public void UserPostsService_HasCorrectPostCountGivenAUserAndPostCollection()
            Mock <IUserPostsRepository> userPostsRepo = new Mock <IUserPostsRepository>();

            userPostsRepo.Setup(m => m.GetAllUsers()).ReturnsAsync(new List <UserRaw>()
                new UserRaw()
                    Name    = "Giles",
                    Id      = 1,
                    Address = new Address(),
                    Company = new Company()
                new UserRaw()
                    Name    = "Joseph",
                    Id      = 2,
                    Address = new Address(),
                    Company = new Company()

            userPostsRepo.Setup(m => m.GetAllPosts()).ReturnsAsync(new List <PostRaw>()
                new PostRaw()
                    UserId = 1,
                    Title  = "asd",
                    Body   = "fgdfgfdgfd"
                new PostRaw()
                    UserId = 1,
                    Title  = "asjghjghjd",
                    Body   = "fgdfghgjgjghjghjghfdgfd"
                new PostRaw()
                    UserId = 1,
                    Title  = "title",
                    Body   = "body"

            var service       = new UserPostsService(userPostsRepo.Object);
            var actual        = service.GetUserAndPostCounts().Result;
            var expectedCount = 3;

            // mocking the data call to get 2 users and posts, check that the service assigns the correct number of
            // posts to the user with userId 1
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actual.Where(o => (o.User.Id == 1)).First().Posts.Count());