Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Helper method to update the DefaultableValue if and only if the value has changed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="existingValue">
        ///     existing value of attribute (StringOrNone.NoneValue indicates attribute
        ///     currently does not exist)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="newValue">
        ///     new value of attribute passed into setter (null indicates user did not select
        ///     anything on the drop-down and so no setting should take place, StringOrNone.NoneValue indicates user
        ///     selected '(None)' on the drop-down and so attribute should be removed if present)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="defaultableValueToUpdate"></param>
        internal static void UpdateDefaultableValueIfValuesDiffer(
            StringOrNone existingValue, StringOrNone newValue,
            DefaultableValue <StringOrNone> defaultableValueToUpdate)
            if (null == newValue)
                // user exited drop-down without selecting anything

            if (existingValue.Equals(newValue))
                // no change in value - so just return
                // existingValue and valueToSet are different - so update the DefaultableValue
                // if newValue is NoneValue then set valueToSet to null which will remove the attribute
                // otherwise use newValue as is
                var valueToSet = (StringOrNone.NoneValue.Equals(newValue) ? null : newValue);
                var cmd        =
                    new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <StringOrNone>(defaultableValueToUpdate, valueToSet);
                var cpc = PropertyWindowViewModelHelper.GetCommandProcessorContext();
                CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
        protected override void InvokeInternal(CommandProcessorContext cpc)
            // if the DesignerInfoPropertySet doesn't exist then we need to create it.
            if (_designerInfo.PropertySet == null)
                _designerInfo.PropertySet = new DesignerInfoPropertySet(_designerInfo, null);

            // if the DesignerProperty doesn't exist then we need to create it.
            DesignerProperty designerProperty;
            if (!_designerInfo.PropertySet.TryGetDesignerProperty(_name, out designerProperty))
                designerProperty = new DesignerProperty(_designerInfo.PropertySet, null);
                designerProperty.LocalName.Value = _name;
                _designerInfo.PropertySet.AddDesignerProperty(_name, designerProperty);

            // First let's check make sure any non-valid values are caught up the stack
            if (!designerProperty.ValueAttr.IsValidValue(_value))
                throw new CommandValidationFailedException(
                    String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.NonValidDesignerProperty, _value, _name));

            // now we update the value of the designer property
            var cmdUpdateDefaultableValue = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<string>(designerProperty.ValueAttr, _value);
            CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmdUpdateDefaultableValue);

            // normalize and resolve the entire DesignerInfo
        protected override void InvokeInternal(CommandProcessorContext cpc)
            var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<string>(_typeAccess, _newValue);
            CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);

            if (ModelConstants.CodeGenerationAccessInternal.Equals(_newValue, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                var cet = _typeAccess.GetParentOfType(typeof(ConceptualEntityType)) as ConceptualEntityType;
                Debug.Assert(null != cet, "parent of _typeAccess should be of type " + typeof(ConceptualEntityType).FullName);
                if (null != cet)
                    // Note: it is valid for the EntitySet to be null
                    var ces = cet.EntitySet as ConceptualEntitySet;
                    if (null != ces)
                        var entitySetGetterAccess = ces.GetterAccess.Value;
                        if (ModelConstants.CodeGenerationAccessPublic.Equals(entitySetGetterAccess)
                            || ModelConstants.CodeGenerationAccessProtected.Equals(entitySetGetterAccess))
                            // new value is Internal and EntitySet's existing value is Public or Protected
                            // so need to also update the GetterAccess attribute on the EntitySet
                            // (otherwise will get runtime error 6036)
                            var cmd2 = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<string>(ces.GetterAccess, _newValue);
                            CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd2);
        protected override void InvokeInternal(CommandProcessorContext cpc)
            // safety check, this should never be hit
            Debug.Assert(Property != null, "InvokeInternal is called when Property is null.");
            if (Property == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("InvokeInternal is called when Property is null.");

            var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<string>(Property.StoreGeneratedPattern, SgpValue);
            CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);

            // ensure view keys are propagated from C-side to S-side
            var cet = Property.EntityType as ConceptualEntityType;
            if (cet != null)
                PropagateViewKeysToStorageModel.AddRule(cpc, cet);

