public ActionResult Create(string RNAME, List <Product> prod, List <float> quantity, List <bool> selected) { Recipe NewRecipe = new Recipe { RecipeName = RNAME }; int index = 0; List <Product> _products = (List <Product>)db.Products.GetList(); foreach (var currentProduct in prod) { if (selected[index]) { Ingredient NewIngredient = new Ingredient();// { product = currentProduct, quantity = 5 }; NewIngredient.ProductId = currentProduct.Id; NewIngredient.quantity = quantity[index]; NewIngredient.productName = _products.Find(x => x.Id == currentProduct.Id).Name; NewRecipe.Ingredients.Add(NewIngredient); } index++; } if (RNAME != "" && (NewRecipe.Ingredients.Count() != 0)) { db.Recipes.Create(NewRecipe); db.Save(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(View(db.Products.GetList())); } }
public ActionResult Create(ProductArrival pa) { try { Product _prod = db.Products.Get(pa.Ingredient.Id); if (_prod != null) //Если уже есть такой продукт { //пересчет цены товара float newBalance = _prod.Balance + pa.Ingredient.quantity; float newSellPrice = ((_prod.Balance * _prod.SellPrice) + (pa.Ingredient.quantity * pa.Ingredient.price)) / newBalance; _prod.Balance = newBalance; _prod.SellPrice = newSellPrice; pa.Ingredient.productName = _prod.Name; db.Products.Update(_prod); //db.Entry(_prod).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { _prod.MinBalance = 5; _prod.Name = pa.Ingredient.productName; _prod.Balance = pa.Ingredient.quantity; db.Products.Create(_prod); } db.ProductsArrival.Create(pa); db.Save(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Name,NumberPhone,email")] Client client) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Clients.Create(client); db.Save(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(client)); }
public ActionResult Buy(Order _ord) { DishSelect dishSelect = db.DishSelects.Get(db.DishSelects.Count()); _ord.DishSelectId = dishSelect.Id; _ord.DishName = dishSelect.Name; _ord.DishAmount = dishSelect.DishesAmount; _ord.DishPrice = dishSelect.price; var ClientsList = db.Clients.GetList(); foreach (var client in ClientsList) { if (( == && (client.NumberPhone == _ord.Client.NumberPhone)) { _ord.ClientId = client.Id; _ord.Client = null; break; } } //Вычитаем продукты со склада foreach (Ingredient _ingredient in dishSelect.Ingredients) { Product p = db.Products.Get((int)_ingredient.ProductId); p.Balance = p.Balance - (_ingredient.quantity * dishSelect.DishesAmount); db.Products.Update(p); } //Если превышен лимит минимального остатка продуктов => формируем заказ foreach (Ingredient _ingredient in dishSelect.Ingredients) { Product p = db.Products.Get((int)_ingredient.ProductId); if (p.Balance < p.MinBalance) { _OrderTP.Ingredients.Add(new Ingredient() { price = p.SellPrice, ProductId = p.Id, productName = p.Name, quantity = p.MinBalance }); _OrderTP.Message += "Закончился товар - " + p.Name + ", везите ещё;"; } } _OrderTP.TotalPrice = GetTotalPrice(); if (_OrderTP.Ingredients.Count() > 0) { db.OrdersToProvisioner.Create(_OrderTP); } db.Orders.Create(_ord); db.Save(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
protected override void BeforeSave() { if (!HasChanges) { return; } var operationFrom = Entity.OrganisationCashMovementOperationFrom = Entity.OrganisationCashMovementOperationFrom ?? new OrganisationCashMovementOperation { OperationTime = DateTime.Now }; var operationTo = Entity.OrganisationCashMovementOperationTo = Entity.OrganisationCashMovementOperationTo ?? new OrganisationCashMovementOperation { OperationTime = DateTime.Now }; operationFrom.Organisation = Entity.OrganizationFrom; operationFrom.Amount = -Entity.TransferedSum; operationFrom.OperationTime = Entity.DocumentDate; operationTo.Organisation = Entity.OrganizationTo; operationTo.Amount = Entity.TransferedSum; operationTo.OperationTime = Entity.DocumentDate; UoW.Save(operationFrom); UoW.Save(operationTo); }
