Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void PacketGroundSensor(Packet Packet)
            if (Packet == null || Packet.Data == null || Packet.Data.Payload == null || Packet.Data.Payload.Length != 40)
                Log.Output(Log.Severity.WARNING, Log.Source.NETWORK, "Ground sensor packet invalid. Discarding. Length: " + Packet?.Data?.Payload?.Length);
            DateTime Timestamp        = DateTime.Now;
            int      UVLight          = UtilData.ToInt(UtilMain.SubArray(Packet.Data.Payload, 0, 4));
            float    AirQuality       = UtilData.ToFloat(UtilMain.SubArray(Packet.Data.Payload, 4, 4));
            float    SoilMoist        = UtilData.ToFloat(UtilMain.SubArray(Packet.Data.Payload, 8, 4));
            uint     ThermocoupleData = UtilData.ToUInt(UtilMain.SubArray(Packet.Data.Payload, 12, 4));
            double   AtmoTemp         = UtilData.ToDouble(UtilMain.SubArray(Packet.Data.Payload, 16, 8));
            double   AtmoPres         = UtilData.ToDouble(UtilMain.SubArray(Packet.Data.Payload, 24, 8));
            double   AtmoHumid        = UtilData.ToDouble(UtilMain.SubArray(Packet.Data.Payload, 32, 8));

            UV.Data.Add(new Datum <int>(Timestamp, UVLight));
            AirPollution.Data.Add(new Datum <float>(Timestamp, AirQuality));
            SoilMoisture.Data.Add(new Datum <float>(Timestamp, SoilMoist));
            ThermoExt.Data.Add(new Datum <float>(Timestamp, MAX31855.ConvertExternalFromRaw(ThermocoupleData)));
            ThermoInt.Data.Add(new Datum <float>(Timestamp, MAX31855.ConvertInternalFromRaw(ThermocoupleData)));
            AirTemp.Data.Add(new Datum <double>(Timestamp, AtmoTemp));
            AirPressure.Data.Add(new Datum <double>(Timestamp, AtmoPres));
            AirHumidity.Data.Add(new Datum <double>(Timestamp, AtmoHumid));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary> Gets a new reading from the sensor and stores it. </summary>
 public void UpdateState()
     byte[] InputData = this.Bus.Write(this.ChipSelect, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, 4);
     if (InputData != null && InputData.Length == 4)
         this.LastReading = UtilData.ToUInt(InputData);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary> Gets a new reading from the sensor and stores it. </summary>
 public void UpdateState()
     byte[] InputData = this.Bus.Write(this.ChipSelect, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, 4);
     if (InputData != null && InputData.Length == 4)
         this.LastReading = UtilData.ToUInt(InputData);
     if (this.TraceLogging)
         Log.Trace(this, "Received raw data: " + this.LastReading.ToString("X8"));