            // ensure StoreGeneratedPattern is propagated from C-side to S-side
            // unless we are part of an Update Model txn in which case there is no need
            // as the whole artifact has this integrity check applied by UpdateModelFromDatabaseCommand
            if (EfiTransactionOriginator.UpdateModelFromDatabaseId != cpc.OriginatorId)
                var cProp = Property as ConceptualProperty;
                Debug.Assert(cProp != null, "expected Property of type ConceptualProperty, instead got type " + Property.GetType().FullName);
                if (cProp != null)
                    PropagateStoreGeneratedPatternToStorageModel.AddRule(cpc, cProp, true);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Helper method to update the DefaultableValue if and only if the value has changed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="existingValue">
        ///     existing value of attribute (StringOrNone.NoneValue indicates attribute
        ///     currently does not exist)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="newValue">
        ///     new value of attribute passed into setter (null indicates user did not select
        ///     anything on the drop-down and so no setting should take place, StringOrNone.NoneValue indicates user
        ///     selected '(None)' on the drop-down and so attribute should be removed if present)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="defaultableValueToUpdate"></param>
        internal static void UpdateDefaultableValueIfValuesDiffer(
            StringOrNone existingValue, StringOrNone newValue,
            DefaultableValue<StringOrNone> defaultableValueToUpdate)
            if (null == newValue)
                // user exited drop-down without selecting anything

            if (existingValue.Equals(newValue))
                // no change in value - so just return
                // existingValue and valueToSet are different - so update the DefaultableValue
                // if newValue is NoneValue then set valueToSet to null which will remove the attribute
                // otherwise use newValue as is
                var valueToSet = (StringOrNone.NoneValue.Equals(newValue) ? null : newValue);
                var cmd =
                    new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<StringOrNone>(defaultableValueToUpdate, valueToSet);
                var cpc = PropertyWindowViewModelHelper.GetCommandProcessorContext();
                CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal static void StaticInvoke(CommandProcessorContext cpc, EntityTypeShape entityTypeShape, Guid domainPropertyId)
            var viewModel = entityTypeShape.GetRootViewModel();

            Debug.Assert(viewModel != null, "Unable to find root view model from entity type shape:" + entityTypeShape.AccessibleName);

            if (viewModel != null)
                var modelEntityShape = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(entityTypeShape) as Model.Designer.EntityTypeShape;

                // If ModelXRef does not contain about model EntityTypeShape,try to get the information through DSL Model Element
                if (modelEntityShape == null)
                    var modelDiagram = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(viewModel.GetDiagram()) as Diagram;
                    var entityType   = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(entityTypeShape.ModelElement) as EntityType;
                    Debug.Assert(modelDiagram != null, "Why Escher Diagram is null?");
                    Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "Why there is no XRef between Escher EntityType and DSL EntityT?");
                    if (modelDiagram != null &&
                        entityType != null)
                        modelEntityShape =
                            entityType.GetAntiDependenciesOfType <Model.Designer.EntityTypeShape>()
                            .FirstOrDefault(ets => ets.Diagram.Id == modelDiagram.Id.Value);

                    if (modelEntityShape != null)
                        viewModel.ModelXRef.Add(modelEntityShape, entityTypeShape, cpc.EditingContext);

                // if modelentityshape is still null, create one
                if (modelEntityShape == null)
                    EntityTypeShapeAdd.StaticInvoke(cpc, entityTypeShape);
                    modelEntityShape = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(entityTypeShape) as Model.Designer.EntityTypeShape;
                Debug.Assert(modelEntityShape != null);
                if (modelEntityShape != null)
                    if (domainPropertyId == NodeShape.AbsoluteBoundsDomainPropertyId)
                        var cp = new CommandProcessor(cpc);
                            new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <double>(modelEntityShape.PointX, entityTypeShape.AbsoluteBounds.X));
                            new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <double>(modelEntityShape.PointY, entityTypeShape.AbsoluteBounds.Y));
                            new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <double>(modelEntityShape.Width, entityTypeShape.AbsoluteBounds.Width));
                    else if (domainPropertyId == NodeShape.IsExpandedDomainPropertyId)
                        var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <bool>(modelEntityShape.IsExpanded, entityTypeShape.IsExpanded);
                        CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
        internal static void StaticInvoke(CommandProcessorContext cpc, EntityTypeShape entityTypeShape, Guid domainPropertyId)
            var viewModel = entityTypeShape.GetRootViewModel();
            Debug.Assert(viewModel != null, "Unable to find root view model from entity type shape:" + entityTypeShape.AccessibleName);

            if (viewModel != null)
                var modelEntityShape = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(entityTypeShape) as Model.Designer.EntityTypeShape;

