Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void ReplaceChunkDatas(List <IntVector4> newChunkPosList, ProcToMergeChunkAtPos mergeChunkDataAtPos)
        Dictionary <IntVector4, Dictionary <IntVector4, List <IntVector4> > > file2piece2chunkList = new Dictionary <IntVector4, Dictionary <IntVector4, List <IntVector4> > >();
        int n = newChunkPosList.Count;
        int px, py, pz;
        int fx, fz;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            IntVector4 chunkPos = newChunkPosList[i];
            VFFileUtil.WorldChunkPosToPiecePos(chunkPos, out px, out py, out pz);
            VFFileUtil.PiecePos2FilePos(px, py, pz, chunkPos.w, out fx, out fz);

            IntVector4 filePos  = new IntVector4(fx, 0, fz, chunkPos.w);
            IntVector4 piecePos = new IntVector4(px, py, pz, chunkPos.w);
            if (!file2piece2chunkList.ContainsKey(filePos))
                file2piece2chunkList.Add(filePos, new Dictionary <IntVector4, List <IntVector4> >());
            if (!file2piece2chunkList[filePos].ContainsKey(piecePos))
                file2piece2chunkList[filePos].Add(piecePos, new List <IntVector4>());
        List <IntVector4> fileIndexList = file2piece2chunkList.Keys.Cast <IntVector4>().ToList();
        int nFileIndexList = fileIndexList.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < nFileIndexList; i++)
            IntVector4 fileIndex = fileIndexList[i];
            ReplacePiecesInFile(file2piece2chunkList[fileIndex], mergeChunkDataAtPos, fileIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void ReadPieceDataToBuff(int px, int py, int pz, int lod)            // ret if cache hit
        int fx, fz;

        VFFileUtil.PiecePos2FilePos(px, py, pz, lod, out fx, out fz);
        ReadPieceDataToBuff(px, py, pz, lod, fx, fz);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void AddRequest(VFVoxelChunkData chunkData)
        IntVector4 chunkPos = chunkData.ChunkPosLod;

        // Req to chunks out of range will return, these chunks will be null and can not be write according to WriteVoxelAtIdx's code
        if (chunkPos.x < 0 || chunkPos.x >= VoxelTerrainConstants._worldMaxCX ||
            chunkPos.y < 0 || chunkPos.y >= VoxelTerrainConstants.WorldMaxCY(chunkPos.w) ||
            chunkPos.z < 0 || chunkPos.z >= VoxelTerrainConstants._worldMaxCZ)

        if (_bImmMode)          // no caching
            int px, py, pz;
            VFFileUtil.WorldChunkPosToPiecePos(chunkPos, out px, out py, out pz);
            ReadPieceDataToBuff(px, py, pz, chunkPos.w);
            _buff.Decompress(px, py, pz, chunkPos.w);
            _buff.SetChunkData(chunkData, _chunkDataProc);
            ReqValue reqValue;
            if (!_chunkReqList.TryGetValue(chunkData, out reqValue) || !chunkData.IsStampIdentical(reqValue.stamp))
                VFFileUtil.WorldChunkPosToPiecePos(chunkPos, out reqValue.px, out reqValue.py, out reqValue.pz);
                reqValue.pw              = chunkPos.w;
                reqValue.stamp           = chunkData.StampOfUpdating;
                _chunkReqList[chunkData] = reqValue;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private void FetchFile(int fx, int fz, int lod)
        if (fx != _curFileX || fz != _curFileZ || lod != _curFileLod)
            if (_fileStreams != null)
                int idx = lod * VoxelTerrainConstants._mapFileCountX * VoxelTerrainConstants._mapFileCountZ + fz * VoxelTerrainConstants._mapFileCountX + fx;
                _curFileStream = _fileStreams [idx];
                _curFileLen    = _fileLens [idx];
                VFFileUtil.PreOpenFile(_dataFilePrefix, fx, fz, lod, out _curFileStream, out _curFileLen);

