Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult UpdatePointOfInterest2(int cityId, int id, [FromBody] UpdatePointOfInterestDto pointOfInterest)
            if (pointOfInterest == null)

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var city = CitiesDataStore.Current.Cities.SingleOrDefault((c => c.Id == cityId));

            if (city == null)

            var poi = city.PointsOfInterest.SingleOrDefault(pi => pi.Id == id);

            if (poi == null)

            //poi is updated in the following statement while the id is preserved in it
            //since it is "by reference" there is no need to first remove the exiting poi from the list and adding a new one
            _mapper.Map <UpdatePointOfInterestDto, PointOfInterestDto>(pointOfInterest, poi);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public IActionResult UpdatePointOfInterest(int cityId, int id, [FromBody] UpdatePointOfInterestDto pointOfInterest)
            if (pointOfInterest == null)

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var city = CitiesDataStore.Current.Cities.SingleOrDefault((c => c.Id == cityId));

            if (city == null)

            var poi = CitiesDataStore.Current.Cities.SelectMany(pi => pi.PointsOfInterest).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

            if (poi == null)

            poi.Name        = pointOfInterest.Name;
            poi.Description = pointOfInterest.Description;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IActionResult PartialUpdatePointOfInterest(int cityId, int id,
                                                          [FromBody] JsonPatchDocument <UpdatePointOfInterestDto> patchDocument
            if (cityId <= 0)
                return(BadRequest("Invalid City Id"));

            if (id <= 0)
                return(BadRequest("Invalid Place of Interest Id"));

            var city = CitiesDataStore.Current.Cities.SingleOrDefault((c => c.Id == cityId));

            if (city == null)
                return(NotFound($"Unable to find city for the specified id : {cityId}"));

            var pointOfInterest = CitiesDataStore.Current.Cities.SelectMany(c => c.PointsOfInterest).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

            if (pointOfInterest == null)
                return(NotFound($"Uanable to find Place of Interes for the specified id : {id}"));

            //pointOfInterest is the instance pulled from the DB that needs to be patched
            //however, the patching is not suitable to be applied to this type since it has id property
            //and there is a chance to override that one in the patcing process/
            //therefore instad patching exuecuted against the PointOfInterestDto type, the actual patch
            //will be executed agains UpdatePointsOfInterestDto document
            //For that purpose, we need to map/convert from PointOfIntersDto to UpdatePointOfIntersDto
            //this can be done manually or through the use of AutoMapper as long the proper mapping definition is present

            //option 1
            var updatePointOfInteresDtoX = new UpdatePointOfInterestDto()
                Name        = pointOfInterest.Name,
                Description = pointOfInterest.Description

            //option 2
            var updatePointOfInteresDto = _mapper.Map <PointOfInterestDto, UpdatePointOfInterestDto>(pointOfInterest);

            //the act of applying the patch commands to the instance of type UpdatePointOfInteresDto
            patchDocument.ApplyTo(updatePointOfInteresDto, ModelState);

            //check if now the ModelState has errors
            //due to 1. invalid JsonPatchDocument or 2. inabillity to apply the document
            //ex of the case 2 is to attempt to act on an inexistent property
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            //since the ModelState is concerned only about the input model
            //in case when the applucation of the document produces an instance
            //that is invalid, the model state of that instance is not tracked
            //in order to check the state of the patched instance, an explicit
            //call to the TryValidateModel method is needed agains the patched instance

            //now check the ModelState.IsValid again
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            //update the "DB" if and only if there are no errors
            _mapper.Map <UpdatePointOfInterestDto, PointOfInterestDto>(updatePointOfInteresDto, pointOfInterest);