                // If ModelXRef does not contain about model EntityTypeShape,try to get the information through DSL Model Element
                if (modelEntityShape == null)
                    var modelDiagram = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(viewModel.GetDiagram()) as Diagram;
                    var entityType = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(entityTypeShape.ModelElement) as EntityType;
                    Debug.Assert(modelDiagram != null, "Why Escher Diagram is null?");
                    Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "Why there is no XRef between Escher EntityType and DSL EntityT?");
                    if (modelDiagram != null
                        && entityType != null)
                        modelEntityShape =
                            .FirstOrDefault(ets => ets.Diagram.Id == modelDiagram.Id.Value);

                    if (modelEntityShape != null)
                        viewModel.ModelXRef.Add(modelEntityShape, entityTypeShape, cpc.EditingContext);

                // if modelentityshape is still null, create one
                if (modelEntityShape == null)
                    EntityTypeShapeAdd.StaticInvoke(cpc, entityTypeShape);
                    modelEntityShape = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(entityTypeShape) as Model.Designer.EntityTypeShape;
                Debug.Assert(modelEntityShape != null);
                if (modelEntityShape != null)
                    if (domainPropertyId == NodeShape.AbsoluteBoundsDomainPropertyId)
                        var cp = new CommandProcessor(cpc);
                            new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<double>(modelEntityShape.PointX, entityTypeShape.AbsoluteBounds.X));
                            new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<double>(modelEntityShape.PointY, entityTypeShape.AbsoluteBounds.Y));
                            new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<double>(modelEntityShape.Width, entityTypeShape.AbsoluteBounds.Width));
                    else if (domainPropertyId == NodeShape.IsExpandedDomainPropertyId)
                        var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<bool>(modelEntityShape.IsExpanded, entityTypeShape.IsExpanded);
                        CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
        internal static void StaticInvoke(CommandProcessorContext cpc, AssociationConnector associationConnector, Guid domainPropertyId)
            var viewModel = associationConnector.GetRootViewModel();

            Debug.Assert(viewModel != null, "Unable to find root view model from AssociationConnector: " + associationConnector);

            if (viewModel != null)
                Connector modelAssociationConnector =
                    viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(associationConnector) as Model.Designer.AssociationConnector;
                if (modelAssociationConnector == null)
                    AssociationConnectorAdd.StaticInvoke(cpc, associationConnector);
                    modelAssociationConnector = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(associationConnector) as Model.Designer.AssociationConnector;

                Debug.Assert(modelAssociationConnector != null);
                if (modelAssociationConnector != null)
                    if (domainPropertyId == LinkShape.EdgePointsDomainPropertyId)
                        List <KeyValuePair <double, double> > points = null;
                        if (associationConnector.ManuallyRouted &&
                            associationConnector.EdgePoints.Count > 0)
                            points = new List <KeyValuePair <double, double> >(associationConnector.EdgePoints.Count);
                            foreach (EdgePoint point in associationConnector.EdgePoints)
                                points.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, double>(point.Point.X, point.Point.Y));

                        if (points != null)
                            var cmd = new SetConnectorPointsCommand(modelAssociationConnector, points);
                            CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
                    else if (domainPropertyId == LinkShape.ManuallyRoutedDomainPropertyId)
                        // if the connectors are not manually routed, we need to clean up all the connector points in the association connectors.
                        if (associationConnector.ManuallyRouted == false &&
                            modelAssociationConnector.ConnectorPoints != null &&
                            modelAssociationConnector.ConnectorPoints.Count > 0)
                            var points = new List <KeyValuePair <double, double> >();
                            var setConnectorPointCmd = new SetConnectorPointsCommand(modelAssociationConnector, points);
                            CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, setConnectorPointCmd);