private void EmployeeAdvanceOrder(decimal cashInput) // Метод создаёт расходник выдачи аванса из МЛ и выводит сообщение. @Дима { string message, ifAdvanceIsBigger; Expense cashExpense = null; decimal cashToReturn = Entity.MoneyToReturn - cashInput; ifAdvanceIsBigger = (cashToReturn > 0) ? "Сумма для сдачи в кассу" : "Сумма для выдачи из кассы"; // Выбор варианта сообщения. @Дима var cashier = EmployeeRepository.GetEmployeeForCurrentUser(UoW); if (cashier == null) { MessageDialogHelper.RunErrorDialog("Ваш пользователь не привязан к действующему сотруднику, вы не можете закрыть МЛ, так как некого указывать в качестве кассира."); return; } Entity.Cashier = cashier; message = Entity.EmployeeAdvanceOperation(ref cashExpense, cashInput); // Создание расходника. @Дима if (cashExpense != null) { UoW.Save(cashExpense); } cashExpense.UpdateWagesOperations(UoW); UoW.Save(); MessageDialogHelper.RunInfoDialog(String.Format("{0}\n\n{1}: {2:C0}", message, ifAdvanceIsBigger, Math.Abs(cashToReturn))); }
public DishesController() { db = new UoW(); if (db.Groups.Count() == 0) { db.Groups.Create(new Group { GroupName = "Блюдо", SubName = "Пицца", FullName = "Блюдо: Пицца" }); db.Groups.Create(new Group { GroupName = "Блюдо", SubName = "Соусы", FullName = "Блюдо: Соусы" }); db.Groups.Create(new Group { GroupName = "Блюдо", SubName = "Салаты", FullName = "Блюдо: Салаты" });; db.Groups.Create(new Group { GroupName = "Блюдо", SubName = "Горячие блюда", FullName = "Блюдо: Горячие блюда" }); db.Groups.Create(new Group { GroupName = "Напитки", SubName = "Вода газированная и негазированная", FullName = "Напитки: Вода газированная и негазированная" }); db.Groups.Create(new Group { GroupName = "Напитки", SubName = "Соки", FullName = "Напитки: Соки" }); db.Groups.Create(new Group { GroupName = "Готовая продукция", SubName = "Чипсы", FullName = "Готовая продукция: Чипсы" }); db.Groups.Create(new Group { GroupName = "Готовая продукция", SubName = "Сухарики", FullName = "Готовая продукция: Сухарики" }); db.Save(); } }
public IHttpActionResult Put(int dossierId, int noteId, int id, [FromBody] NoteMedia noteMediaModel) { var dossier = default(DossierData); if (!CurrentUser.TryGetDossier(dossierId, out dossier)) { return(NotFound()); } var note = default(NoteData); if (!dossier.TryGetNote(noteId, out note)) { return(NotFound()); } var media = default(NoteMediaData); if (!note.TryGetMedia(id, out media)) { return(NotFound()); } var filename = StorageHelper.GetFileNameFromSasUri(media.MediaLocation); media.MediaLocation = StorageHelper.GetReadableSasUri(filename, new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0)).AbsoluteUri; //media.MediaLocation = StorageHelper.GetReadableSasUri(filename, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)).AbsoluteUri; UoW.Save(); var result = Converter.ToNoteMedia(media); return(Ok(result)); }
public IHttpActionResult Delete(int dossierId, int noteId, int id) { var dossier = default(DossierData); if (!CurrentUser.TryGetDossier(dossierId, out dossier)) { return(NotFound()); } var note = default(NoteData); if (!dossier.TryGetNote(noteId, out note)) { return(NotFound()); } var media = default(NoteMediaData); if (!note.TryGetMedia(id, out media)) { return(NotFound()); } string location = media.MediaLocation; UoW.NoteMediaRepository.Delete(media); UoW.Save(); StorageHelper.RemoveFromStorageByUri(location); return(Ok()); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new note and adds it to the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="dossierId">The id of the dossier to which this note belongs.</param> /// <param name="noteModel">The model used to create the note.