Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>Returns true if the current value for the field with the fieldIndex passed in represents null/not defined, false otherwise.
 /// Should not be used for testing if the original value (read from the db) is NULL</summary>
 /// <param name="fieldIndex">Index of the field to test if its currentvalue is null/undefined</param>
 /// <returns>true if the field's value isn't defined yet, false otherwise</returns>
 public bool TestCurrentFieldValueForNull(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex fieldIndex)
     return base.CheckIfCurrentFieldValueIsNull((int)fieldIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>Returns true if the original value for the field with the fieldIndex passed in, read from the persistent storage was NULL, false otherwise.
 /// Should not be used for testing if the current value is NULL, use <see cref="TestCurrentFieldValueForNull"/> for that.</summary>
 /// <param name="fieldIndex">Index of the field to test if that field was NULL in the persistent storage</param>
 /// <returns>true if the field with the passed in index was NULL in the persistent storage, false otherwise</returns>
 public bool TestOriginalFieldValueForNull(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex fieldIndex)
     return base.Fields[(int)fieldIndex].IsNull;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>Creates the specified field on the position indexInResultset in the resultset.</summary>
 /// <param name="fieldToDefine">The specification of the field to create.</param>
 /// <param name="indexInResultset">The position in the resultset where the field will be created on</param>
 /// <param name="alias">The alias to use for this field in the resultset</param>
 /// <param name="entityAlias">The alias to use for the entity this field belongs to. Required to specify multiple times the same entity in a typed list</param>
 public void DefineField(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex fieldToDefine, int indexInResultset, string alias, string entityAlias)
     DefineField(fieldToDefine, indexInResultset, alias, entityAlias, AggregateFunction.None);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>Creates the specified field on the position indexInResultset in the resultset.</summary>
 /// <param name="fieldToDefine">The specification of the field to create.</param>
 /// <param name="indexInResultset">The position in the resultset where the field will be created on</param>
 /// <param name="alias">The alias to use for this field in the resultset</param>
 /// <param name="entityAlias">The alias to use for the entity this field belongs to. Required to specify multiple times the same entity in a typed list</param>
 /// <param name="aggregateFunctionToApply">the aggregate function to apply to this field.</param>
 public void DefineField(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex fieldToDefine, int indexInResultset, string alias, string entityAlias, AggregateFunction aggregateFunctionToApply)
     IEntityField2 fieldToAdd = EntityFieldFactory.Create(fieldToDefine);
     fieldToAdd.Alias = alias;
     fieldToAdd.ObjectAlias = entityAlias;
     fieldToAdd.AggregateFunctionToApply = aggregateFunctionToApply;
     base[indexInResultset] = fieldToAdd;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary> Creates a new IEntityField2 instance for usage in the EntityFields object for the UserRoleLinkEntity. Which EntityField is created is specified by fieldIndex</summary>
        /// <param name="fieldIndex">The field which IEntityField2 instance should be created</param>
        /// <returns>The IEntityField2 instance for the field specified in fieldIndex</returns>
        public static IEntityField2 Create(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex fieldIndex)
            IEntityField2 fieldToReturn = null;
                case UserRoleLinkFieldIndex.UserId:
                    fieldToReturn = new EntityField2("UserId", "UserRoleLinkEntity", typeof(System.String), TypeDefaultValue.GetDefaultValue(typeof(System.String)), true, (int)fieldIndex, 50, 0, 0, true, false, true);
                case UserRoleLinkFieldIndex.RoleName:
                    fieldToReturn = new EntityField2("RoleName", "UserRoleLinkEntity", typeof(System.String), TypeDefaultValue.GetDefaultValue(typeof(System.String)), true, (int)fieldIndex, 50, 0, 0, true, false, true);

            return fieldToReturn;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>Creates a new sort clause for the UserRoleLinkEntity field specified.</summary>
 public static ISortClause Create(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex fieldToSort, SortOperator operatorToUse, string objectAlias)
     return new SortClause(EntityFieldFactory.Create(fieldToSort), null, operatorToUse, objectAlias);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>FieldLikePredicate factory for UserRoleLinkEntity.</summary>
 public static FieldLikePredicate Like(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex indexOfField, string pattern)
     return new FieldLikePredicate(EntityFieldFactory.Create(indexOfField), null, pattern);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>FieldLikePredicate factory for UserRoleLinkEntity.</summary>
 public static FieldLikePredicate Like(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex indexOfField, string objectAlias, string pattern, bool negate)
     return new FieldLikePredicate(EntityFieldFactory.Create(indexOfField), null, objectAlias, pattern, negate);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>FieldCompareRangePredicate factory for UserRoleLinkEntity.</summary>
 public static FieldCompareRangePredicate CompareRange(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex indexOfField, string objectAlias, bool negate, params object[] values)
     return new FieldCompareRangePredicate(EntityFieldFactory.Create(indexOfField), null, objectAlias, negate, values);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>FieldCompareValuePredicate factory for UserRoleLinkEntity.</summary>
 public static FieldCompareValuePredicate CompareValue(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex indexOfField, ComparisonOperator operatorToUse, object value, string objectAlias, bool negate)
     return new FieldCompareValuePredicate(EntityFieldFactory.Create(indexOfField), null, operatorToUse, value, objectAlias, negate);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>FieldCompareNullPredicate factory for UserRoleLinkEntity.</summary>
 public static FieldCompareNullPredicate CompareNull(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex indexOfField, string objectAlias, bool negate)
     return new FieldCompareNullPredicate(EntityFieldFactory.Create(indexOfField), null, objectAlias, negate);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>FieldCompareNullPredicate factory for UserRoleLinkEntity.</summary>
 public static FieldCompareNullPredicate CompareNull(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex indexOfField)
     return new FieldCompareNullPredicate(EntityFieldFactory.Create(indexOfField), null);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>FieldCompareExpressionPredicate factory for UserRoleLinkEntity.</summary>
 public static FieldCompareExpressionPredicate CompareExpression(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex indexOfField, ComparisonOperator operatorToUse, IExpression expressionToCompareWith, string objectAlias, bool negate)
     return new FieldCompareExpressionPredicate(EntityFieldFactory.Create(indexOfField), null, operatorToUse, expressionToCompareWith, objectAlias, negate);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>FieldBetweenPredicate factory for UserRoleLinkEntity.</summary>
 public static FieldBetweenPredicate Between(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex indexOfField, object valueBegin, object valueEnd, string objectAlias, bool negate)
     return new FieldBetweenPredicate(EntityFieldFactory.Create(indexOfField), null, valueBegin, valueEnd, objectAlias, negate);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>FieldBetweenPredicate factory for UserRoleLinkEntity.</summary>
 public static FieldBetweenPredicate Between(UserRoleLinkFieldIndex indexOfField, object valueBegin, object valueEnd)
     return new FieldBetweenPredicate(EntityFieldFactory.Create(indexOfField), null, valueBegin, valueEnd);