                        var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <bool>(
                            modelAssociationConnector.ManuallyRouted, associationConnector.ManuallyRouted);
                        CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void LoadDesignerInfoAndDescriptors(EditingContext editingContext, EFArtifact artifact)
            if (artifact != null &&
                artifact.DesignerInfo() != null)
                DesignerInfo connectionDesignerInfo = null;
                DesignerInfo optionsDesignerInfo    = null;

                var foundConnectionDesignerInfo = artifact.DesignerInfo()
                                                  .TryGetDesignerInfo(ConnectionDesignerInfo.ElementName, out connectionDesignerInfo);

                if (foundConnectionDesignerInfo)
                    var connectionDesigner = connectionDesignerInfo as ConnectionDesignerInfo;
                    Debug.Assert(connectionDesigner != null, "DesignerInfo with element name 'Connection' must be a ConnectionDesignerInfo");

                    if (connectionDesigner != null)
                        // if the owner of the edmx file is a website, then we can
                        // only have one possible value (EmbedInOutputAssembly) for metadata artifact processing
                        // however the item template just adds CopyToOutputDirectory, so we need to fix it
                        var project = VSHelpers.GetProjectForDocument(artifact.Uri.LocalPath, PackageManager.Package);
                        if (project != null)
                            var appType = VsUtils.GetApplicationType(Services.ServiceProvider, project);
                            if (appType == VisualStudioProjectSystem.Website)
                                var mapDefault = ConnectionManager.GetMetadataArtifactProcessingDefault();
                                if (connectionDesigner.MetadataArtifactProcessingProperty != null &&
                                    connectionDesigner.MetadataArtifactProcessingProperty.ValueAttr.Value != mapDefault)
                                    var cpc = new CommandProcessorContext(
                                        editingContext, EfiTransactionOriginator.PropertyWindowOriginatorId,
                                    var cmd =
                                        new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <string>(
                                            connectionDesigner.MetadataArtifactProcessingProperty.ValueAttr, mapDefault);
                                    CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);

                        _EFConnectionDesignerInfoDescriptor = new EFConnectionDesignerInfoDescriptor();
                        _EFConnectionDesignerInfoDescriptor.Initialize(connectionDesigner, editingContext);

                var foundOptionsDesignerInfo = artifact.DesignerInfo()
                                               .TryGetDesignerInfo(OptionsDesignerInfo.ElementName, out optionsDesignerInfo);

                if (foundOptionsDesignerInfo)
                    _EFOptionsDesignerInfoDescriptor = new EFOptionsDesignerInfoDescriptor();
                    _EFOptionsDesignerInfoDescriptor.Initialize(optionsDesignerInfo as OptionsDesignerInfo, editingContext);
        internal static void StaticInvoke(CommandProcessorContext cpc, AssociationConnector associationConnector, Guid domainPropertyId)
            var viewModel = associationConnector.GetRootViewModel();
            Debug.Assert(viewModel != null, "Unable to find root view model from AssociationConnector: " + associationConnector);

            if (viewModel != null)
                Connector modelAssociationConnector =
                    viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(associationConnector) as Model.Designer.AssociationConnector;
                if (modelAssociationConnector == null)
                    AssociationConnectorAdd.StaticInvoke(cpc, associationConnector);
                    modelAssociationConnector = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(associationConnector) as Model.Designer.AssociationConnector;

                Debug.Assert(modelAssociationConnector != null);
                if (modelAssociationConnector != null)
                    if (domainPropertyId == LinkShape.EdgePointsDomainPropertyId)
                        List<KeyValuePair<double, double>> points = null;
                        if (associationConnector.ManuallyRouted
                            && associationConnector.EdgePoints.Count > 0)
                            points = new List<KeyValuePair<double, double>>(associationConnector.EdgePoints.Count);
                            foreach (EdgePoint point in associationConnector.EdgePoints)
                                points.Add(new KeyValuePair<double, double>(point.Point.X, point.Point.Y));

                        if (points != null)
                            var cmd = new SetConnectorPointsCommand(modelAssociationConnector, points);
                            CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
                    else if (domainPropertyId == LinkShape.ManuallyRoutedDomainPropertyId)
                        // if the connectors are not manually routed, we need to clean up all the connector points in the association connectors.
                        if (associationConnector.ManuallyRouted == false
                            && modelAssociationConnector.ConnectorPoints != null
                            && modelAssociationConnector.ConnectorPoints.Count > 0)
                            var points = new List<KeyValuePair<double, double>>();
                            var setConnectorPointCmd = new SetConnectorPointsCommand(modelAssociationConnector, points);
                            CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, setConnectorPointCmd);