            if (_curFileStream != null)
                int ofsDataLenLod = (VoxelTerrainConstants._mapPieceCountXorZ >> lod) * (VoxelTerrainConstants._mapPieceCountXorZ >> lod) * (VoxelTerrainConstants._mapPieceCountY >> lod) * 4;
                _curFileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                _curFileStream.Read(_ofsData, 0, ofsDataLenLod);
            _curFileX   = fx;
            _curFileZ   = fz;
            _curFileLod = lod;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public VFDataReader(string dataFilePrefix, ChunkDataLoadedProcessor chunkDataProc = null, bool bPreopenFiles = true)
     _dataFilePrefix = dataFilePrefix;
     _chunkDataProc  = chunkDataProc;
     if (bPreopenFiles)
         VFFileUtil.PreOpenAllFiles(_dataFilePrefix, out _fileStreams, out _fileLens);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    private byte[] _ofsData = new byte[VFFileUtil.OfsDataLen];          // use the max of all lod's ofsdata len
    private void GetPieceOfsNLen(long fileLen, int px, int py, int pz, int lod, out int pieceDataOfs, out int pieceDataLen)
        int idx = VFFileUtil.PiecePos2IndexInFile(px, py, pz, lod) * 4;       //in byte

        pieceDataOfs = _ofsData[idx] + (_ofsData[idx + 1] << 8) + (_ofsData[idx + 2] << 16) + (_ofsData[idx + 3] << 24);
        int fSetOfsDataLenLod = (VoxelTerrainConstants._mapPieceCountXorZ >> lod) * (VoxelTerrainConstants._mapPieceCountXorZ >> lod) * (VoxelTerrainConstants._mapPieceCountY >> lod) * 4;

        if (idx >= fSetOfsDataLenLod - 4)
            pieceDataLen = (int)(fileLen - pieceDataOfs);
            pieceDataLen = _ofsData[idx + 4] + (_ofsData[idx + 5] << 8) + (_ofsData[idx + 6] << 16) + (_ofsData[idx + 7] << 24) - pieceDataOfs;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    void decompressData(VFVoxelChunkData chunkData)
        int lod = chunkData.LOD;
        int px, py, pz;

        VFFileUtil.WorldChunkPosToPiecePos(chunkData.ChunkPosLod, out px, out py, out pz);

        int fx, fz;

        VFFileUtil.PiecePos2FilePos(px, py, pz, lod, out fx, out fz);

        VFPieceDataClone pieceData = VFDataReaderClone.GetPieceDataSub(new IntVector4(px, py, pz, lod), VFDataReaderClone.GetFileSetSub(new IntVector4(fx, 0, fz, lod)));

        pieceData._data = null;
        pieceData       = null;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public VFVoxelChunkData ReadChunkImm(IntVector4 cpos)     // Read Chunk Data immediately
        VFVoxelChunkData chunkData = new VFVoxelChunkData(null);

        chunkData.ChunkPosLod_w = cpos;
        // Req to chunks out of range will return, these chunks will be null and can not be write according to WriteVoxelAtIdx's code
        if (cpos.x < 0 || cpos.x >= VoxelTerrainConstants._worldMaxCX ||
            cpos.y < 0 || cpos.y >= VoxelTerrainConstants.WorldMaxCY(cpos.w) ||
            cpos.z < 0 || cpos.z >= VoxelTerrainConstants._worldMaxCZ)
        int px, py, pz;

        VFFileUtil.WorldChunkPosToPiecePos(cpos, out px, out py, out pz);
        ReadPieceDataToBuff(px, py, pz, cpos.w);
        _buff.Decompress(px, py, pz, cpos.w);
        _buff.SetChunkData(chunkData, _chunkDataProc);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public void SetChunkData(VFVoxelChunkData chunkData, ChunkDataLoadedProcessor chunkDataProc)
        byte[] chunkDataVT;
        //bool bFromPool;
        byte vol, typ;

        if (IsHollow())
            vol = zippedDataBuffer[0];
            typ = zippedDataBuffer[1];
            if (vol == 0)
                chunkDataVT = VFVoxelChunkData.S_ChunkDataAir;
            else if (vol == 128)
                chunkDataVT = VFVoxelChunkData.S_ChunkDataWaterPlane;
            else if (vol == 255)
                chunkDataVT = VFVoxelChunkData.S_ChunkDataSolid[typ];
                chunkDataVT = new byte[VFVoxel.c_VTSize] {
                    vol, typ

            if (chunkDataProc == null)
                chunkData.OnDataLoaded(chunkDataVT, false);
                chunkDataProc(chunkData, chunkDataVT, false);