</param> /// <returns></returns> public IHttpActionResult Post(int dossierId, [FromBody] Note noteModel) { var dossier = default(DossierData); if (!CurrentUser.TryGetDossier(dossierId, out dossier)) { return(NotFound()); } var noteData = new NoteData { Text = noteModel.Text, DateCreated = noteModel.DateCreated, PosterId = CurrentUser.Id }; foreach (var media in noteModel.Media) { var noteMediaData = new NoteMediaData { Name = media.Name, MediaLocation = GetStorageUri(media.Name) }; noteData.Media.Add(noteMediaData); } dossier.Notes.Add(noteData); UoW.Save(); var note = Converter.ToNote(noteData); return(CreatedAtRoute("NoteApi", new { dossierId = dossierId }, note)); }
protected void OnButtonSaveClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var valid = new QSValidator <UndeliveredOrder>(undelivery); if (valid.RunDlgIfNotValid((Window)this.Toplevel)) { return; } undeliveryView.BeforeSaving(); if (!CanCreateUndelivery()) { this.OnCloseTab(false); if (DlgSaved != null) { DlgSaved(this, new UndeliveryOnOrderCloseEventArgs(undelivery)); } return; } UoW.Save(undelivery); OnCloseTab(false); if (DlgSaved != null) { DlgSaved(this, new UndeliveryOnOrderCloseEventArgs(undelivery)); } }
public DeleteCompanyProductResult DeleteCompanyProduct(DeleteCompanyProductRequest request) { var result = new DeleteCompanyProductResult(); try { result.Errors.AddRange(ValidateProductSkuRequired(request.ProductSku)); result.Errors.AddRange(ValidateCompanyCodeRequired(request.CompanyCode)); result.Errors.AddRange(ValidateCompanyProductExist(request.ProductSku, request.CompanyCode)); if (result.Errors.Any()) { return(result); } var companyProduct = GetCompanyProduct(request.ProductSku, request.CompanyCode); companyProduct.IsDeleted = true; UoW.Save(); result.Success = true; } catch (Exception e) { result.Success = false; result.Errors.Add(new ExceptionError(e.Message)); } return(result); }
public override bool Save() { UoW.Save(); logger.Info("Save note on " + Entity.Date); Respond(ResponseType.Ok); return(true); }
public IHttpActionResult Put(int dossierId, int id, [FromBody] DossierDetail dossierDetailModel) { var dossier = default(DossierData); if (!CurrentUser.TryGetDossier(dossierId, out dossier)) { return(NotFound()); } var detail = default(DossierDetailData); if (!dossier.TryGetDetail(id, out detail)) { return(NotFound()); } if (detail.Category != dossierDetailModel.Category) { detail.Category = dossierDetailModel.Category; } if (detail.Contents != dossierDetailModel.Contents) { detail.Contents = dossierDetailModel.Contents; } UoW.Save(); var model = Converter.ToDossierDetail(detail); return(Ok(model)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Post(string userId, [FromBody] Dossier dossier) { var user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(userId); if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } var dossierData = new DossierData() { Name = dossier.Name, OwnerId = user.Id, Watchers = new List <UserData>() }; dossierData.Watchers.Add(user); UoW.DossierRepository.Insert(dossierData); UoW.Save(); var result = Converter.ToDossier(dossierData); return(Created(Request.RequestUri, result)); }
public ActionResult Create(Product product, HttpPostedFileBase file) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (file != null) { string g1 = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/") + "Content\\Images\\" + file.FileName; file.SaveAs(g1); product.ImagePath = file.FileName; } db.Products.Create(product); db.Save(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(product)); }
