Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The default input reader which looks for specific flags to start detecting the url.
        /// </summary>
        private void ReadDefault()
            //Keeps track of the number of characters read to be able to later cut out the domain name.
            var length = 0;

            // keep track of how many times each character in each index of the raw input has been read
            var contentReadByIndexCount = new byte[_reader.ContentLength];

            //until end of string read the contents
            while (!_reader.Eof())
                // We want to ensure that backtracking and looping on content is limited from infinite-loops, so
                // we take the hit and track each time an element in the input is read, and if its been hit too
                // many times, we step forwards until we find an element that has NOT been read too many times
                var currentIndex = _reader.GetPosition();
                contentReadByIndexCount[currentIndex] += 1;
                while (contentReadByIndexCount[currentIndex] >= ContentReadByIndexMaximum)
                    // Forcably step to the next character in the input, so we jump out of infinite loops
                    currentIndex = _reader.GetPosition();

                // Read the next char to process.
                var curr = _reader.Read();

                switch (curr)
                case ' ':
                    //space was found, check if it's a valid single level domain.
                    if (_options.HasFlag(UrlDetectorOptions.ALLOW_SINGLE_LEVEL_DOMAIN) && _buffer.Length > 0 && _hasScheme)
                        if (!ReadDomainName(_buffer.ToString().Substring(length)))

                    length = 0;

                case '%':
                    if (_reader.CanReadChars(2))
                        if (_reader.Peek(2).Equals("3a", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            length = ProcessColon(length);
                        else if (CharUtils.IsHex(_reader.PeekChar(0)) && CharUtils.IsHex(_reader.PeekChar(1)))

                            if (!ReadDomainName(_buffer.ToString().Substring(length)))
                            length = 0;


                case '\u3002':                         //non-standard dots
                case '\uFF0E':
                case '\uFF61':
                case '.':                         //"." was found, read the domain name using the start from length.
                    if (!ReadDomainName(_buffer.ToString().Substring(length)))
                    length = 0;

                case '@':                         //Check the domain name after a username
                    if (_buffer.Length > 0)
                        _currentUrlMarker.SetIndex(UrlPart.USERNAME_PASSWORD, length);
                        if (!ReadDomainName(null))
                        length = 0;


                case '[':
                    if (_dontMatchIpv6)
                        //Check if we need to match characters. If we match characters and this is a start or stop of range,
                        //either way reset the world and start processing again.
                        if (CheckMatchingCharacter(curr) != CharacterMatch.CharacterNotMatched)
                            length = 0;

                    var beginning = _reader.GetPosition();

                    //if it doesn't have a scheme, clear the buffer.
                    if (!_hasScheme)
                        _buffer.Remove(0, _buffer.Length);


                    if (!ReadDomainName(_buffer.ToString().Substring(length)))
                        //if we didn't find an ipv6 address, then check inside the brackets for urls
                        _dontMatchIpv6 = true;

                    length = 0;

                case '/':
                    // "/" was found, then we either read a scheme, or if we already read a scheme, then
                    // we are reading a url in the format http://123123123/asdf

                    if (_hasScheme || _options.HasFlag(UrlDetectorOptions.ALLOW_SINGLE_LEVEL_DOMAIN) && _buffer.Length > 1)
                        //we already have the scheme, so then we already read:
                        //http://something/ <- if something is all numeric then its a valid url.
                        //OR we are searching for single level domains. We have buffer length > 1 condition
                        //to weed out infinite backtrack in cases of html5 roots

                        //unread this "/" and continue to check the domain name starting from the beginning of the domain
                        if (!ReadDomainName(_buffer.ToString().Substring(length)))

                        length = 0;
                        //we don't have a scheme already, then clear state, then check for html5 root such as: "//google.com/"
                        // remember the state of the quote when clearing state just in case its "//google.com" so its not cleared.
                        _hasScheme = ReadHtml5Root();
                        length     = _buffer.Length;


                case ':':
                    //add the ":" to the url and check for scheme/username
                    length = ProcessColon(length);

