Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Prints a user-friendly summary of the verbal phrase in one of its moods and polarities:
        public string print(VPMood mood, VPPolarity pol)
            string ret = "";

            VPPerson[] pers = new VPPerson[] { VPPerson.Sg1, VPPerson.Sg2, VPPerson.Sg3Masc, VPPerson.Sg3Fem, VPPerson.Pl1, VPPerson.Pl2, VPPerson.Pl3, VPPerson.NoSubject, VPPerson.Auto };
            foreach (VPPerson per in pers)
                ret += per.ToString() + ": "; foreach (Form f in this.moods[mood][per][pol])
                    ret += "[" + f.value + "] ";
                ret += Environment.NewLine;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Constructs a verbal phrase from a verb:
        public VP(Verb v)
            #region prepare-structure
            VPTense[]    ts   = new VPTense[] { VPTense.Past, VPTense.PastCont, VPTense.Pres, VPTense.PresCont, VPTense.Fut, VPTense.Cond };
            VPMood[]     ms   = new VPMood[] { VPMood.Imper, VPMood.Subj };
            VPShape[]    ss   = new VPShape[] { VPShape.Declar, VPShape.Interrog /*, VPShape.RelDep, VPShape.RelIndep, VPShape.Report*/ };
            VPPerson[]   pers = new VPPerson[] { VPPerson.Sg1, VPPerson.Sg2, VPPerson.Sg3Masc, VPPerson.Sg3Fem, VPPerson.Pl1, VPPerson.Pl2, VPPerson.Pl3, VPPerson.NoSubject, VPPerson.Auto };
            VPPolarity[] pols = new VPPolarity[] { VPPolarity.Pos, VPPolarity.Neg };
            foreach (VPTense t in ts)
                this.tenses.Add(t, new Dictionary <VPShape, Dictionary <VPPerson, Dictionary <VPPolarity, List <Form> > > >());
                foreach (VPShape s in ss)
                    this.tenses[t].Add(s, new Dictionary <VPPerson, Dictionary <VPPolarity, List <Form> > >());
                    foreach (VPPerson per in pers)
                        this.tenses[t][s].Add(per, new Dictionary <VPPolarity, List <Form> >());
                        foreach (VPPolarity pol in pols)
                            this.tenses[t][s][per].Add(pol, new List <Form>());
            foreach (VPMood m in ms)
                this.moods.Add(m, new Dictionary <VPPerson, Dictionary <VPPolarity, List <Form> > >());
                foreach (VPPerson per in pers)
                    this.moods[m].Add(per, new Dictionary <VPPolarity, List <Form> >());
                    foreach (VPPolarity pol in pols)
                        this.moods[m][per].Add(pol, new List <Form>());

            //Apply rules to build tensed forms:
            foreach (VPTense t in v.tenseRules.Keys)
                foreach (VPPerson p in v.tenseRules[t].Keys)
                    foreach (VPShape s in v.tenseRules[t][p].Keys)
                        foreach (VPPolarity l in v.tenseRules[t][p][s].Keys)
                            foreach (VerbTenseRule rule in v.tenseRules[t][p][s][l])
                                //For each verb form, use the rule to build a verbal phrase form:
                                foreach (Form vForm in v.tenses[rule.verbTense][rule.verbDependency][rule.verbPerson])
                                    Form vpForm = new Form("");
                                    if (rule.particle != "")
                                        vpForm.value += rule.particle + " ";
                                    vpForm.value += Opers.Mutate(rule.mutation, vForm.value);
                                    if (rule.pronoun != "")
                                        vpForm.value += " " + rule.pronoun;
                                    if (v.getLemma() == "bí" && t == VPTense.Pres && s == VPShape.Declar && l == VPPolarity.Neg && vpForm.value.StartsWith("ní fhuil"))
                                        vpForm.value = "níl" + vpForm.value.Substring(8);                                     //ní fhuil --> níl

