Ejemplo n.º 1
        public unsafe void CopyEntropyMvTest()
            VP8D_COMP  pbi = new VP8D_COMP();
            VP8_COMMON pc  = pbi.common;

            Array.Copy(entropymv.vp8_default_mv_context, pc.fc.mvc, entropymv.vp8_default_mv_context.Length);

            Assert.Equal(entropymv.vp8_default_mv_context, pc.fc.mvc);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests allocating the frame buffers on the VP8 common class.
        /// </summary>
        public unsafe void AllocateFrameBuffersTest()
            VP8_COMMON oci = new VP8_COMMON();
            int        res = alloccommon.vp8_alloc_frame_buffers(oci, 640, 480);

            Assert.Equal(0, res);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public unsafe void CopyEntropyCoefficientsTest()
            VP8D_COMP  pbi = new VP8D_COMP();
            VP8_COMMON pc  = pbi.common;


            //Assert.Equal(default_coef_probs_c.default_coef_probs, pc.fc.coef_probs);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void CheckArrayDecrement()
            VP8D_COMP pbi = onyxd.create_decompressor(new VP8D_CONFIG {
                Width = 640, Height = 480
            VP8_COMMON pc = pbi.common;

            pc.fb_idx_ref_cnt[0] = 1;

            Assert.Equal(0, pc.fb_idx_ref_cnt[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public unsafe void SetModeInfoTest()
            VP8_COMMON oci = new VP8_COMMON();

            alloccommon.vp8_alloc_frame_buffers(oci, 640, 480);

            // Checking that setting a value through the oci.mi wrapper is recorded
            // on the underlying array.
            oci.mi.get().bmi[0].mv.as_mv.row = 3;
            Assert.Equal(3, oci.mip[oci.mi.Index].bmi[0].mv.as_mv.row);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public unsafe void AccessModeInfoTest()
            VP8_COMMON oci = new VP8_COMMON();
            int        res = alloccommon.vp8_alloc_frame_buffers(oci, 640, 480);

            Assert.Equal(0, res);
            Assert.Equal(1271, oci.mip.Length);
            Assert.NotNull(oci.mip[oci.mip.Length - 1]);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public unsafe void DecodeInvalidFrameTest()
            VP8D_COMP pbi = onyxd.create_decompressor(new VP8D_CONFIG {
                Width = 640, Height = 480
            VP8_COMMON pc = pbi.common;

            alloccommon.vp8_alloc_frame_buffers(pc, 640, 480);

            byte[] encData = HexStr.ParseHexStr("5043009d012a8002e00102c708");
            fixed(byte *pEncData = encData)
                pbi.fragments.ptrs[0]  = pEncData;
                pbi.fragments.sizes[0] = (uint)encData.Length;
                pbi.fragments.count    = 1;

            var vpxExcp = Assert.Throws <VpxException>(() => onyxd.vp8dx_receive_compressed_data(pbi, 0));

            Assert.Equal(vpx_codec_err_t.VPX_CODEC_CORRUPT_FRAME, vpxExcp.ErrorCode);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public unsafe void DecodeKeyFrameMotionVectorTest()
            VP8D_COMP pbi = onyxd.create_decompressor(new VP8D_CONFIG {
                Width = 32, Height = 24
            VP8_COMMON pc = pbi.common;

            alloccommon.vp8_alloc_frame_buffers(pc, 32, 24);

            byte[] encData = HexStr.ParseHexStr("9019009d012a2000180000070885858899848802020275ba24f8de73c58dbdeeeb752712ff80fc8ee701f51cfee1f8e5c007f80ff0dfe73c003fa21e881d603fc07f8e7a287fa3ff25f023fab9fe6bfc4fc00ff1cfe65f3ff800ff46f00fbc5f6f3d5bfdb9cbc7f27fc6dfc88e101fc01f51bfca3f103f29f3817e19fd0ff1d3f243900fa07fe03fc6ff18bf93ed02ff2dfebdfcdff557fa07ba3fecdf8abeb97e10fe9bf8ddf403fc1ff8bff33feaffae5fd73ff9f801fd33f606fd1ff6c52ce5c70fb5b31d19c4d1585982a1d52c92d5044bc6aa90");
            fixed(byte *pEncData = encData)
                pbi.fragments.ptrs[0]  = pEncData;
                pbi.fragments.sizes[0] = (uint)encData.Length;
                pbi.fragments.count    = 1;


            //DebugProbe.DumpMotionVectors(pbi.common.mip, pbi.common.mb_cols, pbi.common.mb_rows);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void vp8_loop_filter_init(VP8_COMMON cm)
            loop_filter_info_n lfi = cm.lf_info;
            int i;

            /* init limits for given sharpness*/
            vp8_loop_filter_update_sharpness(lfi, cm.sharpness_level);
            cm.last_sharpness_level = cm.sharpness_level;

