Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static HttpResponseMessage CallSendApiMethod(string apiUrl, string methodName, Dictionary <string, string> queryString, object model)
            HttpResponseMessage result;

            var resourceDocument = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model);
            var content          = new StringContent(resourceDocument, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(webApiBaseAddress + apiUrl + methodName)
            var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uriBuilder.Query);

            foreach (var item in queryString)
                query[item.Key] = item.Value;
            uriBuilder.Query = query.ToString();

            using (var client = CreateClient())
                Upsert upsert = client.PostAsync;

                var response = upsert(uriBuilder.Uri.ToString(), content).Result;
                result = response;

Ejemplo n.º 2

        public async void SaveTransaction(Transaction transaction)
            if (transaction.User == 0)
                transaction.User = User.Id;
            transaction.Changed = DateTime.Now.ToTimeStamp();
            if (transaction.Created == 0)
                transaction.Created = transaction.Changed;
            Logger.Trace("Saving transaction: \n\n" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(transaction));

            if (transaction.IncomeAccount == Guid.Empty ||
                transaction.OutcomeAccount == Guid.Empty ||
                (Math.Abs(transaction.Outcome) < 0.01 && Math.Abs(transaction.Income) < 0.01))
                Logger.Log("Transaction is not valid!");
            var upsert = new Upsert()
                Id = transaction.Id, Type = UpsertType.Transaction

            _db.Table <Transaction>().Save(transaction);
            _db.Table <Upsert>().Save(upsert);

            await Syncronize();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// Builds a SubSonic upsert query from the passed-in object.
        public static ISqlQuery ToUpsertQuery <T>(this T item, IDataProvider provider) where T : class, new()
        {   // TODO.ZJG: This is not really implemented.
            Type   type  = typeof(T);
            ITable tbl   = provider.FindOrCreateTable <T>();
            Upsert query = null;

            if (tbl != null)
                var hashed = item.ToDictionary();
                query = new Upsert(provider).Into <T>(tbl);
                foreach (string key in hashed.Keys)
                    IColumn col = tbl.GetColumnByPropertyName(key);

                    if (col != null)
                        if (!col.AutoIncrement && !col.IsReadOnly && !(col.DefaultSetting != null && hashed[key] == null))
                            query.Value(col.QualifiedName, hashed[key], col.DataType);

        private string GenerateUpsertQuery(Upsert upsertQuery)
            var statementParts = new List <string>
                $@"""doc_as_upsert"": true"

            return($"{{ {string.Join(",", statementParts)} }}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void WritePermissions(DdlRules rules, StringWriter writer)
            var template = _mapping.DdlTemplate.IsNotEmpty()
                ? rules.Templates[_mapping.DdlTemplate.ToLower()]
                : rules.Templates["default"];

            Table.WriteTemplate(template, writer);
            Upsert.WriteTemplate(rules, template, writer);
            Update.WriteTemplate(rules, template, writer);
            Insert.WriteTemplate(rules, template, writer);
            Overwrite?.WriteTemplate(rules, template, writer);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static async Task <ExitResult> WinEvt(WinEvtOptions o)
            var path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(SysMonEvtLogPath);

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                Error("The SysMon event log file at {0} was not found. Ensure you have installed SysMon on this system.", path);
                EventData = new Upsert();
                var winevt = new WinEvtLogReader(EventData);
                Info("Using SysMon event log file at {0}.", path);
                Info("Reading SysMon event log. Press any key to exit.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void UpsertQuery_Generation_UpdatePoco()
            // Arrange
            var query       = Upsert.Document(poco);
            var queryObject = new
                doc = new
                    TestInteger  = 12345,
                    TestText     = "ABCDEFG",
                    TestBool     = true,
                    TestDateTime = new DateTime(2017, 9, 10),
                    TestDouble   = 1.337
                doc_as_upsert = true

            // Act and Assert
            TestQuery(queryObject, query);
            TestQuery(queryObject, query, true);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <UpsertResult> Upsert(string graphName, Upsert data, bool?ack, bool?new_vertex_only, bool?vertex_must_exist)
            if (data.vertices == null)
                data.vertices = new VerticesUpsert();
            if (data.edges == null)
                data.edges = new EdgesUpsert();
            int vc = data.vertices.Count;
            int ec = data.edges.Count;

            using (var op = Begin("Upsert {0} vertices and {1} edges into graph {2} on server {3}", vc, ec, graphName, RestServerUrl))
                var query    = "graph/" + graphName;
                var response = await RestHttpPostAsync <Upsert, UpsertResult>(query, data);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit([FromForm] EmployeeModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // Map model to resource
            var resource = mapper.Map <EmployeeResource>(model);