private void CreateToDraftNodeAction() { PopupActionsList.Add( new JournalAction( "В черновик", selectedItems => canUpdate && selectedItems.OfType <DistrictsSetJournalNode>().FirstOrDefault()?.Status == DistrictsSetStatus.Closed, selectedItems => true, selectedItems => { var selectedNodes = selectedItems.OfType <DistrictsSetJournalNode>(); var selectedNode = selectedNodes.FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedNode != null) { var districtsSet = UoW.GetById <DistrictsSet>(selectedNode.Id); if (districtsSet != null) { districtsSet.Status = DistrictsSetStatus.Draft; districtsSet.DateClosed = null; districtsSet.DateActivated = null; UoW.Save(districtsSet); UoW.Commit(); Refresh(); } } } ) ); }
private void CreateCloseNodeAction() { PopupActionsList.Add( new JournalAction( "Закрыть", selectedItems => canUpdate && selectedItems.OfType <FinancialDistrictsSetsJournalNode>().FirstOrDefault()?.Status == DistrictsSetStatus.Draft, selectedItems => true, selectedItems => { var selectedNodes = selectedItems.OfType <FinancialDistrictsSetsJournalNode>(); var selectedNode = selectedNodes.FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedNode != null) { var districtsSet = UoW.GetById <FinancialDistrictsSet>(selectedNode.Id); if (districtsSet != null) { districtsSet.Status = DistrictsSetStatus.Closed; districtsSet.DateClosed = DateTime.Now; districtsSet.DateActivated = null; UoW.Save(districtsSet); UoW.Commit(); Refresh(); } } } ) ); }
public virtual bool Save(bool needClose = true) { var valid = new QSValidator <UndeliveredOrder>(UndeliveredOrder); if (valid.RunDlgIfNotValid((Window)this.Toplevel)) { return(false); } if (UndeliveredOrder.Id == 0) { UndeliveredOrder.OldOrder.SetUndeliveredStatus(UoW, new BaseParametersProvider(), CallTaskWorker); } undeliveryView.BeforeSaving(); //случай, если создавать новый недовоз не нужно, но нужно обновить старый заказ if (!CanCreateUndelivery()) { UoW.Save(UndeliveredOrder.OldOrder); UoW.Commit(); this.OnCloseTab(false); return(false); } UoW.Save(UndeliveredOrder); if (needClose) { this.OnCloseTab(false); } return(true); }
public override bool Save() { UoW.Save(); logger.Info("Save shedule works on " + Entity.DateWork); Respond(ResponseType.Ok); return(true); }
public override bool Save() { if (!Entity.CanEdit) { return(false); } Entity.UpdateAlreadyLoaded(UoW, _routeListRepository); var valid = new QS.Validation.QSValidator <CarLoadDocument> (UoWGeneric.Root); if (valid.RunDlgIfNotValid((Gtk.Window) this.Toplevel)) { return(false); } Entity.LastEditor = _employeeRepository.GetEmployeeForCurrentUser(UoW); Entity.LastEditedTime = DateTime.Now; if (Entity.LastEditor == null) { MessageDialogHelper.RunErrorDialog("Ваш пользователь не привязан к действующему сотруднику, вы не можете изменять складские документы, так как некого указывать в качестве кладовщика."); return(false); } if (Entity.Items.Any(x => x.Amount == 0)) { var res = MessageDialogHelper.RunQuestionYesNoCancelDialog( "<span foreground=\"red\">В списке есть нулевые позиции. Убрать нулевые позиции перед сохранением?</span>"); switch (res) { case -4: //DeleteEvent case -6: //Cancel return(false); case -8: //Yes Entity.ClearItemsFromZero(); break; case -9: //No break; } } Entity.UpdateOperations(UoW); logger.Info("Сохраняем погрузочный талон..."); UoWGeneric.Save(); logger.Info("Меняем статус маршрутного листа..."); if (Entity.RouteList.ShipIfCan(UoW, CallTaskWorker, out _)) { MessageDialogHelper.RunInfoDialog("Маршрутный лист отгружен полностью."); } UoW.Save(Entity.RouteList); UoW.Commit(); logger.Info("Ok."); return(true); }
private void SaveUoW() { UoW.Save(); if (UoW.RootObject != null) { EntitySaved?.Invoke(this, new EntitySavedEventArgs(UoW.RootObject)); } }
