Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the details of the Jobcard of the Employee.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vJobCardApplication">id of the specific Jobcard to display its details</param>
        /// <returns>A table with all the necessary information in the table.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Shows a table that containg the minutes ,start time,end time of the jobcard.</remarks>
        private static string GetJobCardDetails(VAT_JobCardApplication vJobCardApplication)
            string ST      = "";
            string ET      = "";
            string WorkMin = "";

            if (vJobCardApplication.TimeStart != null)
                ST = vJobCardApplication.TimeStart.Value.Hours.ToString("00") + ":" + vJobCardApplication.TimeStart.Value.Minutes.ToString("00");
            if (vJobCardApplication.TimeEnd != null)
                ET = vJobCardApplication.TimeEnd.Value.Hours.ToString("00") + ":" + vJobCardApplication.TimeEnd.Value.Minutes.ToString("00");
            if (vJobCardApplication.Minutes > 0)
                TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0, vJobCardApplication.Minutes.Value, 0);
                WorkMin = ts.Hours.ToString("00") + ":" + ts.Minutes.ToString("00");
            string Body = "<table><tr><td>JOB CARD TYPE</td><td>" + vJobCardApplication.JobCardName + "</td></tr>"
                          + "<tr><td>START DATE</td><td>" + vJobCardApplication.DateStarted.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + "</td></tr>"
                          + "<tr><td>END DATE</td><td>" + vJobCardApplication.DateEnded.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + "</td></tr>"
                          + "<tr><td>START TIME</td><td>" + ST + "</td></tr>"
                          + "<tr><td>END TIME</td><td>" + ET + "</td></tr>"
                          + "<tr><td>MINUTES</td><td>" + WorkMin + "</td></tr></table>";

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void PostCreate(JobCardApp obj, VMLoggedUser LoggedInUser)
         //Save the value provided in the Get of Jobcard and save them in the Jobcard app Table.
         obj.DateCreated    = DateTime.Now;
         obj.JobCardStageID = "P";
         obj.LineManagerID  = LoggedInUser.LineManagerID;
         obj.Remarks        = obj.Remarks;
         obj.JobCardTypeID  = obj.JobCardTypeID;
         obj.DateStarted    = obj.DateStarted;
         obj.DateEnded      = obj.DateEnded;
         // Add Notification to Line Manager that he has a Pending Job card request
         DDService.SaveNotification((int)obj.LineManagerID, "/ESSP/ESSPJobCard/PendingJobCardIndex",
                                    Convert.ToInt32(NotificationTypeJCEnum.JCPending), true, obj.EmployeeID, obj.PJobCardAppID);
         SaveJobCardFlow((int)obj.LineManagerID, (int)LoggedInUser.PUserID, obj.JobCardStageID, obj.PJobCardAppID, obj.Remarks, "");
         // Save entry in  Notification email about the Submission of leave application that is sent to LIne manager through the Service
         VHR_UserEmployee LMUser  = DDService.GetEmployeeUser(obj.LineManagerID, null);
         VHR_UserEmployee EmpUser = DDService.GetEmployeeUser(null, obj.EmployeeID);
         Expression <Func <VAT_JobCardApplication, bool> > SpecificEntries = c => (c.PJobCardAppID == obj.PJobCardAppID);
         VAT_JobCardApplication dbVAT_JobCardApplication = VATJobCardApplicationReporsitory.FindBy(SpecificEntries).First();
         DDService.GenerateEmail(LMUser.OfficialEmailID, "", "Job Card Application # " + obj.PJobCardAppID.ToString(),
                                 ESSPText.GetPendingJCText(dbVAT_JobCardApplication, LMUser.UserEmployeeName), LoggedInUser.PUserID, Convert.ToInt32(NotificationTypeJCEnum.JCPending));
     catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void RejectJobCard(VMESSPCommon vmESSPCommon, VMLoggedUser LoggedInUser)
            //Gets the First entry and comment box for the approval of the Job Card Application
            JobCardApp jobCardApp = JobCardAppRepository.GetSingle((int)vmESSPCommon.PID);

            //Changes the stage of JobCard to "R"(Rejected).
            jobCardApp.JobCardStageID = "R";
            // Add notifcation to Employee end about the Rejection of the Job Card
            VHR_UserEmployee LMUser  = DDService.GetEmployeeUser(jobCardApp.LineManagerID, null);
            VHR_UserEmployee EmpUser = DDService.GetEmployeeUser(null, jobCardApp.EmployeeID);

            DDService.SaveNotification((int)EmpUser.PUserID, "/ESSP/ESSPJobCard/Index",
                                       Convert.ToInt32(NotificationTypeJCEnum.JCRejected), true, jobCardApp.EmployeeID, jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID);
            // Create Entry in the Job card flow.
            SaveJobCardFlow(EmpUser.PUserID, LMUser.PUserID, jobCardApp.JobCardStageID, jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID, "", vmESSPCommon.Comment);
            // Save Email in notification email about the Rejection of the jobcard that is being sent to the employeee through Service.
            Expression <Func <VAT_JobCardApplication, bool> > SpecificEntries2 = c => (c.PJobCardAppID == jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID);
            VAT_JobCardApplication dbVAT_JobCardApplication = VATJobCardApplicationReporsitory.FindBy(SpecificEntries2).First();

