Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Parse(BinaryReader buffer)
            byte[] header = buffer.ReadBytes(4);
            numBones     = buffer.ReadByte();
            numGroups    = buffer.ReadByte();
            numTriangles = buffer.ReadUInt16();
            numQuads     = buffer.ReadUInt16();
            numPolys     = buffer.ReadUInt16();
            numFaces     = numTriangles + numQuads + numPolys;
            byte[][] overlays = new byte[8][];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                overlays[i] = buffer.ReadBytes(4);

            buffer.ReadBytes(0x24); // Unknown
            buffer.ReadBytes(6);    // collision size and height (shape is a cylinder)
            buffer.ReadBytes(2);    // menu position Y
            buffer.ReadBytes(12);   // Unknown
            buffer.ReadBytes(2);    // Shadow radius
            buffer.ReadBytes(2);    // Shadow size increase rate
            buffer.ReadBytes(2);    // Shadow size decrease rate
            buffer.ReadBytes(4);    // Unknown
            buffer.ReadBytes(2);    // Menu scale
            buffer.ReadBytes(2);    // Unknown
            buffer.ReadBytes(2);    // Target sphere position Y
            buffer.ReadBytes(8);    // Unknown

            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log("numBones : " + numBones);
                Debug.Log("numGroups : " + numGroups);
                Debug.Log("numTriangles : " + numTriangles);
                Debug.Log("numQuads : " + numQuads);
                Debug.Log("numPolys : " + numPolys);
                Debug.Log("numFaces : " + numFaces);

            // LBA XX_BTX.SEQ  (battle animations first one is actually XX_COM.SEQ)     certainly one weapon type for each file

             * LBA SEQ : 98646  OBJ\01_COM.SEQ
             * LBA SEQ : 0
             * LBA SEQ : 98599  OBJ\01_BT2.SEQ
             * LBA SEQ : 0
             * LBA SEQ : 98611  OBJ\01_BT4.SEQ
             * LBA SEQ : 0
             * LBA SEQ : 98623  OBJ\01_BT6.SEQ
             * LBA SEQ : 0
             * LBA SEQ : 0
             * LBA SEQ : 0
             * LBA SEQ : 98635  OBJ\01_BTA.SEQ
             * LBA SEQ : 0
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                buffer.ReadBytes(2); // chain attack animation ID

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                buffer.ReadBytes(4); // LBA XXSP0X.SEQ (special attack animations)

            buffer.ReadBytes(0x20); // unknown (probably more LBA tables, there are also special attack ids stored here.)  file like 00BT1B00.SEQ (Battle Techniques)
            long dec      = buffer.BaseStream.Position + 4;
            long magicPtr = buffer.ReadUInt32() + dec;

            for (int i = 0; i < 0x18; i++)
                buffer.ReadBytes(2); // unknown (noticeable effects when casting spell

            long AKAOPtr   = buffer.ReadUInt32() + dec;
            long groupPtr  = buffer.ReadUInt32() + dec;
            long vertexPtr = buffer.ReadUInt32() + dec;
            long facePtr   = buffer.ReadUInt32() + dec;

            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log("magicPtr : " + magicPtr);
                Debug.Log("AKAOPtr : " + AKAOPtr);
                Debug.Log("groupPtr : " + groupPtr);
                Debug.Log("vertexPtr : " + vertexPtr);
                Debug.Log("facePtr : " + facePtr);

            // Bones section
            bones = new List <VSBone>();
            for (uint i = 0; i < numBones; i++)
                VSBone bone = new VSBone();
                bone.index  = i;
                bone.name   = "bone_" + i;
                bone.length = buffer.ReadInt16();
                //Debug.LogWarning("bone  "+i+ " .length : "+ bone.length);
                buffer.ReadUInt16(); // always 0xFFFF
                bone.parentIndex = buffer.ReadByte();
                if (bone.parentIndex > numBones)
                    bone.parentIndex = -1;
                //Debug.LogWarning("bone.parentIndex : " + bone.parentIndex);
                // https://github.com/morris/vstools/blob/master/src/WEPBone.js
                byte[] offset = buffer.ReadBytes(3);
                bone.offset = new Vector3(offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);
                bone.mode   = buffer.ReadByte();
                // 0 - 2 normal ?
                // 3 - 6 normal + roll 90 degrees
                // 7 - 255 absolute, different angles