            // save resource to Json
            var resourceDocument = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resource);

            using (var content = new StringContent(resourceDocument, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"))
                using (var client = restClient.CreateClient(User))
                    // determen call update or insert
                    Upsert upsert = client.PutAsync;

                    // no RowVersion indicates insert
                    if (model.RowVersion.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        upsert = client.PostAsync;

                    using (var response = await upsert(apiUrl, content))
                        // init result
                        var result = new ResourceResult <EmployeeResource>(resource);

                        // read result from RESTful service
                        var responseDocument = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK ||
                            response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
                            // Fetch created or updated resource from response
                            result.Resource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EmployeeResource>(responseDocument);;
                            // fetch errors and or exceptions
                            result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResourceResult <EmployeeResource> >(responseDocument);

                        // Set error message for concurrency error
                        if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
                            result.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("This record is modified by another user"));
                            result.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("Your work is not saved and replaced with new content"));
                            result.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("Please review the new content and if required edit and save again"));

                        if (response.StatusCode.IsInSet(HttpStatusCode.OK, HttpStatusCode.Created, HttpStatusCode.Conflict))
                            return(StatusCode(response.StatusCode.ToInt32(), result));

                        // copy errors so they will be rendered in edit form
                        foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                            ModelState.AddModelError(error.MemberName ?? "", error.Message);

                        // Update model with Beautify effect(s) and make it visible in the partial view
                        IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> properties = model.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                        foreach (var property in properties)
                            var rawValue       = property.GetValue(model);
                            var attemptedValue = rawValue == null ? "" : Convert.ToString(rawValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                            ModelState.SetModelValue(property.Name, rawValue, attemptedValue);

                        // No need to specify model here, it has no effect on the render process :-(
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void Merge(TodoChangeMessage message)
     Upsert = Upsert.Concat(message.Upsert).ToArray();
     Delete = Delete.Concat(message.Delete).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit([FromForm] UploadedFileModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (model.FileToUpload != null)
                //var uploads = Path.Combine(env.WebRootPath, "uploads");
                var  uploads = Path.Combine("C:/", "uploads");
                bool exists  = Directory.Exists(uploads);
                if (!exists)

                var    fileName   = Path.GetFileName(model.FileToUpload.FileName);
                var    fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(uploads, model.FileToUpload.FileName), FileMode.Create);
                string mimeType   = model.FileToUpload.ContentType;
                byte[] fileData   = new byte[model.FileToUpload.Length];

                BlobStorageService objBlobService = new BlobStorageService();

                model.ImageFilePath = objBlobService.UploadFileToBlob(model.ImageFilename, model.FileToUpload.FileName, fileData, mimeType);

            // Map model to resource
            var resource = mapper.Map <UploadedFileResource>(model);

            // save resource to Json
            var resourceDocument = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resource);

            using (var content = new StringContent(resourceDocument, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"))
                // determen call update or insert
                Upsert upsert = apiClient.PutAsync;

                // no RowVersion indicates insert
                if (model.RowVersion.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    upsert = apiClient.PostAsync;

                using (var response = await upsert(apiUrl, content))
                    // init result
                    var result = new ResourceResult <UploadedFileResource>(resource);

                    // read result from RESTful service
                    var responseDocument = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK ||
                        response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
                        // Fetch created or updated resource from response
                        result.Resource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UploadedFileResource>(responseDocument);;
                        // fetch errors and or exceptions
                        result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResourceResult <UploadedFileResource> >(responseDocument);

                    // Set error message for concurrency error
                    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
                        result.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("This record is modified by another user"));
                        result.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("Your work is not saved and replaced with new content"));
                        result.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("Please review the new content and if required edit and save again"));

                    if (response.StatusCode.IsInSet(HttpStatusCode.OK, HttpStatusCode.Created, HttpStatusCode.Conflict))
                        return(StatusCode(response.StatusCode.ToInt32(), result));

                    // copy errors so they will be rendered in edit form
                    foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                        ModelState.AddModelError(error.MemberName ?? "", error.Message);

                    // Update model with Beautify effect(s) and make it visible in the partial view
                    IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> properties = model.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                    foreach (var property in properties)
                        var rawValue       = property.GetValue(model);
                        var attemptedValue = rawValue == null ? "" : Convert.ToString(rawValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        ModelState.SetModelValue(property.Name, rawValue, attemptedValue);

                    // No need to specify model here, it has no effect on the render process :-(
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void UpsertQuery_ExceptionTest_PocoId()
     poco.Id = null;
     TestExceptions(typeof(ArgumentNullException), () => Upsert.Document(poco), "Poco Id is null");
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void UpsertQuery_ExceptionTest_Poco()
     TestExceptions(typeof(ArgumentNullException), () => Upsert.Document(A.Fake <Poco>()), "Poco is null");