                        var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<bool>(
                            modelAssociationConnector.ManuallyRouted, associationConnector.ManuallyRouted);
                        CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
 internal void PersistDisplayType()
     var modelDiagram = ModelElement.ModelXRef.GetExisting(this) as ModelDiagram;
     Debug.Assert(modelDiagram != null, "Model Diagram should be present");
     if (modelDiagram != null)
         if (modelDiagram.DisplayType.Value != DisplayNameAndType)
             var cpc = new CommandProcessorContext(
                 ModelElement.EditingContext, EfiTransactionOriginator.EntityDesignerOriginatorId, EntityDesignerResources.Tx_SetMemberFormatValue);
             var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<bool>(modelDiagram.DisplayType, DisplayNameAndType);
             CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Update function import IsComposable attribute if changed.
 /// </summary>
 private void UpdateFunctionImportIsComposable(CommandProcessorContext cpc)
     var previousValue = FunctionImport.IsComposable.Value;
     if (FunctionImportIsComposable != previousValue)
         Command updateComposableCommand = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<BoolOrNone>(
             FunctionImport.IsComposable, FunctionImportIsComposable);
         CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, updateComposableCommand);
        private void PropagateConceptualSGPToStorageProperty(StorageProperty sProp)
            if (null == sProp)
                Debug.Fail("null StorageProperty");

            if (sProp.IsDisposed)
                // this StorageProperty was deleted after this integrity check was created but
                // before it was invoked - not an error - just ignore this property

            if (sProp.IsKeyProperty)
                if (IsStorageForNonRootEntityType(sProp))
                    // this StorageProperty is for a key column on a table which acts as storage for a non-root EntityType
                    // (e.g. in a TPT hierarchy). So do not set SGP - it should be set only on the root column.

                if (IsDependentSidePropertyInAssociation(sProp))
                    // this StorageProperty is used in the dependent side of an Association.
                    // So do not set SGP - it should be set only on the principal side.

            // loop over ConceptualProperties mapped to this StorageProperty
            foreach (var sp in sProp.GetAntiDependenciesOfType<ScalarProperty>())
                // only use ScalarProperty elements inside an EntitySetMapping or EntityTypeMapping
                // (MappingFragment is only used by those types of mappings)
                if (null != sp.GetParentOfType(typeof(MappingFragment)))
                    // only propagate values from non-key C-side properties
                    var cProp = sp.Name.Target as ConceptualProperty;
                    if (cProp != null)
                        var cSideSGPValue = cProp.StoreGeneratedPattern.Value;
                        if (_propagateNoneSGP
                            || false == ModelConstants.StoreGeneratedPattern_None.Equals(cSideSGPValue, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            // have found a C-side property whose SGP value should be propagated
                            if (false == cSideSGPValue.Equals(sProp.StoreGeneratedPattern.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<string>(sProp.StoreGeneratedPattern, cSideSGPValue);
                                CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(_cpc, cmd);


                        // Otherwise have found a C-side SGP but it has value "None" and have been told not to propagate "None" values
                        // (will apply to where SGP is absent too since "None" is the default value).
                        // So loop round looking for the next C-side SGP to see if it applies.
        internal static void StaticInvoke(CommandProcessorContext cpc, InheritanceConnector inheritanceConnector, Guid domainPropertyId)
            // The situation where inheritanceConnector.IsDeleted to be true is when the user is trying to create circular inheritance.
            // In that case, the inheritance connector creation is aborted but this rule could still be fired.
            if (inheritanceConnector.IsDeleted
                || inheritanceConnector.IsDeleting)

            Connector modelInheritanceConnector = null;

            var viewModel = inheritanceConnector.GetRootViewModel();
            Debug.Assert(viewModel != null, "Unable to find root view model from inheritance connector: " + viewModel);
            if (viewModel != null)
                modelInheritanceConnector = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(inheritanceConnector) as Model.Designer.InheritanceConnector;
                if (modelInheritanceConnector == null)
                    InheritanceConnectorAdd.StaticInvoke(cpc, inheritanceConnector);
                    modelInheritanceConnector = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(inheritanceConnector) as Model.Designer.InheritanceConnector;

