Ejemplo n.º 1
        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        /* -------------------------------------- UTIL FUNCTION ---------------------------------------*/
        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public void Initialize(UtilityAIBehaviour t)
            MethodInfo methodInfo;

            this.isRunning = false;

            methodInfo = t.GetType().GetMethod(method);

            if (methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(void))
                this.action = System.Action <MovementController> .CreateDelegate(typeof(System.Action <MovementController>), t, methodInfo) as System.Action <MovementController>;
                try {
                    this.coroutineFactory_1 = System.Func <MovementController, IEnumerator> .CreateDelegate(typeof(System.Func <MovementController, IEnumerator>), t, methodInfo) as System.Func <MovementController, IEnumerator>;
                } catch {
                    try {
                        this.coroutineFactory_2 = System.Func <MovementController, UtilityAction, IEnumerator> .CreateDelegate(typeof(System.Func <MovementController, UtilityAction, IEnumerator>), t, methodInfo) as System.Func <MovementController, UtilityAction, IEnumerator>;
                    } catch {
                        Debug.LogWarning($"WARNING : This method '{method}' is not suitable to be an UtilityAction. Check its arguments.");

            foreach (UtilityScorer sc in this.scorers)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void Initialize(UtilityAIBehaviour target)
     if (this.isCondition)
         if (this.method.Contains(" "))
             this.target_running_action = this.method.Split(' ')[0];
             this.condition             = this.IsRunningConditionScorer;
             this.condition = System.Func <MovementController, bool> .CreateDelegate(typeof(System.Func <MovementController, bool>), target, target.GetType().GetMethod(method)) as System.Func <MovementController, bool>;
         this.mapper = System.Func <MovementController, float> .CreateDelegate(typeof(System.Func <MovementController, float>), target, target.GetType().GetMethod(method)) as System.Func <MovementController, float>;
        public sealed override void OnInspectorGUI()
            UtilityAIBehaviour script = target as UtilityAIBehaviour;

            // Rect n = new Rect();
            // n.x = baserect.x + 50;
            // n.y += 500;
            // n.width = 200;
            // n.height = 16;
            // val = EditorGUI.FloatField(n, "Val", val);



            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Utility AI", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
            baserect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, 0);

            actionrect         = baserect;
            actionrect.height += 17;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(actionrect, "Update Interval", EditorStyles.miniLabel);

            actionrect.x     += 90;
            actionrect.width += -95;
            script.updateRate = EditorGUI.Slider(actionrect, script.updateRate, 0.02f, 1f);

            buttonStyle = new GUIStyle("Button");

            // First action position
            baserect.y      += 39;
            baserect.width  += -5;
            baserect.height += 49;

            // Actions field
            for (int act = 0; act < actions.arraySize; ++act)
                actionRef = actions.GetArrayElementAtIndex(act);
                scorers   = actionRef.FindPropertyRelative("scorers");

                // Background
                actionrect         = baserect;
                actionrect.y      += -18;
                actionrect.height += -1;
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(actionrect, actionColor);

                // Action field
                actionrect        = baserect;
                actionrect.x     += 8;
                actionrect.y     += -12;
                actionrect.width += -35;
                actionrect.height = 14;
                this.ActionMethodField(actionrect, actionRef);

                // Trash field
                actionrect        = baserect;
                actionrect.width  = 16;
                actionrect.height = 16;
                actionrect.x     += baserect.width + -23;
                actionrect.y     += -13;
                if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                    GUI.enabled = false;
                if (GUI.Button(actionrect, this.trashTexture, GUIStyle.none))
                if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                    GUI.enabled = true;

                // Arrow scorers field
                actionrect                 = baserect;
                actionrect.x              += 19;
                actionrect.y              += 8;
                actionrect.width           = 0;
                script.displayScorers[act] = EditorGUI.Foldout(actionrect, script.displayScorers[act], "Scorers");
                if (script.displayScorers[act])
                    script.displayParameters[act] = false;

                // Arrow parameters field
                actionrect.x                 += baserect.width + -142;
                actionrect.width              = 97;
                actionrect.height             = 16;
                this.buttonStyle.fontSize     = 9;
                script.displayParameters[act] = GUI.Toggle(actionrect, script.displayParameters[act], "show parameters", this.buttonStyle);
                if (script.displayParameters[act])
                    script.displayScorers[act] = false;

                // Parameters fields
                if (script.displayParameters[act])
                    actionrect = baserect;

                    // Background
                    actionrect.y     += 30;
                    actionrect.height = 30;
                    EditorGUI.DrawRect(actionrect, actionColor);

                    scorerect         = actionrect;
                    scorerect.x      += 8;
                    scorerect.y      += -2;
                    scorerect.width  += -16;
                    scorerect.height += -4;
                    EditorGUI.DrawRect(scorerect, scorerColor);

                    buttonStyle.fontSize = 9;
                    actionrect.height    = 15;
                    actionrect.y        += 3;

                    if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                        GUI.enabled = false;
                    actionrect.width = 64;
                    actionrect.x    += baserect.width + -239;
                    script.actions[act].isStoppable = GUI.Toggle(actionrect, script.actions[act].isStoppable, "stoppable", buttonStyle);

                    actionrect.x    += actionrect.width + 1;
                    actionrect.width = 80;
                    script.actions[act].isParallelizable = GUI.Toggle(actionrect, script.actions[act].isParallelizable, "parallelizable", buttonStyle);

                    actionrect.x    += actionrect.width + 1;
                    actionrect.width = 79;
                    script.actions[act].isForceAlone = GUI.Toggle(actionrect, script.actions[act].isForceAlone, "force alone", buttonStyle);
                    if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                        GUI.enabled = true;

