Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Where the magic happens (program enters here)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            #region select input data

               /* // Ask the user enter the location of a parameter file
            Console.WriteLine("Location of parameter file is " + Properties.Settings.Default.setupParams);
            Console.WriteLine("Enter new location or press <Enter> if you want to keep it");

            var newParamsFile = Console.ReadLine();
            // if a new parameter location is given then set the Properties.Settings value holding the current location of the params
            // file to the new loctaion, given by the user.
            if ( newParamsFile != String.Empty ){
                 Properties.Settings.Default.setupParams = newParamsFile;
            } */

            if (args.Length != 1)
                string argString = null;
                foreach (string arg in args)
                    argString += " "+arg;
                throw new ArgumentException("GWydiR does not accept " + argString + " as parameters, length : "+args.Length+", please input with the path to a parameter file");

            // read arguments into properties for param file location
            Properties.Settings.Default.setupParams = args[0];

            // read in params from file at location in Properties.Settings.setupParams
            var paramsData = readParams();
            string doUpload = "";
            string dataKeyFile = "";

            // if the key doUpload is present
            if ( paramsData.ContainsKey("doUpload")){
                // get the data given in the params file for param 'doUpload'
                doUpload = paramsData["doUpload"];
                // if a key 'dataKeyFile' is peresent in the params data
                if ( paramsData.ContainsKey("dataKeyFile")){
                    // Get the location of that dataKeyFile file
                    dataKeyFile = paramsData["dataKeyFile"];
                // else the user has failed to submit the required data
                    Console.Write("If you wish to upload the R environment, you must set the access to mass store via the dataKeyFile");
                    Console.Write("Press Return to Exit");
                    var leaving = Console.ReadLine();

            // Here the locations of files used in this program are intialised from the params file given.
            #region initilaise file locations
            string RFileName = getParamVariable(paramsData,"RFileName",@"");

            string userZipFileName = getParamVariable(paramsData,"userZipFileName","");

            string csvFileName = getParamVariable(paramsData,"csvFileName",@"C:\Users\hugh\list.txt");

            string outputRoot = getParamVariable(paramsData,"outputRoot",@"test");

            string appKeyFile = getParamVariable(paramsData,"appKeyFile",@"");

            string myApplicationName = getParamVariable(paramsData,"ApplicationURL",@"");

            string serviceURL = getParamVariable(paramsData,"serviceURL",@"");

            UserDataStoreConnectionString = getConnectionString(appKeyFile);


            #region Upload application zip

            // test to see if the value of doUpload is the character y
            if ( doUpload.Equals("y") ){
                // if yes, inform the user that an uplod is begining
                Console.Write("Uploading application ZIP.. ");

                Reference appReference = null;
                Reference descReference = null;

                // upload and install application - creates application package and description
                UploadApplication(UserDataStoreConnectionString, myApplicationName, dataKeyFile, out appReference, out descReference);



            #region Set up containers for input, output etc.

            // initialise an account object from a data stroe connection string
            var account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(UserDataStoreConnectionString);
            // retrieve a blob client from that account
            var blobClient = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            // get a container from the blob (containers store data like flat directories)
            CloudBlobContainer appDataContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference("applicationcontainer");
            // if the requested container does not exist, create it

            // Apply the same as above.
            var blobContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference("testcontainer");

            // retrieve the jobs to be run from a csv file, location given in params file
            var items = determineJobs(csvFileName);

            foreach ( string item in items ){

             // The job description tells the GenericWorker values for arguments and which files need to be downloaded before and uploaded after execution
                VENUSJobDescription mySimpleJobDescription = new VENUSJobDescription();
                mySimpleJobDescription.ApplicationIdentificationURI = myApplicationName;    // This needs to be the same URI as used when creating the application description
                mySimpleJobDescription.CustomerJobID = outputRoot + " Job " + item + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString();
                mySimpleJobDescription.JobName = outputRoot + " Job " + item;

            // The GenericWorker needs to know where to find the application and description
                mySimpleJobDescription.AppPkgReference = new Reference(new AzureBlobReference(appDataContainer.GetBlobReference(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(mySimpleJobDescription.ApplicationIdentificationURI) + "_App"), UserDataStoreConnectionString));
                mySimpleJobDescription.AppDescReference = new Reference(new AzureBlobReference(appDataContainer.GetBlobReference(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(mySimpleJobDescription.ApplicationIdentificationURI) + "_Desc"), UserDataStoreConnectionString));

            // The application description says, that a several parameters are needed to execute the application.
            // So let's fill them with values.

            // First set up the R script for upload
                createArgument(RFileName, "RFile", mySimpleJobDescription, blobContainer);

            // Then the list of GSE's
                string jobFileName = item + @".csv";

                writeJobToFile(item, jobFileName);

                createArgument(jobFileName, "GSEs", mySimpleJobDescription, blobContainer);

            // Now the output file - we generate a unique file name for this.
                var nameOut = outputRoot + item + DateTime.Now.ToBinary() + ".log";
                createArgument(jobFileName, "OutputFile", mySimpleJobDescription, blobContainer,nameOut: nameOut);

            // Finally an optional zip file of additional material
                if (!userZipFileName.Equals(""))
                    createArgument(userZipFileName, "userZip", mySimpleJobDescription, blobContainer);


            #region Submit job

                Console.WriteLine("Submitting job for item " + item);

                Func<GenericWorkerJobManagementClient> CreateUnprotectedClient = () =>
                    var svcUrl = serviceURL + "JobSubmission/Service.svc";
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Submitting all jobs to {0}", svcUrl));

                    return GenericWorkerJobManagementClient.CreateUnprotectedClient(svcUrl);

                var submissionPortal = CreateUnprotectedClient();

            // The order of job submissions does not matter, because the jobs are data driven




             /*   Console.WriteLine("Done");

               // var allJobs = submissionPortal.GetAllJobs();

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to quit");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Adds a new command file to a jod description after uploading a file to a blob
        private static void createArgument(string FileName, string commandName, VENUSJobDescription mySimpleJobDescription, CloudBlobContainer blobContainer, string nameOut="")
            var commandBlob = blobContainer.GetBlobReference(FileName);

            var commandFile = new AzureArgumentSingleReference();
            commandFile.Name = commandName;               // This has to be the same name as in the application description
            if ( nameOut == "" ){
                commandFile.DataAddress = commandBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
                commandFile.DataAddress = blobContainer.GetBlobReference(nameOut).Uri.AbsoluteUri;
            commandFile.ConnectionString = UserDataStoreConnectionString;