()
            Card[]   allCards = GetAllCards();
            CardGame cardGame = new CardGame(ValueProviderStub.Create <Card>(allCards));

            for (int i = 0; i < allCards.Length; i++)                                   // After the last iteration of this
                _ = cardGame.GetCard2();                                                // loop there will be no cards remaining.
            CollectionAssert.IsEmpty(cardGame.RemainingCards);                          // RemainingCards property must be
                                                                                        // empty at this point.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // If the GetCard2() method is invoked when there are no cards remaining then an
        // InvalidOperationException should be thrown.
        // InvalidOperationException: There are no cards remaining to dispurse.
        public void WhenCardsRemainingPropertyIsEmptyAndTheGetCard2MethodIsInvoked_ThenAnInvalidOperationExceptionIsThrown()
            Card[]   allCards = GetAllCards();
            CardGame cardGame = new CardGame(ValueProviderStub.Create <Card>(allCards));

            for (int i = 0; i < allCards.Length; i++)                                   // After the last iteration of this
                _ = cardGame.GetCard2();                                                // loop there will be no cards remaining.
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => cardGame.GetCard2());       // Attempting to get a card when there
                                                                                        // are no cards remaining should throw
                                                                                        // an exception.
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // After a card is retrieved by the GetCard2() method the RemainingCards
        // property must no longer contain the card retrieved.
        public void WhenACardIsRetrievedByInvokingTheGetCard2Method_ThenTheCardIsNoLongerContainedInTheRemainingCardsSet()
            Card[]   allCards = GetAllCards();
            CardGame cardGame = new CardGame(ValueProviderStub.Create <Card>(allCards));

            for (int i = 0; i < allCards.Length; i++)
                Card card = cardGame.GetCard2();                                        // Retrieve one card.

                CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(cardGame.RemainingCards, card);         // Verify that the card retrieved is no
                                                                                        // longer contained in the RemainingCards
                                                                                        // set.
Ejemplo n.º 5
            public static IEnumerable <TestCaseData> TestCase1(string testName)
                const int            minValue = 1;
                const int            maxValue = 1001;
                int                  count    = maxValue - minValue;
                IValueProvider <int> valueProviderRandomStandard = ValueProvider.Create(() => GetNextRandomStandardValue(minValue, maxValue));
                IValueProvider <int> valueProviderRandomCrypto   = ValueProvider.Create(() => GetNextRandomCryptoValue(minValue, maxValue));
                IValueProvider <int> valueProviderStub           = ValueProviderStub.Create(Enumerable.Range(minValue, count).ToArray());

                yield return(new TestCaseData(valueProviderRandomStandard, count).SetName($"{testName} - Random Standard"));

                yield return(new TestCaseData(valueProviderRandomCrypto, count).SetName($"{testName} - Random Crypto"));

                yield return(new TestCaseData(valueProviderStub, count).SetName($"{testName} - ValueProviderStub"));