            /* init LUT for lvl  and hev thr picking */

            /* init hev threshold const vectors */
            for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                //memset(lfi.hev_thr[i], i, loopfilter.SIMD_WIDTH);
                for (int j = 0; j < loopfilter.SIMD_WIDTH; j++)
                    lfi.hev_thr[i, j] = (byte)i;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static void vp8_machine_specific_config(VP8_COMMON ctx)
     ctx.cpu_caps = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public unsafe static void vp8_loop_filter_row_simple(VP8_COMMON cm, ArrPtr <MODE_INFO> mode_info_context,
                                                             int mb_row, int post_ystride,
                                                             byte *y_ptr)
            int mb_col;
            int filter_level;
            loop_filter_info_n lfi_n = cm.lf_info;

            for (mb_col = 0; mb_col < cm.mb_cols; ++mb_col)
                int skip_lf = (mode_info_context.get().mbmi.mode != (int)MB_PREDICTION_MODE.B_PRED &&
                               mode_info_context.get().mbmi.mode != (int)MB_PREDICTION_MODE.SPLITMV &&
                               mode_info_context.get().mbmi.mb_skip_coeff > 0) ? 1 : 0;

                int mode_index = lfi_n.mode_lf_lut[mode_info_context.get().mbmi.mode];
                int seg        = mode_info_context.get().mbmi.segment_id;
                int ref_frame  = mode_info_context.get().mbmi.ref_frame;

                filter_level = lfi_n.lvl[seg, ref_frame, mode_index];

                if (filter_level > 0)
                    if (mb_col > 0)
                        //vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbv(y_ptr, post_ystride, lfi_n.mblim[filter_level]);
                        fixed(byte *pMBlim = lfi_n.mblim)
                            int step = filter_level * lfi_n.mblim.GetLength(1);

                            vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbv(y_ptr, post_ystride, pMBlim + step);

                    if (skip_lf == 0)
                        //vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_simple_bv(y_ptr, post_ystride, lfi_n.blim[filter_level]);
                        fixed(byte *pBlim = lfi_n.blim)
                            int step = lfi_n.blim.GetLength(1) * filter_level;

                            vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_simple_bv(y_ptr, post_ystride, pBlim + step);

                    /* don't apply across umv border */
                    if (mb_row > 0)
                        //vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbh(y_ptr, post_ystride, lfi_n.mblim[filter_level]);
                        fixed(byte *pMBlim = lfi_n.mblim)
                            int step = lfi_n.mblim.GetLength(1) * filter_level;

                            vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbh(y_ptr, post_ystride, pMBlim + step);

                    if (skip_lf == 0)
                        //vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_simple_bh(y_ptr, post_ystride, lfi_n.blim[filter_level]);
                        fixed(byte *pBlim = lfi_n.blim)
                            int step = lfi_n.blim.GetLength(1) * filter_level;

                            vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_simple_bh(y_ptr, post_ystride, pBlim + step);

                y_ptr += 16;

                mode_info_context++; /* step to next MB */
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public unsafe static void vp8_loop_filter_row_normal(VP8_COMMON cm, ArrPtr <MODE_INFO> mode_info_context,
                                                             int mb_row, int post_ystride, int post_uvstride,
                                                             byte *y_ptr, byte *u_ptr,
                                                             byte *v_ptr)
            int mb_col;
            int filter_level;
            loop_filter_info_n lfi_n      = cm.lf_info;
            loop_filter_info   lfi        = new loop_filter_info();
            FRAME_TYPE         frame_type = cm.frame_type;

            for (mb_col = 0; mb_col < cm.mb_cols; ++mb_col)
                int skip_lf = (mode_info_context.get().mbmi.mode != (int)MB_PREDICTION_MODE.B_PRED &&
                               mode_info_context.get().mbmi.mode != (int)MB_PREDICTION_MODE.SPLITMV &&
                               mode_info_context.get().mbmi.mb_skip_coeff > 0) ? 1 : 0;

                int mode_index = lfi_n.mode_lf_lut[mode_info_context.get().mbmi.mode];
                int seg        = mode_info_context.get().mbmi.segment_id;
                int ref_frame  = mode_info_context.get().mbmi.ref_frame;

                filter_level = lfi_n.lvl[seg, ref_frame, mode_index];

                if (filter_level > 0)
                    int hev_index = lfi_n.hev_thr_lut[(int)frame_type, filter_level];