protected void OnButtonTransferClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var itemsFrom = ytreeviewFrom.ItemsDataSource as IList <CarUnloadDocumentNode>; var itemsTo = ytreeviewTo.ItemsDataSource as IList <CarUnloadDocumentNode>; var fromDoc = ylistcomboReceptionTicketFrom.SelectedItem as CarUnloadDocument; var toDoc = ylistcomboReceptionTicketTo.SelectedItem as CarUnloadDocument; foreach (var from in itemsFrom.Where(i => i.TransferCount > 0)) { int transfer = from.TransferCount; //Заполняем для краткости var nomenclature = from.DocumentItem.WarehouseMovementOperation.Nomenclature; var receiveType = from.DocumentItem.ReciveType; var to = itemsTo .FirstOrDefault(i => i.DocumentItem.WarehouseMovementOperation.Nomenclature.Id == nomenclature.Id); if (to == null) { toDoc.AddItem(receiveType, nomenclature, null, transfer, null); foreach (var item in toDoc.Items) { var exist = itemsTo.FirstOrDefault(i => i.DocumentItem.Id == item.Id); if (exist == null) { itemsTo.Add(new CarUnloadDocumentNode { DocumentItem = item }); } } } else { to.DocumentItem.WarehouseMovementOperation.Amount += transfer; UoW.Save(to.DocumentItem.WarehouseMovementOperation); } from.DocumentItem.WarehouseMovementOperation.Amount -= transfer; if (from.DocumentItem.WarehouseMovementOperation.Amount == 0) { var item = fromDoc.Items.First(i => i.Id == from.DocumentItem.Id); fromDoc.Items.Remove(item); UoW.Delete(from.DocumentItem.WarehouseMovementOperation); } else { UoW.Save(from.DocumentItem.WarehouseMovementOperation); } from.TransferCount = 0; } UoW.Save(fromDoc); UoW.Save(toDoc); CheckSensitivities(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Categories cat = AddNewCat(); try { foreach (var item in _uow.Categories.GetAll()) { if (item.CategoryName == cat.CategoryName) { throw new Exception("Such category already exists!"); //Система выдает ошыбку! } } _uow.Categories.Create(cat); _uow.Save(); Console.WriteLine("Category succesfully added!"); //Посылка EMAIL модератору! } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } foreach (var item in _uow.Categories.GetAll()) { Console.WriteLine(item.CategoryName); } Posts post = AddNewPost(); try { foreach (var item in _uow.Posts.GetAll()) { if (item.PostName == post.PostName) { throw new Exception("Such post already exists!"); //Система выдает ошыбку! } } _uow.Posts.Create(post); _uow.Save(); Console.WriteLine("Post succesfully added!"); //Посылка EMAIL модератору! } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } foreach (var item in _uow.Posts.GetAll()) { Console.WriteLine(item.PostName); } Console.ReadLine(); }
protected void OnButtonSendSMSClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { logger.Info("Сохраняем заказ перед отправкой SMS..."); PrepareSave(); UoW.Save(); logger.Info("Ok"); var page = navigation.OpenViewModel <SendMessageViewModel, OrderMessagesModel>(null, orderMessages); page.PageClosed += SentMessage_PageClosed; }
public override bool Save() { if (UoW.IsNew) { Entity.Employee.AddVacation(Entity); } Entity.UpdateRelatedOperations(UoW, new EmployeeIssueRepository(), baseParameters, new GtkQuestionDialogsInteractive()); UoW.Save(Entity.Employee); return(base.Save()); }
public bool UpdateTask(TASK task) { // var original = UoW.TASK_Repository.GetByID(task.PK_ID_TASK); if (task.PK_ID_TASK != 0) { UoW.TASK_Repository.UpdateOnlyTask(task); UoW.Save(); return(true); } return(false); }
public bool AddTrace(TRACE trace) { if (UoW.TRACE_Repository.Insert(trace)) { UoW.Save(); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public void SetAllTasksPaidForTransaction(int transactionId) { var tasks = UoW.TASK_Repository.Get(t => t.FK_ID_TRANSACTION == transactionId); foreach (var task in tasks) { task.IS_PAID = true; UoW.TASK_Repository.Update(task); } UoW.Save(); }
protected void OnBtnAddCommentClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtAddComment.Buffer.Text)) { return; } CreateComment(); UoW.Save(Comment); UoW.Commit(); GetComments(); Comment = null; OnCommentAdded(); }