                    //Check if we need to match characters. If we match characters and this is a start or stop of range,
                    //either way reset the world and start processing again.
                    if (CheckMatchingCharacter(curr) != CharacterMatch.CharacterNotMatched)
                        length = 0;


            if (_options.HasFlag(UrlDetectorOptions.ALLOW_SINGLE_LEVEL_DOMAIN) && _buffer.Length > 0 && _hasScheme)
                if (!ReadDomainName(_buffer.ToString().Substring(length)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads and parses the current string to make sure the domain name started where it was supposed to,
        /// and the current domain name is correct.
        /// @return The next state to use after reading the current.
        /// </summary>
        private ReaderNextState ReadCurrent()
            if (_current != null)
                //Handles the case where the string is ".hello"
                if (_current.Length == 1 && CharUtils.IsDot(_current[0]))

                if (_current.Length == 3 && _current.Equals("%" + HEX_ENCODED_DOT, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                //The location where the domain name started.
                _startDomainName = _buffer.Length - _current.Length;

                //flag that the domain is currently all numbers and/or dots.
                _numeric = true;

                //If an invalid char is found, we can just restart the domain from there.
                var newStart = 0;

                var currArray = _current.ToCharArray();
                var length    = currArray.Length;

                //hex special case
                var isAllHexSoFar = length > 2 && currArray[0] == '0' && (currArray[1] == 'x' || currArray[1] == 'X');

                var index = isAllHexSoFar ? 2 : 0;
                var done  = false;

                while (index < length && !done)
                    //get the current character and update length counts.
                    var curr = currArray[index];
                    _topLevelLength = _currentLabelLength;

                    //Is the length of the last part > 64 (plus one since we just incremented)
                    if (_currentLabelLength > MAX_LABEL_LENGTH)

                    if (CharUtils.IsDot(curr))
                        //found a dot. Increment dot count, and reset last length
                        _currentLabelLength = 0;
                    else if (curr == '[')
                        _seenBracket = true;
                        _numeric     = false;
                    else if (curr == '%' && index + 2 < length && CharUtils.IsHex(currArray[index + 1]) &&
                             CharUtils.IsHex(currArray[index + 2]))
                        //handle url encoded dot
                        if (currArray[index + 1] == '2' && currArray[index + 2] == 'e')
                            _currentLabelLength = 0;
                            _numeric = false;

                        index += 2;
                    else if (isAllHexSoFar)
                        //if it's a valid character in the domain that is not numeric
                        if (!CharUtils.IsHex(curr))
                            _numeric      = false;
                            isAllHexSoFar = false;
                            index--;                             //backtrack to rerun last character knowing it isn't hex.
                    else if (CharUtils.IsAlpha(curr) || curr == '-' || curr >= INTERNATIONAL_CHAR_START)
                        _numeric = false;
                    else if (!CharUtils.IsNumeric(curr) && !_options.HasFlag(UrlDetectorOptions.ALLOW_SINGLE_LEVEL_DOMAIN))
                        //if its not _numeric and not alphabetical, then restart searching for a domain from this point.
                        newStart            = index + 1;
                        _currentLabelLength = 0;
                        _topLevelLength     = 0;
                        _numeric            = true;
                        _dots = 0;
                        done  = true;


                //An invalid character for the domain was found somewhere in the current buffer.
                //cut the first part of the domain out. For example:
                // http://asdf%asdf.google.com <- asdf.google.com is still valid, so restart from the %
                if (newStart > 0)
                    //make sure the location is not at the end. Otherwise the thing is just invalid.
                    if (newStart < _current.Length)

                        //_buffer.Replace(0, _buffer.Length(), _current.javaSubstring(newStart));

                        //cut out the previous part, so now the domain name has to be from here.
                        _startDomainName = 0;

                    //now after cutting if the buffer is just "." newStart > current (last character in current is invalid)
                    if (newStart >= _current.Length || _buffer.ToString().Equals("."))
                _startDomainName = _buffer.Length;

            //all else is good, return OK