            DDService.GenerateEmail(EmpUser.OfficialEmailID, "", "Job Card Application # " + jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID.ToString(),
                                    ESSPText.GetRejectJCText(dbVAT_JobCardApplication, EmpUser.UserEmployeeName, LMUser.UserEmployeeName, LMUser.DesignationName), LoggedInUser.PUserID, Convert.ToInt32(NotificationTypeJCEnum.JCRejected));
            // Disable Notifications of Pending Job Card
            int notiTypeID1 = Convert.ToInt32(NotificationTypeJCEnum.JCPending);
            Expression <Func <Notification, bool> > SpecificEntries = c => (c.UserID == LoggedInUser.PUserID && c.Status == true && (c.NotificationTypeID == notiTypeID1) && c.PID == jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static string GetRejectJCText(VAT_JobCardApplication vJobCardApplication, string ToName, string LMName, string LMDesignation)
            string Body = GetHeader().ToString() +
                          "<body>Dear " + ToName + ", <br/><br/>Your Job Card Application # " + vJobCardApplication.PJobCardAppID.ToString() + " has been <strong>Rejected</strong> by " + LMName + " [" + LMDesignation + "].";

            Body = Body + "<br/><br/> Further Details are:<br/><br/>" + GetJobCardDetails(vJobCardApplication).ToString();
            Body = Body + "<br/>You can access the ESSP account through following link: <br/>" + "http://essp-portal/";
            Body = Body + "<br/><br/><p>***This is System generated email. Please do not reply.***</p><p>Please print this email only if necessary.</p><p>Thank You!</p>" + "</body>";
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Pening Job cards Text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vJobCardApplication">gets the pending jobcard id</param>
        /// <param name="ToName">To whom the jobcard is being sent.</param>
        /// <returns>Generates a mail.</returns>
        /// <remarks>This method has the all the text that is required for the email by just calling this function in the controller</remarks>
        public static string GetPendingJCText(VAT_JobCardApplication vJobCardApplication, string ToName)
            string Body = "<head><style>body{font-family: calibri;}table{font-family: calibri; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;font-size:13px;}td, th{border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px;}</style></head>" +
                          "<body>Dear " + ToName + ", <br/><br/>Job Card Application # " + vJobCardApplication.PJobCardAppID.ToString() + " was submitted by " + vJobCardApplication.EmployeeName + " [" + vJobCardApplication.DesignationName + "] is <strong>Pending</strong> for your approval.";

            Body = Body + "<br/><br/> Further Details are:<br/><br/>" + GetJobCardDetails(vJobCardApplication).ToString();
            Body = Body + "<br/>You can access the ESSP account through following link: <br/>" + "http://essp-portal/";
            Body = Body + "<br/><br/><p>***This is System generated email. Please do not reply.***</p><p>Please print this email only if necessary. </p><p>Thank You!</p>" + "</body>";
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public string ApproveJobCard(VMESSPCommon vmESSPCommon, VMLoggedUser LoggedInUser, string Message)
            //Gets the First entry and comment box for the approval of the Job Card Application
            JobCardApp jobCardApp = JobCardAppRepository.GetSingle((int)vmESSPCommon.PID);

            //Changes the stage of JobCard to "A"(Approved).
            //if (DDService.IsDateLieBetweenActivePayroll(jobCardApp.DateStarted))

            Expression <Func <PayrollPeriod, bool> > SpecificEntries96 = c => jobCardApp.DateStarted >= c.PRStartDate && jobCardApp.DateStarted <= c.PREndDate && c.PeriodStageID == "C";
            List <PayrollPeriod> dbPayrollPeriods = PayrollPeriodService.GetIndexSpecific(SpecificEntries96).ToList();

            if (dbPayrollPeriods.Count() > 0)
                Message = "Cannot Approve Job Cards of Closed Payroll Period";
            if (Message == "")
                jobCardApp.JobCardStageID = "A";
                //Gets the LM and Employee Information
                VHR_UserEmployee LMUser  = DDService.GetEmployeeUser(jobCardApp.LineManagerID, null);
                VHR_UserEmployee EmpUser = DDService.GetEmployeeUser(null, jobCardApp.EmployeeID);
                // Add notifcation to Employee end about the Approval of the Job Card
                DDService.SaveNotification((int)EmpUser.PUserID, "/ESSP/ESSPJobCard/Index",
                                           Convert.ToInt32(NotificationTypeJCEnum.JCApproved), true, jobCardApp.LineManagerID, jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID);
                // Create Entry in the Job card flow.
                SaveJobCardFlow((int)EmpUser.PUserID, (int)jobCardApp.LineManagerID, jobCardApp.JobCardStageID, jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID, "", vmESSPCommon.Comment);
                // Save Email in notification email about the approval of the jobcard that is being sent to the employeee through Service.
                Expression <Func <VAT_JobCardApplication, bool> > SpecificEntries2 = c => (c.PJobCardAppID == jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID);
                VAT_JobCardApplication dbVAT_JobCardApplication = VATJobCardApplicationReporsitory.FindBy(SpecificEntries2).First();
                DDService.GenerateEmail(EmpUser.OfficialEmailID, "", "Job Card Application # " + jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID.ToString(),
                                        ESSPText.GetApprovedJCText(dbVAT_JobCardApplication, EmpUser.UserEmployeeName, LMUser.UserEmployeeName, LMUser.DesignationName), LoggedInUser.PUserID, Convert.ToInt32(NotificationTypeJCEnum.JCApproved));
                // Create Reprocess Request
                DDService.ProcessDailyAttendance(jobCardApp.DateStarted, jobCardApp.DateEnded, (int)jobCardApp.EmployeeID, jobCardApp.EmployeeID.ToString());
                DDService.ProcessMonthlyAttendance(jobCardApp.DateStarted, (int)jobCardApp.EmployeeID, jobCardApp.EmployeeID.ToString());
                // Disable Notifications of Pending Job Card
                int notiTypeID1 = Convert.ToInt32(NotificationTypeJCEnum.JCPending);
                Expression <Func <Notification, bool> > SpecificEntries = c => (c.UserID == LoggedInUser.PUserID && c.Status == true && (c.NotificationTypeID == notiTypeID1) && c.PID == jobCardApp.PJobCardAppID);