                buffer.ReadBytes(7); // always 0000000

            // Group section
            if (buffer.BaseStream.Position != groupPtr)
                if (UseDebug)
                    Debug.Log(buffer.BaseStream.Position + " != " + groupPtr);
                    Debug.Log("le pointeur groupPtr n'est pas à la bonne place");
                buffer.BaseStream.Position = groupPtr;
            groups = new List <VSGroup>();
            for (uint i = 0; i < numGroups; i++)
                VSGroup group = new VSGroup();
                group.boneIndex   = buffer.ReadInt16();
                group.numVertices = buffer.ReadUInt16();
                if (group.boneIndex != -1)
                    group.bone = bones[group.boneIndex];


            // Vertices section
            if (buffer.BaseStream.Position != vertexPtr)
                if (UseDebug)
                    Debug.Log(buffer.BaseStream.Position + " != " + vertexPtr);
                    Debug.Log("le pointeur vertexPtr n'est pas à la bonne place");
                buffer.BaseStream.Position = vertexPtr;
            vertices = new List <VSVertex>();
            uint numVertices = groups[groups.Count - 1].numVertices;

            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log("numVertices : " + numVertices);

            int g = 0;

            for (uint i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                if (i >= groups[g].numVertices)

                VSVertex vertex = new VSVertex();
                vertex.group = groups[g];
                vertex.bone  = vertex.group.bone;
                BoneWeight bw = new BoneWeight();
                bw.boneIndex0     = (int)vertex.group.bone.index;
                bw.weight0        = 1;
                vertex.boneWeight = bw;
                int x = buffer.ReadInt16();
                int y = buffer.ReadInt16();
                int z = buffer.ReadInt16();
                vertex.position = -new Vector3(x, y, z) / 100;

            // Polygone section
            if (buffer.BaseStream.Position != facePtr)
                if (UseDebug)
                    Debug.Log(buffer.BaseStream.Position + " != " + facePtr);
                    Debug.Log("le pointeur facePtr n'est pas à la bonne place");
                buffer.BaseStream.Position = facePtr;

            faces = new List <VSFace>();

            if (excpFaces)
                if (UseDebug)
                    Debug.LogWarning("-------------   TRIANGLES    ----------------------");
                for (uint i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
                    faces.Add(ParseColoredFace(buffer, 3));
                if (UseDebug)
                    Debug.LogWarning("-------------   QUAD    ----------------------");
                for (uint i = 0; i < numQuads; i++)
                    faces.Add(ParseColoredFace(buffer, 4));
                if (UseDebug)
                    Debug.LogWarning("-------------   POLY    ----------------------");
                for (uint i = 0; i < numPolys; i++)
                    long   polyDec = buffer.BaseStream.Position;
                    byte[] bytes   = buffer.ReadBytes(24);
                    if (bytes[11] == 0x34)
                        // its a triangle
                        buffer.BaseStream.Position = polyDec;
                        faces.Add(ParseColoredFace(buffer, 3));
                    if (bytes[11] == 0x3C)
                        // its a quad
                        buffer.BaseStream.Position = polyDec;
                        faces.Add(ParseColoredFace(buffer, 4));
                for (uint i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
                    VSFace face    = new VSFace();
                    long   polyDec = buffer.BaseStream.Position;
                    // 4 bytes
                    face.type  = buffer.ReadByte();
                    face.size  = buffer.ReadByte();
                    face.side  = buffer.ReadByte();
                    face.alpha = buffer.ReadByte();

                     * Triangles
                     * 24-10-04-00-C406-CC06-C806-08-78-05-6D-05-7C
                     * 24-10-04-00-D006-D806-D406-13-6D-0A-6D-0C-78
                     * 24-10-04-00-D406-E006-DC06-13-78-13-6D-0F-78
                     * 24-10-04-00-D406-D806-E006-0F-78-13-6D-0C-78
                     * */