            #region mappings
            Dictionary <VPPerson, VerbPerson> mapPerson = new Dictionary <VPPerson, VerbPerson>();
            mapPerson.Add(VPPerson.Sg1, VerbPerson.Sg1);
            mapPerson.Add(VPPerson.Sg2, VerbPerson.Sg2);
            mapPerson.Add(VPPerson.Sg3Masc, VerbPerson.Sg3);
            mapPerson.Add(VPPerson.Sg3Fem, VerbPerson.Sg3);
            mapPerson.Add(VPPerson.Pl1, VerbPerson.Pl1);
            mapPerson.Add(VPPerson.Pl2, VerbPerson.Pl2);
            mapPerson.Add(VPPerson.Pl3, VerbPerson.Pl3);
            mapPerson.Add(VPPerson.NoSubject, VerbPerson.Base);
            mapPerson.Add(VPPerson.Auto, VerbPerson.Auto);
            Dictionary <VPPerson, string> mapPronoun = new Dictionary <VPPerson, string>();
            mapPronoun.Add(VPPerson.Sg1, " mé");
            mapPronoun.Add(VPPerson.Sg2, " tú");
            mapPronoun.Add(VPPerson.Sg3Masc, " sé");
            mapPronoun.Add(VPPerson.Sg3Fem, " sí");
            mapPronoun.Add(VPPerson.Pl1, " muid");
            mapPronoun.Add(VPPerson.Pl2, " sibh");
            mapPronoun.Add(VPPerson.Pl3, " siad");
            mapPronoun.Add(VPPerson.NoSubject, "");
            mapPronoun.Add(VPPerson.Auto, "");
            #region create-mood-imperative
            foreach (VPPerson vpPerson in pers)
                bool hasSyntheticForms = false;
                //Synthetic forms:
                foreach (Form vForm in v.moods[VerbMood.Imper][mapPerson[vpPerson]])
                    string pos = vForm.value;
                    string neg = "ná " + Opers.Mutate(Mutation.PrefH, vForm.value);
                    this.moods[VPMood.Imper][vpPerson][VPPolarity.Pos].Add(new Form(pos));
                    this.moods[VPMood.Imper][vpPerson][VPPolarity.Neg].Add(new Form(neg));
                    hasSyntheticForms = true;
                //Analytic forms:
                if (!hasSyntheticForms || vpPerson == VPPerson.Pl1 || vpPerson == VPPerson.Pl3)
                    foreach (Form vForm in v.moods[VerbMood.Imper][VerbPerson.Base])
                        string pos = vForm.value + mapPronoun[vpPerson];
                        string neg = "ná " + Opers.Mutate(Mutation.PrefH, vForm.value) + mapPronoun[vpPerson];
                        this.moods[VPMood.Imper][vpPerson][VPPolarity.Pos].Add(new Form(pos));
                        this.moods[VPMood.Imper][vpPerson][VPPolarity.Neg].Add(new Form(neg));
                        hasSyntheticForms = true;
            #region create-mood-subjunctive
            foreach (VPPerson vpPerson in pers)
                Mutation posMut      = Mutation.Ecl1;
                Mutation negMut      = Mutation.Len1;
                string   negParticle = "nár ";

                //Exceptions for irregular verbs:
                if (v.getLemma() == "abair")
                    negMut = Mutation.None;
                if (v.getLemma() == "bí")
                    negParticle = "ná ";

                bool hasSyntheticForms = false;
                //Synthetic forms:
                foreach (Form vForm in v.moods[VerbMood.Subj][mapPerson[vpPerson]])
                    string pos = "go " + Opers.Mutate(posMut, vForm.value);
                    string neg = negParticle + Opers.Mutate(negMut, vForm.value);
                    this.moods[VPMood.Subj][vpPerson][VPPolarity.Pos].Add(new Form(pos));
                    this.moods[VPMood.Subj][vpPerson][VPPolarity.Neg].Add(new Form(neg));
                    hasSyntheticForms = true;
                //Analytic forms:
                if (!hasSyntheticForms || vpPerson == VPPerson.Pl1)
                    foreach (Form vForm in v.moods[VerbMood.Subj][VerbPerson.Base])
                        string pos = "go " + Opers.Mutate(posMut, vForm.value) + mapPronoun[vpPerson];
                        string neg = negParticle + Opers.Mutate(negMut, vForm.value) + mapPronoun[vpPerson];
                        this.moods[VPMood.Subj][vpPerson][VPPolarity.Pos].Add(new Form(pos));
                        this.moods[VPMood.Subj][vpPerson][VPPolarity.Neg].Add(new Form(neg));
                        hasSyntheticForms = true;