            // we should have a connector unless its been deleted due to circular inheritance checks
                modelInheritanceConnector != null || (modelInheritanceConnector == null && inheritanceConnector.IsDeleted),
                "We could not locate an underlying model item to change for this Inheritance connector");
            if (modelInheritanceConnector != null)
                if (domainPropertyId == LinkShape.EdgePointsDomainPropertyId)
                    List<KeyValuePair<double, double>> points = null;
                    if (inheritanceConnector.ManuallyRouted
                        && inheritanceConnector.EdgePoints.Count > 0)
                        points = new List<KeyValuePair<double, double>>(inheritanceConnector.EdgePoints.Count);
                        foreach (EdgePoint point in inheritanceConnector.EdgePoints)
                            points.Add(new KeyValuePair<double, double>(point.Point.X, point.Point.Y));

                    if (points != null)
                        var cmd = new SetConnectorPointsCommand(modelInheritanceConnector, points);
                        CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
                else if (domainPropertyId == LinkShape.ManuallyRoutedDomainPropertyId)
                    // if the connectors are not manually routed (the connectors are auto layout), we need to clear our the layout information in our model.
                    if (inheritanceConnector.ManuallyRouted == false
                        && modelInheritanceConnector.ConnectorPoints != null
                        && modelInheritanceConnector.ConnectorPoints.Count > 0)
                        var points = new List<KeyValuePair<double, double>>();
                        var setConnectorPointscmd = new SetConnectorPointsCommand(modelInheritanceConnector, points);
                        CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, setConnectorPointscmd);

                    var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<bool>(
                        modelInheritanceConnector.ManuallyRouted, inheritanceConnector.ManuallyRouted);
                    CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void PropagateConceptualSGPToStorageProperty(StorageProperty sProp)
            if (null == sProp)
                Debug.Fail("null StorageProperty");

            if (sProp.IsDisposed)
                // this StorageProperty was deleted after this integrity check was created but
                // before it was invoked - not an error - just ignore this property

            if (sProp.IsKeyProperty)
                if (IsStorageForNonRootEntityType(sProp))
                    // this StorageProperty is for a key column on a table which acts as storage for a non-root EntityType
                    // (e.g. in a TPT hierarchy). So do not set SGP - it should be set only on the root column.

                if (IsDependentSidePropertyInAssociation(sProp))
                    // this StorageProperty is used in the dependent side of an Association.
                    // So do not set SGP - it should be set only on the principal side.

            // loop over ConceptualProperties mapped to this StorageProperty
            foreach (var sp in sProp.GetAntiDependenciesOfType <ScalarProperty>())
                // only use ScalarProperty elements inside an EntitySetMapping or EntityTypeMapping
                // (MappingFragment is only used by those types of mappings)
                if (null != sp.GetParentOfType(typeof(MappingFragment)))
                    // only propagate values from non-key C-side properties
                    var cProp = sp.Name.Target as ConceptualProperty;
                    if (cProp != null)
                        var cSideSGPValue = cProp.StoreGeneratedPattern.Value;
                        if (_propagateNoneSGP ||
                            false == ModelConstants.StoreGeneratedPattern_None.Equals(cSideSGPValue, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            // have found a C-side property whose SGP value should be propagated
                            if (false == cSideSGPValue.Equals(sProp.StoreGeneratedPattern.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <string>(sProp.StoreGeneratedPattern, cSideSGPValue);
                                CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(_cpc, cmd);


                        // Otherwise have found a C-side SGP but it has value "None" and have been told not to propagate "None" values
                        // (will apply to where SGP is absent too since "None" is the default value).
                        // So loop round looking for the next C-side SGP to see if it applies.
 internal void PersistZoomLevel()
     // make sure that we have ActiveDiagramView to get the current ZoomLevel from
     if (ActiveDiagramView != null
         && !ModelUtils.IsSerializing(Store))
         var modelDiagram = ModelElement.ModelXRef.GetExisting(this) as ModelDiagram;
         Debug.Assert(modelDiagram != null, "Model Diagram should be present");
         if (modelDiagram != null)
             if (undefinedZoomLevel != ZoomLevel
                 && modelDiagram.ZoomLevel.Value != ZoomLevel)
                 var cpc = new CommandProcessorContext(
                     ModelElement.EditingContext, EfiTransactionOriginator.EntityDesignerOriginatorId, EntityDesignerResources.Tx_SetZoom);
                 var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<int>(modelDiagram.ZoomLevel, ZoomLevel);
                 CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        internal static void StaticInvoke(CommandProcessorContext cpc, InheritanceConnector inheritanceConnector, Guid domainPropertyId)
            // The situation where inheritanceConnector.IsDeleted to be true is when the user is trying to create circular inheritance.
            // In that case, the inheritance connector creation is aborted but this rule could still be fired.
            if (inheritanceConnector.IsDeleted ||

