Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void ChangeUIItem(Utils.ItemGatherable itemTarget, bool value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void LayoutForType(Step s)
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField((stepIndex++).ToString(), GUILayout.Width(20));

        if (listeOfCondYes.Contains(stepIndex - 1))
            listeOfCondYes.Remove(stepIndex - 1);
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("y", GUILayout.Width(6));
        if (listeOfCondNo.Contains(stepIndex - 1))
            listeOfCondNo.Remove(stepIndex - 1);
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("n", GUILayout.Width(6));

        s.type         = (Utils.StepType)EditorGUILayout.Popup((int)s.type, System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(Utils.StepType)));
        s.grid[0, s.y] = Utils.enumToString(s.type);

        //s.type = (Utils.StepType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(new Rect(3, 30, 25, 15), s.type);
        switch (s.type)
        case Utils.StepType.Description:
            s.grid[1, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[1, s.y]);

        case Utils.StepType.Dialogue:
            s.grid[1, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[1, s.y]);
            s.grid[2, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[2, s.y]);

        case Utils.StepType.Animation:
            //TO DO : this
            int indexOfAnimator = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[1, s.y], out indexOfAnimator))
                //need to fix this : save only if change , else tmp view
                s.grid[1, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            indexOfAnimator = Mathf.Min(indexOfAnimator, AnimationHandler.animatorsName.Count - 1);
            s.grid[1, s.y]  = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfAnimator, AnimationHandler.animatorsName.ToArray())).ToString();

            //popup for trigger or bool
            string[] popupList = { "Trigger", "Bool" };
            int      res       = EditorGUILayout.Popup((s.grid[2, s.y] == true.ToString()) ? 0 : 1, popupList);
            s.grid[2, s.y] = (res == 0).ToString();

            int indexOfParam = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[3, s.y], out indexOfParam))
                //need to fix this : save only if change , else tmp view
                s.grid[3, s.y] = (0).ToString();

            if (res == 0)
                //Debug.Log(triggerPerAnimator.Count + " trgg count / indexOfAnimator : " + indexOfAnimator);
                indexOfParam   = Mathf.Min(indexOfParam, triggerPerAnimator[indexOfAnimator].Count - 1);
                s.grid[3, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfParam, triggerPerAnimator[indexOfAnimator].ToArray())).ToString();
                s.grid[4, s.y] = "";    //Default value when trigger
                //Debug.Log(boolParamPerAnimator.Count + " bool count / indexOfAnimator : " + indexOfAnimator);
                indexOfParam   = Mathf.Min(indexOfParam, boolParamPerAnimator[indexOfAnimator].Count - 1);
                s.grid[3, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfParam, boolParamPerAnimator[indexOfAnimator].ToArray())).ToString();
                s.grid[4, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(s.grid[4, s.y] == true.ToString()).ToString();    //

            //Normaly : it's work !

        case Utils.StepType.Bruitage:
            s.grid[1, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[1, s.y]);                                                      //index of fx ---> into a string ?
            s.grid[2, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(s.grid[2, s.y] == true.ToString()) ? true.ToString() : false.ToString(); //random ou non donc booléan

        case Utils.StepType.Musique:
            s.grid[1, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[1, s.y]);    //index of musique ---> into a string ?
            s.grid[2, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[2, s.y]);    //delay

        case Utils.StepType.Salle:
            int indexOfRoom = 0;
            if (int.TryParse(s.grid[1, s.y], out indexOfRoom))
                s.grid[1, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfRoom, roomsName.ToArray())).ToString();
                s.grid[1, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(0, roomsName.ToArray())).ToString();

        case Utils.StepType.GoFight:
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("For now, empty ! But soon : a list of ennemy ?");

        case Utils.StepType.Decor:
            //empty yet

        case Utils.StepType.Next:
            s.grid[1, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[1, s.y]);    //CSV enum --> path

        case Utils.StepType.Condition:
            s.grid[1, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[1, s.y]);    //value to check
            s.grid[2, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[2, s.y]);    //path if win //ENUM
            s.grid[3, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[3, s.y]);    //path if not //ENUM
            //TO DO : create an auto-button who create two choice depend on the current inter+choice if 2 or 3 is empty.

        case Utils.StepType.NextLine:
            int lineToGoTo = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[1, s.y], out lineToGoTo))
                s.grid[1, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            s.grid[1, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.IntField(lineToGoTo)).ToString();    //int value. The line to go.