                    // Set position for next action with scorers displayed
                    baserect.y += 30;
                // Scorers fields
                else if (script.displayScorers[act])
                    actionrect = baserect;

                    // Background
                    actionrect.y     += 30;
                    actionrect.height = (scorers.arraySize > 0) ? 49 * scorers.arraySize + 25 : 22;
                    EditorGUI.DrawRect(actionrect, actionColor);

                    // Display scorers fields
                    for (int sco = 0; sco < scorers.arraySize; ++sco)
                        scorerect = actionrect;
                        scoreRef  = scorers.GetArrayElementAtIndex(sco);

                        // Background
                        scorerect.x     += 8;
                        scorerect.y     += -2;
                        scorerect.width += -16;
                        scorerect.height = 46;
                        EditorGUI.DrawRect(scorerect, scorerColor);

                        // Select scorer field
                        scorerect.x     += 4;
                        scorerect.y     += 5;
                        scorerect.width += -27;
                        scorerect.height = 15;
                        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                            GUI.enabled = false;
                        scorer = this.ScorerMethodField(scorerect, scoreRef);
                        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                            GUI.enabled = true;
                        isCond = this.IsScorerCondition(scorer);
                        script.actions[act].scorers[sco].isCondition = isCond;

                        scorerect.y += 21;

                        // Display condition parameters field
                        if (isCond)
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(scorerect, "Score");
                            scorerect.x     += 66;
                            scorerect.width += -48;
                            script.actions[act].scorers[sco].score = EditorGUI.IntField(scorerect, script.actions[act].scorers[sco].score);

                            // 'Not' option field
                            buttonStyle.fontSize = 10;
                            scorerect.y         += -21;
                            scorerect.width      = 31;
                            scorerect.height     = 15;
                            if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                                GUI.enabled = false;
                            script.actions[act].scorers[sco].not = GUI.Toggle(scorerect, script.actions[act].scorers[sco].not, "Not", buttonStyle);
                            if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                                GUI.enabled = true;
                        // Display curve parameters field
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(scorerect, "Curve");
                            scorerect.x     += 66;
                            scorerect.width += -48;

                            if (script.actions[act].scorers[sco].curve == null)
                                script.actions[act].scorers[sco].curve = new AnimationCurve();

                            script.actions[act].scorers[sco].curve = EditorGUI.CurveField(scorerect, script.actions[act].scorers[sco].curve);
                            scorerect.y += -21;

                        // Trash button field
                        scorerect.x      = actionrect.width + -13;
                        scorerect.width  = 15;
                        scorerect.height = 15;
                        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                            GUI.enabled = false;
                        if (GUI.Button(scorerect, this.trashTexture, GUIStyle.none))
                        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                            GUI.enabled = true;

                        // Set position for next scorer
                        actionrect.y += 49;

                    // Add scorer button field
                    actionrect.x     += 8;
                    actionrect.y     += (scorers.arraySize > 0) ? 0 : -2;
                    actionrect.width  = baserect.width + -15;
                    actionrect.height = 18;
                    if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                        GUI.enabled = false;
                    buttonStyle.fontSize = 10;
                    if (GUI.Button(actionrect, "ADD NEW SCORER", buttonStyle))
                        int nb = script.actions[act].scorers.Count;

                        if (this.scorerMethodNames.Length == nb)
                            Debug.Log($"No need to add another scorer, there is enough ! (Number of scorer found: {nb})");
                        else if (this.scorerMethodNames.Length == 0)
                            Debug.Log($"There is no scorer yet !");
                            int scorerIndex = this.GetNextAvailableScorer(script.actions[act].scorers);
                            script.actions[act].AddScorer(this.scorerMethodNames[scorerIndex], this.IsScorerCondition(scorer), scorerIndex);

                    if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                        GUI.enabled = true;

                    // Set position for next action with scorers displayed
                    baserect.y += (scorers.arraySize > 0) ? scorers.arraySize * 49 + 25 : 22;

                // Set position for next action
                baserect.y += 52;

            baserect.y       += -16;
            baserect.width   += 1;
            actionrect        = baserect;
            actionrect.height = 23;
            if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUI.Button(actionrect, "ADD NEW ACTION"))
                if (actionMethodNames.Length == script.actions.Count)
                    Debug.Log($"There is no more action to add ! (Number of action found: {actionMethodNames.Length})");
                    script.AddAction(this.actionMethodNames[script.actions.Count], script.actions.Count);
            if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                GUI.enabled = true;

            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())