            Connector modelInheritanceConnector = null;

            var viewModel = inheritanceConnector.GetRootViewModel();

            Debug.Assert(viewModel != null, "Unable to find root view model from inheritance connector: " + viewModel);
            if (viewModel != null)
                modelInheritanceConnector = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(inheritanceConnector) as Model.Designer.InheritanceConnector;
                if (modelInheritanceConnector == null)
                    InheritanceConnectorAdd.StaticInvoke(cpc, inheritanceConnector);
                    modelInheritanceConnector = viewModel.ModelXRef.GetExisting(inheritanceConnector) as Model.Designer.InheritanceConnector;

            // we should have a connector unless its been deleted due to circular inheritance checks
                modelInheritanceConnector != null || (modelInheritanceConnector == null && inheritanceConnector.IsDeleted),
                "We could not locate an underlying model item to change for this Inheritance connector");
            if (modelInheritanceConnector != null)
                if (domainPropertyId == LinkShape.EdgePointsDomainPropertyId)
                    List <KeyValuePair <double, double> > points = null;
                    if (inheritanceConnector.ManuallyRouted &&
                        inheritanceConnector.EdgePoints.Count > 0)
                        points = new List <KeyValuePair <double, double> >(inheritanceConnector.EdgePoints.Count);
                        foreach (EdgePoint point in inheritanceConnector.EdgePoints)
                            points.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, double>(point.Point.X, point.Point.Y));

                    if (points != null)
                        var cmd = new SetConnectorPointsCommand(modelInheritanceConnector, points);
                        CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
                else if (domainPropertyId == LinkShape.ManuallyRoutedDomainPropertyId)
                    // if the connectors are not manually routed (the connectors are auto layout), we need to clear our the layout information in our model.
                    if (inheritanceConnector.ManuallyRouted == false &&
                        modelInheritanceConnector.ConnectorPoints != null &&
                        modelInheritanceConnector.ConnectorPoints.Count > 0)
                        var points = new List <KeyValuePair <double, double> >();
                        var setConnectorPointsCmd = new SetConnectorPointsCommand(modelInheritanceConnector, points);
                        CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, setConnectorPointsCmd);

                    var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <bool>(
                        modelInheritanceConnector.ManuallyRouted, inheritanceConnector.ManuallyRouted);
                    CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
 internal void PersistSnapToGrid()
     var modelDiagram = ModelElement.ModelXRef.GetExisting(this) as ModelDiagram;
     Debug.Assert(modelDiagram != null, "Model Diagram should be present");
     if (modelDiagram != null)
         if (modelDiagram.SnapToGrid.Value != SnapToGrid)
             var cpc = new CommandProcessorContext(
                 ModelElement.EditingContext, EfiTransactionOriginator.EntityDesignerOriginatorId, EntityDesignerResources.Tx_SetSnapToGrid);
             var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<bool>(modelDiagram.SnapToGrid, SnapToGrid);
             CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
        // helper method which compares values and synchronizes the C-side facet to the S-side value if they differ
        private void SynchronizeFacet <T>(
            string sSidePropertyType, DefaultableValue <T> sSideDefaultableValue,
            string cSidePropertyType, DefaultableValue <T> cSideDefaultableValue) where T : class
            if (null == sSidePropertyType)
                Debug.Fail("sSidePropertyType cannot be null");

            if (null == sSideDefaultableValue)
                Debug.Fail("sSideDefaultableValue cannot be null");

            if (null == cSidePropertyType)
                Debug.Fail("cSidePropertyType cannot be null");

            if (null == cSideDefaultableValue)
                Debug.Fail("cSideDefaultableValue cannot be null");

            if (false == ConceptualFacetExists(cSidePropertyType, cSideDefaultableValue.AttributeName))
                // this facet does not apply to a C-side property of this type - so do not attempt to propagate the S-side value
                // (this can happen e.g. if an S-side property is mapped to a C-side property with an inconsistent type)

