public override void Run()

            UserList UsrLst = null;
            User     ImpUsr = null, DefUsr = null;
            string   sDefUsrLogID = Global.StringNull, sMsg = Global.StringNull;

            object[]          ValMat = null;
            ADUserInfo        ADUsrInf = null;
            List <ADUserInfo> ADUsrInfLst = null;
            bool bAddUsr = Global.BooleanNull, bUpdUsr = Global.BooleanNull, bDelUsr = Global.BooleanNull;

            //--- Create a new start import message
            CreateMessage(ProgressMessage.enMessageState.Info, ProgMsg_StartImpADUsrs);

            //--- Get the action flags
            bAddUsr = ServiceTarget.ConfigFile.GetBoolean(GetConfigNodePath(NodName_AddUsr));
            bUpdUsr = ServiceTarget.ConfigFile.GetBoolean(GetConfigNodePath(NodName_UpdUsr));
            bDelUsr = ServiceTarget.ConfigFile.GetBoolean(GetConfigNodePath(NodName_DelUsr));

            //--- Create a new read AD users message
            CreateMessage(ProgressMessage.enMessageState.Info, ProgMsg_ReadADUsrsFile);

            //--- Parse the AD user value matrix and remove the header line
            ValMat = Files.ParseCsvFile(ADUserFileWatcher.FileName, Sep_ADUsrFile_Ln, Sep_ADUsrFile_Val);
            Library.Arrays.Array.RemoveAt(ref ValMat, 0);

            //--- Init the AD user infos
            ADUsrInfLst = new List <ADUserInfo>();

            //--- Add the AD user infos
            for (int nIdx = 0; nIdx < ValMat.Length; nIdx++)
                //--- Init the AD user info
                ADUsrInf = new ADUserInfo((string[])ValMat[nIdx]);

                //--- Check person user
                if (!ADUsrInf.IsPersonUser())

                //--- Add to the AD unser infos

            //--- Create a new read server users message
            CreateMessage(ProgressMessage.enMessageState.Info, ProgMsg_ReadUsrsSvr.Replace("%svr%", GetServer().ServerName));

            //--- Get the default user login ID and read the users
            sDefUsrLogID = ServiceTarget.ConfigFile.GetString(GetConfigNodePath(NodName_DefUsr), true);
            UsrLst       = ReadAllSBMUsers();

            //--- Find the default user and remove from the users if exists
            if ((DefUsr = UsrLst.FindByLoginID(sDefUsrLogID)) == null)
                throw new SBMException(ErrMsg_DefUsrNotExi.Replace("%log%", sDefUsrLogID));

            //--- Create a new read AD users message
            CreateMessage(ProgressMessage.enMessageState.Info, ProgMsg_ImpADUsrs);

            //--- Add or updste the AD users
            for (int nUsrIdx = 0; nUsrIdx < ADUsrInfLst.Count; nUsrIdx++)
                //--- Get the AD user and clear the user
                ADUsrInf = ADUsrInfLst[nUsrIdx];
                ImpUsr   = null;

                //--- Find the user with the login ID
                if ((ImpUsr = UsrLst.FindByLoginID(ADUsrInf.LoginID)) == null)
                    //--- Check add user
                    if (bAddUsr)
                        //--- Init the user and set the user values
                        ImpUsr = GetServer().NewUser();
                        SetUserValues(ImpUsr, DefUsr, ADUsrInf, true);

                        //--- Tag the user and add the user to the users
                        ImpUsr.Tag = enAction.Create;
                    //--- Check update user
                    if (bUpdUsr)
                        //--- Update the and tag the user
                        ImpUsr.Tag = enAction.Update;
                        SetUserValues(ImpUsr, DefUsr, ADUsrInf, false);
                    //--- Remove the user

            //--- Delete the users
            for (int nUsrIdx = UsrLst.Count - 1; nUsrIdx >= 0; nUsrIdx--)
                //--- Get the user
                ImpUsr = UsrLst[nUsrIdx];

                //--- Check user tag not exists
                if (ImpUsr.Tag != null)
                //--- Remove the user if not deleted and not an AD user and delete user
                else if (ImpUsr.IsDeleted() || String.IsNullOrEmpty(ImpUsr.GetEmailCC()) || !bDelUsr)
                    //--- Tag the user and set the user deleted
                    ImpUsr.Tag = enAction.Delete;

            //--- Create a new read AD users message
            CreateMessage(ProgressMessage.enMessageState.Info, ProgMsg_AddOrUpdADUsrs);

            //--- Add, update or delete the users
            for (int nUsrIdx = 0; nUsrIdx < UsrLst.Count; nUsrIdx++)
                //--- Get the user and the message
                ImpUsr = UsrLst[nUsrIdx];
                sMsg   =
                    (enAction)ImpUsr.Tag == enAction.Create ? ProgMsg_CreUsr :
                    (enAction)ImpUsr.Tag == enAction.Update ? ProgMsg_UpdUsr :
                    (enAction)ImpUsr.Tag == enAction.Delete ? ProgMsg_DelUsr :

                //--- Create a new message
                    sMsg.Replace("%log%", ImpUsr.GetLoginID()).Replace("%name%", ImpUsr.GetDisplayName()),
                    nUsrIdx + 1,

                    //--- Create the user
                    if ((enAction)ImpUsr.Tag == enAction.Create)
                    //--- Update the user
                    else if (((enAction)ImpUsr.Tag == enAction.Update) || ((enAction)ImpUsr.Tag == enAction.Delete))
                //--- Log the exception message
                catch (Exception Exc)
                { CreateMessage(Exc); }

            //--- Create a new message
            CreateMessage(ProgressMessage.enMessageState.Info, ProgMsg_FinImpADUsrs, UsrLst.Count, UsrLst.Count);