                    // if (UseDebug)Debug.Log(string.Concat("#####   At : ", polyDec, " face# ", i, "   face.type : ", face.type, "   face.size : ", face.size, "   face.side : ", face.side, "   face.alpha : ", face.alpha));

                    uint[] table = new uint[256];
                    table[36] = 3;
                    table[44] = 4;

                    face.verticesCount = 0; // fallback
                    if (table[face.type] != 0)
                        face.verticesCount = table[face.type];
                        if (UseDebug)
                            Debug.LogError("####  Unknown face type !");

                    // 6 or 8 bytes
                    for (uint j = 0; j < face.verticesCount; j++)
                        int vId = buffer.ReadUInt16() / 4;

                        // if (UseDebug) Debug.Log("vId : " + j + " - " + vId);

                    // 6 or 8 bytes
                    for (uint j = 0; j < face.verticesCount; j++)
                        int u = buffer.ReadByte();
                        int v = buffer.ReadByte();
                        face.uv.Add(new Vector2(u, v));
                        // if (UseDebug) Debug.Log("u : " + u + "    v : " + v);

            // AKAO section
            if (buffer.BaseStream.Position != AKAOPtr)
                if (UseDebug)
                    Debug.LogWarning(buffer.BaseStream.Position + " != " + AKAOPtr + " le pointeur AKAOPtr n'est pas à la bonne place " + FileName);

                buffer.BaseStream.Position = AKAOPtr;

            uint akaoNum = buffer.ReadUInt32();

            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log(string.Concat("akaoNum : ", akaoNum));

            uint[] akaoFramesPtr = new uint[akaoNum];
            // one pointer for AKAO header, a second for AKAO datas
            for (uint j = 0; j < akaoNum; j++)
                akaoFramesPtr[j] = buffer.ReadUInt32();
            for (uint j = 0; j < akaoNum; j += 2)
                long limit;
                if (j < akaoFramesPtr.Length - 1)
                    limit = AKAOPtr + akaoFramesPtr[j + 1];
                    // somtimes there are empty ptrs at the begining so we skip
                    if (akaoFramesPtr[j + 1] > 0)
                        AKAO akao = new AKAO();
                        akao.FileName = string.Concat(FileName, "_Akao_", j);
                        akao.UseDebug = true;
                        akao.Parse(buffer, AKAO.UNKNOWN, limit);
                    limit = magicPtr;
                    AKAO akao = new AKAO();
                    akao.FileName = string.Concat(FileName, "_Akao_", j);
                    akao.UseDebug = true;
                    akao.Parse(buffer, AKAO.UNKNOWN, limit);

            // Magic section
            if (buffer.BaseStream.Position != magicPtr)
                if (UseDebug)
                    Debug.LogWarning(buffer.BaseStream.Position + " != " + magicPtr + " le pointeur magicPtr n'est pas à la bonne place " + FileName);

                buffer.BaseStream.Position = magicPtr;
            long num       = buffer.ReadUInt32();
            long magicSize = buffer.ReadUInt32(); //size of magic effect section (doesnt include this 8 byte header)

            long num1 = buffer.ReadUInt32();
            long num2 = buffer.ReadUInt32();
            long num3 = buffer.ReadUInt32();

            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log(string.Concat("Magic   num : ", num, "   magicSize : ", magicSize, "  num1 : " + num1, "  num2 : " + num2, "  num3 : " + num3));
            if (buffer.BaseStream.Position + (magicSize - 12) < buffer.BaseStream.Length)
                buffer.BaseStream.Position = buffer.BaseStream.Position + (magicSize - 12);