        byte[] chunkDataSet    = unzippedDataBuffer;
        int    lenChunkDataSet = unzippedDataLen;
        int    ofsDataAddr     = 0;
        int    idxChunk        = VFFileUtil.ChunkPos2IndexInPiece(chunkData.ChunkPosLod);
        int    idChunkMax      = VoxelTerrainConstants._ChunksPerPiece - 1;

        ofsDataAddr += 4 * idxChunk;

            int vxDataAddr     = (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr]) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 1] << 8) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 2] << 16) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 3] << 24);
            int vxDataNextAddr = (idxChunk < idChunkMax) ? (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 4]) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 5] << 8) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 6] << 16) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 7] << 24)
                                : lenChunkDataSet;
            int dataLen = vxDataNextAddr - vxDataAddr;
            if (dataLen == VoxelTerrainConstants.VOXEL_ARRAY_LENGTH_VT)
                chunkDataVT = VFVoxelChunkData.s_ChunkDataPool.Get();
                Array.Copy(chunkDataSet, vxDataAddr, chunkDataVT, 0, VoxelTerrainConstants.VOXEL_ARRAY_LENGTH_VT);
                if (chunkDataProc == null)
                    chunkData.OnDataLoaded(chunkDataVT, true);
                    chunkDataProc(chunkData, chunkDataVT, true);
            else if (dataLen == VFVoxel.c_VTSize)
                vol = chunkDataSet[vxDataAddr];
                typ = chunkDataSet[vxDataAddr + 1];
                if (vol == 0)
                    chunkDataVT = VFVoxelChunkData.S_ChunkDataAir;
                else if (vol == 128)
                    chunkDataVT = VFVoxelChunkData.S_ChunkDataWaterPlane;
                else if (vol == 255)
                    chunkDataVT = VFVoxelChunkData.S_ChunkDataSolid[typ];
                    chunkDataVT = new byte[VFVoxel.c_VTSize] {
                        vol, typ

                if (chunkDataProc == null)
                    chunkData.OnDataLoaded(chunkDataVT, false);
                    chunkDataProc(chunkData, chunkDataVT, false);
                Debug.LogWarning("[VFDATAReader]Unsupported data length(" + dataLen + ")@" + chunkData.ChunkPosLod);
        } catch {
            Debug.LogWarning("[VFDATAReader]Failed to read Chunk" + chunkData.ChunkPosLod);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    // Output : _buff.zippedDataBuffer, _buff.zippedDataLen
    public void ReplaceChunksInPiece(List <IntVector4> chunkPosList, ProcToMergeChunkAtPos mergeChunkDataAtPos, IntVector4 piecePos)
        ReadPieceDataToBuff(piecePos.x, piecePos.y, piecePos.z, piecePos.w);
        _buff.Decompress(piecePos.x, piecePos.y, piecePos.z, piecePos.w);

        List <IntVector4> sortedChunkPosList = chunkPosList.OrderBy(pos => VFFileUtil.ChunkPos2IndexInPiece(pos)).ToList();

        byte[] chunkDataSet    = _buff.unzippedDataBuffer;
        int    lenChunkDataSet = _buff.unzippedDataLen;

        byte[] hollowData = null;
        if (_buff.IsHollow())
            hollowData = new byte[_buff.zippedDataLen];
            Array.Copy(_buff.zippedDataBuffer, hollowData, _buff.zippedDataLen);
        int           idxChunkMax   = VoxelTerrainConstants._ChunksPerPiece - 1;
        int           idxInPiece    = 0;
        List <byte[]> chunkDataList = new List <byte[]>();

