void btnRemoveUsers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <ExtUserRightInfo> usersToRemove = new List <ExtUserRightInfo>(); string userNames = string.Empty;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvUsers.SelectedRows)
                ExtUserRightInfo extUserInfo = row.Tag as ExtUserRightInfo;
                VCAdministrator.AddUnitToMessage(ref userNames, extUserInfo.userInfo.username);
                if (!extUserInfo.added)
                    usersToRemove.Add(extUserInfo);                     //user only needs to be removed via API if it wasn't added during this session of the dialog

            if (UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("Are you sure you want to remove user(s) " + userNames + " from project?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)
                == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvUsers.SelectedRows)
        bool CheckFieldValidity()
            if (cmbReleases.SelectedIndex < 0)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowInfo("Please select a release."); return(false);


            string undefUnits = string.Empty; int undefUnitsCount = 0, actionUnitsCount = 0, mergeCount = 0;

            foreach (var ui in _unitInfos)  // _downloadActions needs to be in the same order as _unitInfos ...
                DataGridViewRow row = null; // ... therefore search for the correct row (users can change order sort-column-actions)
                foreach (DataGridViewRow r in dgvContent.Rows)
                    if ((long)r.Tag == ui.UnitId)
                        row = r; break;

                if (row.Cells[colGetReleaseVersion.Index].ReadOnly)
                else if (EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToBoolean(row.Cells[colKeepUIVersion.Index].Value))
                else if (EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToBoolean(row.Cells[colGetMergeSupport.Index].Value))
                    _downloadActions.Add(DownloadAction.getMergeSupport); ++actionUnitsCount; ++mergeCount;
                else if (EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToBoolean(row.Cells[colGetReleaseVersion.Index].Value))
                    _downloadActions.Add(DownloadAction.getReleaseVersion); ++actionUnitsCount;
                    VCAdministrator.AddUnitToMessage(ref undefUnits, row.Cells[colUnit.Index].Value.ToString()); ++undefUnitsCount;

            if (undefUnitsCount > 0)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowInfo("Please make a choice for each unit, where user-interface-version and Release-version differ." +
                                         Environment.NewLine + string.Format("A choice is missing for unit{0} {1}.", undefUnitsCount > 1 ? "s" : string.Empty, undefUnits));

            if (actionUnitsCount == 0)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowInfo("Your choices do not require any download-action." + Environment.NewLine +
                                         "Please change your choices or close the dialog with Cancel.");

            if (mergeCount > 0 && txtAlternativeFolder.Text != string.Empty)
                UserInfoHandler.ShowInfo("Downloading to an alternative destination is not possible if 'Merge Support' is requested for any unit.");

            if (txtAlternativeFolder.Text != string.Empty && !System.IO.Directory.Exists(txtAlternativeFolder.Text))
                UserInfoHandler.ShowInfo("Please select an existing folder for the alternative destination."); return(false);