            // get values that S- and C-side DefaultableValues will assume at runtime if they are absent
            // (Note: this is different from DefaultableValue.DefaultValue which returns what
            // to show in the Designer as the default - usually "(None)")
            var sSideDefaultableValueDefaultValue = GetStorageFacetDefault(sSidePropertyType, sSideDefaultableValue);

            var sSideValueToPropagate = sSideDefaultableValue.Value;
            var preExistingCSideValue = cSideDefaultableValue.Value;
            T   valueToSet;

            if (sSideDefaultableValue.IsDefaulted
                null == sSideValueToPropagate
                // sometimes the default value for a facet on the C-side is the same as that for the same
                // facet on the S-side, but sometimes they are different. Here the S-side has been defaulted
                // so we need to do different things dependent on whether these default values are the same.
                var cSideDefaultableValueDefaultValue = GetConceptualFacetDefault(cSidePropertyType, cSideDefaultableValue);
                if ((null == sSideDefaultableValueDefaultValue && null == cSideDefaultableValueDefaultValue)
                    (null != sSideDefaultableValueDefaultValue &&
                    // default value for C-side facet is the same as the default value for the S-side facet
                    if (cSideDefaultableValue.IsDefaulted
                        null == preExistingCSideValue
                        // the attribute on both sides is either absent or explicitly set to the default value
                        // (note: the null case is when the default value itself is null)- so no need to update the C-side.
                        // This prevents "absent" on the S-side causing an update when the pre-existing C-side value is
                        // the default value and vice versa.

                    // if absent on the S-side, set valueToSet to null which will cause the C-side attribute to be removed,
                    // otherwise use the S-side's explicit value.
                    valueToSet = (sSideDefaultableValue.IsDefaulted ? null : sSideValueToPropagate);
                else if (sSideDefaultableValue.IsDefaulted &&
                         null == sSideDefaultableValueDefaultValue)
                    // S-side is defaulted but we have no default value to propagate
                        "S-side DefaultableValue is defaulted but default value of S-side DefaultableValue is null, so defaulting C-side DefaultableValue would cause it to assume different default value: "
                        + cSideDefaultableValueDefaultValue);
                    // default value for C-side facet is different from the default value for the S-side facet
                    // so need to explictly set the C-side. Only reason for not updating is if the value is
                    // already what we would set it to.
                    if (false == cSideDefaultableValue.IsDefaulted &&

                    valueToSet = (sSideDefaultableValue.IsDefaulted ? sSideDefaultableValueDefaultValue : sSideValueToPropagate);
                // we are synchronizing an explicit (i.e. non-default) value from the S-side to the C-side -
                // only reason for not updating is if the value is already what we would set it to.
                if (sSideValueToPropagate.Equals(preExistingCSideValue))
                    // values are the same - so no need to update

                valueToSet = sSideValueToPropagate;

            // now update the C-side facet
            var cmd = new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand <T>(cSideDefaultableValue, valueToSet);

            CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(_cpc, cmd);
        private static void UpdateOnDeleteAction(CommandProcessorContext cpc, AssociationEnd newAssocEnd, AssociationEnd tempArtifactAssocEnd)
            Debug.Assert(newAssocEnd != null, "newAssoc should not be null");
            Debug.Assert(tempArtifactAssocEnd != null, "tempArtifactAssocEnd should not be null");
            if (newAssocEnd == null
                || tempArtifactAssocEnd == null)

            // ensure the OnDeleteAction for the existing artifact is the same as that for the temp artifact
            if (null == tempArtifactAssocEnd.OnDeleteAction
                && null != newAssocEnd.OnDeleteAction)
                // temp artifact has no OnDeleteAction - so delete the one in the existing artifact
            else if (null != tempArtifactAssocEnd.OnDeleteAction
                     && null != tempArtifactAssocEnd.OnDeleteAction.Action)
                var tempArtifactOnDeleteAction = tempArtifactAssocEnd.OnDeleteAction.Action.Value;
                if (null == newAssocEnd.OnDeleteAction)
                    // existing artifact has no OnDeleteAction - so create a new one and assign the value from the temp artifact
                    var cmd = new CreateOnDeleteActionCommand(newAssocEnd, tempArtifactOnDeleteAction);
                    CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
                    // use ordinal comparison as possible values for this attribute are fixed regardless of locale
                else if (false == newAssocEnd.OnDeleteAction.Action.Value.Equals(tempArtifactOnDeleteAction, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // existing artifact has an OnDeleteAction but the value does not match - so assign the value from the temp artifact
                    var cmd =
                        new UpdateDefaultableValueCommand<string>(newAssocEnd.OnDeleteAction.Action, tempArtifactOnDeleteAction);
                    CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);