            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log(string.Concat("buffer.BaseStream.Position : ", buffer.BaseStream.Position, "   buffer.BaseStream.Length : ", buffer.BaseStream.Length));

            if (buffer.BaseStream.Position + 8 < buffer.BaseStream.Length)
                // Textures section
                tim          = new TIM();
                tim.FileName = FileName;
                tim.ParseSHP(buffer, excpFaces);
                texture = tim.DrawSHP(true);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Parse(string filePath)
            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log("ARM Parse : " + FilePath);

            numRooms = buffer.ReadUInt32();
            rooms    = new VSRoom[numRooms];
            for (int i = 0; i < numRooms; i++)
                VSRoom room = new VSRoom();
                room.name       = "Room_" + i;
                room.u1         = buffer.ReadUInt32(); // ? (RAM only)
                room.mapLength  = buffer.ReadUInt32(); // lenght of map graphics section (RAM: pointer to section)
                room.zoneNumber = buffer.ReadUInt16();
                room.mapNumber  = buffer.ReadUInt16();
                rooms[i]        = room;

            for (int i = 0; i < numRooms; i++)
                rooms[i].numVertices = buffer.ReadUInt32();
                rooms[i].vertices    = new List <VSVertex>();
                for (int j = 0; j < rooms[i].numVertices; j++)
                    VSVertex vertex = new VSVertex();
                    int      x      = -buffer.ReadInt16();
                    int      y      = -buffer.ReadInt16();
                    int      z      = -buffer.ReadInt16();
                    vertex.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                rooms[i].numTriangles = buffer.ReadUInt32();
                rooms[i].triangles    = new List <VSFace>();
                for (int j = 0; j < rooms[i].numTriangles; j++)
                    VSFace face = new VSFace();
                    face.verticesCount = 3;
                    face.type          = 0x24;
                    face.side          = 8;
                    face.vertices      = new List <int>();
                rooms[i].numQuads = buffer.ReadUInt32();
                rooms[i].quads    = new List <VSFace>();
                for (int j = 0; j < rooms[i].numQuads; j++)
                    VSFace face = new VSFace();
                    face.verticesCount = 4;
                    face.type          = 0x2C;
                    face.side          = 8;
                    face.vertices      = new List <int>();
                rooms[i].numFloorLines = buffer.ReadUInt32();
                rooms[i].floorLines    = new List <VSLine>();
                for (int j = 0; j < rooms[i].numFloorLines; j++)
                    VSLine line = new VSLine();
                    line.points = new List <VSVertex>();
                rooms[i].numWallLines = buffer.ReadUInt32();
                rooms[i].wallLines    = new List <VSLine>();
                for (int j = 0; j < rooms[i].numWallLines; j++)
                    VSLine line = new VSLine();
                    line.points = new List <VSVertex>();
                rooms[i].numMark = buffer.ReadUInt32();
                rooms[i].markers = new List <byte[]>();

                for (int j = 0; j < rooms[i].numMark; j++)

            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log(FileName + " n° of Rooms : " + numRooms + " File Length : " + buffer.BaseStream.Length);

            if (buffer.BaseStream.Position != buffer.BaseStream.Length) // snowfly forest rooms have no names
                if (UseDebug)
                    Debug.Log("Room info len : " + (buffer.BaseStream.Length - buffer.BaseStream.Position) / numRooms);

                for (int i = 0; i < numRooms; i++)
                    if (UseDebug)
                        Debug.Log(i + "  - Ptr : " + buffer.BaseStream.Position);

                    // The following lines of code work with the French version of Vagrant Story SLES 02755
                    if (buffer.BaseStream.Position + 36 <= buffer.BaseStream.Length)
                        int    num1  = buffer.ReadInt16();
                        int    num2  = buffer.ReadInt16();
                        int    num3  = buffer.ReadInt16();
                        byte[] bn    = buffer.ReadBytes(24);
                        string sname = "";
                        foreach (byte b in bn)
                            sname = sname + VS.Utils.L10n.Charset(b);
                        rooms[i].name = sname;
                        int num4 = buffer.ReadInt16();
                        int num5 = buffer.ReadInt16();
                        int num6 = buffer.ReadInt16();
                        //Debug.Log("num1 : " + num1 + "  num2 : " + num2 + "  num3 : " + num3 + "  num4 : " + num4 + "  num5 : " + num5 + "  num5 : " + num6);
                        if (UseDebug)
            Parsed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private VSFace ParseColoredFace(BinaryReader buffer, byte v)
            VSFace face    = new VSFace();
            long   polyDec = buffer.BaseStream.Position;