        byte[] chunkData  = null;
        int    sumDataLen = 0;
        int    n          = sortedChunkPosList.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            IntVector4 chunkPos = sortedChunkPosList[i];
            int        idxChunk = VFFileUtil.ChunkPos2IndexInPiece(chunkPos);
            while (idxInPiece <= idxChunk)
                if (_buff.IsHollow())
                    sumDataLen += hollowData.Length;
                    int ofsDataAddr    = 4 * idxInPiece;
                    int vxDataAddr     = (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr]) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 1] << 8) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 2] << 16) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 3] << 24);
                    int vxDataNextAddr = (idxInPiece < idxChunkMax) ? (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 4]) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 5] << 8) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 6] << 16) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 7] << 24)
                                                : lenChunkDataSet;
                    int len = vxDataNextAddr - vxDataAddr;
                    chunkData = new byte[len];
                    Array.Copy(chunkDataSet, vxDataAddr, chunkData, 0, len);
                    sumDataLen += len;
            // merge chunk
            sumDataLen -= chunkDataList[idxChunk].Length;
            chunkDataList[idxChunk] = mergeChunkDataAtPos(chunkPos, chunkDataList[idxChunk]);
            sumDataLen += chunkDataList[idxChunk].Length;
        while (idxInPiece <= idxChunkMax)
            if (_buff.IsHollow())
                sumDataLen += hollowData.Length;
                int ofsDataAddr    = 4 * idxInPiece;
                int vxDataAddr     = (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr]) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 1] << 8) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 2] << 16) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 3] << 24);
                int vxDataNextAddr = (idxInPiece < idxChunkMax) ? (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 4]) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 5] << 8) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 6] << 16) + (chunkDataSet[ofsDataAddr + 7] << 24)
                                        : lenChunkDataSet;
                int len = vxDataNextAddr - vxDataAddr;
                chunkData = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(chunkDataSet, vxDataAddr, chunkData, 0, len);
                sumDataLen += len;

        int ofsDataLen = 4 * VoxelTerrainConstants._ChunksPerPiece;

        _buff.unzippedDataLen = ofsDataLen + sumDataLen;
        byte[] pieceData = _buff.unzippedDataBuffer;
        int    ofs       = ofsDataLen;

        for (int i = 0; i < VoxelTerrainConstants._ChunksPerPiece; i++)
            byte[] data = chunkDataList[i];
            Array.Copy(data, 0, pieceData, ofs, data.Length);
            pieceData[i * 4]     = (byte)(ofs & 0xff);
            pieceData[i * 4 + 1] = (byte)((ofs >> 8) & 0xff);
            pieceData[i * 4 + 2] = (byte)((ofs >> 16) & 0xff);
            pieceData[i * 4 + 3] = (byte)((ofs >> 24) & 0xff);
            ofs += data.Length;
        _buff.zippedDataLen = LZ4.LZ4_compress(_buff.unzippedDataBuffer, _buff.zippedDataBuffer, _buff.unzippedDataLen);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public void ReplacePiecesInFile(Dictionary <IntVector4, List <IntVector4> > piece2chunkList, ProcToMergeChunkAtPos mergeChunkDataAtPos, IntVector4 fileIndex)
        int    lod         = fileIndex.w;
        string newFileName = _dataFilePrefix + "_x" + fileIndex.x + "_y" + fileIndex.z + (lod != 0 ? ("_" + lod + ".tmp") : ".tmp");
        string fileName    = _dataFilePrefix + "_x" + fileIndex.x + "_y" + fileIndex.z + (lod != 0 ? ("_" + lod + ".voxelform") : ".voxelform");

