Ejemplo n.º 1
    void LogTrackerInitIssues(VLTrackingIssues errorIssues, VLTrackingIssues warningIssues)
        // Please use this function in order notify the user of unforseen events during initialization of the tracking pipe
        // Review the documentation of the visionLib SDK in order to get information on possible errorCodes that
        // can help you interpret the error/warning messages

        // Error means, that the visionLib will not work at this moment-> It will NOT start running then
        if (errorIssues != null)
            // Errors on init, which lead to better not advance right now...
            Debug.LogError("LogTrackerInitIssues Errors:" + errorIssues.message);
            for (int i = 0; i < errorIssues.issues.Length; i++)
                Debug.LogError("LogTrackerInitIssue: " + i + "->" + errorIssues.issues[i].code + "->" + errorIssues.issues[i].info);
        // Warning means, that the visionLib will work but might have an issue which can harm the tracking quality
        // (e.g. a not well recognized/calibrated camera)
        if (warningIssues != null)
            // We have some advises from the system that are fine to interpret and
            // pass to the user...
            Debug.LogWarning("LogTrackerInitIssues Warnings:" + warningIssues.message);
            for (int i = 0; i < warningIssues.issues.Length; i++)
                Debug.LogWarning("LogTrackerInitIssue: " + i + "->" + warningIssues.issues[i].code + "->" + warningIssues.issues[i].info);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void CreateTrackerHandler(string errorJson, string resultJson)
        bool hasError = (errorJson != null);

        if (OnTrackerInitializedWithIssues != null)
            VLTrackingIssues errorIssues   = null;
            VLTrackingIssues warningIssues = null;
            if (errorJson != null)
                errorIssues =
                    VLJsonUtility.FromJson <VLTrackingIssues>(errorJson);
            if (resultJson != null)
                warningIssues =
                    VLJsonUtility.FromJson <VLTrackingIssues>(resultJson);

            OnTrackerInitializedWithIssues(errorIssues, warningIssues);

        if (OnTrackerInitialized != null)
            OnTrackerInitialized(errorJson == null);

        // Push the RunTracking command after calling the OnTrackerInitialized
        // event in order to give the user the chance to push commands which
        // will then be executed before the tracking is running.
        // only run if no error has occured...
        if (!hasError)
                new RunTrackingCmd(),
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void LogTrackerInitIssues(VLTrackingIssues errors,
                                      VLTrackingIssues warnings)
        // Notify the user of problems during the initialization of the
        // tracking pipeline. Take a look at the VisionLib SDK documentation
        // for a complete list of error codes.

        // If an error occurred, then the tracking won't work
        if (errors != null)
            if (errors.message != null && errors.message != "")
                Debug.LogError("Error: " + errors.message);
            if (errors.issues != null)
                foreach (VLTrackingIssues.VLTrackingIssue issue in errors.issues)
                    string errorMessage = GetErrorMessage(issue);
                    if (errorMessage != null)
                        Debug.LogError("Issue " + issue.code +
                                       " (\"" + issue.info + "\"): " + errorMessage);
                        Debug.LogError("Issue " + issue.code +
                                       " (\"" + issue.info + "\")");

        // If a warning occurred, then the tracking will work, but the tracking
        // quality might be harmed (e.g. camera not calibrated)
        if (warnings != null)
            if (warnings.message != null && warnings.message != "")
                Debug.LogWarning("Warning: " + warnings.message);
            if (warnings.issues != null)
                foreach (VLTrackingIssues.VLTrackingIssue issue in warnings.issues)
                    string errorMessage = GetErrorMessage(issue);
                    if (errorMessage != null)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Issue " + issue.code +
                                         " (\"" + issue.info + "\"): " + errorMessage);
                        Debug.LogWarning("Issue " + issue.code +
                                         " (\"" + issue.info + "\")");

        if (this.textComponent != null)
            foreach (string errorText in this.errorTextList)
                if (this.issuesText != "")
                    this.issuesText += "\n";
                this.issuesText += "[Error] " + errorText;
            foreach (string warningText in this.warningTextList)
                if (this.issuesText != "")
                    this.issuesText += "\n";
                this.issuesText += "[Warning] " + warningText;
            // Updating the text of the textComponent here caused crashes on
            // the HoloLens. As a workaround, we update the text inside the
            // OnGUI function.