        //////TO DO :
        /// add a breaEditorGUILayoutk line under it, and make a little "icon" or something where it point
        case Utils.StepType.ConditionLine:
            s.grid[1, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[1, s.y]);    //value to check
            int lineIfWin, lineIfLoose = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[2, s.y], out lineIfWin))
                s.grid[2, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[3, s.y], out lineIfLoose))
                s.grid[3, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            s.grid[2, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.IntField(lineIfWin)).ToString();    //int value. The line to go.
            s.grid[3, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.IntField(lineIfLoose)).ToString();  //int value. The line to go.
            //TO DO : a check if line is too high
            //////TO DO :
            /// add a break line under it, and make a little "icon" or something where it point for TRUE and FALSE

        case Utils.StepType.ChangeValeur:
            //boolean only
            s.grid[1, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(s.grid[1, s.y]);    //value name
            s.grid[2, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(s.grid[2, s.y] == true.ToString()) ? true.ToString() : false.ToString();
            //will be store in a dico

        case Utils.StepType.ChangeZone:
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[1, s.y], out indexOfRoom))
                s.grid[1, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            indexOfRoom    = Mathf.Min(indexOfRoom, roomsName.Count - 1);
            s.grid[1, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfRoom, roomsName.ToArray())).ToString();
            int indexOfZone = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[2, s.y], out indexOfZone))
                s.grid[2, s.y] = 0.ToString();
            indexOfZone    = Mathf.Min(indexOfZone, zoneName[indexOfRoom].Count - 1);
            s.grid[2, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfZone, zoneName[indexOfRoom].ToArray())).ToString();

            s.grid[3, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(s.grid[3, s.y] == true.ToString()) ? true.ToString() : false.ToString();     //Active or not

        case Utils.StepType.ChangeInteraction:
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[1, s.y], out indexOfRoom))
                s.grid[1, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            indexOfRoom    = Mathf.Min(indexOfRoom, roomsName.Count - 1);
            s.grid[1, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfRoom, roomsName.ToArray())).ToString();
            indexOfZone    = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[2, s.y], out indexOfZone))
                s.grid[2, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            indexOfZone    = Mathf.Min(indexOfZone, zoneName[indexOfRoom].Count - 1);
            s.grid[2, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfZone, zoneName[indexOfRoom].ToArray())).ToString();
            int indexOfInter = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[3, s.y], out indexOfInter))
                s.grid[3, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            indexOfInter   = Mathf.Min(indexOfInter, interName[indexOfRoom][indexOfZone].Count - 1);
            s.grid[3, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfInter, interName[indexOfRoom][indexOfZone].ToArray())).ToString();

            s.grid[4, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(s.grid[4, s.y] == true.ToString()) ? true.ToString() : false.ToString();     //Active or not

        case Utils.StepType.ChangeState:
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[1, s.y], out indexOfRoom))
                s.grid[1, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            indexOfRoom    = Mathf.Min(indexOfRoom, roomsName.Count - 1);
            s.grid[1, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfRoom, roomsName.ToArray())).ToString();
            indexOfZone    = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[2, s.y], out indexOfZone))
                s.grid[2, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            indexOfZone    = Mathf.Min(indexOfZone, zoneName[indexOfRoom].Count - 1);
            s.grid[2, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfZone, zoneName[indexOfRoom].ToArray())).ToString();
            int indexOfState = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s.grid[3, s.y], out indexOfState))
                s.grid[3, s.y] = (0).ToString();
            indexOfState   = Mathf.Min(indexOfState, interName[indexOfRoom][indexOfZone].Count - 1);
            s.grid[3, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.Popup(indexOfState, statesName[indexOfRoom][indexOfZone])).ToString();

            s.grid[4, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(s.grid[4, s.y] == true.ToString()) ? true.ToString() : false.ToString();     //Active or not

        case Utils.StepType.AddItem:
            //ok, I need to either change that or to automize it
            if (s.grid[1, s.y] == null)
                s.grid[1, s.y] = "balai";
            Utils.ItemGatherable valA = Utils.itemStringToEnum(s.grid[1, s.y]);
            s.grid[1, s.y] = ((Utils.ItemGatherable)EditorGUILayout.Popup((int)valA, System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(Utils.ItemGatherable)))).ToString();

        case Utils.StepType.RemoveItem:
            if (s.grid[1, s.y] == null)
                s.grid[1, s.y] = "balai";
            Utils.ItemGatherable valR = Utils.itemStringToEnum(s.grid[1, s.y]);
            s.grid[1, s.y] = ((Utils.ItemGatherable)EditorGUILayout.Popup((int)valR, System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(Utils.ItemGatherable)))).ToString();

        case Utils.StepType.CinematicBar:
            s.grid[1, s.y] = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(s.grid[1, s.y] == true.ToString()) ? true.ToString() : false.ToString();     //Display or hide
            if (!float.TryParse(s.grid[2, s.y], out float speed))
                s.grid[2, s.y] = (1.0f).ToString();
            s.grid[2, s.y] = (EditorGUILayout.FloatField(speed)).ToString();     //speed of it

            Debug.LogError("... How ?");
        if (GUILayout.Button("Remove"))
            stepToRemove = s;
        if (s.type == Utils.StepType.NextLine)