            byte[]  bytes;
            Vector2 uv1;
            Vector2 uv2;
            Vector2 uv3;
            Vector2 uv4;

            switch (v)
            case 3:
                // 24 bytes
                if (UseDebug)
                    bytes = buffer.ReadBytes(24);
                    buffer.BaseStream.Position = polyDec;
                // vt1  vt2  vt3  u1-v1 col1   t  col2   sz col3   sd u2-v2 u3-v3
                // D006-D806-D406-13-6D-FFEFB5-34-FFEFB5-18-FFEFB5-04-0A-6D-0C-78
                // D406-E006-DC06-13-78-FFEFB5-34-FFEFB5-18-2C2C26-04-13-6D-0F-78
                // D406-D806-E006-0F-78-151515-34-151515-18-151515-04-13-6D-0C-78
                // E406-EC06-E806-40-78-181817-34-4F4F45-18-4F4F45-04-43-7C-43-6E

                // vt1 / vt2 / vt3
                face.verticesCount = 3;
                for (uint j = 0; j < face.verticesCount; j++)
                    int vId = buffer.ReadUInt16() / 4;
                // uv1
                uv1 = new Vector2(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte());
                // color 1
                face.colors.Add(new Color32(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), 255));
                // face type
                face.type = buffer.ReadByte();
                // color 2
                face.colors.Add(new Color32(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), 255));
                // face size (bytes)
                face.size = buffer.ReadByte();
                // color 3
                face.colors.Add(new Color32(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), 255));
                // face side
                face.side = buffer.ReadByte();
                // uv2
                uv2 = new Vector2(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte());
                // uv3
                uv3 = new Vector2(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte());

                //Debug.Log(string.Concat("uv1 : ", uv1, "  uv2 : ", uv2, "  uv3 : ", uv3));


            case 4:
                // 32 bytes
                if (UseDebug)
                    bytes = buffer.ReadBytes(32);
                    buffer.BaseStream.Position = polyDec;
                // vt1  vt2  vt3  vt4  col1   t  col2   sz col3   sd col4   pa u1-v1 u2-v2 u3-v3 u4-v4
                // FC06-1807-1007-0C07-393937-3C-1B1B1B-20-323231-04-383838-00-46-68-4D-68-4A-5E-4D-5E
                // 5007-4C07-4407-4807-4D4C46-3C-B7B8BF-20-53534F-04-B7B8AF-00-1B-89-1E-8C-21-81-21-89
                // 6007-5C07-5407-5807-C7C8FF-3C-555555-20-555555-04-555555-00-28-81-28-89-2E-89-2B-8C
                // 7007-6C07-6407-6807-4D4C46-3C-B7B8BF-20-53534F-04-B7B8BF-00-1B-89-1E-8C-21-81-21-89

                // vt1 / vt2 / vt3 / vt4
                face.verticesCount = 4;
                for (uint j = 0; j < face.verticesCount; j++)
                    int vId = buffer.ReadUInt16() / 4;
                // color 1
                face.colors.Add(new Color32(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), 255));
                // face type
                face.type = buffer.ReadByte();
                // color 2
                face.colors.Add(new Color32(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), 255));
                // face size (bytes)
                face.size = buffer.ReadByte();
                // color 3
                face.colors.Add(new Color32(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), 255));
                // face side
                face.side = buffer.ReadByte();
                // color 4
                face.colors.Add(new Color32(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte(), 255));
                // padding
                // uv1
                uv1 = new Vector2(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte());
                // uv2
                uv2 = new Vector2(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte());
                // uv3
                uv3 = new Vector2(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte());
                // uv4
                uv4 = new Vector2(buffer.ReadByte(), buffer.ReadByte());

                //Debug.LogWarning(string.Concat("uv1 : ", uv1, "  uv2 : ", uv2, "  uv3 : ", uv3, "  uv4 : ", uv4));