        using (FileStream fsOld = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
            using (FileStream fsNew = new FileStream(newFileName, FileMode.Create))
                int    nMaxPieceCount    = (VoxelTerrainConstants._mapPieceCountXorZ >> lod) * (VoxelTerrainConstants._mapPieceCountXorZ >> lod) * (VoxelTerrainConstants._mapPieceCountY >> lod);
                int    fSetOfsDataLenLod = nMaxPieceCount * 4;
                byte[] ofsDataOld        = new byte[fSetOfsDataLenLod];
                fsOld.Read(ofsDataOld, 0, fSetOfsDataLenLod);
                byte[] ofsDataNew = new byte[fSetOfsDataLenLod];
                fsNew.Seek(fSetOfsDataLenLod, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                List <IntVector4> piecePosList       = piece2chunkList.Keys.Cast <IntVector4>().ToList();
                List <IntVector4> sortedPiecePosList = piecePosList.OrderBy(p => VFFileUtil.PiecePos2IndexInFile(p.x, p.y, p.z, p.w)).ToList();
                int    idx          = 0;
                int    idxInFile    = 0;
                int    pieceDataOfs = 0;
                int    pieceDataLen = 0;
                int    curFilePos   = 0;
                byte[] tmpBuff      = new byte[(int)((VoxelTerrainConstants.VOXEL_NUM_PER_PIECE * VFVoxel.c_VTSize + 256) * 1.004f)];
                int    n            = sortedPiecePosList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    IntVector4 piecePos = sortedPiecePosList[i];
                    int        idxPiece = VFFileUtil.PiecePos2IndexInFile(piecePos.x, piecePos.y, piecePos.z, piecePos.w);
                    while (idxInFile < idxPiece)
                        idx          = idxInFile * 4;
                        pieceDataOfs = ofsDataOld[idx] + (ofsDataOld[idx + 1] << 8) + (ofsDataOld[idx + 2] << 16) + (ofsDataOld[idx + 3] << 24);
                        if (idx >= fSetOfsDataLenLod - 4)
                            pieceDataLen = (int)fsOld.Length - pieceDataOfs;
                            pieceDataLen = ofsDataOld[idx + 4] + (ofsDataOld[idx + 5] << 8) + (ofsDataOld[idx + 6] << 16) + (ofsDataOld[idx + 7] << 24) - pieceDataOfs;
                        fsOld.Seek(pieceDataOfs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        fsOld.Read(tmpBuff, 0, pieceDataLen);
                        curFilePos          = (int)fsNew.Position;
                        ofsDataNew[idx]     = (byte)(curFilePos & 0xff);
                        ofsDataNew[idx + 1] = (byte)((curFilePos >> 8) & 0xff);
                        ofsDataNew[idx + 2] = (byte)((curFilePos >> 16) & 0xff);
                        ofsDataNew[idx + 3] = (byte)((curFilePos >> 24) & 0xff);
                        fsNew.Write(tmpBuff, 0, pieceDataLen);
                    ReplaceChunksInPiece(piece2chunkList[piecePos], mergeChunkDataAtPos, piecePos);
                    curFilePos          = (int)fsNew.Position;
                    idx                 = idxPiece * 4;
                    ofsDataNew[idx]     = (byte)(curFilePos & 0xff);
                    ofsDataNew[idx + 1] = (byte)((curFilePos >> 8) & 0xff);
                    ofsDataNew[idx + 2] = (byte)((curFilePos >> 16) & 0xff);
                    ofsDataNew[idx + 3] = (byte)((curFilePos >> 24) & 0xff);
                    fsNew.Write(_buff.zippedDataBuffer, 0, _buff.zippedDataLen);
                while (idxInFile < nMaxPieceCount)
                    idx          = idxInFile * 4;
                    pieceDataOfs = ofsDataOld[idx] + (ofsDataOld[idx + 1] << 8) + (ofsDataOld[idx + 2] << 16) + (ofsDataOld[idx + 3] << 24);
                    if (idx >= fSetOfsDataLenLod - 4)
                        pieceDataLen = (int)fsOld.Length - pieceDataOfs;
                        pieceDataLen = ofsDataOld[idx + 4] + (ofsDataOld[idx + 5] << 8) + (ofsDataOld[idx + 6] << 16) + (ofsDataOld[idx + 7] << 24) - pieceDataOfs;
                    fsOld.Seek(pieceDataOfs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    fsOld.Read(tmpBuff, 0, pieceDataLen);
                    curFilePos          = (int)fsNew.Position;
                    ofsDataNew[idx]     = (byte)(curFilePos & 0xff);
                    ofsDataNew[idx + 1] = (byte)((curFilePos >> 8) & 0xff);
                    ofsDataNew[idx + 2] = (byte)((curFilePos >> 16) & 0xff);
                    ofsDataNew[idx + 3] = (byte)((curFilePos >> 24) & 0xff);
                    fsNew.Write(tmpBuff, 0, pieceDataLen);
                fsNew.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                fsNew.Write(ofsDataNew, 0, fSetOfsDataLenLod);
        VFFileUtil.CloseAllFiles(ref _curFileStream, ref _fileStreams, ref _fileLens);

        string oldFileName = string.Format(fileName + ".{0:MMdd_hhmmss}", DateTime.Now);

        File.Move(fileName, oldFileName);
        File.Move(newFileName, fileName);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void Close()
     VFFileUtil.CloseAllFiles(ref _curFileStream, ref _fileStreams, ref _fileLens);