                    //lfi.mblim = lfi_n.mblim[filter_level];
                    //lfi.blim = lfi_n.blim[filter_level];
                    //lfi.lim = lfi_n.lim[filter_level];
                    //lfi.hev_thr = lfi_n.hev_thr[hev_index];

                    fixed(byte *pMblin = lfi_n.mblim, pBlim = lfi_n.blim, pLim = lfi_n.lim, pHev_thr = lfi_n.hev_thr)
                        lfi.mblim   = pMblin + lfi_n.mblim.GetLength(1) * filter_level;
                        lfi.blim    = pBlim + lfi_n.blim.GetLength(1) * filter_level;
                        lfi.lim     = pLim + lfi_n.lim.GetLength(1) * filter_level;
                        lfi.hev_thr = pHev_thr + lfi_n.hev_thr.GetLength(1) * hev_index;

                        if (mb_col > 0)
                            vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_mbv(y_ptr, u_ptr, v_ptr, post_ystride, post_uvstride, lfi);

                        if (skip_lf == 0)
                            vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_bv(y_ptr, u_ptr, v_ptr, post_ystride, post_uvstride, lfi);

                        /* don't apply across umv border */
                        if (mb_row > 0)
                            vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_mbh(y_ptr, u_ptr, v_ptr, post_ystride, post_uvstride, lfi);

                        if (skip_lf == 0)
                            vp8_rtcd.vp8_loop_filter_bh(y_ptr, u_ptr, v_ptr, post_ystride, post_uvstride, lfi);

                y_ptr += 16;
                u_ptr += 8;
                v_ptr += 8;

                mode_info_context++; /* step to next MB */
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void vp8_loop_filter_frame_init(VP8_COMMON cm, MACROBLOCKD mbd, int default_filt_lvl)
            int seg,  /* segment number */
                @ref, /* index in ref_lf_deltas */
                mode; /* index in mode_lf_deltas */

            loop_filter_info_n lfi = cm.lf_info;

            /* update limits if sharpness has changed */
            if (cm.last_sharpness_level != cm.sharpness_level)
                vp8_loop_filter_update_sharpness(lfi, cm.sharpness_level);
                cm.last_sharpness_level = cm.sharpness_level;

            for (seg = 0; seg < blockd.MAX_MB_SEGMENTS; ++seg)
                int lvl_seg = default_filt_lvl;
                int lvl_ref, lvl_mode;

                /* Note the baseline filter values for each segment */
                if (mbd.segmentation_enabled > 0)
                    if (mbd.mb_segement_abs_delta == blockd.SEGMENT_ABSDATA)
                        lvl_seg = mbd.segment_feature_data[(int)MB_LVL_FEATURES.MB_LVL_ALT_LF, seg];
                    { /* Delta Value */
                        lvl_seg += mbd.segment_feature_data[(int)MB_LVL_FEATURES.MB_LVL_ALT_LF, seg];
                    lvl_seg = (lvl_seg > 0) ? ((lvl_seg > 63) ? 63 : lvl_seg) : 0;

                if (mbd.mode_ref_lf_delta_enabled == 0)
                    /* we could get rid of this if we assume that deltas are set to
                     * zero when not in use; encoder always uses deltas
                    //memset(lfi->lvl[seg][0], lvl_seg, 4 * 4);
                    fixed(byte *plfi = lfi.lvl)
                        byte *pseg = plfi + seg * lfi.lvl.GetLength(1);

                        for (int i = 0; i < 4 * 4; i++)
                            *pseg++ = (byte)lvl_seg;


                /* INTRA_FRAME */
                @ref = (int)MV_REFERENCE_FRAME.INTRA_FRAME;

                /* Apply delta for reference frame */
                lvl_ref = lvl_seg + mbd.ref_lf_deltas[@ref];

                /* Apply delta for Intra modes */
                mode = 0; /* B_PRED */
                /* Only the split mode BPRED has a further special case */
                lvl_mode = lvl_ref + mbd.mode_lf_deltas[mode];
                /* clamp */
                lvl_mode = (lvl_mode > 0) ? (lvl_mode > 63 ? 63 : lvl_mode) : 0;

                lfi.lvl[seg, @ref, mode] = (byte)lvl_mode;

                mode = 1; /* all the rest of Intra modes */
                /* clamp */
                lvl_mode = (lvl_ref > 0) ? (lvl_ref > 63 ? 63 : lvl_ref) : 0;
                lfi.lvl[seg, @ref, mode] = (byte)lvl_mode;

                /* LAST, GOLDEN, ALT */
                for (@ref = 1; @ref < (int)MV_REFERENCE_FRAME.MAX_REF_FRAMES; ++@ref)
                    /* Apply delta for reference frame */
                    lvl_ref = lvl_seg + mbd.ref_lf_deltas[@ref];

                    /* Apply delta for Inter modes */
                    for (mode = 1; mode < 4; ++mode)
                        lvl_mode = lvl_ref + mbd.mode_lf_deltas[mode];
                        /* clamp */
                        lvl_mode = (lvl_mode > 0) ? (lvl_mode > 63 ? 63 : lvl_mode) : 0;

                        lfi.lvl[seg, @ref, mode] = (byte)lvl_mode;